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Random weather effects

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Day/Night cycles


This has been mentioned by Sp3ctrr and others. Simply a Random global Day/Night cycle for each map, and if it's night mechs would have lights and stuff like that.




Pretty self explanatory, good for showing off PhysX


Fog/Low visibility


It would make it wayyyy harder for scouts and other A-class mechs to just run around without getting themselves into a bad position, which I think would make the game more balanced. But maybe that's just me.




The game already has somewhat destructible paraphernalia around the map, so wind effects are just one step away.



I don't know much code, but I don't think it would be that difficult to add these effects, and it adds a new spin on the game that will hold us over until the next major update!

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 Maybe this go round. Hope so! :thumbsup:



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Don't expect it to come right now. It may take time for them to calculate shadows and create the physics of effects such as wind.


Edit: That is, even all of that after they become familiar with the coding.

Edited by Loglino, 04 April 2015 - 05:46 PM.

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if i recall correctly the last time people had weather like snow or rain it tanked everyone's fps and created massive lag, without the Phys X, as for the day night cycle that could be cool as long as it doesn't require lots of codding for lighting and shadows, maybe lower the brightness for the map?

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Weather effects shouldn't be COMPLICATED.


There should be clear whether, just like facility/frontline, and cloudy like wreckage, and dark like origin. All weathers should be in all maps, and they should be in such a way that they don't really disturb sight whatsoever.


If there will be a rain effect, it should be light rain and it adds little lakes :D

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Derpy Hooves

Derpy Hooves

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Weather effects shouldn't be COMPLICATED.


There should be clear whether, just like facility/frontline, and cloudy like wreckage, and dark like origin. All weathers should be in all maps, and they should be in such a way that they don't really disturb sight whatsoever.


If there will be a rain effect, it should be light rain and it adds little lakes :D

Don't feel like reposting things already posted but look over here in this thread https://community.pl...night-fighting/


I outlined everything that would be needed to get night maps up and running. Weather is just as complicated, it has to be implimented and implimented well other wise it'll just break everyones game.




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Weather effects shouldn't be COMPLICATED.


There should be clear whether, just like facility/frontline, and cloudy like wreckage, and dark like origin. All weathers should be in all maps, and they should be in such a way that they don't really disturb sight whatsoever.


If there will be a rain effect, it should be light rain and it adds little lakes :D

it would be awesome if the rain would trickle down the glass of the mech and every once in a while car-like windscreen wipers would wipe them off...



it would also be nice if you could tweak/turn this off in the settings if possible...

  • Elite_is_salty likes this

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