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Swap left and right arms, please.

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He's saying his muscle memory is the issue, as he is used to clicking right for primary weap.
Then if remapped he has other issues that right trigger fires left and vice versa, so he sometimes tows the wall and does self damage.
Its not an issue with the game, He's asking them to cater to his preference.


I guess I need to double-read things. Sorry to waste time lol



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Yeah, I didn't quite get it to begin, as i seem to adapt my control to games.

But i don't mass play just one type of game to build the muscle memory.


As harsh as it sounds, i think that he will have to learn to deal with it.

Asking for features to be developed will likely stall at the project cost stage, unless if the feature would definitely lead to retention/monetization.

Arguing that this feature would, is unlikely to be a convincing one IMO.



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Whatever the case, it is still way far from the norm for a game to visibly put the primary weapon in the left hand.  It's a weird choice that Adhesive made back from the beginning - and I imagine the discussion was based entirely around how "the left mouse button is always primary fire and the right is secondary fire - so let's make the weapons on the screen correspond to that convention".  I understand their inclination to do that... but it didn't take standard convention, controllers or other future versions of the game into account.


I've never heard of anyone having an issue with having the left mouse button be primary fire on a PC FPS...

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke


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