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A 2 Fold Suggestion

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(Link to a mirror of the Old Forums.)



First part : Bring back POLLS! They were awesome! That is one feature that I want to see here again.


Second Part : In-Game Story.


I am quoting here what I said there earlier.


"Hi guys! I was just wondering if they could put up the #1 part of the HAWKENTM : Genesis (which is free) up in the game as an introduction to the game. Rather than being thrown into a mech and being sent to a battlefield and pumping out lead, new players would realize the story of the game and for what they are fighting for. The players will be given a purpose rather than engaging in pointless battles to dominate over another person. The introduction will be even more effective if they preview part #1 with the Guided View technology found in Comixology and with a voice-over of a person with a deep voice (Morgan Freeman if possible). Even if they won't put in a campaign for this awesome game, this might suffice our needs at the moment. "


The story can be skipped and later accessed from the menu if possible.






(Sample by ReEvolve. This is from his original post. http://hawken.mirror...nity-and-devs/)


Waddaya think?







EDIT : Added a sample by ReEvolve.

Edited by CapAllan, 12 July 2015 - 06:49 AM.

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baconator.jpgYes....... I totally agree!!! :biggrin:

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I actually hadn't noticed that polls are no longer a thing, but I think it would be a good idea to bring them back. As for having the story in the game, I feel like that's actually a genius idea. For having such an extensive universe, the game has no context to show for it. It's just giant mechs shooting other giant mechs. Cool. We really do need more in-game lore. Would add a really good dimension to the game.

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YES, YES and YES!!!!!!

  • Hijinks_The_Turtle and CapAllan like this


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Yeah, I'm sorta bummed out that there are no polls anymore.  Also, we really need more lore in the game.

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The old forum seems to have been better than this one. Like if everyone actually took it more seriously. 

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POLLS! I want 'em back!

Poster_3.jpg  Incin is da BEST!!








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Yeah, we definitely need polls here. Having to use third-party sites any time someone wants a collective opinion is pretty irritating.



The old forum seems to have been better than this one. Like if everyone actually took it more seriously. 


I'm pretty sure this is a case of rose-colored glasses. I think the forums were better in terms of quality game-related discussion 1.5-2 years ago, but during the decline of ADH, active threads usually consisted of variations of "how can we help adh succeed financially through pointless social media campaigns" or "adh is ded and none of you can do anything about it" or "bye everyone I'm quitting because adh sux" and a few other unproductive topics. That's completely ignoring the huge issues we had toward the end due to "spam warriors" who weren't meant to take action against legitimate users assuming the role of quasi-mods without mod tools who essentially handed out permabans (since there was no one with admin powers left to undo posting right suspensions) for minor infractions. 


(KDR) Seron16

(KDR) Seron16

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Since I think some people would be a bit turned off having to read through a comic before getting to play the game, I have a slightly different suggestion.


Each time you gain a new Pilot Level, another comic page is unlocked. You can into your profile to view all the comic pages in order you've unlocked so far and this gives you both another incentive to level up as well as some lore about the world as you continue to play the game.


Obviously there may be more than 30 pages so you could have multiple pages unlocked at each level. I would love this idea and I would think it'd be pretty easily implemented (use the award/achievement system).


What do you gents think?  :smile:




Polls are always nice!

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Let's a have a poll: Who wants to bring polls back! Oh...
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Tbh 90% of the polls on the old forums were worthless, irritating tripe and while they would make the lives of datahounds like Jeff easier, I'd prefer to deny unoriginal attention-seekers another outlet.

I don't miss them.



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To be fair I just completely ignored almost all of them, so that's also a valid way to look at it. I can imagine there being one for almost every terrible thread in Suggestions.




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I mean it's pretty easy to set up a strawpoll or something, but an integrated poll system would be a really good addition.


Hopefully there is a plugin for this forum API that allows polls. I mean there should be, polls are a pretty common thing in forums.




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A good suggestion on the suggestion forums... absurd



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Whereas I like the idea of having polls, in reality, the polls were incredibly annoying and I ended up ignoring all of them.


They came to serve only one purpose: to give attention seeking people with strong opinions a way to engineeer a divisive and manipulative narrative which would prove their point.


I never recall reading more than one or two of them where there was an honest and impartial set of choices.  When I responded, it was almost always to say, "You forgot to include a choice for..."  And they almost always immediately devolved into wall of text arguments.


If at some point these forums have a moderator from Reloaded, then I would be OK with that moderator being able to create polls from community suggestions.

To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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The inclusion of the comic into the game is an excellent idea. And I think the mechanics proposed by Seron16 would work like a charm. As for the polls thing, I'm ok without them, and I'd be ok with them.

  • (KDR) Seron16 likes this

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