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Team 10 is still recruitin'

- - - - - team 10 tpg missile assault competitive NA

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Since the war started over three years ago, the entire civilian population has been evacuated. The gigastructure has all but consumed the once-habitable cities of Illal, and it grows still to this day. But the gigastructure was never the real problem.
The instability, the disruption caused by the Hawken Virus. This is what has destroyed us. Crion was destroyed, and Prosk and Sentium waged a war neither of them could control. The corporation weren't what mattered anymore. It was the bloodshed. For too long, pilots have been fighting simply for the fun of it, almost as if it was a game.
But it isn't. Not anymore. We need to bring back honor, give this war meaning, and purpose.
Don't fight for the sheer thrill of it. Fight for what is right, and fight for what you can believe in.
Fight for Team 10.
Or, I mean, don't, I guess. It's one hundred percent your? ??choice.
But we need you. We need all the help we can get.
So join us. Fight for honor, for glory, because this is no longer a game.
This has become something more.
It's become...
a video game.?
So here's the run down- practices are whenever we can find more than three people available on team 10, or when we decide to have cross team practices. Matches tend to be at 7:00 PM PST, which is 9:00 PM EST. We have a really friendly team, and I promise nobody else here bites. I only do it when I'm really hungry, so I would hardly count it as a danger.
We have a steam group, which is mandatory to join. I would also recommend friending all of us on steam, but these things are more important after you get recruited in the first place, so I wouldn't worry too much about any of that.
Our current roster is as follows-
Captain [TDM] Hades (that's me!!!)
Captain Plazma (that's... not me?)
Captain 32W (On a temporary and confusingly fluid hiatus, which is fine)
Star Player [TDM] Al3xAxl3 (infiltrator)
Star Player [TDM?]Willy wonka (vanguard) (no he doesn't make candy, I asked already)
Star Player KaylaClaire (currently afk [come back to us Kayla- we miss your Berserker!)
Permanent Substitute Get MechD (Lives in the UK, plays Assault) (Yes, nept. I tried to convince him to do the EU TPG, but he wanted to be on team 10)
Why, you may ask, are we still recruiting? The roster is closed! THAT'S ILLEGAL YOU RULEBREAKING RULEBREAKER!
I mean, yeah, it's one hundred percent illegal for teams that didn't have a late start of around a month.
So join! We're the quickest way into the comp scene, it's loads of fun, and we need more people so we don't act like sun fish on land! It's not that bad, honestly. It just gets lonely out here on the battle field.
Message me on the forums if you are interested, or reply below and have me do the aforementioned messaging instead! It's like lmgtfy, but way cooler.

Edited by dlg597, 05 September 2015 - 10:41 AM.

  • Nept, CraftyDus and Badtings like this



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obligatory trentik member post is obligatory.  the team 10 spearhead was lead by the highly esteemed crockrocket, with copious amounts of help from LBGTQ Hawken community. both groups are actively recruiting, so please feel free to join those communities along with signing up to the team 10 roster.


crash and burn!

Edited by {TDM} coldform, 05 September 2015 - 11:00 AM.

  • Badtings likes this

I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure



czerofive-Today at 2:22 AM > got banned from playing lazertag - I used a knife to conserve ammo




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Go play for Team10, they are gutsy little fighters.

  • Badtings likes this

Also tagged with one or more of these keywords: team 10, tpg, missile assault, competitive, NA

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