The difference is that you can do this, no more need to click on a link to view it:
Yeah, it takes too much effort to click.
Perhaps I should switch to sustained primaries.
dorobIe, I streamed Europe pubs all day Tuesday, game plays fine.
I don't need a dev to spoon feed me attention, and so can we.
What i meant is that some proper news would increase player numbers. Im sure that just a single pic of a new mech would generate lots of interest.
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
That "big news" turned out to be Hawken on Android.
Was that confirmed by the devs? All I remember is Tiggs saying "Watch google news" which the chinese android thing didn't show up for everyone. Then a player posted it in the forums, I don't remember anything since then on the matter.
Edited by Sylhiri, 04 February 2016 - 11:46 AM.
Perhaps I should switch to sustained primaries.
No. Never. Don't give up who you are, you are perfect just like that.
Yeah, it takes too much effort to click.
Perhaps I should switch to sustained primaries.
Yes, yes don't try to resist just let that left-click pressed down. Join the pleb side of the force.
dorobo, that is a possibility. I remember someone digging up Hawken having a connection to a Chinese video game company while ADH was still in charge.
Between this, Hawken for Android, and the peanuts spent in obtaining the IP, my current dread is Reloaded will only "fix" the game enough to make it look appealing to a bigger buyer, and then sell the IP off to someone else. Or release Hawken to an unsuspecting audience (Android), milk them for all the profit they can, and then put the game into infinite maintenance mode.
That was around Aug. 2012.
The Chinese company is, also known as �� among Chinese gamers. The very same company published World of Tank (series) in China, therefore Hawken was named "World of Mech"(translated from JiJiaShiJie) by
Although their official Hawken site stops updating from 17th May 2013.
Rumor says the negotiation ended with a no-deal.
On 18th of Dec. 2015. Another Chinese company "Jile Game" declared that they will publish the console version on the Android gaming console "Fuzi", and Jile Game renamed Hawken's Chinese name as "Mech battlefield"(translated from JiJiaZhanChang. B.T.W. the Battlefield in China was translated into something like "War-ground". Yea I know no one cares.).
"milk them for all the profit they can, and then put the game into infinite maintenance mode." <--YEP.
Edited by claisolais, 04 February 2016 - 03:18 PM.
The game is available to play.
Everything after that is up to you.
"I don't care enough to elaborate, but I care enough to let you read the fourth iteration of the same thought I've had on the topic"
Out of curiousity: why do you take your position on the matter of development involvement with promoting the game? Are you concerned that the community is becoming too reliant on the devs to promote the game instead of promoting it themselves? Or is it something else?
Edited by TheButtSatisfier, 04 February 2016 - 12:54 PM.
"I don't care enough to elaborate, but I care enough to let you read the fourth iteration of the same thought I've had on the topic"
That's how the cool people do it.
No crew
They want to attract new players? How about a 10x XP and HC week bundled with a front page Steam promotion. We don't exactly need more content to get more players, but if the players we do get could enjoy more content without the grind, it would help to retain players.
Hell, lets make the 10x bonuses permanent.
I've never understood this obsession you f2p ppl have with constant dev attention.
It's completely unnecessary to a thriving game community.
If the games available to play, play the game.
If there's no devs arriving to regularly worship, it's totally ok.
It's not about getting attention from the developers or anything like that, it's about knowing what's going on with the game and if the state of things are actually going to improve.
Hate to say it but Hawken isn't fun to play right now. Matches are usually way out of balance, cheaters run rampant, and the population is so low typically all it takes is one decent player in a match to screw up balance. If this is pretty much it for Hawken then let me know and I'll probably uninstall the game because, like I said, it's not fun to play unless you get a good group together and that doesn't happen every often.
I couldn't care less if the developers know my name, respond to my posts, or anything like that. I just want to know if Hawken's development is going to continue or if we're hit the mountain top.
I know there is the pub stomp crowd that thinks things are fine right now but in case people haven't noticed new users don't stick around for long and Hawken's poor reputation continues to spread. Seems every few days someone else is posting on Steam asking if the game is dead and what's going on. Sadly there aren't answers for these people interested in Hawken and it's at the point where even people who have been around for awhile can't justify the current state of things.
It's a negative cycle that I would like to see stopped with a definitive answer on if more is coming or not. I'm fine either way though admittedly I would like to see Hawken regain a player base and get back to a point where when I hop on I know I've got a better chance of getting into a good match than I do having yet another match where a team gets steamrolled repeatedly and it's just not fun.
Just played 3 matches. Speed modder in all 3. Last was a Incin moving faster than a scout. Bunch of pimple faced POS asshats pissed at Reloaded for whatever reason and trying to destroy the game by cheating every match and just creating new accounts over and over. Tired of the crap. Time for Reloaded to get off their ass and do something. Oh and I don't give a rats ass about android.
"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"
Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953
I get a good group everyday lately
Lotta scrubs are getting better in the hkts, some are getting really good
Those steam forums have been troll catch alls from day 1 though, I wouldn't take any stock in random johnsons stopping by to cry p2w or some tween asking if a game is "dead"
Listen, we played dod 1.3 competitively a decade past when valve paid it any attention,
our community thrived on our energy as players and organizers.
It died when we let it.
The way I think about it is... players who love hawken and expect some new owner of it to dance for them, would do well to look into how and what they might contribute in the way of building community.
Even if that's by simply participating and engaging with as many others who also have shown a discerning and excellent taste in vidya by their predilection for Hawken alone.
Edited by CraftyDus, 04 February 2016 - 10:19 PM.
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
OK I'm done for today. Just played a match with a Rocketeer who ONE SHOT me with a seeker, yeah a seeker and did I mention I was behind a RANGE of mountains? Oh and then when i spawned he caught up with my INFIL in HIS ROCKETEER and PASSED me, turned 180 and shot me dead with ONE LOAD OF HELLFIRES.............face palm. Serous and people talk crap......gee I don't see any hacking? Uh u blind?
"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"
Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953
I get a good group everyday lately
Lotta scrubs are getting better in the hkts, some are getting really good
Those steam forums have been troll catch alls from day 1 though, I wouldn't take any stock in random johnsons stopping by to cry p2w or some tween asking if a game is "dead"
Listen, we played dod 1.3 competitively a decade past when valve paid it any attention,
our community thrived on our energy as players and organizers.
It died when we let it.
The way I think about it is... players who love hawken and expect some new owner of it to dance for them, would do well to look into how and what they might contribute in the way of building community.
Even if that's by simply participating and engaging with as many others who also have shown a discerning and excellent taste in vidya by their predilection for Hawken alone.
In the land of Hawken, it dies when Reloaded says so, it's F2P and dependent on their server infrastructure to even work. If the devs go silent or don't produce any updates, people do get worried that they've given up on Hawken.
In the land of Hawken, it dies when Reloaded says so, it's F2P and dependent on their server infrastructure to even work. If the devs go silent or don't produce any updates, people do get worried that they've given up on Hawken.
Which is why I, like many others, felt a natural obligation to pony up when they offered private server rental and would probably do it again.
I feel it incumbent on myself to support the servers in the interest of organized community events, if they are willing to offer them.
Rather than sitting on my balls and crying and worrying about what might or might not happen, if I'm not given an update post on a forum thread about some tweak or another.
I'd like to think the people that are so worried are also motivated personally to support offers of server rentals when they arise, if servers being made suddenly unavailable are chief among their concerns when the company that bought Hawken hasn't livestreamed to them the same old questionaire for the 12th time.
Play the game while you can, worrying is a waste of the time you could spend playing.
Edited by CraftyDus, 05 February 2016 - 05:26 AM.
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
Which is why I, like many others, felt a natural obligation to pony up when they offered private server rental and would probably do it again.
I feel it incumbent on myself to support the servers in the interest of organized community events, if they are willing to offer them.
Rather than sitting on my balls and crying and worrying about what might or might not happen, if I'm not given an update post on a forum thread about some tweak or another.
I'd like to think the people that are so worried are also motivated personally to support offers of server rentals when they arise, if servers being made suddenly unavailable are chief among their concerns when the company that bought Hawken hasn't livestreamed to them the same old questionaire for the 12th time.
Play the game while you can, worrying is a waste of the time you could spend playing.
I don't agree with much you post, but I think your right with this one.
I allready done 'play while you can' part ten times while adh was here
we have two options: to play or not to play.
obviously complaining doesn't do fuzzy bunny, so we can either decide to keep playing and try have fun or we can quit if there's too much frustration.
I went with the latter.
right know reloaded oviously doesn't need us. they don't need about 300 players who might occaisionally spend money on the game that probably will not even be enough to cover their montly cantina bills.
off the current playerbase, about a third might bring more people to the game once it is finally released. in regards to the amount of players they need to make this game profitable thats laughable. once the forums are filling with new players the few guys remaining from the old days complaining about reloaded and how they treated the community will drown in the chatter of the new players. furthermore I'm sure once they release new mechs and maps 90% of the people now complaining will be happily throwing money at reloaded.
don't get me wrong the way they ignore us is still poor, it just proves that you can run a business with far less than ideal customer relations.
that's my last statement on reloadeds behavior.
Edited by Pleasure_Mortar, 05 February 2016 - 07:02 AM.
I'm gonna wait and see if anything actually happens. That's what I did last time, and I'm fine with doing it again.
Ridding the world of evil, one Berzerker at a time.
Which is why I, like many others, felt a natural obligation to pony up when they offered private server rental and would probably do it again.
I feel it incumbent on myself to support the servers in the interest of organized community events, if they are willing to offer them.
Rather than sitting on my balls and crying and worrying about what might or might not happen, if I'm not given an update post on a forum thread about some tweak or another.
I'd like to think the people that are so worried are also motivated personally to support offers of server rentals when they arise, if servers being made suddenly unavailable are chief among their concerns when the company that bought Hawken hasn't livestreamed to them the same old questionaire for the 12th time.
Play the game while you can, worrying is a waste of the time you could spend playing.
It is what it is.
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
it's been a pretty long time..
The difference between theory and practice is smaller in theory than it is in practice.
It is what you make of it.
It is what it is.
It is what you make of it.
I can't make Hawken into anything, the entire game is locked-down. Hawken isn't DoD, I can't spin up my own server (Reloaded rentals don't count), load up whatever mods I want, maintain my own ban-list, tweak the daylights out of the server config or any of that. Are you aware of custom maps, mech models, dash bobble heads, weapons, etc. that I don't know about?
If anything, I guess the statement could be: It is what what ADH/meteor made it into, and only what Reloaded is going to make it into in the future. They own this game, lock, stock and barrel.
It is what it is.
Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers
I agree with Crafty in so far as much as the game is playable, so don't base your decision on whether or not to play on dev involvement. For me, the only important input on continuing to play is the fun factor. If I'm still entertained I'll keep playing, which is why I'm still playing Hawken.
Where I disagree with Crafty is the idea that we shouldn't be concerned, that we shouldn't be trying hold the devs accountable. Similarly to what keji and others have already said, I don't give a rat's ass about personal dev attention. What I do care about is that development progresses and Hawken grows. Because while I love the game in its current state, it has the potential to be so much more.
Sure, the game is playable, technically, but hackers are now a thing, the content is years old, servers randomly... or is it now usually suck, and I personally am tired of all the all the balance issues that have only gotten worse as the player base has shrunk. Right now, I've stopped playing Hawken because I'm waiting to see what the heck Reloaded is eventually going to do with it. As long as whatever that is ends up being fun, I'll throw my time and money at Hawken... this ends up making my decision on whether or not to play completely based on dev involvement.. well, they don't have to tell me what they're doing in weekly announcements, they just have to actually follow through on making real updates to Hawken. I'm likely not alone on this one, but hopefully in the minority.
I get a good group everyday lately
Lotta scrubs are getting better in the hkts, some are getting really good
Those steam forums have been troll catch alls from day 1 though, I wouldn't take any stock in random johnsons stopping by to cry p2w or some tween asking if a game is "dead"
Listen, we played dod 1.3 competitively a decade past when valve paid it any attention,
our community thrived on our energy as players and organizers.
It died when we let it.
The way I think about it is... players who love hawken and expect some new owner of it to dance for them, would do well to look into how and what they might contribute in the way of building community.
Even if that's by simply participating and engaging with as many others who also have shown a discerning and excellent taste in vidya by their predilection for Hawken alone.
That's good for you but when I play 90% of matches are a stomp and they aren't fun regardless of what side I'm on.
And there's a decent amount of discussion that happens over on the Steam forums, in fact many of the issues I see voiced here are often voiced there as well. Sure you get the trolls and what not but they get sorted out pretty fast. There is some misinformation going around but I contribute that more to Reloaded not really being present and making information like the interviews CapnJosh has done easy to find here or anywhere really unless you happened to be on the forums when the thread went up before dropping off.
Day of Defeat wasn't a F2P game and offered a ton more tools to the player base to allow them to extend the life of the game as well as take ownership about the direction things were going in. Sure renting servers is nice but not everyone can afford to do that nor should they have to in order to get a decent experience out of Hawken.
Not only that but there are balance issues which need to be addressed.
If I could log on right now and make Hawken what I wanted I'd do that and wouldn't care at all about what Reloaded is doing but that isn't the case. Servers don't run well in certain regions, cheating is getting worse and worse, population is so small that the difference in skill can utterly ruin a match by even having one good player in the room or just someone who wants to abuse broken setups to stomp the server.
Also I've done a fair amount to help build a community here from the very start and look where things are now. I helped host The Cockpit, participated in TPG and established one of the first teams for Hawken's competitive league. I've supported the community driven events, always try to help new players in-game and even go so far as to not play my stomp mechs when I know I outclass most people in the server and it'll be a stomp. In fact I've been contributing to the Hawken community since before Hawken was opened to the public and to be honest I'm tired of explaining to newcomers why things are the way they are and sitting here twiddling my fingers wondering if anything is going to happen or not.
Sorry I don't think that supporting a game and keeping the community alive shouldn't fall squarely on the shoulders of the fan base while there is supposedly a development team behind the game. Things would be different if we knew this was it for Hawken and had the same kind of access to the game like you and your friends did with Day of Defeat.
I've spoken with my wallet, I've spoken with my support, I've spoken by contributing to the community, and of course I've spoken through my words as well. All the while Hawken has continued its steady march to doom. I don't think it's ridiculous of anyone to want to hear from the development team about what is going on with the game and where things stand. That's not asking someone to dance or begging for attention, that's wanting to be informed if this is a waste of time or not.
We get it, you're a strong independent black woman who don't need no developer. But for the rest of us having an idea of where things are heading would go a long ways in getting people to truly care about Hawken again and get excited to sign in.
That's good for you but when I play 90% of matches are a stomp and they aren't fun regardless of what side I'm on.
And there's a decent amount of discussion that happens over on the Steam forums, in fact many of the issues I see voiced here are often voiced there as well. Sure you get the trolls and what not but they get sorted out pretty fast. There is some misinformation going around but I contribute that more to Reloaded not really being present and making information like the interviews CapnJosh has done easy to find here or anywhere really unless you happened to be on the forums when the thread went up before dropping off.
Day of Defeat wasn't a F2P game and offered a ton more tools to the player base to allow them to extend the life of the game as well as take ownership about the direction things were going in. Sure renting servers is nice but not everyone can afford to do that nor should they have to in order to get a decent experience out of Hawken.
Not only that but there are balance issues which need to be addressed.
If I could log on right now and make Hawken what I wanted I'd do that and wouldn't care at all about what Reloaded is doing but that isn't the case. Servers don't run well in certain regions, cheating is getting worse and worse, population is so small that the difference in skill can utterly ruin a match by even having one good player in the room or just someone who wants to abuse broken setups to stomp the server.
Also I've done a fair amount to help build a community here from the very start and look where things are now. I helped host The Cockpit, participated in TPG and established one of the first teams for Hawken's competitive league. I've supported the community driven events, always try to help new players in-game and even go so far as to not play my stomp mechs when I know I outclass most people in the server and it'll be a stomp. In fact I've been contributing to the Hawken community since before Hawken was opened to the public and to be honest I'm tired of explaining to newcomers why things are the way they are and sitting here twiddling my fingers wondering if anything is going to happen or not.
Sorry I don't think that supporting a game and keeping the community alive shouldn't fall squarely on the shoulders of the fan base while there is supposedly a development team behind the game. Things would be different if we knew this was it for Hawken and had the same kind of access to the game like you and your friends did with Day of Defeat.
I've spoken with my wallet, I've spoken with my support, I've spoken by contributing to the community, and of course I've spoken through my words as well. All the while Hawken has continued its steady march to doom. I don't think it's ridiculous of anyone to want to hear from the development team about what is going on with the game and where things stand. That's not asking someone to dance or begging for attention, that's wanting to be informed if this is a waste of time or not.
We get it, you're a strong independent black woman who don't need no developer. But for the rest of us having an idea of where things are heading would go a long ways in getting people to truly care about Hawken again and get excited to sign in.
Ditto...well said Keji
Anyways these are sensitive issues. I wasn't expecting this topic to get out of hand that much
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