Thx for the gamez ppl.

PC servers to be shut down. January 2, 2018.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 01:50 PM

Posted 02 October 2017 - 01:52 PM

It was a Honor to play with you. Life goes on and there a so much Games in the Binary World. No regret and no Tears for this Game only for the Players who spend so much time for this. Greetings to all of you around the World.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 02:07 PM

Haha, guys, you remember AsianJoyKiller? And then there was h0B0, DER3Z, DarkPulse, NotKjell, Houruck and many, many more cool people.
Zeshi, too! Old skool.
Also, this legit pisses me off. Hawken deserved a hell of a lot better than this. All these owners did is ensure Hawken could never progress and grow. So many years of fuzzy bunny and silence for what is easily (imo) the best mech game of all time, and one of my favorite FPS games of all time.
Also, always nice for a game that was backed initially, and then later funded by, the PC player base to get shut down on the PC, but not the console.
Edited by Frenotx, 02 October 2017 - 02:46 PM.
- DerMax, Guns_N_Rozer, Miscellaneous and 4 others like this
Posted 02 October 2017 - 02:40 PM

Lol wut? The PC version was shut down on 25. May 2017 from what i know.
Worst developement story ever. No one of the devs or marketing tard's ever understood that this pearl of a game could never become a mass game due to the complex gameplay mechanics. And then they tried to make a cash cow out of it. This should had been a niche game with few HQ servers and devs that hear to every single word vet's tell them.
It's like they tried to make this
out of this
to make it "attractive" for everyone.
Connect to reality normies.
My biggest respect to Adhesive Games. RIP.
(Master Blaster, wrong login)
Edited by Schredder220, 02 October 2017 - 03:17 PM.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 02:46 PM

At least it was like this. Peacefully let down off of life support.
The last thing Hawken needed was to become an undead abomination down the line.
RIP Hawken. You and your community made 2013-2015 much more interesting years for me.
- dorobo, SparkyJJC, comic_sans and 1 other like this
Posted 02 October 2017 - 03:28 PM

Good bye guys! It was fun to meet you all, and play for all this years. I was waiting for the reborn of this game, still believing that it will really happen, but there is that.
I'm really sad, because I invested a lot of time and hopes in Hawken. I spent time to search for the bugs, discuss the gameplay changes, and play the hell out of this game since the closed beta.
It was the first online game that I was invested in so much... shame, real shame :/
- Mgree77 and caduceus26 like this
Posted 02 October 2017 - 04:20 PM

Had a great time on the oceanic servers between 2012 & 2014.
Thanks to all for the pew pews.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 04:37 PM

Totally Bummed Out! Love the game and the community. Going to miss it dearly.
Thanks for the memories all!!!
Posted 02 October 2017 - 05:04 PM

It finally ends. Well, it was a rollercoaster of a ride. I owe a fuzzy bunny-ton to this game. It helped me sharpen my skills, gave me something to focus on while my life was falling apart in college, and ended up landed me the amazing job I have now. It's a total shame it never ended up with the success that it deserved, but I guess that's how the cookie crumbles. I've long since put the mess that everything has become behind me, just holding onto the great times I did have with it and the community, some of which I've become best friends with over time. I guess I recommend everyone else do the same, rather than get upset. Guess I don't have much more to say at the moment, at least generally speaking.
Maybe devs release source files once herken is officially dead.
Highly doubtful. I kinda regret not grabbing a copy of the source files "for safe keeping" while I still had access to Perforce (though it would have been a clear vio of my work NDA BUT HEY THEY WOULD HAVE NEVER KNOWN IT WAS ME RIGHT GUYS?)
I intend to do a code drop of my own stuff when I can. I already had a blanket code drop shot down (as console is still around), but I'm thinking I might try to finagle the scrimbot/tracker codebases without the actual API interface (which can't even auth to the console services anyway)...
If/when the console version dies, I'll be for sure doing a full code drop of everything I have. I might even try to dig up a backup of the old tracker db I had that was gonna run my leaderboards (though that data hasn't been updated in like a year at this point). Let me know if that's something ya'll would want or not.
The journey started in 2013 for me, in 2012 for the OG vets and as long ago as 2011 for some guys like Ashfire and RedVan when they first signed up on the original forums. Now, I'll go on a nostalgia trip and read some of the old forums. Sigh.
I'm a real OG.
Does this count as "HAWKEN is Dead" for the drinking game?
Finish the whole cabinet.
PS whoever was walking down Montgomery Street in San Francisco this morning with a Hawken shirt, you missed running into me by like 10 feet.
- DerMax, Guns_N_Rozer, Silverfire and 21 others like this
[kloeri] And we're done for now with all the rebooting.. except for a single server that will be rebooted when it's done pretending it's a tree.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 05:41 PM

shame, great game but the devs are usless pile ofdog sh1ts consoles will soon follow suit.
Edited by William_Adama, 02 October 2017 - 05:43 PM.
Posted 02 October 2017 - 06:05 PM

Well, I haven't logged on in a while since the delays and delays in supposed updates. I'm kind of, but not really surprised to see this. Community was cool, game was cool, glad to have had the experiences. I may go ahead and log on just for the heck of it. Take care all and happy gaming.
"One day I will leave this world and dream myself to reality" -- Chief Crazy Horse
"Love is the Law, Love under Will" -- Aleister Crowley
"This is like talking to breakfast cereal" -- Otherland
Posted 02 October 2017 - 07:30 PM

Something substantial must have been done to this game. Surely something more than just the 'Highways' level has come of the time it has been worked on so far. Am I wrong? Every indication that it was going downhill had been given, but I like how we were kept guessing when it would eventually happen. Now it has. We were told it would be better and its being worked on. Now it's not. This sucks. I'm gonna miss my poor Scout.
Fr0g - Flak Scout 2014-2018
Icarus - Heat Scout 2014-2018
Guts - Berserker 2014-2018
Tyrael - Battle Tech (Get some) 2015-2018
Posted 02 October 2017 - 08:00 PM

gg wp all
Agreed, Silverfire. Thanks for being such a great contributer... We've had a great ride. This is the first game I've spent over $1000 on, and happily. It's made me feel like Isao Ota from Patlabor, Rocking an Ingram!! 1800 hours of pure adrenaline rush. NO goofy weapon spawn or camping over OP Redeemers....
And no matter how good you are, there was ALWAYS a player who would hand you your ass! (That damn NepR!) It's been the ride of my life.
- Nov8tr likes this
[/size]...and let slip the dogs of war...
Posted 02 October 2017 - 08:05 PM

It was good playing with you all. Made some good friends on this game, some of you I actually like. Shoutout to Keji, Turdeye, Requiem, 7ucky, LEmental, Culex(HighCaliber), x9x8x7x, Metalbeard, Counterlogic, Merl, Mal, peacecraft, xployt, DM30, Brigantine, Skizoid, Glytched, space_, wheezle, DER3Z, PrincessBumblebee, TheBouse and Tamujin. Rest in peace bkcat, you are missed.
ps. Nept and company are fat.
Edited by LoC_TR, 02 October 2017 - 08:17 PM.
- LEmental, KejiGoto, coldform and 7 others like this
Posted 02 October 2017 - 10:11 PM

Haha, guys, you remember AsianJoyKiller? And then there was h0B0, DER3Z, DarkPulse, NotKjell, Houruck and many, many more cool people.
I remember them. I played with them. AJK and h0B0 and a couple of the others, we use to run around and play other games too. Still on my friends list. Yeah I hate the gaming going away. Nothing like it anywhere. I started back in 1st closed beta. I wish they would have just fixed the game and let us play. Despite the pain I live with, I still play when I can get a match. I wish I had some speech to make everyone feel better. I don't. I'll play till its gone. But in case something happens. thanks for all the fish!!
Edited by Nov8tr, 02 October 2017 - 10:13 PM.
- DerMax, DieselCat, caduceus26 and 1 other like this
"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"
Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953
Posted 02 October 2017 - 10:45 PM

Doesn't surprise me, shoddily convert the console version to PC, configure it to make bad driver calls to cause freezing and crashes, throw out "DLC" if you wanna call it that to fish more people in just to shut it down. Hyped us up with a "Relaunch" and here they are closing the game, guess the "Cap'n" isn't that great of a developer.
- DieselCat, Nov8tr, caduceus26 and 2 others like this
Posted 02 October 2017 - 11:05 PM

I had a lot of fun. I've been playing on and off again since alpha and it has been nice seeing the same familiar names every time I came back. Hawken really had a great community, even if it was small. I have hope that there are some great mech games in the future and maybe I'll see some of these names again in one of those games.
Posted 03 October 2017 - 04:35 AM

Posted 03 October 2017 - 04:55 AM

Posted 03 October 2017 - 06:23 AM

This has been the story of gaming and me for almost two decades. Puppet finds a great game he loves that has tons of promise... but it's a game that is out of place with the rest of the market (much like Puppet himself)... and the game flounders and struggles for far too long, filled with hollow promises and misguided hope... before finally it gets abandoned or shot in the head.
..ll, & ,.l..
Edited by StubbornPuppet, 03 October 2017 - 06:23 AM.
- XPloyt, DerMax, Miscellaneous and 4 others like this
To be serious for a moment this is just a joke
Posted 03 October 2017 - 07:00 AM

Posted 03 October 2017 - 07:08 AM

black steel brotherhood XLR
DER3Z Montage (old footage)
Wolfys Den
Edited by DER3Z, 03 October 2017 - 07:09 AM.
- DerMax, Guns_N_Rozer, Miscellaneous and 4 others like this
Posted 03 October 2017 - 10:59 AM

Posted 03 October 2017 - 12:39 PM

I'm really gonna miss this game. This was THE game, the one that I wanted for a long time. Ever since the first time I played I knew I was home. I had to work really hard to get good and I will never forget this experience. This was the first game I actually wanted to get involved in.
The community was amazing. I was really surprised when people reached out to me to be part of their team, I felt honored. I still feel and will always feel part of the team AXE ATTACK forever.
It was a lot of fun to play with you all. I will never forget the battles and everything this game went through.
- Miscellaneous, Interrobang87, DieselCat and 3 others like this
Posted 03 October 2017 - 03:12 PM

Yeah this really blows. I loved the game. Its the only game since playing in 97 that I spent over $400 bucks on. I really wanted it to work. I met some fuzzybunny people and met some great people. My friends list shows most the people I cared about. Shout out to all of you, thanks for the shits and giggles guys. Its been a wild ride. I will miss many of you. Who the hell am I gonna holler at now? LOL.............
- DieselCat, Broham78, caduceus26 and 2 others like this
"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"
Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953
Posted 04 October 2017 - 01:14 AM

I remember the first trailer that got me hyped, how I got a key from a reddit post for the first public alpha in 2012 and the amazing feeling to participate in something special from the very beginning. I remember how I desperately wanted the Vanguard Initiative bundle. Unfortunately, the transaction didn't process through PayPal and time was running out. After a lot of back and forth troubleshooting Adhesive Games was kind enough to give me the bundle for free! That was so generous and awesome of them! The PayPal account btw was created just for that bundle alone, that was later used to purchase games on Steam, GOG, and such. Hawken basically introduced me to buying games online and enabled me to so many amazing game experiences thereafter. For that alone I am forever grateful to Hawken.
With ca. 600 h played there are numerous memories to take home, including nail-biting close matches, skill shots, the grinding, the tweaking, the chats, the old forum and especially the people,. I've seen people come and go, including myself. I stopped playing Hawken regularly in 2015 in the hopes to play the game again once it's officially out of beta and better then ever. All grinding was basically a preparation for that day. A day that will sadly never come.
I wanna thank everyone for the amazing experiences we had over the years.
I remember a match in december 2012 on winter Prosk. Everybody quit the match but me. There were still five minutes left. I just walked, observed and enjoyed the peaceful scenery. Guess it's time to do that again one final time.
- DerMax, Miscellaneous, axxoe and 3 others like this
Posted 04 October 2017 - 07:38 AM

Sooooo if servers are going to be shutdown anyway can we all get cupcakes and super mega uber brawlers with 50,000hp...? maybe even for like. the last week? Seriously though, Iove this game. I love the people, the community, the gameplay, everything. Im sad to see what it became, because it was the first game I ever really played on pc. I missed the glory days of hwk when I joined in 2015, but that didnt detract from my experience any. I will never forget all the great times I had, Hawken will always have a special place in my heart. Thank you to all of the pilots who helped make this such a fantastic experience for me, I'm going to miss it all. ;-;
Posted 04 October 2017 - 08:44 AM

I don't even want to play games anymore :(
This was my favorite game.
The community was ace.
Edited by Luaq, 04 October 2017 - 08:44 AM.
- axxoe and DieselCat like this
Posted 04 October 2017 - 04:58 PM

I am truly sad...I realy loved this game...Could some one buy the game from 505?
- DieselCat likes this
Posted 04 October 2017 - 10:23 PM

I am truly sad...I realy loved this game...Could some one buy the game from 505?
Game lives on in consoleland.
Posted 05 October 2017 - 01:29 AM

Game lives on in consoleland.
I hate consoles. So I would consider that not really living. More like torture. Like pulling the wings off a fly. Not much fun for the fly.
Edited by Nov8tr, 05 October 2017 - 01:29 AM.
- Schredder220 likes this
"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"
Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953
Posted 05 October 2017 - 04:18 AM

Game lives on in consoleland.
That's not Hawken...
That's what's left over after 505 Games devoured the unreleased assets, crapped everything out, and then smeared it on your trying to convince their shitty take on Hawken is the same exact thing as the real deal that was made by people with talent, vision, and not the sole goal of slowly killing a struggling game with a slew of bad ideas, arrogance, and general stupidity.
Hawken died when the Howken update released. The new mech system sucks, the new garage sucks, the further lack of customization sucks, the "new" abilities suck, everything about the game sucks compared to what came before. Need proof? Look at the numbers which have tanked since this update went up. Even the console players, who never got to play the real Hawken, have rejected this mess 505 Games shat out for us under the promise of big things to come and that we were being taken care of.
Saying the console version lives on is like saying "we're sorry we couldn't save your spouse from the car fire... but what remains of her charred body we took to a taxidermist and you can still call their voicemail to hear their voice if you need that."
No thanks.
And call me crazy but I'm not looking to support 505 Games in any capacity. In fact I'm going out of my way to warn people away from their games and projects, even if they are just publishing. 505 Games is blight on the industry, has been for awhile, just barely better than the asset flipping hackjobs on Steam and that's mainly because 505 Games buys dead games and flips those instead of asset packs off the Unity store.
Been lying to us for years now, CZeroFive won't even respond to the community after all the lies he told but I can see that he's read the message I sent to him responding to his promise months ago that 2017 was gonna be a big year for Hawken, that their work is gonna impress me, patience is worth it, all that garbage they've been shoveling since they first unleashed Tiggs upon us to start fracturing the community and pretending to be mech mods so certain people could be banned without a public figure of the company taking heat.
505 Games and everyone who works there can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. There was never plans for the PC version, just look at the sorry state its in and remember everything 505 Games promised us. From CapnJosh, CZeroFive, Tiggs, and more. All we've heard from day one is how great things are gonna be and how important the PC is. Then we got a console version, then we were left behind, then they ruined the PC version with an update, and that's pretty much been it. We've seen the consoles get updates we didn't, we've seen "new" mechs hit the consoles that didn't come to PC, this whole thing has been one giant middle finger to the PC community.
Edit: And for those asking 505 Games to do stuff for us as this is ending, be it unlocking everything, giving up the IP, releasing the code, or whatever just stop. They aren't gonna do it. They tried to sneakily announce the ending of the PC version and only posted it on here after it came out and blew up on here and Reddit for over a day. 505 Games doesn't give two shits about us, neither does CapnJosh and CZeroFive.
If anything positive was gonna be done for us it would have been announced in the PC closure thread. 505 Games ground up what they could from Hawken and are now moving on. Inside of a year the console version will be dead and only a few hundred of us will truly remember Hawken and the great times it brought.
Edited by KejiGoto, 05 October 2017 - 04:22 AM.
- dorobo, DerMax, Guns_N_Rozer and 14 others like this
Posted 05 October 2017 - 01:02 PM

At any rate, the best thing about Hawken that I'll miss are the people. I spent many a Wine and Hawken Saturday night with you and have had an absolute blast - I wouldn't take any of that time back ever. It's a shame that we won't be treated to one last time of Santa quiting the game to just come back 2 days later. Always the source of some good quality laughs.
Cheers to my robros, come visit me in mechwarrior online. Don't forget, arm spoilers are a real thing! The RAIDEROSITY prevails !
Edited by WmMoneyFrmMissouri, 08 October 2017 - 01:25 AM.
- DieselCat and TangledMantis like this
Posted 05 October 2017 - 03:06 PM

They tried man, nothing went right in the end but I do believe they tried.
- dorobo likes this
2017 Is Going To Be A Great Year For HAWKEN!
Posted 05 October 2017 - 03:44 PM

May the developers continue to develop... a raging case of hemorrhoids.
I love this game. I'm resoundingly lousy at it, but I still love it. The gameplay, the graphics, the sound effects, the challenge. All of it. I don't care that people kept whining that "it was sooo much better in the olden days". I have been enjoying it Right Now. And now the developers drive a stake through it's heart and send us a "Thanks for the support!" posting. Yeah, thanks for your "support" developers. Liars and pukes.
Same damn thing happens with every TV show I loved; Firefly, The Good Guys, Almost Human... Get invested and the plug gets yanked. I watch almost no TV any more. Now the one and only game I play is being axed. Dammit I'm pissed.
I didn't hang around here all that much, but I did enjoy it whenever came by. I wish all you other pilots all the best. And developers, I won't say what I wish upon you all. Think severe heat and sulfurous fumes and you'll get the idea.
Posted 05 October 2017 - 05:10 PM
it was a good fight for those six years, shoutout to the fellow alpha players and the original devs who let us come to pasadena for playtesting. RIP
Edited by Beefsweat, 05 October 2017 - 05:11 PM.
- dorobo likes this
Posted 05 October 2017 - 09:02 PM

That's not Hawken...
That's what's left over after 505 Games devoured the unreleased assets, crapped everything out, and then smeared it on your trying to convince their shitty take on Hawken is the same exact thing as the real deal that was made by people with talent, vision, and not the sole goal of slowly killing a struggling game with a slew of bad ideas, arrogance, and general stupidity.
Hawken died when the Howken update released. The new mech system sucks, the new garage sucks, the further lack of customization sucks, the "new" abilities suck, everything about the game sucks compared to what came before. Need proof? Look at the numbers which have tanked since this update went up. Even the console players, who never got to play the real Hawken, have rejected this mess 505 Games shat out for us under the promise of big things to come and that we were being taken care of.
Saying the console version lives on is like saying "we're sorry we couldn't save your spouse from the car fire... but what remains of her charred body we took to a taxidermist and you can still call their voicemail to hear their voice if you need that."
No thanks.
And call me crazy but I'm not looking to support 505 Games in any capacity. In fact I'm going out of my way to warn people away from their games and projects, even if they are just publishing. 505 Games is blight on the industry, has been for awhile, just barely better than the asset flipping hackjobs on Steam and that's mainly because 505 Games buys dead games and flips those instead of asset packs off the Unity store.
Been lying to us for years now, CZeroFive won't even respond to the community after all the lies he told but I can see that he's read the message I sent to him responding to his promise months ago that 2017 was gonna be a big year for Hawken, that their work is gonna impress me, patience is worth it, all that garbage they've been shoveling since they first unleashed Tiggs upon us to start fracturing the community and pretending to be mech mods so certain people could be banned without a public figure of the company taking heat.
505 Games and everyone who works there can go to hell as far as I'm concerned. There was never plans for the PC version, just look at the sorry state its in and remember everything 505 Games promised us. From CapnJosh, CZeroFive, Tiggs, and more. All we've heard from day one is how great things are gonna be and how important the PC is. Then we got a console version, then we were left behind, then they ruined the PC version with an update, and that's pretty much been it. We've seen the consoles get updates we didn't, we've seen "new" mechs hit the consoles that didn't come to PC, this whole thing has been one giant middle finger to the PC community.
Edit: And for those asking 505 Games to do stuff for us as this is ending, be it unlocking everything, giving up the IP, releasing the code, or whatever just stop. They aren't gonna do it. They tried to sneakily announce the ending of the PC version and only posted it on here after it came out and blew up on here and Reddit for over a day. 505 Games doesn't give two shits about us, neither does CapnJosh and CZeroFive.
If anything positive was gonna be done for us it would have been announced in the PC closure thread. 505 Games ground up what they could from Hawken and are now moving on. Inside of a year the console version will be dead and only a few hundred of us will truly remember Hawken and the great times it brought.
Keji for president !
- DieselCat likes this
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