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Changes to Offline TDM (Training)

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Whenever my family decides to download a large file, browse on tumblr or if my internet simply derps out, one of my favorite pastimes in HAWKEN is some good old fashioned bot crushing in Offline TDM. Yes this fragile relic does exist.


Now after doing this most of today after pings of 120-600 (Damn my brother's Steam addiction), I've thought up several improvements and a couple of weird things about it.


Oh yeah, not saying this is a priority or anything. Devs need to fix matchmaking first, but I digress.


Engage the ramble!


  • One of the annoying things about Offline TDM is that there is a ~45 second wait time when you launch. For an 8 minute game (More like 3 minutes), this is annoyingly long. I don't want to wait inside a small spawn box watching my inept bot teammates boost back and forth hypnotically. I would prefer a 10-15 second wait.


  • Secondly the bots are stupid. Not a big suprise being bots, but some sort of control before the game would be great. Instead of the easiest bots in the game, some sort of challenge would be appreciated so I don't end up with a 20-0 game every time. Or maybe 20-1 if i'm lucky. Now I understand that the Offline TDM is designed to test newer players, but this means it becomes almost completely useless after a bit of experience.


  • On the topic of control panels, several things would be great to be able to choose before the match.
  1. Choosing your team mates. I.e the amount of team mates you have, the mechs they are, and what difficulty they are.
  2. Choosing your opponents. Pretty much the same as above. If I want to practise dodging Sharpshooters, then it would be useful to be able to practise against them.
  3. Choosing the map. Currently the only map is a minimized version of Facility, the same one used in Co-op Bot Destruction. However Co-op also has a minimized version of front line, so this would be nice to see too.
  4. General difficulty. Covered in 1-2, but still important enough to warrant it's own point. Choosing team mate difficulty and enemy difficulty would mean you could skew the odds in your enemies favour to increase the challenge for you. Maybe not up the the wall hacking levels of bot difficulty though.
  • Um.... I had more but forgot it. Damn



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I think this is a Great idea since I did mostly the EXACT same thing back when I was in saudi arabia (14kb internet lel)


How about if they kept the bot training but instead made a practice arena gamemode where you can change settings, maps and whatnot 

  • Tankman95 likes this

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I think this is a Great idea since I did mostly the EXACT same thing back when I was in saudi arabia (14kb internet lel)


How about if they kept the bot training but instead made a practice arena gamemode where you can change settings, maps and whatnot 

Maybe as a sort of Sandbox-VR mode?

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... and if the devs don't have time to do that, why not allowing us to mod the coop training ?

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