Time for a little dev update.
Thx for the map. I enjoy as f***.
(Still mad about the YELLOW-RIPPLES camo not being yellow...)
So what have you been working on?
Just two three sentences... not asking too much here...

ok Devs, it's august...
Posted 02 August 2017 - 08:56 PM

- dorobo, Robscancer, axxoe and 5 others like this
Posted 03 August 2017 - 05:44 AM

fixing things
doing research to make the game run better
implementing changes
planning new content and UI changes
what else do you want to know?
Edited by Silverfire, 03 August 2017 - 05:44 AM.
- Yummi_Kitteh likes this
Posted 03 August 2017 - 09:21 AM

fixing things
doing research to make the game run better
implementing changes
planning new content and UI changes
what else do you want to know?
All of that, from an official source, in a format that's not Discord.
- Robscancer, claisolais, Luaq and 1 other like this
Posted 03 August 2017 - 10:00 AM

All of that, from an official source, in a format that's not Discord.
Especially since after the "community playtest cancelled to work on stuff".... what stuff?
And really, I'm wondering, how much time does it take to put YELLOW RIPPLES camo back to "255,255,0" instead of watermelon green joke? While your at it, give us variations such as White maybe? How hard is it to change the value of a color?? What can possibly go wrong?
Edited by Luaq, 03 August 2017 - 08:01 PM.
- axxoe likes this
Posted 03 August 2017 - 03:59 PM

and how about my Maraider1200mc gold camo not randomly looking like green corroded copper (mostly in Prosk)?
#: chown -R us ./base
"...oh great Itzamna, you shall know Us by the trail of Dead."
Posted 04 August 2017 - 07:59 AM

Yes ripples need to be adjusted. I miss my yellow stripey mech. Seems like the scaling of the skin has also been changed to a smaller pattern.
- Luaq likes this
Posted 04 August 2017 - 09:15 AM

and how about my Maraider1200mc gold camo not randomly looking like green corroded copper (mostly in Prosk)?
You're green with envy is the issue.
- Luaq likes this
Posted 05 August 2017 - 05:14 PM

We have an update that we're working on. When the contents of said update are finalized we can share what we are working on.
- Analysis, Charcoal and frostdragon2013 like this
Posted 05 August 2017 - 09:57 PM

Why must you wait till said contents are finalized before sharing ?
Posted 05 August 2017 - 10:35 PM

Why must you wait till said contents are finalized before sharing ?
Because, until it's finalized, it may or may not make its way into the final update.
Communicating game design and balancing thought process is always welcome though
Edited by Charcoal, 05 August 2017 - 10:36 PM.
- Luaq likes this
Posted 06 August 2017 - 04:18 AM

Because, until it's finalized, it may or may not make its way into the final update.
Communicating game design and balancing thought process is always welcome though
But there is no communication--not that they should make the game based on what we want, but they are working the game on their own vision, we all know what have it done.
It means the console version/PC soft launch thingy might happen again.
Unless they were concentrating solely on fixing bugs, which doesnt need to share until finalized.
- Luaq, Charcoal and Garx like this
Posted 06 August 2017 - 06:46 AM

We have an update that we're working on. When the contents of said update are finalized we can share what we are working on.
Ambiguous much? I find this completely unacceptable and at times the communication borders on contemptuous. Listen to your community, for once. Sure, they won't say what you want to hear most of the time, but they are your bread and butter.
Posted 06 August 2017 - 08:52 AM

Because, until it's finalized, it may or may not make its way into the final update.
Communicating game design and balancing thought process is always welcome though
Why must the said intentions of Dev(s) be withheld from a community ?.... It's common sense that a final version will not be presented to the public, when there may be revisions made to it.
If they are currently involved in developing an update, why not let the community know ?... By making an announcement like that, It signals that various things are being addressed, even if it's in a general way.
I understand that when an announcement of this kind is made, people will start with a million questions about what is going on, which the Dev(s) may feel they don't have the time to respond to for reasons due to time constraints because of personal staffing that have been stated many time already...understandable.
I give C05 a lot of credit, he has taken the time to, at the very least, try and address the community on a consistent basis...but it seems since the new transition his time seems to be more constrained.
Keeping lines of communication open at all time is very important to anything, in the case of Hawken, at a time if ongoing uncertainty, this would seem imperative to help keep the leaky boat from sinking further.
There shouldn't be a need for the community to have to drag out information...This stuff isn't top secret classified info (or is it ?), let your audience know (good or bad, right or wrong) what's on your minds...even if it's a few sentences in general terms on a consistent basis. Don't be afraid to Stand Up and take the blame for one's mistakes...and also the credit and praise for your success'...you'll gain much more respect and loyalty from your gaming community knowing that you're working hard to get this right.
I think that would go a long way in helping many issues, such as... retaining newer players that would ordinarily leave out of frustration...help to keep the veteran population a bit calmer and less frustrated...and just being able to create a better level of trust and confidence between the Dev(s) and their player community.
The sound of silence has been deafening for far too long over the years...keeping the lines of communication open will help things go much farther with a greater level of success than keeping quiet.
- Luaq, Shade__ and DingdongJR like this
Posted 06 August 2017 - 10:43 AM

There shouldn't be a need for the community to have to drag out information...This stuff isn't top secret classified info (or is it ?), let your audience know (good or bad, right or wrong) what's on your minds...even if it's a few sentences in general terms on a consistent basis. Don't be afraid to Stand Up and take the blame for one's mistakes...and also the credit and praise for your success'...you'll gain much more respect and loyalty from your gaming community knowing that you're working hard to get this right.
- Shade__ likes this
Posted 07 August 2017 - 12:08 AM

It means the console version/PC soft launch thingy might happen again.
We were the most open with communication during the PC soft launch, and there's no more platforms to launch Hawken on right now, so there's no more tricks there. No one is trying to intentionally mislead you or this community from getting information on what we are doing.
If something is not finalized we're not going to share it. Making empty promises will hurt us even more, especially if a lot of things behind-the-scenes are in flux like they are right now. We learned from that a long time ago.
There's been no effort to share on the front of game balance because nothing has been finalized. It takes time to go through data and feedback, and not only that but it's not our main focus.
Our main focus right now is the 'glaring beast' of an issue that some veteran players cannot play the game, while the game hemorrhages new players, and that all efforts thus far to correct that issue thus far have arguably not been done soon enough.
I have seen a few folks state we don't do enough 'getting the word out' - that isn't the issue. If we get the word out now, we'll lose more than we gain.
We do not want to advertise the game while the game is in this state. There will be a much bigger impact to do it at a later time when both of those issues have been solved.
The lack of communication is not an attack on any of the community. It's just what we are ready to share at this time.
- Analysis, MomOw, peacecraftSLD and 2 others like this
Posted 07 August 2017 - 05:12 AM

We were the most open with communication during the PC soft launch, and there's no more platforms to launch Hawken on right now, so there's no more tricks there. No one is trying to intentionally mislead you or this community from getting information on what we are doing.
If something is not finalized we're not going to share it. Making empty promises will hurt us even more, especially if a lot of things behind-the-scenes are in flux like they are right now. We learned from that a long time ago.
There's been no effort to share on the front of game balance because nothing has been finalized. It takes time to go through data and feedback, and not only that but it's not our main focus.
Our main focus right now is the 'glaring beast' of an issue that some veteran players cannot play the game, while the game hemorrhages new players, and that all efforts thus far to correct that issue thus far have arguably not been done soon enough.
I have seen a few folks state we don't do enough 'getting the word out' - that isn't the issue. If we get the word out now, we'll lose more than we gain.
We do not want to advertise the game while the game is in this state. There will be a much bigger impact to do it at a later time when both of those issues have been solved.
The lack of communication is not an attack on any of the community. It's just what we are ready to share at this time.
I never considered it as any form of "attack", I personally would say it's close to ignoring our words.--I know it's NOT accurate, but I've heard play testers were against this "PC soft launch", and the result is pretty bad from my perspective.
To be honest, I have never saw anything from you guys that is very tricky or misleading, promise were not specific--which means they were merely your visions, I dont blame that. But the result speaks. Bugs are mostly short-term issue, I dont mind having them now (Including MM issue) ; But in long-term, all the details are reflecting something wrong from deep inside, something like attitude, and that hurts the hope I have. (Many of the problem were addressed very early yet still launched on PC build. Some of the minor issue should be VERY EASY to fix, like the mech pictures for every new mechs and G2s.)
Edited by claisolais, 10 August 2017 - 03:44 AM.
- Luaq likes this
Posted 08 August 2017 - 05:24 AM

if the people in development didn't expect this disaster given the hack job of an update they thought would be a good idea to push out, I could only imagine what we'll see released as a 'solution'.
That or they did full well khow terrible it was, in which case... I don't even..
Being told things are in flux behind the scenes makes me think there isn't much development going on at all.
- Luaq likes this
Posted 08 August 2017 - 02:54 PM

If we can't define our challenges well, how do we expect devs to fix them properly?
Devs need to collect data over a period and analyse it and test changes internally and predict how that would change the results in production.
Tldr: yes it certainly takes 3+ months to fix.
- Luaq, Charcoal and LordJim47 like this
Posted 09 August 2017 - 04:07 PM

Devs need to collect data over a period and analyse it and test changes internally and predict how that would change the results in production.
Ah, like they did in the last update?
Posted 09 August 2017 - 07:30 PM

The last one was way bigger. I suspect they also weren't given as much time as they needed.
You do the best you can with what you have.
Posted 09 August 2017 - 09:18 PM

Something I just don't understand is that no matter how much hawken is in a critical state (with not enough Staff, not enough testers...) the 'fleet team" (devs) of this prototype "getting old as f... " new project (hawken) prefers to stubbornly repair it by themselves at the risk of letting the ship (hawken) sink because asking other country surrounding navy soldiers (players) is *not an option?* because at first it was a classified project but after it's big fail someone took the remainings of the crash (reloaded) and for no reason think that they still need to be secretive about it because they are trying to revamp the old project and sell it as a new and polished game and think it will sell like triple a games?
And letting it all out:
Edited by Luaq, 10 August 2017 - 12:26 AM.
Posted 09 August 2017 - 10:37 PM

Not sure I understand what you just said...but I think I agree.
- TangledMantis likes this
Posted 09 August 2017 - 11:46 PM

Posted 09 August 2017 - 11:55 PM

2018 will be an exciting year for Howken.
Are you excited?
You should be excited.
Posted 10 August 2017 - 12:27 AM

They wont allow the community to help until they can control it (they cant herd cats and fix Howken) and they already have enough feedback right now to keep them busy until 2018.
2018 will be an exciting year for Howken.
Are you excited?
You should be excited.
Lol... wasn't that what they said for 2017? oh and 2016 also right?
And yeah, that's precisely what I fear, they might never get it to work, I mean, it's just a possibility, We're either fuzzy bunnyed. If they make it work, they'll eventually skip to another project and the game won't have support of any kind. Or they'll never make it, leave us with a broken game AND no tools to actually repair mod it for fun ourselves. In any case, at this point, I don't see how we'll have the hawken we've been waiting like naive retards for. Then after this discussion is closed, some kind of update will come out and rinse and repeat, other problems appear as we thought things would be repaired and despair will come back. I'm really starting to think that it's not in reloaded's profit plan to make it work perfectly. Seriously lol, after the game is up and running, they don't have to repair it anymore. What will they do? Create stuff? Why do I have the impression they can only recycle stuff and not create any? Heck, I just hope I'm wrong, but I fear we're all fuzzy bunnyng ignorants waiting for something to happen that will never happen. Even worse would be that something happens and we all believe that it's what we were waiting for because it almost looks like what we were expecting and then slowly realised we were fools.
Edited by Luaq, 10 August 2017 - 12:38 AM.
Posted 10 August 2017 - 02:45 AM

Lol... wasn't that what they said for 2017? oh and 2016 also right?
Shhhh you.
2019 is going to be a great year for howken.
I'm excited.
Edited by 6ixxer, 10 August 2017 - 02:45 AM.
Posted 10 August 2017 - 04:05 AM

Posted 10 August 2017 - 04:06 AM

Fictional scenario of hawken's reality?
I don't know. I'm tired.![]()
They keep it secret so the result might be a surprise for everyone, and ppl starting come back. (At least it is the plan)
The console version was a surprise for me.
But seriously, I do not want see surprises from them, I've seen enough.
- Luaq likes this
Posted 10 August 2017 - 06:48 AM

Posted 10 August 2017 - 08:48 AM

I see it this way
devs can take the time to talk to us
or devs can take the time to work on the game
the team is small enough that they can't do both without taking a serious hit on productivity or community relations.
Posted 10 August 2017 - 10:33 PM

I know...it must be like trying to walk and chew gum at the same time....very unrealistic
- Luaq likes this
Posted 11 August 2017 - 05:48 AM

As much posting as some of us do here... we must never actually get any work of our own done. We should all be fired.
- CosmicCasey59 likes this
To be serious for a moment this is just a joke
Posted 11 August 2017 - 03:43 PM

the team is small enough that they can't do both without taking a serious hit on productivity or community relations.
I believe it would be easy to take 10 minutes once a week/month to say a few words. They have intentionally chosen to say nothing. Its all part of that great business plan at work
- DieselCat likes this
Posted 11 August 2017 - 09:01 PM

I believe it would be easy to take 10 minutes once a week/month to say a few words. They have intentionally chosen to say nothing. Its all part of that great business plan at work
Just because you don't like the information we are providing doesn't mean we aren't communicating. That is still us communicating.
- Xer06siX, Zavier_ and LordJim47 like this
Posted 11 August 2017 - 09:25 PM

C0 thanks for responding. I have noticed of late you have been responding to some of the topics on the forum. Given that you are able to respond are you able to (even in brief) provide some form of Development Update communication so that it doesn't feel like the Great Silence 1 and the Great Silence 2 again?
Posted 12 August 2017 - 12:33 AM

Just because you don't like the information we are providing doesn't mean we aren't communicating. That is still us communicating.
Nothing against you CZ but there is a lack of communication and not just that...
They keep it secret so the result might be a surprise for everyone, and ppl starting come back. (At least it is the plan)
The console version was a surprise for me.
SpoilerBut seriously, I do not want see surprises from them, I've seen enough.
In hawken's state? Secrets aren't necessary anymore and it's the same for nda's. No surprises to be had no need for protection against any, no one else care's about the game. I'm sorry but the NDA is counter productive. The term beta has changed so much. Used to have players participate and reporting bugs and used to have developer's video reports and live QA. Enough with the argument that hawken doesn't have enough. They are choosing not to have more. Remember when we learned that the game was transferred to reloaded? Remember the hype when we saw dev videos? There was a small hype back on hawken and it's popularity started to flourish again. Why? Because we had dev commenting videos, work in progress stuff, Q&A, AKA COMMUNICATION. They don't have time anymore? What's the difference between then and now? It's impossible that there is more work than before, yet they took the time to do all that. So how come they can't/won't anymore? By choice? Less employees?
Seriously, everything is a choice. They choose not to hire more. They choose not to say anything (only when they finalize it, which means they don't "finalize" much)...
Like I said, If they don't act now, they'd have worked uselessly if it's just too late and it's getting pretty goddamn late. I don't even know how come it's still not too late. The lack of communication is some kind of a "too late meter" making time go faster to reach it's limit or should I say less time for patience to wait because we don't get much except "yeah yeah I'm coming, I'm coming I tell you" "Sorry I know I'm late I'm coming don't worry" "Won't take long" "Still on my way" "Slowly but surely hahaha" "yes I'm coming"
We are like the dumb dude or dumb girl waiting for it's date that is totally just trolling us (or taking us for granted). That's how it feels. And that said date doesn't take the time to admit it's bad planning and say "ok i'm not gonna make it, can we reschedule? next week same time promess?" -what happenned? "sorry I can't tell" ....really? I'm the one who's actually sorry I don't have time for your BS. And then Hawken loses more and more players with time like that. The ones that are still here waiting like me, everyone here in the forums. we're just goddamn fools with way too much faith "that"ll work" and "patience is key" and hawken is just that lucky guy/girl that his date is waaaaaaaaay to much indulgent. Hawken dev's are lucky af to be able to still work in this. I mean, Lucky for them there hasn't been any solid mech games out yet. I hope they actually make it before another mech game comes out. But at this point it's not even the question if another mech game will make the difference, it's just a matter of time (not a lot) that people are still waiting, (to a stubborn/fanatic/autism level of not letting go because we were promissed it would work and we naively wait.
- EMEUTIER likes this
Posted 12 August 2017 - 07:35 AM

Maybe the problem is that Reloaded isnt doing the work. They are just sitting in offices on the phone with outsourced coders located in India who are trying to figure out how the game works and how to fix it. Reloaded cant give us any meaningful updates on the fixes because they're waiting on the outsourced firm to give them progress reports, which then of course turn out to be unhelpful as the requests for changes keep getting misinterpreted.
That actually would explain a lot. When the soft launch happened, it was so strange to me that anyone who actually played the game would think some of the changes made could serve as any positive improvement in the game.
Reminds me of working with our cloud exchange host. All foreign support staff (for an american product) and requested changes or service tweaks have to be made 3-4 times because we ask for one thing and instead we get another.
- claisolais likes this
Posted 12 August 2017 - 04:16 PM

Just because you don't like the information we are providing doesn't mean we aren't communicating. That is still us communicating.
Well guys, you got your weekly 10min.
30 sec typing, and the other 9.5 min reading textwalls from all those who think it will mean the devs will find time to respond based on their wordcount.
Posted 13 August 2017 - 01:52 AM

C0 thanks for responding. I have noticed of late you have been responding to some of the topics on the forum. Given that you are able to respond are you able to (even in brief) provide some form of Development Update communication so that it doesn't feel like the Great Silence 1 and the Great Silence 2 again?
We're focusing efforts on completing the next game update.
The contents of said update are not finalized and thus we cannot share the contents of said game update yet. Out of all the things we had planned, I'd say only a handful of those actually were feasible given the timeframe and manpower we have. If we had shared any info early about what we had planned, everyone would have been sorely disappointed when said content was not done in time.
- Charcoal likes this
Posted 13 August 2017 - 02:26 PM

We're focusing efforts on completing the next game update.
The contents of said update are not finalized and thus we cannot share the contents of said game update yet. Out of all the things we had planned, I'd say only a handful of those actually were feasible given the timeframe and manpower we have. If we had shared any info early about what we had planned, everyone would have been sorely disappointed when said content was not done in time.
Okay, it is not finalized, understood, and it's okay for not having specific information.
How about directions? I mean, it doesnt have to be one specific direction, but few possible direction that you're currently trying or considering?
You guys are giving nothing really, and we might expect it to be NOT GOOD, considering this already happened twice already--and for that, there should be no more SUPER HYPE left. We would consider what is possible from you guys, and generate an expectation of our own--it is only possible based on COMMUNICATIONS.
Yes we've been communicating in this thread, but it's more like off-topic chatting. NOTHING here will have an impact. We know nothing of yours, therefore we can only give random ideas, which is probably useless on whatever you're doing/thinking right now, even eventually got applied, I doubt you'd do it in the way we wanted it to be, cos thing might have been changed, or done wrongly due to POOR COMMUNICATIONS.
- DieselCat and DingdongJR like this
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