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I think I just thought of a weapon that could counter tech pushes

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How about a secondary weapon that launches a little nano bot that attaches itself and starts sapping armor from any enemy it hits? The affected enemy mech can only remove them by going into repair mode (sounds simple enough right? but get hit with a few of these things and you'll be blaring for cover while they're still chomping on ya). Multiple hits attach more nano bots and increase the sapping rate. This way, with each hit, an attached tech's repair rate essentially gets lower and lower until they stop to repair. Also, by requiring repair mode to remove the nano bots, the affected mechs HAVE to duck out of combat.


I feel like this would make a good support fire weapon as it would both boost team damage output and reduce the effectiveness of tech pushes by forcing enemies to duck back into cover to repair.


Actually, it could probably be used in 1v1 as well now that I think about it... since you could essentially keep increasing the sapping rate while preventing the enemy from repairing.



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I assume you would need to stay in repair mode for a certain amount of time, otherwise you could just tap c to negate the effect. 



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You'd need to be in repair mode long enough for repairs to actually start, yes.



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I do like the idea of additional debuffing items & DoT weapons

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I personally dislike the concept of a weapon that can do damage even when you aren't firing at the opponent.


Most of my issue with this is that it'd do damage untill the affected person'd hold C, resulting in a potential almost infinite damage.

Giving it a maximum time for the DOT would make it a bit more fair imo.




Baaad wording by me..

I'm tired, but the 2nd and 3rd lines are my main quarrel with this.

Edited by (KDR) Meraple, 30 April 2015 - 11:25 AM.



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I personally dislike the concept of a weapon that can do damage even when you aren't firing at the opponent.

I assume each one attached would do roughly 25 dps. So in a 1v1 scenario, this weapon would be out-dpsed by most other weapons if you want to be aggresive.



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From my Scorpion thread.





Secondary Weapon (XS-Sizzler):


The XS-Sizzler is a uncommon, high accuracy weapon which has the ability to choose between two types of ammunition (aka two modes). 

Unlike other secondary weapons, the XS-Sizzler shoots twice with a delay of 0.3 seconds to the first shot.


When preparing for an ambush, the highly energized projectile ammunition is the best for the maximum damage output.

Upon impact on an enemy mech, the mech will suffer a shock first (around 30 HP damage, remember that the XS-Sizzler shoots twice) and after that, the energy contained by the projectile(s) is released after 0.5 seconds* which deals another 30 HP damage over 2 seconds. The energy damage is increased by 10 if the target is already energized (does apply for multiple Scorpions targeting one enemy mech and to mechs affected by EMP).


Secondly, a H.E. ammunition can be loaded to create an explosion upon impact on terrain or mechs (the explosion radius should be more or less the same as the charged Heat-Cannon shot). 

The explosion(s) deal up to 55 HP damage each, adds up to a total of 110 if both projectiles successfully hit.


*So it prevents the second shot to deal the extra 10 HP damage if the target is hit unenergized.





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One concern I would have about this weapon is the potential to further promote overly defensive strategies. 



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Better off just slapping on some re-modeled, re-textured weapons that do the exact same thing as other weapons do. With minimal stat difference.


That's what all the other developers seem to be doing nowadays, screw imagination!

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Make it a secondary, give it a reload time similar to of the KLA, and give it a hit cap (like the Redox effect only stacks three times). What would this hypothetical "counter-tech" wield as a primary?




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Well, if it were up to me, it'd be a B-class... maybe call it the... exterminator... since it throws "bugs"... primary weapon, idk, but definitely something original.


I think a good prestige primary would be the redox.


and yes, i figure the effect would only stack up to 3, maybe 4 times.



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Bring accurate with the current weapons works too. The tech has 315 health. Come on guys. 


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The tech has 315 health. Come on guys. 

But that turreted vangaurd he's healing has 1100+ effective armor + heals.


Besides, are you implying you don't want ANY new mechs?



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We have one. It's called an "EMP".

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Good point...

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No, you're right guys. We don't need any new mechs.




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Bring accurate with the current weapons works too. The tech has 315 health. Come on guys. 

Valid at 1800 - 1900+ mmr, below that nah. Because you can't expect accuracy. 


To be fair, I think tech is fine. However, if there is to be a "nerf" to tech, it should be in the form of diversification. Incin is the only mech in need of a nerf imo. I'm pretty much playing devil's advocate here merl.

Edited by crockrocket, 30 April 2015 - 08:24 PM.

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Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
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Agreed the only op thing here is the incin XD

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I imagine getting hit by a nano bug would light up an icon on your dash, like the indicator for getting hit by a redox. Also, there would be bugs crawling around in front of your screen.



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I imagine getting hit by a nano bug would light up an icon on your dash, like the indicator for getting hit by a redox. Also, there would be bugs crawling around in front of your screen.

Oh god. People already complain about screen cracks. The horror.


Thanks to Badtings for this awesome banner!



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Everything counters the Tech. Jesus Christ. The thing has 315 health which is the lowest in the game, it does the lowest dps in the game, it's not the fastest in boost or air speed, preds can Alpha strike them, and they're only useful while debuffing or healing or healing and damaging at the same time. Just stahp it already.

Edited by SaturdayGhede, 01 May 2015 - 03:53 PM.

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it's not the fastest in ground, boost, or air speed

Actually, the tech has the highest walk/run speed



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Actually, the tech has the highest walk/run speed

Wait I though the scout was the best speed....

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