Um Dave are you forgetting turret mode?
Brawler turret mode is effective with Hawkins and vanguard turret mode is a beast in some situations. Rocketeer is fuzzy bunny regardless of it's ability.
Um Dave are you forgetting turret mode?
Brawler turret mode is effective with Hawkins and vanguard turret mode is a beast in some situations. Rocketeer is fuzzy bunny regardless of it's ability.
Brawler turret mode is effective with Hawkins and vanguard turret mode is a beast in some situations. Rocketeer is fuzzy bunny regardless of it's ability.
- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -
I think that the Infiltraitor is fine as it is now. You boost around while cloacked then you burn out your fuel very quick. You walk then you can go cloacked for longer time. You do not move and activate your spcial ability then you can cloack for a much longer period of time. Is that so, how it works? Haven't played it much to be honest.
The problem isn't really that it burns fuel faster if you boost while cloaked. It should burn fuel while boosting while cloaked, as boosting with any mech does. The problem is that cloak burns fuel, meaning even if you stand still you're going to run out of fuel at some point. It would make more sense if the cloak burned less fuel when standing still as opposed to moving around, but the rate is constant when standing or walking, and faster when boosting.
Who cares if you have basically no fuel after your initial attack? If you need fuel immediately, you're using the ability incorrectly in the first place. The Infil is listed as an assassin mech. Sneak up, GL and primary simultaneously from behind. Takes out nearly half of an A-class in one go. Most of the time, by the time they've turned around, you've rebuilt enough fuel to dodge just fine. And with any luck, you'll be able to get at least another shot or two in before they hit you.
Works great on lower MMR players. Doesn't work great on higher MMR players. They move around a lot, and if you miss your alpha strike, they've still got whatever health you didn't pick off (if you did any at all), and you've got less fuel than you should. If you happen to be at the end of your cloak when this happens, good luck trying to dodge, because that fuel is NOT going to build up fast enough for you to dodge much... or run... or jump/hover. You simply won't last long against them without movement options. As it stands now, the Infil cloak attacks usually end up being suicide runs. Note that part about using it against high MMR players. I have no problem using Infil cloak against lower MMR players.
Another very good way to use the Infil's cloak is to quickly flank in chaotic team-based situations. More often than not (at least 95% of the time in my experience) you will go unnoticed, and if you've played your cards right and your team is on the other side to back you up, you can disrupt an entire group, which leads to their destruction when your team rolls through.
You're probably doing this against players who don't focus on a lot of things well. Most of the lower tier players are focusing more on two-ish things: trying to land shots and trying not to get hit. Higher level players have a keen eye, great tactical understanding, high situational awareness, and great aim. As soon as they see an Infil cloak, it becomes a priority target because they know that thing is going to do some damage if they don't take it out. Your 95% experience with your tactic just won't work at that rate against the higher tiers.
As I see it, the Infil is one of the most diverse mechs in the game. It's got a GL with options for sustained, burst, and proximity weaponry. If I know I'm on the losing side, I'll often switch to Infil in order to bring the score back up.
TL;DR: I do just fine without the ability being adjusted. I've seen many others do the same. Any changes to it as suggested and it could a) completely change the way it is played (which might be jarring for many players), and/or b) make it an unbalanced mech. Compared to most of the other mechs I play, it already seems a tad OP.
It is one of the most diverse mechs in the game. It used to be more so. The fuel-eating cloak actually made the Infil less versatile despite giving it a longer duration. It also used to be more fun. Thinking about how my performance was back then compared to what it is now, there isn't much difference. I just used to have more fun with the old, reliable cloak.
For the cloak [...] it has a speed buff, isn't that cool? ._.
The speed boost is negligible. It was a huge boost in speed in the Ascension patch, but it's since been reduced to pretty much nothing. I did some video recordings of the cloak tonight. Gonna do some editing later this week to put it all together (if I don't forget).
Edited by -Tj-, 28 April 2015 - 10:33 AM.
I think the fuel drain is stupid and too much of a negative side effect for merely being harder to see and being able to boost dodge without being put on the radar. Obviously the current time limit on cloak would be too high for not having a fuel drain but, 6 seconds just sounds too short to achieve any meaningful distance, 10-15 imo. I think 40 seconds after coming out of stealth is a rather long time to wait, dont see why you should have to wait any longer.
Fix The Delay
6 seconds just sounds too short to achieve any meaningful distance, 10-15 imo.
Yeah, 6 seconds might actually be too short in some cases. In the tests that I did last night, boosting the duration of the cloak is about 6 seconds, so that wouldn't change, but walking for only 6 seconds doesn't get you very far.
Here are the results from my tests, done on Front Line, since that map has probably the longest available stretches of flat, straight space available to test on.
The time difference between the cloaked and uncloaked walk and boost speeds are pretty minimal. Boosting while cloaked might be fine to get to an engagement, like if a teammate needs help, but you probably won't be very useful once you get there if there are a lot of enemies against your lone teammate (and now you).
The simulated 6 second times were done using a stopwatch and cancelling cloak the moment 6 seconds was reached.
If the cloak were increased to 10 seconds, that would allow walking a little more than half the current distance, but boosting to tank empty and walking the rest of the distance would allow an Infil to travel almost the same distance as walking the whole way cloaked now.
- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -
The problem isn't really that it burns fuel faster if you boost while cloaked. It should burn fuel while boosting while cloaked, as boosting with any mech does. The problem is that cloak burns fuel, meaning even if you stand still you're going to run out of fuel at some point. It would make more sense if the cloak burned less fuel when standing still as opposed to moving around, but the rate is constant when standing or walking, and faster when boosting.
Works great on lower MMR players. Doesn't work great on higher MMR players. They move around a lot, and if you miss your alpha strike, they've still got whatever health you didn't pick off (if you did any at all), and you've got less fuel than you should. If you happen to be at the end of your cloak when this happens, good luck trying to dodge, because that fuel is NOT going to build up fast enough for you to dodge much... or run... or jump/hover. You simply won't last long against them without movement options. As it stands now, the Infil cloak attacks usually end up being suicide runs. Note that part about using it against high MMR players. I have no problem using Infil cloak against lower MMR players.
You're probably doing this against players who don't focus on a lot of things well. Most of the lower tier players are focusing more on two-ish things: trying to land shots and trying not to get hit. Higher level players have a keen eye, great tactical understanding, high situational awareness, and great aim. As soon as they see an Infil cloak, it becomes a priority target because they know that thing is going to do some damage if they don't take it out. Your 95% experience with your tactic just won't work at that rate against the higher tiers.
It is one of the most diverse mechs in the game. It used to be more so. The fuel-eating cloak actually made the Infil less versatile despite giving it a longer duration. It also used to be more fun. Thinking about how my performance was back then compared to what it is now, there isn't much difference. I just used to have more fun with the old, reliable cloak.
The speed boost is negligible. It was a huge boost in speed in the Ascension patch, but it's since been reduced to pretty much nothing. I did some video recordings of the cloak tonight. Gonna do some editing later this week to put it all together (if I don't forget).
I see your points.
What I subtly suggested on page 1 was to diversificate or sophisticate a bit more its fuel consumption for when the Infil boosts, walks and does not move at all when cloacked. IIRC, it wastes the same fuel when walking or staying quite cloaked. Yes, a a first step this might help at improving a bit its and the overall gameplay.
The current issue you guys see is that this little mech is better on little maps because of how fast it burns fuel when cloaked and, basically, boosting. Well, I think this directly points to its uniqueness factor in the gameplay scheme of the game too. Because one thing is to use this mech to ambush and kill your enemy at your own risk and another (2 options in my opinion) would be to chase enemy mechs when cloacked and boosting plus ambush, kill and run away boosting in little time.
The problem I see is that by tuning it up too much you might make it too good (OP).
Additionally and on the subject, must be have into serious account about this the facts that scanners reveal cloacked Infils with no range limitation (I suggested somewhere to stablish minimum ranges of detection of cloacked infils by distance) and also the fact that guided missile locks (IIRC) can lock on cloacked infils as well (and preds too?). These points are very important to balance its equation too, IMHO.
On the other hand, I'm afraid on that replacing burning fuel when cloacked by weapons heat won't work as well as expected. Because at first glance, most of the times, you may reach your target with some of extra fuel when you arrive there to rock, but if you don't have your weapons available to engage it then... where's the practical benefit with that?
To conclude here on this, enlarging the fuel consumption in 3 maneuverability cases instead of only 2 might help. As a first step, extending from 6 to 7 (or 8) seconds to burn out all of your fuel tank when cloacking & boosting sounds interesting, yes.
Even, a new internal might be considered as for to balance a bit more the equation for this mech. Thus making it slightly more vulnerable in others benefits or aspects while it gets a little benefit on the subject (fuel) also on bigger maps... well... Now I'm rambling, sorry. So "back on topic"...
Note::: Cool analysis on a current performance case for the Infil over an aerial view of the Front Line map, -Tj-
I don't think your "ramblings" were off-topic, Pepe. It adds to the discussion, so it's welcome. :)
I agree that swapping heat buildup for fuel consumption might not be a good trade-off, but it would really depend on how it's implemented. For example, if the heat never builds past a certain maximum point it may be fine. If it works the way it currently does, with heat building to maximum if the full cloak duration is used, the Infil would have several seconds without weapons when it exits cloak. At the same time, it would make a weird sort of sense that the cloak would "fail" at max heat, since Heat Mines and the Incin's SAARE rounds, and M4M4 cancel cloak, too.
Waitaminute... was the Incinerator one of Vana's babies? If so, I'm starting to see a trend...
the earlier incarnation of the infiltrators cloak was before my time so i have no comparison. the cloak as it is now is my only experience. having spent enough time in an infiltrator to level it to 6 i found it hard to use the cloak offensively due to the fuel consumption leaving you dry when you arrive at the fight. i found myself using the infiltrators cloak primarily to disapear and flee.
i have been bested by skilled infiltrator pilots more times than i can count tho. im not sure i would want it to be just a little bit better. Its hard to use but its also one of my favourite mechs. it seems to have a long lasting fuel tank and is quite manouverable in close combat.
my 2 cents: leave it as it is.
I have used the cloak against fairly high-tier players in the ways I described before, and although it doesn't work as much as with lower-tier players, it still does. Knowing when and where to hide is just as much a part of the strategy as walking toward your opponent when cloaked. While I still think it would be OK to leave it as-is, I do have a suggestion to "fix" it.
Basically, if anyone has played Planetside 2 as an Infiltrator (same class, lol), you will be familiar with how this works. When the player is not moving, the fuel regenerates. When the player walks, it uses fuel. If the player boosts, it uses even more fuel. If the fuel tank hits empty, the ability is disabled. Both walking and boosting would use fuel slightly faster than it currently does, and the fuel regeneration would be slightly lower than when the ability is not being used. This would allow pilots to use controlled, choice movements to approach their target, without a) their fuel being completely gone or b) the ability shutting off at an inopportune time.
If there was a vote option i would vote yes, as i would like it changed. I find it kinda difficult to 'aggressively' use the cloak, who wants to start a fight when you're out of fuel at the start of it ? I'm sure it has been pointed out countless of times already, just wanted to say i agree it needs a change.
One question if I may...
when an infil boosts when cloacked it renders on radar, isn't it?
One question if I may...
when an infil boosts when cloacked it renders on radar, isn't it?
I don't think it does. I have seen many infiltrators boost away cloaked and they didn't appear.
I don't think it does. I have seen many infiltrators boost away cloaked and they didn't appear.
If the youtube posted on this thread shows the actual thing then... I'm feeling like pretty confused right now ...
But if an Infil boosts when cloacked then its impulsors emit flames so you can see it... isn't it?
Anyway, in my opinion infils boosting when cloacked should... I feel confused right now... must be too late here... lol
Edited by PepeKenobi, 28 April 2015 - 03:41 PM.
If the video posted on this thread shows the actual thing then... I'm feeling like pretty confused right now ...
But if an Infil boosts when cloacked then its impulsors emit flames so you can see it... isn't it?
No flames You can check this out by going to map exploration and activating the external camera mode.
No flames
You can check this out by going to map exploration and activating the external camera mode.
IIRC, you can see it.
If it's been changed then I do not remember of any official word on that. Also, I thought that the Infil goes visible when you boost when cloacked... Yes, I should play a couple of matches to check these points with my Infil... important ones, IMHO
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
(") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD
And if you dont ....
IIRC, you can see it.
If it's been changed then I do not remember of any official word on that. Also, I thought that the Infil goes visible when you boost when cloacked... Yes, I should play a couple of matches to check these points with my Infil... important ones, IMHO
IIRC, a boosting cloaked inf doesn't show it's jets, but the 'dust cloud' all boosting mechs generate does show up.
I'm 99% sure it doesn't show up on normal radar when boosting.
Test dummy for science, Follower of Wheatons Law, usually hanging around #hawkenscrim and #spawn, occasional poster of YouTube videos and streaming. Can also be found on twitter
Just to say once more that I think the Infil is fine as it is now. The problem is scanners at certain degree plus the auto lock on cloacked infils by HFs.
IIRC, (and now I do remember it much better under the daylight) you can see the flames and smoke trail when a cloacked infil boosts around.
For everyone who dislikes the current cloak: Look at what I have found out while I had a DC. The blockade is actually way better cloaked than the Pred and Infil (actual blacked disappeared but effects remained due to DC):
Note: Before you look at these images, keep in mind that these 'cloaks' are way harder to spot because these are pictures (no motion). These 'cloaks' are still easy to spot with a sharp view while moving. Additionally, the visal effects are moving, which makes it even easier to spot.
1. Clearly visible, blurry squares visible but yet transparent and not bugged as the current cloak, displays everything what is behind
2. Hard to see, this is how it should look like when standing still, though I wouldn't mind the 'square cloak'. Blurry effects still to spot, a moving unit can still be spotted without looking too sharp.
Edited by FakeName, 30 April 2015 - 11:40 PM.
- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -
For everyone who dislikes the current cloak: Look at what I have found out while I had a DC. The blockade is actually way better cloaked than the Pred and Infil (actual blacked disappeared but effects remained due to DC):
Note: Before you look at these images, keep in mind that these 'cloaks' are way harder to spot because these are pictures (no motion). These 'cloaks' are still easy to spot with a sharp view while moving. Additionally, the visal effects are moving, which makes it even easier to spot.
1. Clearly visible, blurry squares visible but yet transparent and not bugged as the current cloak, displays everything what is behind
2. Hard to see, this is how it should look like when standing still, though I wouldn't mind the 'square cloak'. Blurry effects still to spot, a moving unit can still be spotted without looking too sharp.
I guess those screenshots were taken with graphics settings maxxed out, because I can't see the blockade in both cases. I use the graphics in medium settings and that way I can actually see it in transparent blue, something like this:
Also, what do you mean by "DC"?
Edited by Liederkranz, 02 May 2015 - 09:32 AM.
Edited by Rainbow Sheep, 02 May 2015 - 10:33 AM.
I guess those screenshots were taken with graphics settings maxxed out, because I can't see the blockade in both cases. I use the graphics in medium settings and that way I can actually see it in transparent blue, something like this:
Also, what do you mean by "DC"?![]()
- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -
DC: disconnect
And yes ofcourse graphics maxed out. Isn't that wuat the majority uses?
Additionally, as mentioned in red, the blockade is hard to spot due to the fixed picture. The squares are moving just like these blurry lines in picture 2. That makes tze whole thing a lot easier to spot (just like any moving object)
If you can't spot tue blockade in picture one, I guess you have problems spotting the current cloak....
It doesn't matter if the majority uses graphics maxed out or mid settings, or low. I think that whatever case, the cloak should look the same regardless of the graphic settings. In this case, the blockade looks different with different settings (it's almost transparent in your shots, and clearly visible in blue in my shot).
I can't spot the blockade in pic one, just the moving squares (well, actually still squares xD but you know) that you mentioned. The current cloak is different than that, and is displayed the same way regardless of graphic settings used.
I personally like the way the cloak looks like right now, my problem is with the fuel.
It doesn't matter if the majority uses graphics maxed out or mid settings, or low. I think that whatever case, the cloak should look the same regardless of the graphic settings. In this case, the blockade looks different with different settings (it's almost transparent in your shots, and clearly visible in blue in my shot).
I can't spot the blockade in pic one, just the moving squares (well, actually still squares xD but you know) that you mentioned. The current cloak is different than that, and is displayed the same way regardless of graphic settings used.
I personally like the way the cloak looks like right now, my problem is with the fuel.
I have mentioned that the actual blockade disappeared but the effects remained :P
Additionally, my problems are the cloak itself PLUS the fuel. (The cloak itself is the main problem though).
- Sitting next to the sound box in Last Eco -
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
(") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD
And if you dont ....
Infiltrator cloak, stop eating mah fuels! Seriously.
I've been hating on this change almost immediately after it was implemented. Here's why:
- The Infiltrator's cloak is only one of three abilities in the game that relies on another resource. The others are the Incinerator and G2 Raider, but the Incin doesn't have a lengthy cooldown and relies on a resource that builds with weapon use, and the G2 Raider's fuel usage makes sense, given it's like a forced speed boost with the ability to shoot.
- Cloak time is completely dependent on available fuel, rendering cloak useless if there is no fuel, or making any kind of advanced movement unavailable if cloak uses it all.
- Cloak cooldown isn't reliant on the amount of time the cloak was used, so even if it was used for less than a second, it can't be used again for another 40 seconds.
I'd like to see the Infiltrator's cloak be reverted back to its previous state, or at least something that doesn't use fuel. The old cloak, iirc, had a much longer cooldown, 6 second duration, didn't affect movement, didn't muffle sound, and wasn't connected to fuel. I would be ok with a lot of these negatives if the fuel didn't get consumed while in use. A cooldown in the 50-60 second range would be just fine (it's 40 secs currently). Players who stay alive longer will get to use it less, and players who die more often will get to use it more.
Here's some other negatives, not really related to the fuel thing:
- Cloak is easily-seen
- Any heat-based weapons cancel it (same goes for Predator's cloak, but Pred's cloak cancels if you sneeze on it, so...)
- A cloaked Infil (and Pred) is easily locked onto with a sweep of the crosshairs.
- Cloak muffles sound, making it difficult to hear potential threats. If the Infiltrator's movements were muffled to other units, I'd be ok with this, but it isn't.
- EMPs cancel cloak, and we all know how wide the EMP radius is. EMP + no fuel + can't fire = no can do.
I can't think of any other ability that has such a huge list of negatives, and the big negatives are related to fuel. Others have negatives, but not this many. Can we plz stop Infil from eating fuel? Pretty please? With a cherry or 3 on top?
Edit: Fixed some inaccuracies (cooldown is 40 seconds, not 20, and forgot about the G2 Raider).
Edit 2: Remembered tonight that EMPs also cancel cloak and changed some formatting to separate a couple of the negative list.
My only issue is that hellfires can lock through cloak. I don't mind being shot at...but a target lock ought to be out of the question.
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
(") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD
And if you dont ....
I've been watching of an Infil cloacked looks on Origin and had not issues at recognizing seeing identifying it at all...
The vfx is much more worst now or what?
If it's been touched anyhow, do the devs consider how does it look in low, mediumm high and ultra settings as a whole?
Hoping this helps
I had a talk with my uncle and we agreed on the fact that when you cancel the special ability when still it's above 50% should give you back a little and fair cooldown reduction in order to use it sooner again.
Thoughts on this?
We think would be fair even if the benefit might be minimum (but noticeable in the tactical heart of the Infiltrator pilot). At first glance, this little change does not seem too much intricate to us from a coding stand point.
Hoping this helps.
I've been watching of an Infil cloacked looks on Origin and had not issues at recognizing seeing identifying it at all...
The vfx is much more worst now or what?
If it's been touched anyhow, do the devs consider how does it look in low, mediumm high and ultra settings as a whole?
Hoping this helps
In my particular case I saw no differences in how the cloak looks like in the different graphics settings. The differences I notice are more related to the background against which the infil is standing. Sometimes it's hard to spot if it's against a wall and the mech is standing still, and sometimes it's easily spotted even when standing still, for example when there's sky as a background.
I had a talk with my uncle and we agreed on the fact that when you cancel the special ability when still it's above 50% should give you back a little and fair cooldown reduction in order to use it sooner again.
Thoughts on this?
We think would be fair even if the benefit might be minimum (but noticeable in the tactical heart of the Infiltrator pilot). At first glance, this little change does not seem too much intricate to us from a coding stand point.
Hoping this helps.
I think this could work very well if it's doable from a code perspective. :D
Edited by coldform, 08 May 2015 - 06:58 AM.
I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure
One more thing to consider would be allowing Infils to remain cloacked while repairs.
This may sound somehow silly at first glance, but I see a number of situations in which having your special ability still active while (and right after) repairs could be a nice extra touch for this mech.
Note ::: Obviously I'm not suggesting to cloack the repair drone while repairs, ofc. But actually if you need some repairs while cloacked then I find it like pretty sad wasting your entire special ability because of that. Not very important but would be cool, IMHO.
I'm gonna have to agree with Arch here. As Infil currently stands, I have no issue at all using the ability. Who cares if you have basically no fuel after your initial attack? If you need fuel immediately, you're using the ability incorrectly in the first place. The Infil is listed as an assassin mech. Sneak up, GL and primary simultaneously from behind. Takes out nearly half of an A-class in one go. Most of the time, by the time they've turned around, you've rebuilt enough fuel to dodge just fine. And with any luck, you'll be able to get at least another shot or two in before they hit you.
Another very good way to use the Infil's cloak is to quickly flank in chaotic team-based situations. More often than not (at least 95% of the time in my experience) you will go unnoticed, and if you've played your cards right and your team is on the other side to back you up, you can disrupt an entire group, which leads to their destruction when your team rolls through.
As I see it, the Infil is one of the most diverse mechs in the game. It's got a GL with options for sustained, burst, and proximity weaponry. If I know I'm on the losing side, I'll often switch to Infil in order to bring the score back up.
TL;DR: I do just fine without the ability being adjusted. I've seen many others do the same. Any changes to it as suggested and it could a) completely change the way it is played (which might be jarring for many players), and/or b) make it an unbalanced mech. Compared to most of the other mechs I play, it already seems a tad OP.
if you want to walk around all day in stealth mode be a pred. infiltrator is for getting in and out quick and unseen. "to confuse damage and dissapear" if you cant do that with the infil as it is now, i would suggest you are doing it wrong.
(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy bunny into
(") (") your signature to help him gain world domination XD
And if you dont ....
One more thing to consider would be allowing Infils to remain cloacked while repairs.
This may sound somehow silly at first glance, but I see a number of situations in which having your special ability still active while (and right after) repairs could be a nice extra touch for this mech.
I think the buff should go somewhere else. Keep in mind that when repairing, all systems of the mech go offline. You rely only on your external cam visuals, not even the enemy detector is active, as when you see a mech go by, you can't tell if it's friend or foe until he starts shooting at you :P.
At the very least, drastically reduce the amount of fuel it consumes. When I play Infiltrator, I almost find it better to just avoid using the cloak all together so I don't end up screwed, not having enough fuel to dodge or run once I'm discovered.
To be serious for a moment this is just a joke
I don't want it connected to fuel period. Tying it to fuel at all in the first place was a stupid idea to begin with, and now we've had to have this conversation.
Those of you suggesting that we all just have to get used to it: I've already gotten used to it, I just don't like it. Same likely goes for everyone else who doesn't like the current version and had experienced the old one. The old cloak was more fun, which is precisely what I'm trying to get back into the mech. It's not about buffing it, my suggestion to switch it back to a consistently-timed duration with a longer cooldown is a nerf in exchange for more versatility.
As far as it being a jarring change if it were changed, keep in mind we're still in beta. Granted it doesn't feel like beta, but till that tag comes off we should be discussing what's better for the game, and I firmly believe the old cloak was better for the game. It was more fun, and the cloak wasn't as powerful in certain situations. It could be used less often, didn't last as long, and offered more versatility. The current cloak still has its uses, but it's a joke compared to how much is stacked against it when compared to every other mech's abilities.
I'd been playing almost daily for a little less than a year before they introduced the new cloak mechanics to the game in Ascension, and it was around that time when I voiced my distaste for it. It's been much longer since then and I've been playing Infiltrator for the vast majority of my play time and I still can't bring myself to like it. I tolerate it. Tolerating something isn't fun.
Edited by -Tj-, 11 May 2015 - 11:56 AM.
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