kant stop won't stop- the return of the sweggening. the return of...
Founded in 2014 and lost to the site wipe, sweg never dies.
$waghetti #yolognese, or Swag Yo, is a clan for those of us who feel that the regular Hawken experience just doesn't quite cut it. Where's the fire? Where's the swagger? Where's the twelve year olds insulting our mothers?
We are here to fill that gap- both for ourselves, and all who would welcome us.
As an 1337 cl4n, (or an elite clan, in you will) member skill is of the utmost import.
However, prospective members are to vet their own skills-
for as the Canadian philosopher Avril Lavigne declared, there is more than meets the eye, it's the soul inside that matters. And only you know what your soul looks like.
Member Requirements:1. Be Sweggy:
Look to find the swag in every aspect of you life. Change comes from within.
2. Lay down sick burns :
Take that moment to tell a pilot that they got "#WATSED HARDC0RE" no matter the risk to yourself
3. Accept what is when you die:
Acknowledge the skill of other pilots and admit when you get "MAD REKT BY"
It's okay if you don't hit anyone.
5. Be able to 360 NOSCOPE JUMPSHOT:
Again, actually hitting anyone is a bonus.
6. Remember that the Yolo Swag lifestyle is not for everyone:
Know when to can it if other people are trying to actually use chat.
7. Remember that in HAWKEN, we live more than once:
Value this and use it and take good advantage of it.
Now join our steam group and fire up those skrubmachine cannons!
Edited by Ranna, 08 June 2016 - 04:04 PM.