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If The Patch Bombs What Then_

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#81 wingding


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Posted July 28 2013 - 03:30 PM

View PostHunderpanzer, on July 27 2013 - 05:24 PM, said:

I have complete faith in the devs, and would stick around through thick and thin just to make sure this game is perfect.

"reality is the thing that when you cease to believe in it, doesn't go away" a paraphrase from pk fuzzy bunny. support a fialing venture all you want. your "support" isn't going to make the devs not inept and terrible.

aka faith is inherently stupid and irrational.

Edited by wingding, July 28 2013 - 03:30 PM.

#82 ropefish


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Posted July 28 2013 - 04:23 PM

View Postwingding, on July 28 2013 - 03:30 PM, said:

View PostHunderpanzer, on July 27 2013 - 05:24 PM, said:

I have complete faith in the devs, and would stick around through thick and thin just to make sure this game is perfect.

"reality is the thing that when you cease to believe in it, doesn't go away" a paraphrase from pk fuzzy bunny. support a fialing venture all you want. your "support" isn't going to make the devs not inept and terrible.

aka faith is inherently stupid and irrational.
every one has there beliefs no need to call names
"I find that there are those who will hang themselves if you give them enough rope, and that there are those who will provide their own rope. "
-VocalMagic           Croin//illal's wildlife

View PostDaPheel, on October 26 2013 - 01:05 AM, said:

You don't nuke Ropefish : ROPEFISH NUKES YOU!

#83 Guest_f_error_*

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Posted July 28 2013 - 05:53 PM

View PostBazookagofer, on July 28 2013 - 03:07 PM, said:

Nah. Games are getting worse and worse(Especially the mainstream ones)....
I said "advance" not "improve". ;)
But cut them some slack. We consume so much more games on average than 15 years back, of course we feel there is more bad ones. And you are getting older and more expierenced too. The more you do sth. the less stimulus it has, so you keep doing it for hours. Cutting down on game time and concentrating on game intensity can help. I have a 5 year younger brother. The way we played 10-15 years ago, i could never hold out for the countless hours people like him play today. Sure, 36h straight competition with Q3, UT and CS and no sleep at all, was on our menu too. (back when you had to bring your own cables or go home ^_^).
But all this "hanging out" in gaming communities, talking sh*t all day, reading news that you forget within minutes to hours,
being up to date about so many games, testing every stupid new approach on your wallet, elaborating your oh so important opinion to the rest of the world ...
it just sucks you dry.
If you take your drugs every day, they wont get you high anymore. :D

I play Hawken for a week now and was close to uninstalling it two times already. The new patch sounds interesting.
But at least for ME it might also be the opposite. The current progression is boring and not really "playable".
But just because it gets more advanced, doesnt mean i will have more fun playing it. And grinding just to reach the top is tempting, but in the end not satisfying.
Lets see what happens. Maybe the patch will force me to go out with the girls more often. ;)

Edited by f_error, July 28 2013 - 05:59 PM.

#84 Corpinator


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Posted July 28 2013 - 06:10 PM

View Postf_error, on July 28 2013 - 05:53 PM, said:

Lets see what happens. Maybe the patch will force me to go out with the girls more often. ;)

Girls. Bwahaha.

He must be referring to the PS3 and 360.

Edited by Corpinator, July 28 2013 - 06:10 PM.

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Need help picking out your next mech or weapons_ Check out Saturnine's Guide to the Classes.

#85 DieselCat


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Posted July 28 2013 - 06:18 PM

View Postf_error, on July 28 2013 - 01:23 PM, said:

Good to see, that no matter how much technology and games advance, the minds of players always stay the same.
Same stories since ... when did this HalfLife mod called "Counter Strike" become popular_
Everybody trying to define and acknowledge himself over being "someone special" or having some "special opinion" or just attacking others for trying to do so, all around some oh so important game/community/whatever.

If the patch bombs or the HAB are all ignorant a-holes or Adhesive is just trying to steal your money or .... does it really matter_
Use the game to have a good time. Doesnt work_ Do something else, instead of wasting your life on boring matches, stupid comments and useless values. You will never get that time back. Make it count.

Try this for a start:
Everytime you want to write someone how stupid he is,
play a match and cover a repairing teammate.

Everytime you want to rant over the broken mechanics,
leave the sharpshooter etc. at home and have some fun instead.

Everytime you think the HAB are egoistic fuzzy bunnies,
follow a call for support from your team and help that guy.

Everytime you want to complain about the matchmaking,
switch to the loosing team and make them win.

Everytime you wanna brag about your skills and achievements,
play a match without dodge-blocking your teammates killshots once.

If you really enjoy the time, who cares if it bombs, goes EA-Style or will be the best game ever_
Still no fun for you_ Maybe try some different area. Cure for cancer, P=NP_, world peace ...

Lets not get too over dramatic here...but you do make a few good points...... ;)

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Just Relax...and take life one game at a time...

#86 Hrono


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Posted July 28 2013 - 10:41 PM

View PostXer06siX, on July 28 2013 - 12:42 PM, said:

I develop and test...my number one gripe is falling through solid meshes..e.x. BSP errors (holes), and hanging up on static meshes, and yes walking the length of every inch of geometry and then some is boring and takes time but it is a most critical function of testers to make sure that at least the level functions as it should. As far as coding I stay far away from it as possible, I prefer a much more visual Canvas. Testers are some of the lowest paid (or freelance), hated, and under appreciated members of the gaming community. All good things in due time, no sense wasting energy complaining about not being in HAB...

NOW to contribute more meaningfully (than above) to this topic of discussion, a link below for your viewing pleasure...This is for everyone who actually gives a ^%$# about testing.



Who's complaining about not being in HAB_
I'm just telling that the HAB needs "professional game testers, objective, competent and without any personal interest."

#87 HotDog


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Posted July 28 2013 - 11:21 PM

+100000000 @Hrono

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#88 Guest_f_error_*

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Posted July 29 2013 - 03:17 AM

View PostHrono, on July 28 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:

I'm just telling that the HAB needs "professional game testers, objective, competent and without any personal interest."
No provocation intended, just an honest question: Why_

#89 HotDog


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Posted July 29 2013 - 05:12 AM

Hello  @f_error,

i think, i can answer that... ;)

No offence to the current HAB Testers!

What Hrono means and I do too is that - Friends and Family or favorets - are testing the game! That dont have a background on Build Testing! These are done in a very tydius way that a normal Player could never do other then knowing the Unreal Engine inside out!!!


Easy.... A few steps that all testers do is setting up a checklist or get a joblist from the Testleader!

That for example sez. Modifiy Engine with Hi. Settings and all 20 Players meat at the AA in Origin and Jump 200 Times - Collect log and send to E-Mail. The same thing goes for grinding at walls try to find holes and so on and so on and so on....

Some even try to overpower the Engine soo... much to see were it needs to be modifyed to have moar POWER! Stable FPS and so on bla bla bla...

The other Part is Windows background and framework... For Stable testing under different Windows OS Types 32bit / 64bit plus the Versions Supported! And more bla bla bla....

A Player or Playerbase can never deliver the quality of expirianced QA Testers and allways have another perspective on how a game needs to run. The same thing goes for Balance on Weapontypes and more bla bla bla....

For them right now as much as i understand is to collect logs via the build the HAB has and to look thu them to make a better expiriance....

That is actually more timeconsuming then predicted! I know the Testers are for Free or get a MC Code or even a Mech 4 Free but support just goes so faaaaaarrrrrrr....

The other part is to reconstruct specific events that occurr.. at the 50th time or even worse - Only at a specific HW/SW Setup.

Lets see how the next Patch will look.... From there on Hawken will be 1AAA Title or -1FFF and dies....

What i want to say that this could be the turning point for hawken for better or worse! For the PPL sake and mine as well since ive supported Hawken in a Financial way and via the Website!

H.A.B. Team do your best! and deliver something soooooo..... Mindblowing that Hawken will live again! :D

Best regards

Eli. aka HotDog

P.S. No time for grammar and spellcheck will do this evening. Thanks

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#90 Guest_waftycrank_*

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Posted July 29 2013 - 08:02 AM

Called it.  Blurring line between QA and PTR equals QQ.

#91 Guest_f_error_*

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Posted July 29 2013 - 08:15 AM

Thats the answer by the book. :)
But if you have insight on that matter, then you know just how f***ing hard it is to create good balance. And the more diversive your gaming elements are, the more you are reduced to just following statistics and complaints. ;)
Paid testers can do a lot, if you tell them what to look for. It works esp. good if its software related. But for balancing and "fun" issues its by far not so easy. If it was, then the game would have avoided these problems from the start.
I just recently started playing hawken, but honestly, this is not a finished game. Its lacking a lot at the base (all the server problems etc, convenience features, ...). The mentioned changes for the next patch show how much it moves from left to right.
How many players would hawken have, if you had to pick it from the shelf for $50 or pay monthly_ (but they pay $5 for a single mech_)
Im not trying to trashtalk but hawken lives from the interest in what this game could become.
Right now it has some mech classes, some weapons and a handful of maps. I wouldnt pay AAA for that, not even close.
I think for prof. testers hawken should more clearly find out what it wants to be and how it will try to become that. (aside from software QA)
I really like hawken, for the fun it gives me currently. But in MY opinion Adhesive should clear their vision and invest in corresponding innovation.
Right now the progression system is mostly a joke. The customize points are useless, so all thats left is the passive boni and the TWO weapons you get. It does not allow me to progress towards a role or play style. Buying the items_ Well sorry, i have a long list of good games, that i want to play. And some of them cost just like 3 mechs. Playing until i have it all for free_ Sorry, i pay with a lot of time already. Mine is more expensive then it was when i just had to skip homework. ;)
Currently i have to play hawken for quite a while until i know if i like some mechs or items etc. (unlock and test) And most of that could change intensively in the future.
I have a single mech close to lvl25. I was eager to buy some others, but now im just saving the points to see what the patch brings. To me its "all the same" on every map with every mech.
No matter what hawken has or not, to me the fun begins after i press "LAUNCH". And if the world beyond the launch button does not get more interesting, i dont see any use for professional testers.
Right now the HAB is an obvious step. If you are a smart dev, you listen to them very closely, but like hell you are going to do what they suggest. ;)

Edited by f_error, July 29 2013 - 08:16 AM.

#92 andythebomb


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Posted July 29 2013 - 08:53 AM

View PostHrono, on July 28 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:

Who's complaining about not being in HAB_
I'm just telling that the HAB needs "professional game testers, objective, competent and without any personal interest."

They have an in house tester team made up of professional game tester. They are the ones who gave the ok on the past patches...
Clearly the dev team has realized that that isn't working out like they have hoped.

Honestly this game would probably still be in closed beta if not for the devs being contracted for that silly 12/12/12 open beta release. Who here honestly thinks the game was at all ready for the public. You can call it a "beta" but when you're free to play game is open to all you better hope the core content is close to finished.

#93 Guest_f_error_*

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Posted July 29 2013 - 10:35 AM

View Postandythebomb, on July 29 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:

Honestly this game would probably still be in closed beta if not for the devs being contracted for that silly 12/12/12 open beta release. Who here honestly thinks the game was at all ready for the public. You can call it a "beta" but when you're free to play game is open to all you better hope the core content is close to finished.
Wow! That explains a lot. Thx.

#94 Hrono


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Posted July 29 2013 - 10:52 AM

View Postandythebomb, on July 29 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:

View PostHrono, on July 28 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:

Who's complaining about not being in HAB_
I'm just telling that the HAB needs "professional game testers, objective, competent and without any personal interest."

They have an in house tester team made up of professional game tester. They are the ones who gave the ok on the past patches...
Clearly the dev team has realized that that isn't working out like they have hoped.

Honestly this game would probably still be in closed beta if not for the devs being contracted for that silly 12/12/12 open beta release. Who here honestly thinks the game was at all ready for the public. You can call it a "beta" but when you're free to play game is open to all you better hope the core content is close to finished.

So if the game testers failed with the previous updates, you need to add a HAB to those testers_

So if the doctor cant cure your illness you just send a random guy to help him out_
I don't know in what situation are the dev's right now, and i really don't try to judge them but i would try to find a doctor that has the cure.

#95 Roundlay


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Posted July 29 2013 - 11:49 AM

View PostBeemann, on July 29 2013 - 11:17 AM, said:

I like how Hrono and Hotdog are now experts on the selection process for HAB as well as the backgrounds of all the testers selected
Its a good thing they are too, or this would be really easy to read as them being butthurt and talking out of their asses

What kind of background screening did Adhesive do whilst searching for HAB participants_

#96 DeVact


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Posted July 29 2013 - 11:53 AM

As I see it, this all boils down to the following question:

Do you trust the devs in making the right decisions for this game to get successful_

There's an awful lot of mistrust in these forums lately...

DarkPulse said:

... less than witnessing Elvis crash a UFO into the Loch Ness Monster, seeing Bigfoot crawl out of the smoking wreckage, opening a wormhole in space, and then getting picked up by ET, Lando Calrissian, and an Arilou Lalee'Lay in the Space Battleship Yamato.

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#97 OdinTheWise


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Posted July 29 2013 - 11:56 AM

View PostHrono, on July 28 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:

View PostXer06siX, on July 28 2013 - 12:42 PM, said:

I develop and test...my number one gripe is falling through solid meshes..e.x. BSP errors (holes), and hanging up on static meshes, and yes walking the length of every inch of geometry and then some is boring and takes time but it is a most critical function of testers to make sure that at least the level functions as it should. As far as coding I stay far away from it as possible, I prefer a much more visual Canvas. Testers are some of the lowest paid (or freelance), hated, and under appreciated members of the gaming community. All good things in due time, no sense wasting energy complaining about not being in HAB...

NOW to contribute more meaningfully (than above) to this topic of discussion, a link below for your viewing pleasure...This is for everyone who actually gives a ^%$# about testing.



Who's complaining about not being in HAB_
I'm just telling that the HAB needs "professional game testers, objective, competent and without any personal interest."
Professional means being paid. People who are paid, are more likely to be "objective". But with people who are not personally invested in the game they are testing, you will end up with a product like COD. I highly doubt you know what you are talking about. Volunteer testers from the core comunity are the best testers because they are invested in the game and they truly care about the game. There is no human truly objective. If you were involved in the discussions that HAB testers have been having, and knew what the people involved have done, you wouldn't  be so up tite about who is involved in the the future of this game.

because bow ties are cool

#98 OdinTheWise


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Posted July 29 2013 - 12:03 PM

View PostHrono, on July 29 2013 - 10:52 AM, said:

View Postandythebomb, on July 29 2013 - 08:53 AM, said:

View PostHrono, on July 28 2013 - 10:41 PM, said:

Who's complaining about not being in HAB_
I'm just telling that the HAB needs "professional game testers, objective, competent and without any personal interest."

They have an in house tester team made up of professional game tester. They are the ones who gave the ok on the past patches...
Clearly the dev team has realized that that isn't working out like they have hoped.

Honestly this game would probably still be in closed beta if not for the devs being contracted for that silly 12/12/12 open beta release. Who here honestly thinks the game was at all ready for the public. You can call it a "beta" but when you're free to play game is open to all you better hope the core content is close to finished.

So if the game testers failed with the previous updates, you need to add a HAB to those testers_

So if the doctor cant cure your illness you just send a random guy to help him out_
I don't know in what situation are the dev's right now, and i really don't try to judge them but i would try to find a doctor that has the cure.
As it has been stated, ADH doesn't have enough people to do proper testing. Hiring people costs money. And who else would be more knowledgeable about what makes good video games than the people who play them.

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#99 Roundlay


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Posted July 29 2013 - 12:10 PM

View PostOdinTheWise, on July 29 2013 - 12:03 PM, said:

As it has been stated, ADH doesn't have enough people to do proper testing. Hiring people costs money. And who else would be more knowledgeable about what makes good video games than the people who play them.

Can you link to ADH's comments re. not having enough staff for testing purposes_ Would like to read in context.

#100 Leonhardt



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Posted July 29 2013 - 12:16 PM

I think a lot of people are getting lost in the details of what they know because they are blinded by what they don't. We all need to have a little faith in ADH and the HAB testers. They are all working for your benefit whether you see it or not.

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