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Spectator mode for "the one too much"

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Simple: In every mode (except DM), force the last player in a 2v3/3v4/4v5/5v6 match into the spectator mode. 

So we keep the PvP stable in the amount of players on each team. 


The spectator can join as soon as one teammate dies. The teammate that just died is now forced into the spectator mode. This will keep on circling as soon as there are enough players on the other side.


So why not? :]






Add this:


Yeah, and he should not have his MMR lowered or anything. So he can just enjoy the show and also get his HC. 


Edited by FakeName, 01 April 2015 - 03:33 AM.

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Yeah, and he should not have his MMR lowered or anything. So he can just enjoy the show and also get his HC. 

  • EM1O likes this

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I am 100% for a decent spectator mode, in all forms. Good idea.


However, give the spectator an option to say 'I want to respawn as soon as possible', or make it an opt-in system. Give players in-match an option like F8 to switch teams, F8 to volunteer to spectate. Show to the one spectating who wants to spectate after he dies.

  • dorobo likes this


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This is realy a BRILLIANT IDEA! XD  all this brain storming yes its all realy brilliant XD



this would be realy practical XD (but also what we could do is like idk for the new players? after a certain number of matches that new pilot will be eigible to spectating? XD this is just for new players to learn? XD) 


and whatabout if someone spectates too much someone could dirrectly take his place by pressing F8 or something? just to avoid cheating maybe? 


also : what do the spectators gain? because i noticed the ammount of xp you get corresponds to how well u played no?



and finally maybe not 1 spectator but 2 spectators 1 for each team?

if the teams are unballanced then the spec goes in and the person person who comes in the server next gets spec so that could even out the teams?



idk maybe other ideas soon XD

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A general spectator system would be great as well, in two ways


1. A deathcam spectator, a bit like in TF2. Instead of watching the person who just killed you repair on your dead body, you can use left/right mouse to cycle through players on your team to see what your team's status is while you wait to respawn.


2. A match spectator cam, before the map starts you should be able to opt in to spectator mode. This would be great for banning hackers, or recording things like frag movies.


Also +1

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lol this is a better aproach then the last spectator mode thread XD

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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A general spectator system would be great as well, in two ways


1. A deathcam spectator, a bit like in TF2. Instead of watching the person who just killed you repair on your ded body, you can use left/right mouse to cycle through players on your team to see what your team's status is while you wait to respawn.



That would disturb stealth. So no. Cuz then you can see where a pred is hiding or if a scoot or infil is flanking.


It's pretty much making a "death" rewarding :o

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But, just to keep things in perspective, fixing spectator mode is most definitely way down in the list of priorities.


*insert "priorities" meme here ...

  • crockrocket and EM1O like this

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


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So why not? :]


I do wonder! Thumbs up!



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Agreed :] and one other thing. Give community good spectator mode you will get better promo on youtube and places. I sure would like to make a video showing all the cool mech action from cool angles sliding cameras etc. Also let's say there are no free slots for me to play on in europe servers. I'd rather watch my local opponents play instead of going to use server with bad ping using bruiser and stomping someone there :)

Edited by dorobo, 01 April 2015 - 05:04 AM.



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But, just to keep things in perspective, fixing spectator mode is most definitely way down in the list of priorities.


*insert "priorities" meme here ...

^--<< This. Right in there with VOIP, Mr.T bling starter kits and moustaches, I'd bet.


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That would disturb stealth. So no. Cuz then you can see where a pred is hiding or if a scoot or infil is flanking.


It's pretty much making a "death" rewarding :o

Well it would be only your teammates, and not the enemy team because as you said, this would ruin stealth especially if someone is using a chat program in a scrim etc.




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Well it would be only your teammates, and not the enemy team because as you said, this would ruin stealth especially if someone is using a chat program in a scrim etc.

Lol I was about to say the same damn thing XD

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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Spectator mode would be cool.  Another idea that would be cool would be to ad a "join as spectator" option when selecting a full server, so that you can spectate the game and toggle between both team's perspectives (you couldn't use chat), and be able to join the fray when a player leaves mid game or when the round is over.

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This sounds great. Can't see any reason not to vote for this, easier cheater hunting & everything.

Please remind me to give this a like as soon as i get some more to spend.





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This sounds great. Can't see any reason not to vote for this, easier cheater hunting & everything.

Please remind me to give this a like as soon as i get some more to spend.

Easy, it's a breeze to abuse.


If someone was on a mumble or teamspeak server and joined as a spectator, it would be trivial for them to relay positions of the opposing team.


For hunting cheaters, I believe that a much better solution would be for recording a 'demo' of the match be implemented, one that the client can retrieve.  The current demo system works, but only saves the file on the server.

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There's more goodvthen bad here so yeah

Its better to have an anti cheat thingythingy now
Even if they abuse it

There's more good then bad here

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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Thumb up !


(+ wait or quit option in those cases)




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The idea is good. BUT. Remember why have not entered the spectator mode widely so far?

Because the observer can and will abuse in favor of his team (and maybe the team enemy). 

And why is that the player must decide on their own - be it in spectator mode or not?

This decision should take autobalance system teams. Otherwise become not uncommon during the time when the imbalance teams (3/4, 4/5, 5/6) dies team's best player and gets into spectator mode. As a result - there is a further deterioration in the balance of teams. 

In my opinion spectator mode available to any player during a match will do more harm than good. It is better to stop the election on "restricted" spectator mode - just like in the "destruction of bots." When the player sees from the cockpit of his teammates and can switch from one teammate to another.


Edited by Anichkov3, 01 April 2015 - 10:28 PM.

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Still more good then bad no?

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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I recall that most efficient system for this kind of thing was server recording a demo file and after a finished match it was posted for downloading to all interested parties for an hour or longer to save disk space, this file could be played back locally by the correct version of the very game. I remember that switching to every player was possible, time manipulation etc and a file itself was very small but I fear it's one of those technologies that got lost in time (like building method of pyramids) so anything we get is good.



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i'm more into you can still enter full game as spectator

- after a person leave you can join in

- and player can decide to go spectator mode if they want

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Spectator mode would be cool.  Another idea that would be cool would be to ad a "join as spectator" option when selecting a full server, so that you can spectate the game and toggle between both team's perspectives (you couldn't use chat), and be able to join the fray when a player leaves mid game or when the round is over.


I'm agree with this.


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Nothing new, this was posted from many others and also myself players all long time ago many times already. Repeat wasn't a succes until now.


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