Edited by By by, 19 December 2015 - 06:27 PM.
(Not exactly a GIF, but)
When the enemy has the AA and just launched a ship, but your team has to launch your (probably final) ship anyway in order to save your base from sploding:
Edited by (TDM) DeeRax, 03 November 2015 - 02:38 PM.
"DeeRax's got what you've always wanted."
When you try to beat a well organized team that is literally everywhere
The moment you hit 2k.
When that damn good American player enters the EU server.
Edited by Sir Aregon, 03 November 2015 - 10:58 PM.
This got moved? Seriously?
mfw this thread got involved somehow
Pubstomping is a whole different strategic discussion, however, and usually just becomes an exploration of the ethics of dumpstering randos.
Why mech game make when you no mech game have you don't want to make?
~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
A pre-stream prayer.
Me browsing the GIF posts about the time randos think they did something cool
~ schwanzlurch est UrODelA is the SalamandeR ist der ~
When the enemy team is composed of Preds and Infils.
Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers! &:
#rapidMMR4newaccounts #removethedelay
#morespeed4EOC #lessspread4T-32
#buffG2R #nerfZerk'n'Assault
#dosomethingwithHF #noisesupression4breacher
That awful moment when you realize "hey I shouldn't be using my scope!"
Me toying with a top tier player.
Top tier player toying with me.
been there�
could also be labled A class VS Raider G2
New players just standing still on the battlefield, amazed by the absolute hell surrounding them:
"Totally gonna make that epic GL kill across half the map":
Edited by (KDR) Bergwein, 03 February 2016 - 08:53 AM.
how it feels kill an A class in one hit with a pred trap
and now a gif dump
when you and a team mate both at the brink of death team up to kill someone
not using spoiler tags because I can't get them to work right. Handle it. Someone can shoot me a PM and tell me how to fix it because I just spent ten minutes trying various tags and links.
When a motherfather think's he's actually escaping you and your teammate
"where we goin in such a hurry boy, we dont like your kind round here, aint that right leroy? " (*leroy nods*)
When you see one enemy on the radar turn the corner and find half the team
you get ambushed and you know its over
a teammate lets an enemy repair
Edited by TurquoiseTortoise, 30 April 2016 - 11:31 PM.
When you ambush someone and they end up being a teammate
A-Class, Pred, Origin corridoor
Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers! &:
#rapidMMR4newaccounts #removethedelay
#morespeed4EOC #lessspread4T-32
#buffG2R #nerfZerk'n'Assault
#dosomethingwithHF #noisesupression4breacher
How i feel using rev GL
how it feels kill an A class in one hit with a pred trap
when u a dog but u still hawken af
When i spot a few low health enemies while cloaked in my infil.
When you see your team's ord EMP the whole enemy team.
Edited by Shade__, 10 June 2017 - 12:38 AM.
When you resurrect a 2-year-old thread.
You know it!
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