For the past however dam long I have had no fellow Aussie Scrubs to play with in the Sydney servers. (I am so lonely)
So I have had to go and play on the only group of servers which didn't give me fuzzy bunny ping (300+) which was the Tokyo servers (Got around 170 ping which is still playable at least). Now for some reason the normal route my connection takes to the Tokyo servers has changed and I am now stuck with everywhere (But the glorious homeland of Bogans and Killer Everything) having 300+ ping.
I want to play games where I can shoot people in the face instead of aiming 30 metres in front of someone and hoping a stray bullet of mine magically hits an unimportant part of your mech.
So come on fellow brethren. I want to get an Aussie server filled (Well at least 4v4 I know there aren't many of us left).