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Peer reviewed feedback system

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Over the last few months the suggestion forum has seen many interesting ideas. Some of those are otherwise excellent, but might be abused somehow (friendly fire). Others might need administration (user/clan emblems), or would require motivated, honest and skilled pilots (my own suggestion about mentor system).


Would it make sense to implement a feedback system ingame, which would enable pilots to apply preset tags to other pilots and team mates. These tags wouldn't be visible to other pilots, but the game could slowly form an image or profile describing a single pilot. So a single tag would increase or decrease certain stat for a player, but effect of single tag would be minor. This might be used to kicking griefing players or give administrative permissions to trustworthy ones. It might be used for better matchmaking too.


Tags might include something like:

  • Team player
  • Lone wolf
  • Teacher
  • Team killer - Intentional
  • Team killer - Accidental
  • Chatter
  • Cheater
  • Insulter
  • Gives false feedback
  • Support player
  • Tech pro
  • Burst specialist
  • Grenade specialist
  • Tag begger

The list could go on and on. The team killer tags assume friendly fire of course. Tags like "gives false feedback" could be used to suppress feedback of those whose abuse the system. Insulter might ban one from using voip, etc.


Preventing abuse would be a major property of this system. Firstly, single tag wouldn't make much difference, if same tags would come up for the same pilot again and again in long timescales, only then would the system mark someone as "cheater" for example. Secondly, pilots would have some kind of voting power or reliability stat: if you give tags that others have given as well, you become more reliable, while if you tag everyone as cheaters when no one else does, your reliability decreases. Reliability might also determine the amount of tags you can give in the first place.


The system shouldn't be used for ego boosting either, so others wouldn't even see your "tag profile". The tags should only affect preset mechanisms set by the devs.


Give constructive feedback! Does this make sense? Could it be abused, and how could it be prevented? Post your own tags! What this kind of system could be used for?


EDIT: text in green is added.

Edited by Pelanthoris, 13 May 2015 - 01:53 AM.

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I like the idea here, i dont know how easy to implement this would be, but i think it would help hawkens community, which is already great, i feel it might have short term abuse, but i think over time i feel it would level out (ie a bunch of bad games one Tuesday wont give a bad rating forever.) I like this system, i feel it would be something to add once we clear the room of the current elephants. 

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I know that CS:GO uses this (commendations system), but honestly, I'm not sure what it's for. One idea that comes to mind though would be connecting it to the forums. This would be a great way to bring more players to the forums. Would also make player profiles more customisable (hawkenmingle.com anybody?) If done like in GO, how I picture this working would be something like this; the in-game HAWKEN profile would be like this. I dunno, somewhere along these lines.




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I know that CS:GO uses this (commendations system), but honestly, I'm not sure what it's for. One idea that comes to mind though would be connecting it to the forums. This would be a great way to bring more players to the forums. Would also make player profiles more customisable (hawkenmingle.com anybody?) If done like in GO, how I picture this working would be something like this; the in-game HAWKEN profile would be like this. I dunno, somewhere along these lines.

Yeah, I think your idea would work nicely. My idea in itself is only useful if it really affects something, which of course requires many support systems. In my mindscape tags like teacher and helpful might be used to start "boot camp" servers for instance. It might be used to impress roles on pilots.

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And what could you do against random palyers to tag every player as a griefer (cheater, teamkiller, etc.) simply because of some hate?


The system by itself could be abused with ease.

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And what could you do against random palyers to tag every player as a griefer (cheater, teamkiller, etc.) simply because of some hate?


The system by itself could be abused with ease.


As I tried to explain above, there should naturally be some kind of reliability stat for every player. Before mentioned "gives false feedback" tag could lower it signicantly. And for players giving inconsistent feedback in comparison to other players, reliability would decrease. Just because one player gives you some feedback doesn't mean it's true. I also said the profile would form slowly, if certain feedback tags pop up for some player again and again in timescales of months, it actually might be true. That was why I called it peer reviewed.

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I don't like the idea of people being subjectively judged by other potential asshats. In a perfect world this might be great, but as it is, I see no purpose for it aside from ego-boosting. When has DOTA2's rep system ever been helpful? I mean, would you seriously look up the reps of people you are playing with? Would it matter in any real way or affect anything whatsoever?

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I don't like the idea of people being subjectively judged by other potential asshats. In a perfect world this might be great, but as it is, I see no purpose for it aside from ego-boosting. When has DOTA2's rep system ever been helpful? I mean, would you seriously look up the reps of people you are playing with? Would it matter in any real way or affect anything whatsoever?


Never played DOTA, so I wouldn't know. But most of these stats shouldn't be visible to anyone, well, perhaps some of them to the pilot in question. Most of them should be used only by internal game mechanics. Like getting experienced pilots to mentor recruits. Or for matchmaker to make balanced teams. I know there are no such mechanisms and they should be implemented at the same time.


Maybe this is too complex, I don't know. But the abuse prevention would be a major thing to consider in such a system.

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How would such player mentor the recruit? Aside from just playing the way he plays? If newbies cared to learn from a fellow player, they would usually determine that via scoreboard or direct visible performance and need no further indication (and nobody likes hand-holding). As for actual verbal assistance, ain't nobody got time to proactively mentor other complete strangers, and I've yet to encounter a situation where the community would shy away from answering a newbie's question or request for advice.


And I don't see a need to use peer review as part of matchmaking calculation. MMR, for all intents and purposes, is sufficient (though the actual team balancing may need a bit more work). Feel free to advise on how exactly can peer review be safely taken into matchmaking consideration that would make any significant impact on player experience.



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I added some points in green to the OP. The mentoring stuff is somewhat separate issue I suggested in older thread.


About matchmaking, reVelske is right about MMR beign quite a good parameter for forming matches, but in case of team balancing it doesn't work as well. In team game modes, one can sometimes see that one team might be way better in personal performance, but it's doomed to fail because of too many lone wolfs, etc. Some people just don't have the team player inside them and if too many of those are in a team, it doesn't end well. This is IMHO just one example in human nature that is very difficult to extract mechanically from game data. So it could be used to construct better teams and in some cases, also matches. This example doesn't fit to high tier play, I know.

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Over the last few months the suggestion forum has seen many interesting ideas. Some of those are otherwise excellent, but might be abused somehow (friendly fire). Others might need administration (user/clan emblems), or would require motivated, honest and skilled pilots (my own suggestion about mentor system).



Brainstorming is good thing.

At least many or most of the times, IMHO.

If the output may benefit the game by adding some more of value to it then the better.


I find interesting and positive your comments about some of the contributions in these forums or even feedback to be useful in your opinion and motivating enough to engage ways, as the one you suggest, to make more easy "the thing" as a whole. ;)



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The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.



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I find interesting and positive your comments about some of the contributions in these forums or even feedback to be useful in your opinion and motivating enough to engage ways, as the one you suggest, to make more easy "the thing" as a whole. ;)

Quite old thread, but thanks for the *feedback*. Nice to hear positive comments on this as many seemed to think it's unnecessary.
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"The vectors... The vectors are all wrong!" -Bum

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: feedback, tag, profile

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