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Old vs New

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Is it possible to bring back how Hawken was? Armor points back up into the higher ranges, mechs have appropriate damage outputs, and bigger party systems? Looking at the community difference it seems that not much has been done to bring back the players who used to really play this game. Still the same maps ever since the crossover. I remember when C-Type Mechs were in the 1000+ armor point range and killing them wasn't as easy as they are now. A-Type Mechs...not much on that. Squishy, but agile and still kills any mech.


So all in all, just bring back how Hawken was. Bring the community back. Push more maps out. Increase the party system. Re-enable overflow transfer for players who are capped.



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tl;dr: No.


No to everything but the party system, which can come back once we have the population again.


Parties break server balance right now.


"The players who used to really play this game" are here if they stuck around and those that left would be dwarfed in number by those that picked it up during the Steam release. There is literally no point in going back over abandoned game builds to please what amounts to a minority of players.


The new devs have said new maps, new mechs eventually. But they're working with limited resources and first they've got to fix the crippling back-end problems and clean up the servers and game.

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Who do you want to return? Those 1,000 players who have left? No need to look for ways to return have left the game and look for ways to expand the audience for the game to come to new players.

http://www.hawken.ru- ???? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? (Website of the Russian community)

http://ru.hawken.wikia.com - ??????? ????????? ?? ???? (Russian Wikipedia HAWKEN)

http://vk.com/hawken - ???????? ??????????? ?????????? ??????? ? ?? (social network VK)



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Rollback to Pre-Ascension please

- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -



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I agree that the game should return to pre-ascension stage, but even before this pach there were not many players online. Only 1.5k-2k of online players, even at the time of "gold" Hawken. For me, DEVs should work on two fronts:
1. Make Hawken return to the state of pre-Ascension in a game mode called arcade focused on arena shooter (to please existing playerbase);
2. Create a new game mode called realistic so that would have a more focused metagame in the mech side, not a simulator, but with real immersion to attract new players of more profitable market in moment.

Edited by Mergaz, 02 April 2015 - 03:00 AM.

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I mean, this thread seems to be quickly turning into a TTK discussion here...


That said I'm going to go ahead and side with keeping the current TTK. There's not enough legit data to say which player-health system worked better and was more popular, but in my personal opinion, I think there's a good balance right now between how long it takes to kill a C class vs. how quick it is to kill an A class. Sure, it was fun to have 1000+ HP as a Brawler back in the day. The higher TTK was fun to play, but to me, not fun to face against. Getting away from a fight was SO easy, even before the fuel patch, just because you had so much HP across the board of mechs. The top-tier player base is much more skilled than pre-Ascension days, so note that players are maneuvering and getting out of combat to hard-heal faster than ever before. Nerfing HP was a great move IMO, but again, it's all subjective because, c'mon, "fun" isn't a good metric to go on for judging TTK.


We can always compromise too... bring up TTK just a smidge... or bring up HP and speed up the hard-healing rate. Idk... just ideas...




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I agree that the game should return to pre-ascension stage, but even before this pach there were not many players online. Only 1.5k-2k of online players, even at the time of "gold" Hawken. For me, DEVs should work on two fronts:
1. Make Hawken return to the state of pre-Ascension in a game mode called arcade focused on arena shooter (to please existing playerbase);
2. Create a new game mode called realistic so that would have a more focused metagame in the mech side, not a simulator, but with real immersion to attract new players of more profitable market in moment.


The playerbase is already far too small to consider this. This would only divide it further. 



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The playerbase is already far too small to consider this. This would only divide it further. 

Currently the vast majority of Hawken players are fans of the side of arena shooter and that virtually everyone who really cared about the side immersive have already left of the game... Do not think it will seriously hamper the current playerbase , but may attract more new players than the current Hawken and perhaps the old Hawken.

Edited by Mergaz, 02 April 2015 - 03:44 PM.

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