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Can we fix some mechs ... Seriously

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Mechs that need some love Bruisers ablity is beyond useless 2 seconds and it does not even absorb 100% of damage. Please extend the  ablity to 5 seconds and make it 100 percent damage absorb or just change it to somthing else between that and hellfires and the awkward vulcan / helfire combo this meck needs some love.


  Rocketteer would be next again helfire need some work the turet ablity is useless up date it with something else mauybe a missil utilty like  Upgraded missel speed and maybe corkscrew dyanimic and for that time no warning for lock ons. 


 Reaper  needs a new ablity  it  is utterly useless.


Weapons  that need atention vulcan smg and  assult turn up heat in these  they are a bit over powerd and spamy .......I expect them  to be somewhat spammy but 17 seconds come on. burst heat generation is way more.. blllence these out please

Edited by Source_Mystic, 02 June 2015 - 09:04 PM.




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Bruiser's ability is fine once you get the timing down. The fact that the Hellfire weapon is just generally mediocre in every way is what holds the mech back. 


Also: five second invulnerability would be obscene. Pump your breaks man. If anything, the duration could use an extra second and a more obvious visual effect for the pilot so it's easier to see when it turns off (which would help learning the timing).


The Reaper's ability is great for the RPR. But yeah. In general it needs a boost. One suggestion I've seen bandied around is that it also allows the KE-Sabot to deal scoped damage even while the pilot is unscoped.


The vulcan already generates enough heat, in my opinion, but I wouldn't cry if I saw the AR and SMC take a (small) hit, although I think it would have to be from something other than heat, since increasing their heat output won't affect the Assualt or C-RT, which would just make the Assault even better than it already is.

Edited by o0m9, 02 June 2015 - 09:51 PM.

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Bruiser's ability is fine once you get the timing down. The fact that the Hellfire weapon is just generally mediocre in every way is what holds the mech back. 


Also: five second invulnerability would be obscene. Pump your breaks man. If anything, the duration could use an extra second and a more obvious visual effect for the pilot so it's easier to see when it turns off (which would help learning the timing).


The Reaper's ability is great for the RPR. But yeah. In general it needs a boost. One suggestion I've seen bandied around is that it also allows the KE-Sabot to deal scoped damage even while the pilot is unscoped.


The vulcan already generates enough heat, in my opinion, but I wouldn't cry if I saw the AR and SMC take a (small) hit, although I think it would have to be from something other than heat, since increasing their heat output won't affect the Assualt or C-RT, which would just make the Assault even better than it already is.

I was going to add brawler but his turet is ok as long as you use hawkens and play more mid to long range.


sustained verses burst is not ballenced right now those three sustained weapons have a rediculas time the can be fired .... where as All burst weapons suffer much greater travel time and a cooldown before they can be refired as well as a greater  heat generation.    I do not think buffing burst would help this situation ... I think adding heat to these three weapons would offest the rediculas time they can be fired  which would also create gaps in firing that would mak space fo burst weapons  thus ballening the intire system .... this would make sustained weapons  focus  a bit more on when they fired and I think would make the game better in the long run. I do not think that the dps of thes three weapons sould be nerfed I think just addin som heat would fix it.  sustaned sould still retain a spammy feel  just not as spammy as they are now they are op as fuzzy bunny .... right now and yes the VULCAN IS INCLUDED IN THAT THOSE THREE WEAPONS ARE  THE  greatest offeners in sustaind family of guns. VULCAN CAN BE SPAMED FOR 15 SECONDS COME ON THAT IS NOT EVEN CLOSE TO BALLENCED WITH ITS DPS




As for bruiser ablity fine lets say 4 seconds and a visual Q in th cocpit   and 1oo % damage absorb for that time.  After all it is a cool down ablity not like you can spam it. and four seconds realy is not that much time. when compared to the other ablitys his is fuzzy bunny.


also the g2 mecks could use some help g2 raider with eocr would be nice as well as heat canon


also the g2 assult I thin should get dule  smg and dule ar as a option . A swll as not buff them into oblivion lik you did with the vulcan on it .. ironicaly i have a frend of min that love the g2 assult I told him it is fuzzy bunny  he said lets dule I said fine i will  take a assult with a tow and vulcan you take your g2 assult nerfed turd


YOU know who won the g2 assult is fuzzy bunny because of the nerfed vulcans

Edited by Source_Mystic, 02 June 2015 - 10:51 PM.



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Do we really need a thread for this? We've just had a thread regarding Bruiser's ability: https://community.pl...rb-efficiently/and a very recent thread regarding Hellfire: https://community.pl...es-need-a-buff/ , Reaper skill and sustained weapon balance have been discussed to death for the longest time already in various threads, if Reloaded is interested to doing anything, they will, extra redundant thread will not do anything for the cause.

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100% Damage absorbtion ... 5 seconds. Sounds like godmode for 5 seconds. Why not addign some extra damage mutiplier? Like x50 or ... let's say 100. That#s enough love for the Bruiser.


100% Damage absorb for 5 second. Which drugs did you take?



For the Reaper, yes, but this was pretty obvious since the KE-Sabot already has 100% accuracy. Dumb ADH people ... no wonder Hawken failed.

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if I am in a raider i can  use my boost i can stop dammage for way longer than 4  seconds ...... consitering  the vulcan can fire 15 seconds  smg and can spam for 17 seconds  as well as the assult rifel .. This is not a big deal I really do not care  though I do not use this fuzzy bunny mech  anyway. change the ablity THEN. YOU got  A BETTER IDEA  Plese share it.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 03 June 2015 - 05:22 AM.



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Yes, Vulcan lasts a while. It also has start up time and is really only at its best close range. Not exactly super unbalanced.


Also, 5 second invincibility wouldn't fly. Not as high as you were for making the suggestion, haha I'm messing around. Also, I would not want a damage boosting ability instead. Just 1-2 more seconds for its ability and a few more seconds of cooldown should be fine.



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I think source mystic just lights up and has all these wierd thoughts and decides to put them into his forums posts. Weed goes along with philosophy, not improving game design. I hope you take my words to heart. Thank you.

I am MM




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Bruiser goes invincible, SS gets headshot, Assault stops generating heat, Reaper can pierce through everything, Predator becomes 100% invisible, Rocketeer gets unlimited multi lock-ons, Zerker does 400% AOE, Scout gets Blitz without fuel consumption, Raider literally teleports and gets afterimages, CRT turns into LED.


I'm game.



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HAWKEN is still assembling a dev team right now, so don't expect reasonably large changes like ability changes any time for the next few months.


I believe the head dev has been hired from Evolve, and is doing job interviews at the moment.


I don't agree with bruiser, the ability can be very useful if it's used right. Like o0m9 said, it's the hellfires that limit the bruiser.


Brawler and Reaper I agree with, especially for Reaper.


The SMC needs a heat boost IMO, but not the Vulcan and AR, they generate a lot of heat already. Just keep in mind that they are not the only weapons fired, so 17 seconds isn't really an accurate measurement.




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Whether it's a slight buffing of the time the Bruiser's damage reduction is active or buffing the amount it absorbs, I think the cooldown on the ability is too darn long.  Considering that it's completely defensive and does absolutely nothing to harm the enemy you're engaging... having it take so long to be useful again for 2 seconds is pretty sad.


All the other stuff on the Rocketeer aside, for me, it still comes back to "The Rocketeer and Brawler need a special" and "All C-Class mechs should be given back turret mode."  Those are two separate things, by the way.  I think all C-Class should have turret mode and have a special ability that is unrelated to turret.  The turret mode provides no advantage which does not have an equal disadvantage - the whole thing has a neutral impact on mech balance.

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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I vote we give it 30 minutes of invulnerability.  But cat delivered nukes cause meltdown.



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 Considering that it's completely defensive and does absolutely nothing to harm the enemy you're engaging... having it take so long to be useful again for 2 seconds is pretty sad.


15 seconds is not a long time for a 2 second defensive skill.



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EOC repeater and Heat Cannon don't fit the G2 raider's playstyle at all. The only primary type that mixes well with the G2R is a hitscan based weapon. It's current weapon forces you to get in close where the mech excels put in ranged weapons and you're killing it. Anything other than hitscan would make the risk/reward factor of the super long KLA-XT cooldown not worth it. The mech is also the slowest mech in the air and not having vertical combat as an option takes a whole lot of potential utility from the use of EOC and Heat.

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