I see massive problems in this game. I want only to do a checklist with the problems I see at this moment.
The new Update and Hot-fix made the game's fps look better. That's a 10 for you, but we don't look at the real problems.
1. Mechs.
1.1 CIV :
> it got the most op mech in the history of HAWKEN. It does not need any skill to play it. My problem with the CIV are the unbalanced EOC Reaptors witch you can find on mechs like Infiltrator, Raider or Rocketeer. Those make to much damage witch is no fair, every skilled player would call it noob mech. The mines can be a hell off if the whole team is playing CIV, you see this scenario sometimes and you just have to quit the lobby. I think at a double EOC the damage has to get NERFED.
1.2 The Grenadier
> I don't understand why it has no grande launcher like on the PC version. That was the point of the grenadier, those 2 REV's that are shooting way to slow are hard to use properly. Give the grenadier his grande launcher back and leave his old ability.
>ability on pc: Damage boost. NOT IN THE HEAVY TURNET MODE! FOR 7 SECONDS!
>ability on the consoles: Heavy artillery mode. While the turnet mode is active, Damage boost. Infinite.
> Put the grenade launcher, and make the REV shoot as fast as on pc and the ability the same like on pc. #Buff.
1.3 The Hellfire's
> They started doing 180's and you can't doge all rockets away in a open room. The Hellfire's are way to op, a lot of people playing rocketeer and bruiser because of the low skill level that such a mech requests. You don't need any aim to look on.
> They Look On invisible mech's while being invisible. This needs to got patched soon.
Please make them more worse and imprecisely while the opponent doges them out.
1.4 Cosmetics
> On pc you can put any head parts and head cosmetics on witch mech you want to. Here not, I don't understand the point why no. The G2's can't even have the designed head parts of their mech. This should get changed, so you get more money if the people have more to put on.
> The CAMOS, Saturation and Scale. Please put a R1 R2 and L1 L2 option for those. You always have to go up and back down to see how your camo looks like.
> Add to the "Pissing" mech Emote of the A classes Oil that comes out. (would look funny) #FIX
1.5 End word:
There is more to be done but that's just a major part that has to be done for a better game quality.
2 Items.
> On pc you got only 6 slots and a MK1 takes 2 slots, a MK2 takes 3 slots and a MK3 takes 4 slots.
> Items aren't the same in damage: Let's say a Repair Charge's capability is on a MK1 100 LP, on a MK2 200 LP and on a MK3 300 LP and 2 of them not only one like on MK1 and MK2. You got with a MK2 1 Repair charge witch heals you with 200 EP. It makes no sense why you got 3 Rocket and MG turnet's for every MK.
Please try to bring the game on the status of 6 slots, witch contain the same like on pc. #nerf
2.1 Turnets.
> They are still to many. I see combats where the first thing that people do is to put down all their turnet's. They do a massive amount of damage.
> Instead of 6 you can put now 4 down at the same time, what a revolution. This is just a way to bring everyone to use them, instead of teaching players how to play A class mech's put them in rocketeers with 6 turnet's. That's just not the right way to help a player to find his mech that he will master later.
Give them a real Nerf and make it back to 2 items per MK3. 1 per MK1 and MK2.
2.2 Items missing
> Some items are just missing for some mech's. Please check that.
2.3 Repair Charges are broken.
> I saw that the Repair charges are repairing without taking any damage and while you are full life. That's a bug.
3. In game bugs
3.1 Moving trough the Menu after the game.
> When you ended a game and you move look at the leaderboards or do other moves your emojis are thrown away and your mech does the mech emote. Take a look at that.
3.2 Playing with your party
> Why can't you play with a 6 people party and only a max of 3 people? Like even if there are 4 people in the playstation party 2 of them are playing Hawken and 2 are playing some other random games you can't search for a game because it says party full. I don't understand the system of hawken party's. Please try to do an in game invitation system. Thank you.
Thanks that you hear me and read all I wrote. Remember English is not my main language and I'm only trying to help. I'm not triggering anyone. It's just mine and others opinion + asking the pc players how they find it.
Those are only a few main problems. I will update when I got more time. Please don't get mad.