Now, I already know LaurenEmily Posted this, but I made a post right when the video was uploaded, and it didn't go through for some reason :P But, here's the "Official" post of it, and I do thank LaurenEmily for doing that! :D I thought my post went through, and I checked. I don't know what happened. Well, here it is.
I know there isn't very good gameplay, but it's not about the gameplay. (Redundancy FTW) My main focus was to put together a clusterduck of cinematic shots to show off the beauty of the game, and I think I did just that. So please, don't hate just off of the gameplay, and how I got terrible footage. I know.
I also figured it would be a point to mention that I made sure every single one of the shots was perfectly timed on a snare, and then I rendered it. It was fine. Then I posed it, and it seems to be off. I try not to OCD explode, and I hope you do the same.
I end my blabbering by saying thank you, to all the HAWKEN communuty, for almost a year of fun.