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Something besides first win for major HC gain

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So I'm at Pilot Level 16 at the moment, all of the HC injection Pilot levels are behind me, and I have to say that being forced to win a match to gain a small HC boost each can become frustrating at times.  I'm the sort that just wants to play siege, and I just want to play until I'm tiered of it, whither I win or lose.  With only having a first win bonus per mode (And otherwise only bits and pieces for completing matches)  I'm getting a bit discouraged.


If I want any bonus at all I have to win... which means I have to play other modes that I might not feel like playing, and play them until I get first win, then drop out of the server, play another mode, do the same thing, and by the time I've gotten first win on the thing I actually want to play, I don't feel like playing anymore.  It also makes me prioritize winning over having fun, or having a good time, meaning that repeated defeats are just seen as roadblocks instead of something that just happened and to try again.


Personally, I think the first win thing might be contributing to your *Everyone leaps out of the match as soon as it ends* problem, as well as to incentivise dropping out of games that aren't going your way after a person's fifth defeat that server.  It isn't the sole problem, but I as a newer player am feeling a bit of strain of having to prioritize making HC over actually doing what I want to do because that next Mech isn't going to buy itself you know.

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I can totally confirm GondabBadong's point of view since that's exactly what I did for the last couple of months.


I had come to the same conclusion as him, that getting those daily wins would increase my "time spent / HC earned" ratio and that every match afterwards felt less lucrative. More than ever when you saw those 13k HC for the next mech of your dreams whilst sitting on almost nothing because you just "finished" equipping your current mech.


Due to little time while studying I only spent approximately 1 hour a day 3 times the week on Hawken chasing these daily wins. As soon as I got one, I jumped to the next game mode. Hardly worth to mention I therefore never chose siege first ^^



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Have you used the newrecruit code yet? It'll give a boost in how much hc you're generating.

I agree, more ways to earn hc would be better.



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Have you used the newrecruit code yet? It'll give a boost in how much hc you're generating.

I agree, more ways to earn hc would be better.

no it doesn't, XP only from what I saw when I checked what kind of boosts I had after using the code.  I could be wrong, but all I saw was XP.

Edited by GondabBadong, 28 March 2015 - 02:32 PM.



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The grind is real for new players I agree. I do not mean this in a dismissive way - just enjoy playing the game without worrying about how long it will take to get to that next upgrade. That just sucks all the fun out. This is a f2p game, if you want to speed up the grind buy an HC boost.

Again I'm not being dismissive of your concerns, the current system needs some tweaks, but just have fun playing.



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no it doesn't, XP only from what I saw when I checked what kind of boosts I had after using the code. I could be wrong, but all I saw was XP.

My bad if I'm mistaken, been a while since I used it.



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This is exactly the same boat I'm in, I want to play to have fun, but I also need to get HC so I can actually outfit my mechs since I stopped playing for a while. It really does suck the fun out.

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still waiting for consecutive match bonus



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If I want any bonus at all I have to win... 


It's like 30 credits. It's a very small difference in payout between winning or losing, as long as you complete the match.

Hawken is the comfiest online game out there when it comes to "grind." Just play and enjoy the game and you'll earn credits. 

Getting an extra bonus for "first wins" just makes it cozier. The alternative is like what some other games do, more bonus for the more matches in a row you complete, which is much more "grindy." This is the best possible option. 

People who are top-tier at the game are barely earning credits any faster than you are. Think about that. Or stop worrying about it and just enjoy the gameplay instead.



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Double the HC gain for everything i say.



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We rather emphasized the daily win bonus, than win/loss credits.


I agree that 30 credits are not that big of a deal and in case the match was balanced I don't mind.

But as far as I know the daily win bonus is 250, and gaining 500 - 750 HC additionally - or not - every day is quite more important for players who still have items to buy.


Don't get me wrong about the grind! I don't want mechs to be cheaper. I think it should require some effort to be able to by the 13k ones (as it is now).

But the shop system should be redesigned (way too little room for experimenting with items) and the developers should add more rewarding ways than solely this daily win bonus to earn HC faster and maybe encourage to stay on a server for a couple of matches.

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Double the HC gain for everything i say.


I second this even though I have too much money as it is. XD


On that note, can we please have a "give money" option where we can give all the money that we don't use to help newer players get on their feet?

Edited by Dawn_of_Ash, 29 March 2015 - 01:28 AM.



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I second this even though I have too much money as it is. XD


On that note, can we please have a "give money" option where we can give all the money that we don't use to help newer players get on their feet?

Charity? In my Hawken?..


I dunno. Maybe?

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On that note, can we please have a "give money" option where we can give all the money that we don't use to help newer players get on their feet?

Charity? In my Hawken?..
I dunno. Maybe?


 While I personally wouldn't mind seeing a way to transfer credits to players (HC or MC as it would make awarding prizes for contests and such a lot easier), my only concern would be making Hawken a potential target for account hijackers and 'gold farmers'.

Right now we don't have to worry about it due to it's lack of size/player base and the inability for credits to be transferred. I would hope that if this is added, better security checks are added, like two factor authentication to access our accounts.

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Not to mention it would totally negate the already shallow reason people have to not make a smurf. But giving oldtimers a way to help the young is a great idea. It should involve a way to be sure it's not the same person.


They should kick everyone out of the lobby at the end of the match. Could ease matchmaking and, its better anyway to get five min breaks between plays. Espacially if you're grinding.


As for people leaving during the game... Positive reinforcement. Make the people perseverating's time worth their while whit a stat that boost HC income and is dependent of the number of full matches you played.



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My point is that : 

- new comers should get an opportunity to buy a C-Class (brawler) or an A-class (reaper) quite early (on creation ?)

- HC gain should increase if you stay in a server for a while (per minute reduced by 33% at first, then increase and ratio cap after having played 2h)

- no daily win, but daily played (example. : after spending more than 20min in-game and whatever the game mode)

- some system (vote ?) to lock server when games are balanced (re-opened if somebody leave)

- maybe some penalty for people that quit, but a little sophisticated, what about something like  :

                     . you may leave once per hour without penalty (connection problem, children, wife, diner, etc)

                     . no penalty if you leave for an invite and if the server in not locked

                     . otherwise you get a 5min timer that prevent you from joining games except "bot TDM" and "DM".




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My point is that : 

- new comers should get an opportunity to buy a C-Class (brawler) or an A-class (reaper) quite early (on creation ?)

- HC gain should increase if you stay in a server for a while (per minute reduced by 33% at first, then increase and ratio cap after having played 2h)

- no daily win, but daily played (example. : after spending more than 20min in-game and whatever the game mode)

- some system (vote ?) to lock server when games are balanced (re-opened if somebody leave)

- maybe some penalty for people that quit, but a little sophisticated, what about something like  :

                     . you may leave once per hour without penalty (connection problem, children, wife, diner, etc)

                     . no penalty if you leave for an invite and if the server in not locked

                     . otherwise you get a 5min timer that prevent you from joining games except "bot TDM" and "DM".

I was going to complain until you said 5 mins, I've seen so many times where somebody (or I) doesn't want to stay in that particular match, and because of it, they have to stay out of playing any games for 30mins to an hour, it's ridiculous.

Edited by Brawler_Yukon, 29 March 2015 - 02:17 PM.

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Yuuuup ;-)




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To be honest... I don't your problem guys with HC shortage. I mean I just bought a brand new assault amd fully outfitted it witu internals and items and still have enough HC to do the same like... Three times?

There are players who own 200,000 HC so MORE THAN ENUF! Just play anr you shall get money o:

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@FakeName: the fact that people who played Hawken for ages and/or only play one single mech all the time and therefore have more then enough HC left is kinda obvious :wink:


However, new players who would like to try out everything that Hawken offers have to deal with this topic.



edit: besides, is there a daily win bonus for co-op bot? I don't know, because I never managed to beat it in my early days of Hawken and never tried again ^^

Edited by Jakyll, 31 March 2015 - 05:41 AM.



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Besides, is there a daily win bonus for co-op bot? I don't know, because I never managed to beat it in my early days of Hawken and never tried again ^^

Technically I think there is but it's so hard to get it's almost not worth it.


Edit: However the XP and HC rewards for just doing a match of it are good since it take 4 years to complete.

Edited by Brawler_Yukon, 31 March 2015 - 08:13 AM.

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