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(Forum suggestion) original poster can delete negative comments from things he or she authors.

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I have written many post on forms and there is one thing that is a bane of all forums  Negative comments , trolling and spamming a post till someone closes it. I am really tired of this bs .. my suggestion give the original poster editing rights to his post. What do I mean. I say give them the power to delete negative comments or off topic conversation from their  post. This would keep the fourms clean  and manageable with the added effect of less admin intervention and maintenance. and in the long run trolls would get the idea if you post on this persons thread it will just be deleted. 

Edited by Source_Mystic, 01 June 2015 - 03:45 PM.



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No, you need to be able to allow for discussion. If you allow the OP to remove comments from their post, they can remove everything they disagree with.

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I would not but I am pretty diplomatic. Look if they did that they would get a name for doing that and people would stop replying  on any of there post. That problem would solve itself. They would just alienate themselves. I sand by my request.

Edited by Source_Mystic, 01 June 2015 - 03:53 PM.



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Perhaps you wouldn't abuse this, but I can tell you that if such functionality did exist, it would be abused. No, what we have for moderation right now is sufficient. 

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If this was my thread I would delete all posts in my thread that doesn't support my opinion being that I am always right and anyone that disagrees is a troll and a Negative Nancy. Forums are not for discussion, they are here for my ability to continually state my opinion while the only way to counter my opinion is to make their own forum post. I can't see how this would bloat the forums in anyway and it would be completely manageable and not confusing at all. 

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As someone who has had mods maliciously edit my posts long ago, as well as directly have seen and been a part of OPs deleting posts they didn't agree with, I honest could not lean towards this.


Deleting posts and editing posts aren't the same but aren't exactly so different under the power of some of the more... unscrupulous users.

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I no wanna have this. As the forumers above stated, it would be highly abused

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I'd rather be able to delete my own content (not others'); however, I do not believe that giving original posters the ability to delete others' comments would be productive. If a comment breaks the forum rules, then the current forum moderation is sufficient. If a comment doesn't break the forum rules, then I don't see why someone should be given the ability to delete it on their whim.

Edited by brackets, 01 June 2015 - 08:14 PM.



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Censorship shouldn't be allowed, period.

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Meh how the censorship? What's the point too? Its still there. The only thing censorship would be good at would be hiding stuff from Lil kids and all you know? (Wish I got censored from stuff during my childhood... My mind is hell now lol XD)

but back on topic, censoring stuff will only help the childhoods, not older people who know what's there.

That's what I think

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I'd have loved to see what this guy thinks is "negative" in his o so wonderful thread. God forbid people having varying opinions.



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but back on topic, censoring stuff will only help the childhoods, not older people who know what's there.

Tell that to China and other countries that censor anything they don't like, regardless of the age of the viewer.


I agree with the others, it shouldn't be allowed as we would have large scale 'abuse' of such a feature.

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Wtf dude....

Wow really?

Why did you say that??? Wtf man

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What a horrible suggestion. If you can't handle negativity, the internet thingy is not for you.



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Meh how the censorship? What's the point too? Its still there. The only thing censorship would be good at would be hiding stuff from Lil kids and all you know? (Wish I got censored from stuff during my childhood... My mind is hell now lol XD)

but back on topic, censoring stuff will only help the childhoods, not older people who know what's there.

That's what I think


By censorship we don't mean profanity. Censorship can apply to any sort of limitation to the propagation/spread of an idea. Say for example that I am the OP of thread that says AC is bad, and I delete any comments that say otherwise. In that case I am censoring the opinion that AC is okay.

Edited by (TDM)crockrocket, 01 June 2015 - 11:57 PM.



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Yeh... no, this could/would be massively abused.
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By censorship we don't mean profanity. Censorship can apply to any sort of limitation to the propagation/spread of an idea. Say for example that I am the OP of thread that says AC is bad, and I delete any comments that say otherwise. In that case I am censoring the opinion that AC is okay.

I know... Idk if you are talking to bacon or me so ima just say I know and I agree.

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You should<comment was removed> censor other peoples post. That is a <comment was removed> idea since it will make people think that they agree when they <comment was removed> agree to the topic. We <comment was removed> need people left out of the topic who disagree to the OP.



Edited by Source_Mystic, 02 June 2015 - 02:05 AM.

Edited by Onstrava, 02 June 2015 - 01:00 AM.

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Just no.


I simply cease to believe that something is OP just because it's OP.



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By censorship we don't mean profanity. Censorship can apply to any sort of limitation to the propagation/spread of an idea. Say for example that I am the OP of thread that says AC is bad, and I delete any comments that say otherwise. In that case I am censoring the opinion that AC is okay.

I know... Idk if you are talking to bacon or me so ima just say I know and I agree.

Crockrocket's post is what I'm agreeing with. My apologies if I misread your intent, but stating that 'censoring stuff will only help the childhoods' inferred to me that the ability to remove posts that one doesn't like only 'helps' kids and that adults would be unaffected by it.


I, obviously, objected to this and provided an example where the ability to remove things that one doesn't agree with, profane or not, affects more than just kids and is not a Good Thing ™ to allow, regardless of what intent it's dressed up in.


After all, the road to hell is paved with good intentions. :smile:

Edited by bacon_avenger, 02 June 2015 - 12:39 AM.

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Lol just like that

What I meant was, censors (like fuzzy bunny or all them swears plus unapropriate pics etc)

Lol kinda what I meant

Edited by Grollourdo, 02 June 2015 - 12:41 AM.

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 It was suggestion guess it is better to let the trolls just troll threads and de-rail the topic  or fill it with complete bs till no on fallows or even bother to read though it.  This is the bane and disease of all forms it is never solved because forums get to big for admins to handle. But your all right we should just let the the lowest common denominator of humanity rule and call it freedom.


 cheers I stand corrected



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Is that sarcasm I hear? Lol

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Very arrogant of you XD lol (unless you actually meant it...)

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How about not delete posts, but the user hides the post. Doing so, only the user stops seeing the post while everyone else can still view the post



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Don't be discouraged from adding ideas Source_Mystic, the idea of allowing OP to moderate post from certain things popping up isn't anything new, every forum asks themselves if it's a good idea or not. The true problem lies in what will be allowed and what will not be allowed. Personally I would let the actual forum moderators handle profanity and rude comments and all that. The reason why I don't think it's a good idea for OP to do is because well what if someone disagrees with them or they simply don't like X person (which does happen) and they decide not to allow that person to speak. You can't say something like that wont happen because it will, this is the internet after all.


(My post up there was a joke, if you can't see that read carefully and possibly lighten up, have some fun when you get the chance peoples.)

Edited by Onstrava, 02 June 2015 - 01:38 AM.

Hold on to the things you care about most, even if others see it as insignificant..If you can't be true to yourself, are you really living?




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Or maybe a voting system or some kind of label or review?

People just vote it down or something and all and if the post has too many bad reviews or votes then it is hidden? Idk

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(My post up there was a joke, if you can't see that read carefully and possibly lighten up, have some fun when you get the chance.)

Lol yep noticed like a boss XD

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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There is an ignore list you can add people to, this will hide their posts if I'm not mistaken. The feature should only really be used in the most extreme of situations to combat rampant unmoderated trolls and other imbeciles.


I can understand trying to block out what blatant unreasonable arseholes have to say, but here? I'd highly advise you reevaluated how your perceive and handle criticism and opposing opinions, if anything said on this board is upsetting enough for you to wish for their removal.


Feel free to quote some of these "negative comments" that are so horrific as to deserve removal.


every forum asks themselves if it's a good idea or not.


Not from where I've been, guess the forums I've been on consist of more sensible people.


(My post up there was a joke, if you can't see that read carefully and possibly lighten up, have some fun when you get the chance peoples.)


Your joke didn't make any sense.

Edited by reVelske, 02 June 2015 - 01:59 AM.



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There is an ignore list you can add people to, this will hide their posts if I'm not mistaken. The feature should only really be used in the most extreme of situations to combat rampant unmoderated trolls and other imbeciles.


I can understand trying to block out what blatant unreasonable arseholes have to say, but here? I'd highly advise you reevaluated how your perceive and handle criticism and opposing opinions, if anything said on this board is upsetting enough for you to wish for their removal.




Not from where I've been, guess the forums I've been on consist of more sensible people.

But your here now are you not? So lets hear what you and everybody else thinks, allow the OP to "do what needs to be done" or allow the forum moderators to "do what needs to be done", what do you think sir or mi lady? I suppose your comment was your answer to the problem though so lets leave it at that. So lets see what everybody else thinks could be the solution to this problem? I'll add that I think the forum moderators are doing a good job since I personally don't see extremly offensive comments everywhere along with offensive pictures. The forums imo are pretty clean and tame, sure people disagree with things and each other but many are dealt behind the seens. If things get to out of hand the moderators lock the post so people will stop fighting each other.

Edited by Onstrava, 02 June 2015 - 02:02 AM.

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The only problem present is the OP's presumed inability to handle criticism and opposing opinions. Solution? Man up.


As for the non-existent problem of supposed rampant unmoderated negativity, trolling and spam, the Report button is there for a reason, what more would one need?



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Not from where I've been, guess the forums I've been on consist of more sensible people.

Lol its sensitive, you can't say sensible (unless its in French or few other languages)

Edited by Grollourdo, 02 June 2015 - 02:18 AM.

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Pretty sure you are getting your words mixed up, bud.



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Wait wut??? I'm pretty sure its that.... Hmmmm

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I don't think this is a great idea, as a content moderator for another game I'm all for things that offer fair and reasonable tools for moderation. Sadly your suggestion would be abused to hell. If a post is really that bad then we have a report button already, simply use that and let the current admin take care of it.


If the current admins feel that more moderation is needed due to "Negative comments , trolling and spamming" they will recruit some extra forum moderators.




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If the current admins feel that more moderation is needed due to "Negative comments , trolling and spamming" they will recruit some extra forum moderators.


Just like in the old forums where our brave moderators killed Baba-Ji's black magic. 



For the negative comments ... do you really just allow positive comments? Like, really? A discussion consists of pro AND contra. Removing the contra would be a disaster, just like the pro part. 


This is more or less removing one of the Yin and Yang parts. 


"The best colour we can have is grey." And that is archieved by a mixture of white AND black. 




For the trolls and spams: I don't think spamming is that much of a problem as we have an Off-Topic forum where people can leave their puzzled head. Trolls ... I don't see a troll here on the forum. And by definition, a troll is noone who makes fun out of stuff or people. A troll is someone who inserts a weird font that goes all over your screen for example. And this would happen more frequently to be considered as trolling.

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While I certainly see it to have it uses, it is also heavily exploitable, so no.

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I would not but I am pretty diplomatic. Look if they did that they would get a name for doing that and people would stop replying  on any of there post. That problem would solve itself. They would just alienate themselves. I sand by my request.

yeah YOU wouldn't but are you really so fuzzy bunnyng dense that you really can't see this being abused?



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I like pie


that's gonna be how it it will be if there are gonna be op mods here for me T.T lol

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Crockrocket's post is what I'm agreeing with. My apologies if I misread your intent, but stating that 'censoring stuff will only help the childhoods' inferred to me that the ability to remove posts that one doesn't like only 'helps' kids and that adults would be unaffected by it.

Wu Tang is for the children

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[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
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