This is kind of mech with no equivalents currently.
Just, why not?
Please critique.
fatal finisher
Class: B
Armor: 565
Fuel Tank: 85 L
Boost Speed: 30 m/s
Fuel Regen: 11 L/s
Ground Speed: 19 m/s
Air Speed: 27
Radar: 85 m
Overheating: 4.8 s
Dodging: 1.2 s
Special Ability: Acid Spray
TLDR: Slightly less average in everything, not so great in 1vs1.
Primary weapon: PN-223
- A short-barrelled, 3 round burst pistol designed to suppress targets at close to medium range. At greater distances, the pistol becomes less effective.
Secondary weapon: APT bolter
- This weapon suits well in securing kills as it leaves corrosive flux on enemy, causing some damage over few seconds on hit. It's accuracy and damage drop over distance.
Has average teamfight impact. He secures that no enemy leaves fight with low health, having overall strong gameplay impact.
(APT bolter is basically like predator's breacher, but it has only rapid fire mode and leaves acid "poison" on hit, which causes some damage over 6 seconds.
It can stack only once.
Does not interrupt like other damage, so enemies can still go invisible and heal etc.
Enemies get indicator which shows how long it will last.)
Special Ability: Acid Spray (cd 24s.)
sprays highly corrosive superacid to direction. All coated enemies take 8% of their current health as damage per second over 5 seconds.
(enemies get visual hud change if affected.
unlike APT bolter acid, this interrupts like any other damage.
stacks only once.)
Cripples tankier mechs. Strong ability which never kills.
Powerful teamfighter, not necessary in all teams but supports well by preventing enemies escaping alive. Even if enemies kill your team, your team can still get kills as enemies are still affected by the poison.