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Critique on Hawken. (Directed to DEVS)

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Critique on Hawken. (Directed to DEVS)
Hello hawken DEV team! I know you guys pushed out a new vers. and it looks pretty nice! However, like you said in the news that this isn't the final version. 

Here is my review so far after playing about an hour:

The UI
The User interface is a little flashy and cheesy in my taste. This new UI might be more simple, but it looks cheeped out and confusing, especially the tree of mechs. (Which is default view by the way)

The gameplay
The gameplay is interesting, but it is more difficult now because of the new mechs. These mechs are more of unbalancing the game. They look nice, but they don't go well with the game, and are a bit too powerful. Ive gotten 1 shot killed from full HP in a 1v1 situation from the X shaped looking mech.

The ranking system:
Why change the ranking system again? By forcing players to a new ranking system, the team matchmaking becomes unbalanced. So vets and new players become mashed together.

Voice chat:
Alot more people are now using the voice chat system now, i'm surprised; nobody used it before. It is a bit annoying since the players abuse this option (Coughing, sniffing, or general mean comments)

New mechs:
I think the mechs should be categorized like this:
Mech A counters Mech B but Mech C counters Mech A. 
Instead of:
Strap different guns to it and see how it does.
Most of the newer mechs are based on older mechs for example: this mech has _2_ of the same gun nice.
No not nice, it makes it harder to beat with every other mech, it becomes more powerful than the rest of the mechs.


Usability bug: Chat doesn't display in the winners area.

Usability bug: UI is hard to understand, things are not fluid anymore. UI looks like crap (not in a mean way) Older UI before the current looked better in my opinion, helped make the feel or atmosphere of hawken better, it was unique.

Bug: When changing resolutions and then applying, the screen goes to black and prevents me from playing. Only if you press esc and change your res back, then it will become normal again.

OLD bug or Usability bug: Mech catches on environment and has a choppy dash from side to side or boosting forward. Lots small things that catch the mech and thus prevent player from moving further. 
So: if there's gonna be a wall, make it a flat wall, not some choppy wall that goes up and down.

UI bug: old ranking system still displays on player profile.

Bug: When waiting for the match to start, in 3rd person the gun shooting displays straight out of the model, but the gun shot holes display wherever you are pointing. (This is for the submachine gun) 
Anyways love new updates!
I have posted this before on the steam community, but I was told to post it here to make it more visible.

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