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My best suggestion? Don't listen to every suggestion.

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As the subject line says. Devs, if you're reading this, my best advice to you is to not listen to every piece of advice that the playerbase gives you.
Hear me out. I am not saying that there aren't good suggestions out there - there are. But in a game that is as balanced as Hawken, every change to the game must be considered very, very carefully.
I think we can all agree that we want MORE from Hawken. More game modes, more maps, more mechs, more cosmetics, etc. But when it comes to changing the things that we already have, realize that you will never be able to make everybody happy. This is because every player has a different opinion about what should be done to the game, and most of these opinions contradict each other.
For example:
Some people want air compressor removed, while others people want it universal on all mechs. Others want it left alone.
Some people want the Incinerator nerfed, while others want it to stay exactly like it is.
Some people want the Technician removed, while others would probably uninstall the game if this were to occur.
Some people think orbs should be removed, while others think they should simply be toned down. Others like doing the orb-dancing disco every match and think they should stay exactly the same.
Some people want drastic changes to Bunker, Uptown or Last Eco, while others don't.
Some people want the TTK increased, others want it left alone. Etc.
Implementing even a few of these changes could drastically change the game balance, but people continue to insist that if this change was made, or that change was made, Hawken would absolutely be better off as a result. But it all depends on who you ask.
The truth is that people don't know what they want. They think they do, but when they actually get it, they often don't like it. Remember #increasethespeeds? Hawken players actively pressured Adhesive to implement this change, and they capitulated. But after the fact, we debated as to whether or not it was actually the best change for the game - a debate that still continues today, and for good reason. We can run all the polls we want, but just because we reach a consensus about something doesn't necessarily mean that we've arrived at the right decision.
So my suggestion to you, devs, (in my humble opinion), is to really get to know the game by playing a lot of it. Find out for yourself what is wrong - or not - with Hawken, and plan a direction for development based on that. Adhesive initially had a vision for the game, and then they sorta lost it by bending to the demands of the playerbase and started branching into different directions - some of which made sense, others which did not.
I understand that you want to establish good relations with the current playerbase, and that's great. (I prsonally think you've done a fine job of this already). But don't assume that every player is an expert, and don't let us push you around. The game is in your hands now, not ours. That fuzzy bunny concept of "the customer is always right" is a crock. We're here because we love Hawken, not because we hate it and want it to change (or at least, that's what I'd hope).
I would much rather trust you, the devs - who presumably will have a dedicated team of testers at some point - to be the ones to have the final say in what tweaks and changes are made to the game, rather than letting the playerbase drive the ship. Take our suggestions into account if they seem to make sense to you, but throw all the others out.
Whatever direction you decide to take, be consistent with it. As long as you don't remove the things that made Hawken great, I'm sure the playerbase will continue to support the game (and you).
And hey, if you decide not to listen to this suggestion either, I will accept that too.

Edited by Nightfirebolt, 09 April 2015 - 06:21 PM.

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My best suggestion? Don't listen to every suggestion.



Holy fuzzy bunny, THIS.  I've had this on my mind for a while now, and I'm glad someone else feels the same way.  I'm sure you already realize this, but please focus on making the game into a sustainable, profitable entity.  That's really the most important goal.  If this game doesn't make money, we're all screwed. 

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Indeed. Bending to the will of the top 10% of players (no more orbs or radar or scanners or techs! nerf everything!) and risking alienating the rest, is a sure recipe for disaster. 

  • Nightfirebolt likes this

The Hawken forum's a forum, but it's like the only one you get yelled at for using.



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Remember #increasethespeeds? Hawken players actively pressured Adhesive to implement this change, and they capitulated. 


I remember #increasethespeeds, the problem with that is "Increase the speed" to the community was "make mech's faster" while apparently in developer speak it means "F*** up the TTK".

(KDR) Seron16

(KDR) Seron16

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I agree for the most part ith you mate on this.


However, one thing I'd like to add, is that if the dev's by some miracle have some of the older builds of Hawken, as in late Alpha, CBs, and early OB (Open beta) builds (ESPECIALLY THE EARLY OB builds!), to play them a bit too.


Today's Hawken is vastly different from then, and in my opinion that game back in the early Open Beta was more popular than today's kind of Hawken has ever been. (Not just now or when ADH disappeared, but even when ADH was still alive and updating the game). Just my opinion though. :)

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I remember #increasethespeeds, the problem with that is "Increase the speed" to the community was "make mech's faster" while apparently in developer speak it means "F*** up the TTK".


Well, they did both - or rather, all three. They increased the speeds, adjusted TTK, and shortened weapon recharges - all at once. But everyone has a different opinion about which of these changes actually benefited the game.



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Well... duh


They would obviously not listen to every single suggestion. That's common sense for anyone in an industry where you make things for consumers.

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Well... duh


They would obviously not listen to every single suggestion. That's common sense for anyone in an industry where you make things for consumers.

Not to mention it'd be impossible to implement every suggestion. Even if they had unlimited time and resources, some suggestions are just mutually exclusive.



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Yes I completely agree with you guys

But the game (in my eyes idk about other opinions) must stay in the balance between Dev divisions and player SUGGESTIONS

And they should remain suggestions and not orders and demands.
  • Nightfirebolt likes this

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
(This is also me when u no cooperate in game XD)



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Well... duh


They would obviously not listen to every single suggestion. That's common sense for anyone in an industry where you make things for consumers.


During the first week that the forums were back up, capnjosh asked people to start submitting suggestions in "proposal" format, which indicated to me that he wanted the players to have a hand in shaping the direction of Hawken. Which may be fine, as long as he takes these proposals with a grain of salt and only implements them after sufficient testing has been done.


My other concern is that capnjosh only has 13 hours logged in-game, and (unless he has multiple accounts) he may not have played Hawken long enough to know which suggestions are good and which ones are simply the loudest and most persistent.

Edited by Nightfirebolt, 09 April 2015 - 06:37 PM.



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Well, I guess I couldn't have said it better myself. I've already made a thread expressing my concerns how there are plenty of conflicting suggestions around here.



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I hope this new development team is forming an idea for what they want Hawken to be; that they take control of the game's identity and push it in a clear direction.  of course they should take ideas and feedback from the community, but the devs should always realize that they have the final say and not be afraid to exercise it.  I don't have much experience with the Adhesive devs, but I got the impression that their original vision for Hawken was gradually sacrificed to appease part of the userbase, but that ended in a directionless game that didn't know if it wanted to be an arena shooter or a mech game. 


all the players who stayed (and those who came back) through all the turmoil and uncertainty show that the core group will keep playing the game as long as the core aspects remain somewhat the same.

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Just to add in the discussion...

I usually see on steam capnjosh online ingame in hawken....

But I sometimes do t see him in my friend list in game... So 1 he has alts or 2 he's working on something or something like that.... XD

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
 (") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD


And if you dont .... 


bloody_keyboard.gif    <-------------- ME and Bunny
(This is also me when u no cooperate in game XD)

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