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Increased Forum Participation

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This is perhaps a stupid idea - I'm happy to jump on here, and participate, look around, and see what people are talking about.  


However I notice there are a lot of players out there who care about their points, their credits, their stats and goodies.  


how about  5 MC per day a player actively posts and reads forum topics?  Give them a little incentive to jump on here...


I know,  I know, The thought nauseates me too, and I hate rewarding lazy behavior,  but  the carrot and stick works in some cases,  just ask Destiny players!   ;)



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Define "actively posts/comments" within the span of a day and explain how that won't lead to uncontrollable spam from less savory users?


Not trying to be rude, just seems like a bad idea in practice, but not necessarily an actual bad idea.

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(KDR) Seron16

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While I appreciate the good intentions behind this, I would think that forum users who are here simply for the reward aren't going to contribute much that is constructive or helpful.


A few may come for the credits and stay to constructively add to the discussions here, but I think that would be a very small minority of those attracted. Furthermore, I can see a massive amount of spam posters appear because of this (Just a few free credits or consumables in other games make people go crazy in a not good way), and while true that the admins could ban them and keep em away, that's also destroying part of the gamerbase that if they hadn't been drawn to the forums would still be playing and paying.


If you think I'm wrong here I'm happy to hear the other side!  :smile:

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Giving out free money just for participation is not a good idea for multiple reasons. MC should only ever be obtained through purchasing, as a prize for an official contest/giveaway, or as a gift from another player. Any amount of MC just for logging into the forum or posting a single comment once a day would be throwing away revenue for nothing. People would create tons of free, unlimited accounts and pool all the MC they get to 1 main account so they'd never have to spend any real money but get everything they want.


Besides, the forums are plenty busy. It's busier than most forums I frequent.

Edited by nokari, 08 April 2015 - 06:46 PM.




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I would rather do what blacklight: retribution used to do, you could share a post to facebook and get like 200 coins, HAWKEN can do the same thing for players who just participate in the forums. 200 HC wouldnt be super high, but a nice kick back to players who are actually a part of the community.


players who get warning points should have 50 HC removed from that 200 every day for each point they get, so 3 warning points is 50 HC, 4 warning points is a ban and no more points.



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I would rather do what blacklight: retribution used to do, you could share a post to facebook and get like 200 coins, HAWKEN can do the same thing for players who just participate in the forums. 200 HC wouldnt be super high, but a nice kick back to players who are actually a part of the community.


players who get warning points should have 50 HC removed from that 200 every day for each point they get, so 3 warning points is 50 HC, 4 warning points is a ban and no more points.


Hawken already awards players 400 MC (or is it 500?) for playing 10 hours. They could certainly give away HC or MC prizes as gifts to randomly chosen people (comment to enter a raffle) or for contests on the forums, but they don't really need to do any more than that. The forums aren't what's really important. Getting people to invest long-term in playing the game is. If the game's population grew steadily and maintained high numbers of long-term active players happy with the game and having fun socializing amongst themselves, this forum could be a relative ghost town for all that matters. People find lots of places to centralize a community built around games they like that aren't official sites, like Reddit.

Edited by nokari, 08 April 2015 - 08:28 PM.

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Add a link to the forum (as facebook) when you connect in-game, add a small HC reward when create/or log in the forum the first time.

Add in-game achievements linked to participating to the forum and in-game "title".


"Chatterbox" MomOw

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Well if getting MC was based on Facebook likes then, and this is just a personal thing, I'm not doing it. I'm not making a facebook for the sole purpose of the occasional contest or giveaway.


Social media isn't too great for the ones not too social.



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I mean, the idea is based off of the desire for more people to access the forums. That's fair. I'm behind you on that part.


I agree with everyone else though that it would essentially incentivize spam.


However, I have a counter idea of some sorts.


Each mech should have some form of detailed guide, based in the forums. When purchasing a mech, a link should appear in game that brings you to said guide. This way, in a somewhat intuitive manner, people know to come to the forums for assistance.


Perhaps there can be an HC achievement or even a mild MC achievement for purchasing each mech and viewing its guide on the forums.





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How about when players first open the game, they are forced to post at least 5 times, not spam posts and not in the off topic section. Yes, this will work.

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