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Seperation of party?

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WHY DO YOU SEPARATE ME FROM MY FRIENDS??????????? why have a party system if it's not gonna let us play on the same team???

also WHY ARE THERE NO DRAWS????? if the game is tied it should either go into sudden death with next kill wins or just declare it a draw. 




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I could not agree more, I understand this is a PC game but don't port it over unless your willing to conform to basic console standards.... Party system to console players means we get our friends as team mates in our games, no VoIP in game? Or I mean out of all the hours I've played I've not heard one soul.... You have a team based shooter and no chat system....



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Please refer to this post: https://community.pl...em-issuesflaws/ & https://community.playhawken.com/topic/4949-party-errors/  The issues are still going on but the Admin answered these concerns in those 2 topics.

Edited by (Xbox)AvalancheW0lf, 03 July 2016 - 10:49 AM.

~A lonewolf will never live in this harsh world~

But don't fear join me as we kill as a pack not a lonewolf


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