Long-time lurker here, but this is actually my first post on these forums, and my first post on these forums is a shameless plug for the gaming channel I'm a part of. Our channel is mostly about gaming in general and encompasses a couple different 'genres' of video, but I do love some Hawken, and I do like making some Hawken videos, and will probably make more in the future, so figured this would probably be the best place to post them and reach a wider (And more interested) audience. I guess this is also my first baby-step toward getting more involved with the community, which I have for the most part enjoyed (FYI, I have only been playing, on-and-off, since last Oct.)
So, uh, yeah. The video is just a gameplay/music video sort of thing from a few months ago, set to a couple Lazerhawk tracks. I will admit, this video was mostly made in the interest of being able to use aforementioned pun. Video itself is nothing super-interesting TBH, other than witnessing a noob starting to get the hang of the game and feel sort of good about themselves (And you will see me make lots of really obvious lol-y mistakes as well; i.e. I was not very good at using the radar a few months ago when I made this). Oh, and I just think the music fits well with the game. Annd... Yeah, that's all really. Enjoy it (Or not?).
It's a bit long (It's two full matches, with minimal editing), so I included semi-logical timestamps in the vid description to let people jump around a bit more coherently.
And if you liked that one, here's the first video I made. It's pretty similar, just different music artist (A bit more atmospheric), and from when I had just started playing the game:
(Oh, and hopefully I posted this correctly, didn't unknowingly break any forum rules, or anything like; if so, apologies, still noobing around here).
Edited by DeeRax, 03 May 2015 - 02:37 PM.