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MC rewards for playing time milestones

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There should be an MC reward that can motivate people to play besides that 400 MC after one hour or whatever.



I say:


- 100 MC after 100 hours

- 200 MC after 200 hours





- 1000 MC after 1000 hours




Playing 1000 hours would be rewarded with a total of 5900 MC, which is reasonable I might say.






*People with 1k hours get tons of free MC*


Already reached milestones should be rewarded with only half, because the point of this is to keep new players and motivate them. Vets are driven by the passion for the game already.

Edited by Elite Trash Talker, 07 June 2015 - 01:24 PM.

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The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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I'd rather see achievements be the way you can get extra MC. It mean there is a limited number of MC point you could get and rewards the player with skill and not just obsession.



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*People with 1k hours get tons of free MC*

Edited by Loglino, 07 June 2015 - 12:49 PM.

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It would be nice to have some MC rewards for playtime past the 500 MC for the first hour, rewarding veterans, but I don't think it would make players spend their first dollar or spend more money.

I don't know how well it would align with the goals of increasing the % of players that spend any amount of money to buy MC, or increasing # of consecutive players.

The recent action of lowering the MC price of everything is pretty nice and gives more value to actual $ spent. The trick is to get more people to spend their first dollar, and then spend a few more later on. Have the discounts helped with that? Would $5 bundles help? I don't know.

Ultimately you want to increase player count and retention which has been a vicious cycle. Although it's nice and reasonable to implement, I'm not sure your free MC scheme above would contribute a significant amount.
G2R is viable.



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We could buy MC with real money !

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no need for mc rewards for time honestly. If you want mc, just buy it.



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I would like JUST A FEW achievements with mc rewards.... God I wanna make up to my loss of 500mc ... I used them on the Vulcan.... On my assault T.T I WAS A LIL KID OK??? T.Tlol

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I wanted to bring this up in the last thread about bringing the free MC back, but the amount was just too little to make the warning wortwhile:


If we get large sums of free MC, we will never get the ability to trade mechs,



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I don't think we should trade mechs... But if it happens I wouldn't really impose my dislikings... But I would really like to sell mechs... But yeah...

Just went a bit off topic there...

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There should be an MC reward that can motivate people to play besides that 400 MC after one hour or whatever.



I say:


- 100 MC after 100 hours

- 200 MC after 200 hours





- 1000 MC after 1000 hours




Playing 1000 hours would be rewarded with a total of 5900 MC, which is reasonable I might say.







Already reached milestones should be rewarded with only half, because the point of this is to keep new players and motivate them. Vets are driven by the passion for the game already.


FYI, the 500 MC that came for 1 hour gameplay is gone. At least my son made his pilot last week and got 500 HC (not MC) after the first hour.

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

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I agree. With the first hour HC gone, there so should be this - maybe more.



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This will inevitably encourage idling, soo.... no.



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This will inevitably encourage idling, soo.... no.

You get kicked for idling, but either way, I'd rather you get between 1000-2000MC once for the "Thanks for playing!" achievement.

Edited by ??�?�؃??, 08 June 2015 - 01:24 AM.




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Making a bot that taps Space bar whilst you AFK isn't something new.


We ought to be thankful there isn't really any HC-farming idler issue at the moment.

Edited by reVelske, 08 June 2015 - 01:49 AM.



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There should be an MC reward that can motivate people to play besides that 400 MC after one hour or whatever.



There is no MC awarded. It must be purchased with Real Money. 500 HC "Thanks for playing" is awarded for one hour of play.





Edited by ??? ????, 08 June 2015 - 03:26 AM.




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Meteor Credits are in-game currency, their way to monetize a free to play game. The only reason to give a small amount "free" to a player is to get them hooked on it, like the first free batch of a drug. :)

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i heard rumours thar servers dont run on air, they need YOUR DOLLARS instead. I couldnt belive that, too. Better incrase swag lvl than beg for free monies. I dont want this game become p2w.



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I don't think it's a good idea. I mean, I'd love to have more MC but in that case I'd go and buy them. As others said, the beginning free MC amount is something to get the player hooked. I think the game is balanced as it is now in terms of currency.


I'd reaaaally love, however, to have steam-bound achievements. I love them and being Hawken a game on steam, I think it'd be a great Idea to have achievements in that community hub, or at least to have the in-game achievements replicated on my Steam account.

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I would love this. I don't agree that the milestones should be put up, but I'd love some free MC.


I have no means of actually giving Reloaded money, unfortunately.



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not a terrible idea, indeed.


Additionally, little MC (and/or HC) rewards for big numbers as for example killing 5K enemy mechs or alike would be much appreciated too.

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Agreed bug got ixed feelings..

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little incentives won't be ever a bad idea, IMO.


maybe one little reward too for pilots reaching their (actually max.) 30 pilot rank might not be bad idea as well.


just an idea though

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The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.



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The removal of the MC reward has some very valid reasons. There is a potential for reloaded to lose money with this reward, and the decision for mitigating a revenue risk is understandable.

I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure



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Meh its just a Lil so

If course it might make the money income yo realoaded a bit less but I think that the reward is soooo little, I think it makes more food than bad....

Cuz after all, rewards make me addicted XD Lol

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
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And if you dont .... 


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