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Is it possible to change to countdowns on game start and debriefing?

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This game has so many countdowns leading to countdowns... what happened to the good ol' days of gaming where you'd click on a game and would play the selected game with MAYBE a couple seconds to wait or at least just the queue time if matchmaking was involved?  I'm not asking for much here, and it might even be a feature that I have yet to find because I just started playing not long ago but can we lower the wait time? Makes having installed that game on an SSD feel like a total waste.

Perhaps having debrief screens on PC be, say, staying for ''as little as'' 30 seconds instead of 60 seconds would be nice. I mean, it's already like this for console.

I swear I sometimes feel like I spend more time pre-match and post-match staring at countdowns than I spent playing the actual freakin' match.



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The debrief time is definitely an issue, the rest of the times are kinda non-negotiable in a modern team-based shooter.



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lol.  hawken has:

  1. a 10 second countdown when "deploying" to a server from the queue(non-existant when choosing a server from the browser)
  2. a countdown in the lobby before the map spins up
  3. a countdown before the match actually starts
  4. the match time
  5. debriefing countdown ( before going back to step 2)

titanfall 2 has:

  1. invitation countdown - to let those invited time to join the party
  2. pre-queue countdown before MM starts up
  3. waiting for a FULL roster
  4. waiting for a server instance to start
  5. pre-match countdown
  6. match time
  7. EPILOGUE TIME - will always take the same amount of time, destroying the evac ship takes just as long.
  8. post-mach debrief. after this, NO MATTER WHAT, the server does not carry over, and if you're in a PUG game, the WHOLE process starts over.

the ONLY timer in hawken that drags on too long is the debrief. while I agree that it should be shortened, the turnaround time between matches in hawken is MUCH shorter than other games. good pugs can stay alive this way as well.


I spend more time out of match than I do actually playing tfall2.  if a server where to stay populated in hawken. you can play a handful of matches back to back with much less time in between.

Edited by coldform, 17 December 2016 - 11:20 AM.

I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure



czerofive-Today at 2:22 AM > got banned from playing lazertag - I used a knife to conserve ammo


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