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Predator G2

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I had this idea and it was is building on something that was already in the game. A g2 predator. I would like to see this have two EOC predators. The damage on these should remain the same. Its ability should remain the same. The armor would probably need a slight increase as this mech would not hold its own very well in one on one combat. It movement and speed could also probably remain the same. Its purpose would be to lay traps and to help your team make easier retreats and take-downs. It would also be particularly good at laying mines in a place where enemies would need to retreat through. It should also be able to lay up to 16 mines. I know it sounds similar to an already existing function of the predator (with the EOC repeater), but i think this mech would make valuable addition while not being overpowered. It would also focus more on long term cumulative permanent traps rather then a more bursty quicktrap. 


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I Like This. My 2cents worth:

how about going a-la G2 Assault: 2 EOC-XT mine layers, that can 3rd mouse-button weapon-select between burst mode in 2 sets of 4 EOC mines per gun (similar to the EOC-R's 2 sets of 3 short time mines), or in single mode of 8 sequential puck mines per gun (similar to the EOC-P)?

leaving the nerfed armor and all other aspects as-is, this could raise the Pred to an assault contender, and force the adoption of a "Scout-style" glass-cannon B-Frame tactical mech.

vicious to face down, but easy to snuff if caught out Just Right.




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...Am I the only one thinking of automatic mines? Kind of like the G2 Assault, but just mines instead of bullets? ^^;


I'm guessing that this is a C-Class mech?




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I think of a G-2 Predator as a speedy ambush mech, able to see enemies anywhere on the map both on radar and through the cockpit. It would have to give up its visible cloak, but instead would be invisible to enemy radar when boosting. It would have a ground and boost speed faster than any other B-Class, and maybe faster than the slowest A-Class. It would act as a hunter-seeker, finding lone enemies and destroying them before they have a chance to react, and fading away back into the map before other enemies can arrive to destroy it.


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Siege on Origin.

The EOC pred already fits the mine spamming role fine, giving it a double EOC-R would probably just be a nerf as there is no remote detonation.
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Ever heard that laying traps in a Predator is a bad idea?




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I could see this with 2 eoc repeaters. Lay down 12 pucks in one swipe $$$$$$




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Just to be clear, I was thinking b class with two of the predators secondary weapons. I was also hoping a same damage ratio as the current predator on those weapons. I dont like the idea of a multiple puck burst (2 or 3 in one shot) but was wanting it to be a single shot per gun. It would still be somewhat competitive in close range but that would be its weak spot. It would not really be for shooting at mechs in one on one like g2 assult, but rather a play off of the predators laying of traps function.    I know if this is made it would be my no contest favorite mech, because to me there is nothing more satisfying then watching a enemy step on a really large mine trap and explode. It would also hopefully fit the G2 style of something more fun that may or may not be as effective as other more played mechs. (scout/ assault)

Edited by Void_Runner, 06 June 2015 - 06:09 PM.



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It would still be somewhat competitive in close range but that would be its weak spot. It would not really be for shooting at mechs in one on one like g2 assult, but rather a play off of the predators laying of traps function.    I know if this is made it would be my no contest favorite mech, because to me there is nothing more satisfying then watching a enemy step on a really large mine trap and explode. It would also hopefully fit the G2 style of something more fun that may or may not be as effective as other more played mechs. (scout/ assault)

Ever heard that laying traps in a Predator is a bad idea?

It's not competitive at all to only lay traps as a Predator, it's alot worse than other playstyles.

It wouldn't even be effective at close range - one of the few useful things would be reinforcing chokepoints. Which is boring as hell.

I know my stuff regarding Predator.


That link goes to the biggest Predator guide, it may inform you a bit.



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Meh I don't like the idea,

I can not see a way to implement a similar pred because the pred is already a very unique mech and so the g2 should not be identical (I mean similar) nor too different from the base pred

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A mech with two eoc predators would not be completely ineffective in one vs one combat. It would play very similarly to the current eoc predator in that combat situation. Also laying traps is effective. The trick is bombing the areas behind in-combat enemies not laying mines on some random point on the map and sitting around hoping for a kill. I think you misunderstood what i meant when i said trapping. The mines laid this way would not have a time limit that the eoc repeater sets on the current predator. (Making more effective to aim more at the enemies then a trap behind them. 


This is also the reason i am hoping the hitting the ground noise of the eoc predator is muffled or reduced. This would make the trapping function a little easier to use for most players.


In addition Meraple, I found your last post about how I did not know how to use the predator rather offensive. You should know i have several hundred hours logged in my predator and i know how to use it quite well.

Edited by Void_Runner, 26 June 2015 - 10:15 AM.



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What a horrible idea. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.



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Seeing as though the Predator is already sort of the "G2 Infiltrator," this seems really unnecessary, tbh.

The G2 mechs in general are pretty unnecessary, actually, I don't think we need any more of them (Despite G2 Raider being my favorite mech).
I'd prefer to see completely new mech ideas, and maybe some slight re-works to some of the mechs we already have.

All that said.... A C-class with a cloak ability c/would be neat-o.





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There are more G2's in the game files. Hell, there's even an upgraded eoc weapon in there too. Because there are so many assets unfinished I guarentee we will see more G2 mechs because not fleshing them out is wasted money. The names are there. The models are there. Why not use them?



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A mech with two eoc predators would not be completely ineffective in one vs one combat. It would play very similarly to the current eoc predator in that combat situation.

EOC R Pred isn't effective at all in duels between high-tier players.

Also laying traps is effective. The trick is bombing the areas behind in-combat enemies not laying mines on some random point on the map and sitting around hoping for a kill. I think you misunderstood what i meant when i said trapping. The mines laid this way would not have a time limit that the eoc repeater sets on the current predator. (Making more effective to aim more at the enemies then a trap behind them.

It's alot more effective to bomb enemy locations directly rather than bombing an area they MIGHT use to escape, IF they use that route AT ALL.
(Emphasis on certain parts to make it more clear.)
Hence, putting down traps at their escape route instead of firing at them directly isn't too optimal; partially because your team will be down by 1 player in the fight itself.

In addition Meraple, I found your last post about how I did not know how to use the predator rather offensive. You should know i have several hundred hours logged in my predator and i know how to use it quite well.

First off, I never said you don't know how to use the Predator.
I said I know my stuff regarding the mech, and that the guide might help you - it's a guide after all.

Hours clocked into a mech mean nothing to me.
I may only have ~85h in Pred, yet I know it better than most others.

If you really do know how to use it quite well, do you have anything to back that claim up?
Hours in a mech don't mean much, people can play a game for years and still not know the basics of it.
I've the guide to back myself up (and MMR), and I can get a high-tier European Pred player to confirm what I've said so far about the mech in question.

This is pretty much just how I type, a bit blunt and whatever else it may be.




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Meraple if you know how to use the predator at all you should easily be able to tell which way an enemy is going to flee. The this mech is a support mech and not made for 1 vs 1 engagements. Engaging one on one with this mech would be like fighting and doing so with a tech. It can be done but it is not the primary function. If you would like an mmr back up mine is 2296.62. 


In addition just because you dont consider this mech a viable option which YOU could play with does not mean everyone else could not use it effectivly.

Edited by Void_Runner, 26 June 2015 - 05:44 PM.



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There are more G2's in the game files. Hell, there's even an upgraded eoc weapon in there too. Because there are so many assets unfinished I guarentee we will see more G2 mechs because not fleshing them out is wasted money. The names are there. The models are there. Why not use them?

OH. Well, if they are already there, then I agree, by all means, make them happen.





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There are more G2's in the game files. Hell, there's even an upgraded eoc weapon in there too. Because there are so many assets unfinished I guarentee we will see more G2 mechs because not fleshing them out is wasted money. The names are there. The models are there. Why not use them?


For the sake of curiousity, what names are there? Only a few G2s like G2 Predator, G2 Infiltrator, etc. Or are all the mechs with the "G2" letters stuck in front of them?



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G2 Berserker and its weapons, G2 Infiltrator, G2 Sharpshooter.



No melee. No lasers.



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Meraple if you know how to use the predator at all

You should know i have several hundred hours logged in my predator and i know how to use it quite well.



EDIT: Resolved through PM.

Edited by (KDR) Meraple, 27 June 2015 - 08:39 AM.




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I am a smurf profile, its long and its complicated and yes i had a good reason for it.

Edited by Void_Runner, 27 June 2015 - 08:57 AM.




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If the base stats for this mech or a chassis for it is not already existing then the eoc predator could also be tagged on as a fourth primary. So that those who want to use it can and those who dont want to can use one of the other options.



Then you could choose which kind of eoc you wanted to use and what play style. This would personalize this mech a little bit more.

Edited by Void_Runner, 27 June 2015 - 10:02 AM.

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