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Pilot Rank Discussion, Why capped at 30?

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Has there been any discussion regarding pilot rank progression? Currently the max is capped at 30. Personally I'd like to see that cap lifted and possibly cap it at some ridiculously high number. I understand the rank doesn't mean much, but I do enjoy grinding and chasing a higher rank, even if it doesn't mean much. I've Regened 6 or 7 times in Titanfall only to continue rank progression.


Perhaps in the future there could be some more significant changes made to pilot rank. I'd like to see something similar to Titanfall's "Seasoned Rank Chip", which encourages rank chasing, and continued return play due to the rank chips decay. But if the simple route is the only option due to limited dev resources, even something as simple as PvZ: Garden Warfare leveling system could be enough. I've seen players ranked 250+ in that game, and I'm not even sure how high it goes, if anything it could be a way to display that you're a seasoned player. Could be another carrot on the stick.


I'd like to hear other players thoughts on Pilot Rank.

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Try out Elite : Dangerous. Or Battlefield 3/4 (Prestige lv 100 - shitbucked level)


Why do you want to grind in Hawken? You can grind HC. Or XP until you have one million, or maybe 10.

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Try out Elite : Dangerous. Or Battlefield 3/4 (Prestige lv 100 - shitbucked level)


Why do you want to grind in Hawken? You can grind HC. Or XP until you have one million, or maybe 10.


I have all the mechs I need, I don't need the XP anymore, and I have all the internals and items I like (I don't really need HC anymore).

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Same here. Millions of XP, and pouring HC down a rathole: 3 Vanguards, 3 G2 Raiders, Zerks, SS, Assaults, buy mechs you'll seldom/never use, dress 'em up real pretty, load 'em with inside stuff.

It's like mech Barbie Dolls Online.



Edited by em1o, 06 April 2015 - 05:00 AM.

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I have all the mechs I need, I don't need the XP anymore, and I have all the internals and items I like (I don't really need HC anymore).

and you want to add ranks that you dont really need?

Edited by Ker4u, 06 April 2015 - 04:59 AM.



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and you want to add ranks that you dont really need?


Yup. Let me see that bar filling up, and then telling me I'm somehow better now because the bar emptied and the number increased. I should probably fill that bar up again to get the number to go up again, and then wear it proudly for all my peers to see. 


It's a mechanic in most every game, because it works. There's achievements for Netflix now...I guess people like chasing pointless points. Who'd a thunk?

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I agree with more levels (let's say 100), with not much more than title and bragg about it (maybe a little HC, 250 ?) and exponential XP grind so that to reach Lvl 100 you have to play ~2k hours.


I think achievements (such as badass rank in bordelands 2) higher pilot level linked to titles could be fun and lead to a better gaming experience.

Edited by MomOw, 06 April 2015 - 05:38 AM.




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I agree it would be a good motivator to get people to play, also that it should be little more than for display. Don't make certain weapons or mechs only available at super high levels. Maybe special paint job, drones, holo taunts, mech sounds (I would love a "la cucaracha" horn on my zerker), funky, rare, but strictly cosmetic stuff like that. Blue Neon glow kit for my Brawler :)  Also, MC rewards because i think that 30th level pilots generally don't care about HC. Once you reach pilot level 30, your playstyle will be pretty solid, you will know what mechs and weapons suit you, and focus mainly on that. Before long you will have more HC than you can spend, so it, like XP awarded, ceases to matter.

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The Hawken forum's a forum, but it's like the only one you get yelled at for using.



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psychologically it might not be good for players.  Sure, it's fulfilling for you, but since matchmaking is based off of MMR, you could have a level 1498019204 player with a 1400 MMR. This player isn't great despite playing since the beginning of time.  That player is sorted into a 1400 MMR server with a bunch of level 5 newbies.  How will the level 5 newbies feel? They'll probably feel outclassed due to the vertical progression present in most other games (higher level, more power).  They'll cry poor matchmaking and whine about p2w and hackers when they see said player.



Hypothetical yes, but applicable? Hell yes. 

Edited by Silverfire, 06 April 2015 - 05:59 AM.

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Maybe some pilots would not have so much useless hc if they didn't get a bunch of nvidia codes off ebay (looks around to see reactions). 


Many gamers love chasing rank, it is something that has captivated the masses of nerds since.....video game high score screens existed. Hawken's rank/leveling system is a fickle mistress. Many were automatically lvl 30 when it was implemented and many, if not all, of those pilots mechs automatically lvl 6. The first mech of each mech role tree and internal sets, as they are now, was unlocked by leveling up your pilot. Then you had to grind through each respective tree one by one if you wanted to get the other mechs in that tree for free. With the mechs now allowed to be bought free from restriction, the grind is some what less than it was at the time of ascension. 


The horrors of the grind are lost on many veterans. No having a smurf does not make you aware of the horrors of the grind because the smurfs are not learning the game as a nooby would and you can just switch accounts if you want fully upgraded mech gameplay. Also internals behind a huge leveling/grinding wall is not good for new player experience. /some of my rant on progression in Hawken


Problems abound in Hawken's progression system. One of them being exactly what op brought us here today for.... The pilot lvl is too damn low! 




Let my pilot level soar to the heavens like a majestic eagle. Reflecting my unwillingness to give up this game.

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psychologically it might not be good for players.  Sure, it's fulfilling for you, but since matchmaking is based off of MMR, you could have a level 1498019204 player with a 1400 MMR. This player isn't great despite playing since the beginning of time.  That player is sorted into a 1400 MMR server with a bunch of level 5 newbies.  How will the level 5 newbies feel? They'll probably feel outclassed due to the vertical progression present in most other games (higher level, more power).  They'll cry poor matchmaking and whine about p2w and hackers when they see said player.



Hypothetical yes, but applicable? Hell yes. 


Very true. Maybe there needs to be an explanation what the rank means when a new player starts up Hawken. A menu walk through if you will with that included. While PvZ: Garden Warfare is a completely different game, I never hear anyone complaining about high "rank" players. That game has voice chat, and it's open mic by default. But that's a purchased game vs F2P, so there's a much different perception from the get go. Player psychology, good luck ever understanding it. 

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There must be different kind of achievements and "titles" so that average~low players can benefit from some of them (healing, stay in a server, kill someone with MMR difference greater than 200, etc).




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Myself having introduced about 40 friends to hawken I have to say every single player weighed the pilot level as the skill level and often cried unbalance even after I explained mmr. I think for gamers the whole level idea it too ingrained into our mind as being higher=better. They don't play often anymore and the reasons are slow progression and the fact that even though it's an online game it feels very lonesome in games because people don't always type. I know VoIP isn't likely to return but when I started playing in 2013 some of my best moments I remember even now were when somebody would talk over VoIP. These moments stuck with me better than anything I have achieved recently in game. I know I've gotten a bit off topic but they also absolutely loved the co-op bot destruction. I think this is a game mode that deserves more attention in the future. I hope it might even become as compeditive as the TPG league or maybe even become a part of that. Just my two cents



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How about changing the cap (or remove it) just not show the 'pilot level' publicly?

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That means of the removal of xp cap also for mechs, I have to buy 6 assaults, 5 scouts, 3 techs, also 3 infiltrators and 4 berzerkers, basically 2 of each G1 mechs and level them all up to reach 10 millions of exp. --Yea, because 10million looks cooler. 

How much of exp is needed for lvl100 again? What is there for higher level anyway? More universal free items or free internals? Or just a goal of playing. (I dont like chasing level without being award equally...)

Level 100 sounds much cooler than lvl 30 though.



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That means of the removal of xp cap also for mechs, I have to buy 6 assaults, 5 scouts, 3 techs, also 3 infiltrators and 4 berzerkers, basically 2 of each G1 mechs and level them all up to reach 10 millions of exp. --Yea, because 10million looks cooler. 

How much of exp is needed for lvl100 again? What is there for higher level anyway? More universal free items or free internals? Or just a goal of playing. (I dont like chasing level without being award equally...)

Level 100 sounds much cooler than lvl 30 though.

Okay it was a smurf. I thought I was on my main. (A smurf with restrictions would be fun. My first smurf was because my main got bugged out. This one was to recall the sign up process to teach my community. The third...I just want a specific call sigh, thats it. I though I could do more ethical playing with teaching new guys, turns out mostly I just enjoy the easy fun. :/ (Damn it OCD)

Edited by claisolais, 06 April 2015 - 04:17 PM.




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I have no idea what you're rambling on about, and if you have two personalities, one for each account lol.


All I was suggesting was increasing pilot rank. I didn't mention any changes to mech level progression, I would just like something to use XP towards, I have over 1,000,000 XP or something like that. My suggestion isn't the most important change in Hawken, but it could be something for bored players to "chase". Bored players being the more tenured players with most everything they need acquired. All that's left is cosmetics (MC), and MMR. Adding Pilot Rank levels could be fun to build up, especially if there's not much else to progress. Plus it doesn't seem like it'd be too difficult to implement, unless it's too deeply tied to mech progression / unlocks that changing it could break other things.

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Infinite levelling is kinda pointless unless it gives you false sense of progress. But the other problem you mentioned is kinda actual

I have all the mechs I need, I don't need the XP anymore, and I have all the internals and items I like (I don't really need HC anymore).

So we need something which requires to spend HC constantly. We actually have counter-measures and holo-taunts for this purpose, but this is not enough. (I, for example, don't play Coop Bot Destruction and don't use holo-taunts)



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Faction leveling? Lone wolf, prosk, the other one. Maybe when you reach rank 30 for 1 of those (each would be separate) you get a paint job, or sig, or drone. Idk. But it would raise the effective Cap at 90 (3 factions, 30 ranks each). A pointless grind for sure, but it's something to do.



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If "grinding" is associated to sort of achievements and titles I would be enough rewarding.


"Prosk employee of the month", "Illal elder", "Young shark", "Anonymous mercenary", "Expendable" sounds cool !

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When hovering over the pilots emblem mmr and hours played should pop up.

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Pilot levels are dumb,they put barriers on what new players can purchase since things are locked at lower levels. Do not add more, and if you wanted to do anything with them, just take them out.

There's enough grind in the game with the mechs, we don't need more useless pilot levels.



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Pilot levels are dumb,they put barriers on what new players can purchase since things are locked at lower levels. Do not add more, and if you wanted to do anything with them, just take them out.

There's enough grind in the game with the mechs, we don't need more useless pilot levels.


I never suggested added more pilot ranks to increase the mech grind. Ranks 1-30 can remain as is, all I'm suggesting is adding more levels of rank for players to continue some type of progression. 

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I really liked tribes' leveling system, took like 500 hours to reach level 50 and even that doesnt seem like enough honestly. I think opening up the level system would be a fun thing for those players who've been playing for a long time.


Also, just because items are locked behind level walls now doesnt mean that they will be forever. The new dev's have already noticed this issue I'm sure and will likely alleviate the problem when they have the capabilities of doing so.

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