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Why not remove fuel?

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?FTD? eXeon

?FTD? eXeon

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What is the point in limiting the one shabby source of movement to only allow for Y seconds of engagement? 


Honestly what I really want to talk about is removing the delay(you know you want it too.) For now lets talk about fuel, any good reasons to keep it, does it really offer any gameplay depth?

Fix The Delay



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Fuel is an essential mechanic, which by removing it, removes the feel of Hawken. I mean, walking around, that'll make the fights harder to get to 

Edited by Lioot, 21 July 2015 - 04:00 AM.



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The thing that I love in Hawken is that it feels like the mechs were made first and the game were made around them. It feels like it is a simulator of a future sport rather than a very refined but ultimately limited game experience, just like people play flight sims today. They load up and become the pilot and act as a pilot should, but are free to do the actions they want to do, and the game allows for that. Other games are very specific gameplay experiences and you experience the the way the designers want you to experience them. Nothing wrong with that, but it is a different kind of experience.


Fuel, combined with all the small details and mechanics help convey that feeling.


To me Hawken is a simulator. The systems like fuel and the delay open up a lot more possibilities than they close off. You learn to use them and become a better player while doing so.


If I look at CoD everyone plays the same (or very similar) way, because the designers want everyone to have the same experience. Then I look at Hawken and see the amount of variety and the different play-stiles. Things like orblording, aggrotech, SS's on the bridge of frontline, luring people into traps with turrets, hitting people around corners with hellfires, preds laying traps, infils alphastriking,... Every player has evolved using items and the game's mechanics in his own way. Take that away and Hawken stops being Hawken.


By removing fuel you remove a lot more than just one mechanic.

Edited by (KDR) Dr_Freeze001, 21 July 2015 - 03:43 AM.

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The thing that I love in Hawken is that it feels like the mechs were made first and the game were made around them. It feels like it is a simulator of a future sport rather than a very refined but ultimately limited game experience, just like people play flight sims today. They load up and become the pilot and act as a pilot should, but are free to do the actions they want to do, and the game allows for that. Other games are very specific gameplay experiences and you experience the the way the designers want you to experience them. Nothing wrong with that, but it is a different kind of experience.


Fuel, combined with all the small details and mechanics help convey that feeling.


To me Hawken is a simulator. The systems like fuel and the delay open up a lot more possibilities than they close off. You learn to use them and become a better player while doing so.


If I look at CoD everyone plays the same (or very similar) way, because the designers want everyone to have the same experience. Then I look at Hawken and see the amount of variety and the different play-stiles. Things like orblording, aggrotech, SS's on the bridge of frontline, luring people into traps with turrets, hitting people around corners with hellfires, preds laying traps, infils alphastriking,... Every player has evolved using items and the game's mechanics in his own way. Take that away and Hawken stops being Hawken.


By removing fuel you remove a lot more than just one mechanic.

While I do think you may have gone just a little over the top with what hawken is, I agree that it is an important mechanic. It is something that has been since Alpha, even before that, and is by many looked at as an important part of the game, giving a lot more mobility to each and every player. Taking it away now would be just dumb if I am gonna be frank.


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It adds depth, because it is a resource you have to manage and pay attention to. Just like stamina in other games, or ammo (in this case heat).

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Honestly what I really want to talk about is removing the delay(you know you want it too.)


No, if I want no delay after boosting, I'll play Armored Core.


Seriously why are you even trying to slip this in?

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Even the same mech different people will play very differently in their own way



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No, if I want no delay after boosting, I'll play Armored Core.


Seriously why are you even trying to slip this in?


You've done it now

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No. I don't want to remove fuel.


No! I don't want to remove the "delay".

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To be serious for a moment this is just a joke




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Hes just cranky. 


Although fer real, REDUCE THE DELAY


Come on Crafty, you have been officially called out on your lies. Your online reputation is at stake here, this is just like an old school street race running for pink slips. Its run what you brung and hope its enough. Put up or shut the fuzzy bunny up.



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No. this would completely unbalance mechs like the Scout or Incin , that have a high boost speed (for their class), but small fuel tank . This also favors lights in general, as most have high boost and/or air speeds. This also makes it harder for slow Cs to catch up (especially G2R without G2 Blitz) to enemies, as they usually (not always *cough cough Incin *cough) have larger fuel tanks, so they can continue boosting and eventually catch up.



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A lot of the mechs/movement would have far reaching and complex balance implications. For example, if you remove fuel mechs can fly forever. All mechs would be able to boost forever. Dodging would no longer limit your boost. Essentially a really complex re balancing of the game would have to happen if fuel was removed. Either way fuel adds depth, like Houruck said, it is like having stamina. 


You have to balance 3 resources in Hawken, in regards to your own, your team's, and your enemy's mechs. The primary resource being hit points. Secondary resources being fuel, and heat capacity. Most of Hawken's balance hinges on the interactions and decision making that involve these three resources. 

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I will be the zerker that never touches the ground.


Because the ground is lava.



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I will be the zerker that never touches the ground.


Because the ground is lava.


Don't you mean the ground is Incinerators?

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