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* * * * * 1 votes new player experience

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I put my first 200 hours in the game.

I'm still having lots of fun.

I'm not a noob anymore. I'm a skrub.

I have mastered STTAD1 which became the signature element of my play-style.

I finally have all 18 mechs (G2 Raider was my last purchase at 194 hours of playtime).

I still haven't unlocked all weapons that I want to have (need to grind XP for Vulcan on the Grenadier and AR for the Bruiser).

I spent 30$ so far, mostly on cosmetics, smaller portion on HC/XP boost.

I met some good folks on the battlefield.


After the first 200 hours I don't feel that I got even to the half of the things that can be learned in the current state of Hawken. Still, I think I will play less frequently because I played too much in the last few months.


I play in low to mid-tier pub matches. My MMR is ~1700.

Take my opinions from this perspective.


My impressions on the different mechs, in the order of the time of purchase. Note that the new prices are uniformly 9923 HC:


CR-T/Assault � free (Assault with 'LOADEDASSAULT' promo code)



G2 Assault � 12816 HC



Raider � 7689 HC



Scout � 12816 HC



Berserker � 12816 HC



Infiltrator � 12816 HC



Brawler � 3844 HC



Sharpshooter � 12816 HC



Predator � 12816 HC



Incinerator � 12816 6408 HC (with 50% discount)



Rocketeer � 12816 HC



Technician � 7689 HC



Vanguard � 7689 HC




Reaper � 9923 HC (hey! It used to be 3844 HC!)



Grenadier � 9923 HC (it used to be 7689 HC)



Bruiser � 9923 HC



G2 Raider � 9923 HC



My impressions on game modes:




Closing thoughts:

The remedy for most problems in Hawken is simply to have a larger player base.

In order to achieve this, the most important things are to:

  1. Separate beginners from all other players (bootcamp-servers that are restricted to max. 1500 MMR and pilot lvl 16)

  2. Apply fast MMR adjustment in the first few pilot levels.

    This would put smurfs/skilled new players away quickly from the bootcamp-servers. I'm not saying that having an alt account or two is a bad thing per se. But I often see players that have a 20 minutes playtime and move on Origin like lizard ninja Ninja Lizard with the power of Chuck Norris� so are obviously smoking new smurf accounts, with 1250 MMR which is in reality >2000.

I'm sorry because I spam these two things on the forum all the time but I won't stop doing so until it happens.


If you have read this wall of text all the way, you should finally start doing something useful.




1 The art of 'Stick To Terrain And Die'. It can be performed on any map, but it works best on Last Eco and Wreckage.

Edited by HHJFTRU, 23 July 2015 - 06:07 AM.

  • phed, ArchMech, DerMax and 12 others like this

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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I'm happy you're happy with where you got.


I advise you to take your experience to the next level, consider joining a comp league:

- TPG if you can play in NA servers

- The EU league if you can play in frankfurt servers.

  • crockrocket likes this

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


Shoutout to mah real Africans out there.



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I'm happy you're happy with where you got.


I advise you to take your experience to the next level, consider joining a comp league:

- TPG if you can play in NA servers

- The EU league if you can play in frankfurt servers.

Thanks very much!

The problem with joining a league is that I can't do any kind of commitment because of family/work.

I play when I have finished my duties and everyone is sleeping (late night hours). For the same reason I can't use a microphone.

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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Thanks very much!

The problem with joining a league is that I can't do any kind of commitment because of family/work.

I play when I have finished my duties and everyone is sleeping (late night hours). For the same reason I can't use a microphone.


Well prepare yourself for the soon to come, OCEANIC LEAGUEEEEEEE


Since you play on the Frankfurt server, that to my knowledge is some meat from Europe. Yum


But in the Oceanic League (soon to come), you can play at like 3am in the morning with us when we play! By then, you'll have finished all of your family things and work stuff right? I mean, you already do play at night when everyone is sleeping. But obviously while playing at 3am, people will probably be in the deep sleep, the REM sleep. They won't wake if you use a mic.


We wanna hear you scream and shout your frustration as our 8 ping crushes you and your 350 ping. We wanna hear you complain about the lag. We wanna hear you complain about the mean Australian veterans who think its funny to crush you to death as you struggle with your turn rate.


But then again, our MMRs are too high D:

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We wanna hear you scream and shout your frustration as our 8 ping crushes you and your 350 ping.


I wish it became true!

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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OMG ,Was I suspossed to write a wall of text and my thoughts when I got my 200 hrs? Damir I missed the memo!



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No worries. Just make a post with the title 'five hundred-seventy-fuzzy bunnyng-nine!!' now.

Edited by HHJFTRU, 22 July 2015 - 03:32 AM.

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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600 hours and I still suck.





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Keep working on those Rev GL skills.  Before long you will be smacking scouts in the face with it!  The Gren is the most rewarding mech IMHO.  The best advise I got in Hawken is to gradually turn down my mouse resolution for accuracy.  Most people's mice are too sensitive and there is a turn rate cap anyhow.  After a while, you will be "hackused" of cheating because you will have such a high hit percentage on your weapons.  I swear I look at my radar more than at the rest of the screen.

Edited by driedjello, 22 July 2015 - 06:07 AM.

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Hey HHJFTRU,  i used to be a siege only player too, but it limited my play for a very long time.  When I started playing TDM and deathmatch more often my movement and gameplay improved greatly. 

  • Jelooboi and HHJFTRU like this


Come on Crafty, you have been officially called out on your lies. Your online reputation is at stake here, this is just like an old school street race running for pink slips. Its run what you brung and hope its enough. Put up or shut the fuzzy bunny up.



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Hi, PoopSlinger,

I do play TDM a lot, I just prefer Siege.

Regarding DM, yes indeed, I need to play it more. Maybe it would improve my PSR which is -4 at the moment :-/


Man, you read my whole post (or at least until the game modes section)

Edited by HHJFTRU, 22 July 2015 - 07:07 AM.

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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That's actually some pretty good analysis, a lot of what of what you say is also what players who have played this game since alpha or beta say about the different mechs and playstyles coming with them.

Edited by neon, 22 July 2015 - 11:52 AM.



DWEH3ZP.png   CRITICAL  RqKpxHn.png    ASSIST   VDNrFxD.png





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Learning to like the g2 raider is basically your Hawken Puberty.  Welcome to the cool kids' club.

  • Flifang, Jelooboi and HHJFTRU like this

100% Hamburger | #becomeinpopcorn




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I'm happy you're happy with where you got.


I advise you to take your experience to the next level, consider joining a comp league:

- TPG if you can play in NA servers

- The EU league if you can play in frankfurt servers.

On that note, there's still space on the Team 10 roster!



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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You forgot to comment on MA!  :thumbsup: I'm at your same position regarding the Grenadier. Still grinding to get Vulcan.
Btw if you want to post with Spoilers you just have to use enter the spoiler tags (see Special BBCode button).

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Btw devs this is worth the read, this kind of perspective is valuable information for you!

  • DieselCat likes this



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played






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See them driven before me and hear the lamentations of their women!


Nice Conan plug. :)

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This guy, woah. "If you want to win, pick the Assault." He hit the problem with these perfectly combined words so precise that even iDim would be impressed.
"If you want to have fun, play something else."
And he even hit it twice.

Ima read your whole post, mate.

Edited by FakeName, 22 July 2015 - 11:37 PM.

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- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -



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Well prepare yourself for the soon to come, OCEANIC LEAGUEEEEEEE


Since you play on the Frankfurt server, that to my knowledge is some meat from Europe. Yum


But in the Oceanic League (soon to come), you can play at like 3am in the morning with us when we play! By then, you'll have finished all of your family things and work stuff right? I mean, you already do play at night when everyone is sleeping. But obviously while playing at 3am, people will probably be in the deep sleep, the REM sleep. They won't wake if you use a mic.


We wanna hear you scream and shout your frustration as our 8 ping crushes you and your 350 ping. We wanna hear you complain about the lag. We wanna hear you complain about the mean Australian veterans who think its funny to crush you to death as you struggle with your turn rate.


But then again, our MMRs are too high D:


So many issues with this statement, Lioot, that I have no clue where to start.


1. no about the MMRs - on average our MMRs are low but we can still crush people with high MMRs. Our 1850 = US 2000+


2: I get 100 ping on average so no about the ping as well.


3. Players from US get less then 350 ping (on average) because US has better internet than Australia.


That's it from me. :D

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So many issues with this statement, Lioot, that I have no clue where to start.


1. no about the MMRs - on average our MMRs are low but we can still crush people with high MMRs. Our 1850 = US 2000+


Beyond that, skill variation ranges wildly even for identical mmrs in the same region. MMR isn't a perfect statistic, though I do think your assessment of US to AU mmr is correct.



Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers

Player Retention & Howken


[14:31] <Crafty> I know that in my balls
[14:32] <Crafty> hawken is unlike anything Ive played





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You forgot to comment on MA!  :thumbsup: I'm at your same position regarding the Grenadier. Still grinding to get Vulcan.
Btw if you want to post with Spoilers you just have to use enter the spoiler tags (see Special BBCode button).

Thanks, Hek_naw,

I just applied spoiler tags for readability. Also added my opinion on MA.

Ceterum censeo ... bootcamp-servers!  &:

     #rapidMMR4newaccounts      #removethedelay

     #morespeed4EOC                 #lessspread4T-32

     #buffG2R                               #nerfZerk'n'Assault

     #dosomethingwithHF             #noisesupression4breacher





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Oh that raider review makes me sad.



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Oh that raider review makes me sad.

It is most peoples experience. 


Assault normal mode ezpz

Raider t32 inferno mode

Raider eoc inferno hardcore mode


I commend op for even touching eoc on raider. Easily most difficult mech/weapon combo in the game. 


Wish more players would make posts like op. 


Honest feedback based on impressions of in-game/menu experience rather than feedback based on forum flame wars between 1000 hr players.

Edited by CounterlogicMan, 23 July 2015 - 01:16 PM.

  • crockrocket and DieselCat like this

Axe-Attack Check us out! Stream I stream spasmodically.

TPG Hawken Admin.

TPG 3 has concluded! If you are interested in participating in TPG Season 4 gather a group and form a team or try and join an existing team! Stay tuned to the forums for updates on the details of TPG Season 4.




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Honest feedback based on impressions of in-game/menu experience rather than feedback based on forum flame wars between 1000 hr players.

#removethedelay is all the feedback we need
  • phed and comic_sans like this


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