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FakeName's To-Do list

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First of all, I want to say hello to the new dev team and grant my best wishes to them for a huge success!

Secondly, I want to greet everyone of the past Hawken days back to 12/12/12 and before. We are re-united!


That beeing said, *breathing* we have Hawken back, rescued from drowning. I can't say how happy I am after hearing these good news.


But now to the real topic!






Hello everyone, I am FakeName who some of you might know or might not know (until now). I've joined Hawken at its Beta release (12.12.2012) and played around 300-400 hours until now.

Now, after Hughes, ADH, Meteor & co are gone and a new dev team arrived, I want to help getting the team into Hawken and its current situation, its problems, bugs, glitches and other negative stuff.


The aim is to set #priorities and get Hawken to a roadtrack where it is just a matter of time until the Beta key can finally be erased.



Maximum priority


Now these bugs/glitches are, in my opinion, the most importat things to be adressed. So damn annoying and game breaking.



- Matchmaker


I mean, either you are too good and play 1v3 or a team will get stomed by 2 good players. But I got respect for that, I never saw a really good matchmaker, just a few that were, meeh, okey, but not really good ones.

However, there are plenty of matches where I do not mind leaving, even before the match started.


My suggestion: Bring back team switch button.



- Invisible walls


That's not a hard task to do. Remove every invisible wall or atleast make them visible (I am not talking about these blue particle walls where you can shoot through but not fly or walk through.



- The weapon glitch


Somehow it is possible to get a breacher on a technician and other weapons on other mechs which are usually not available.

However, it can be intentionaly be used and can't get rid off durign a match.




Normal priority


Now here I will just list things which need to be done in my opinion after the problems above got fixed.



- Random cloak breaking (cloak breaks on Infiltrator even though you have enough fuel)

- Sometimes, when having a repair kit and an extractor, you don't get the full out of EU and Health orbs

- Weapon desync (wepaon animation and actual shots are not synced. Happens with almost every weapon which hasn't got bullets such as EOC, Heat cannon, Grenade launcher, TOW, etc.)

- Sticky walls. You sometimes get suck at or inside a wall.

- Breacher Railgun Lag. When shooting the railgun mode needle while cloaked with the predator, I get a freeze for like 0.3 seconds

- Server connectivity. Can't connect to some servers for whatever reason (connecting to server message is gone and no notification).

- Outside the map. There are plenty of ways to go there, it is fun, but some abuse this.




Gameplay stuff aka Balancing


Now again, that's just my opinion and not to be considered as the community's view.

There are a couple of changes which have been done in the past without any request of the community. However some of  the make no sense and others are just so damn annoying.



High priority


- Heating. I've been saying that for ages but whatever. Currently if you don't shoot for like 3 seconds, your weapons will cool down almost instantly, even faster when overheating. 

Remove this. This should cause the Assault's ability to be unique and to force mechs like Zerker, Reaper and Raider for example to take a break.

Oh, and I don't mind a heat increase by 100% (double) so the Infiltrator for example has to manage its heat as well.


- Reaper's ability. You simply don't need additional accuracy with a 99% accurate weapon. Exchange it for an increase in fire rate. That was well accepted by the community as far as I know but never implemented due to #priorities.


- Recoil. Every shooter has it, except for hawken of course. Well it used to have it, but it got removed for whatever reason. 

Right now, you can shoot your weapons forever without losing accuracy, no matter what you are doing, walking, boosting, flying, dodging, etc. You will always have one flat value of accuracy. Reimplement recoil so we don't have flying Reapers on Last Eco >.>


- Oh and please get rid of this ugly sticky bar which people call health and fuel bar. Disgusting!



Medium Priority


- Cloaking. Now this is my favourite, but I lost my hope in the old dev team that this will ever be changed. It so so damn easy to spot a cloaked mech because of the following reasons:

1. You are shown on the HUD inside these red brackets [ ] (if you are cloaking in front of the enemy's view)

2. The cloak is bugged. Smoke and other visual effects are not dspalyed through the cloaked mech.

3. The blurry view is strong, making it even more easy to spot. Especially while moving

4. The cloak is the only ability that burns your fuel, while every other ability is usually a straight buff or somethign else.

I would be happy if atleast one of the four points mentioned above would get adressed.


- Instant damage (0.0 seconds passed by bullets travlling from gun to enemy mech)

Oooh yes, I could rage every day when I see this. Examples are: Flak cannon, Reflak, T32 Bolt, Assault Rifle, SMG, Vulcan, and pretty much every thing else with bullets.

While I don't mind sniper weapons to have instant damage due to their long range power, I mind shotguns. For those of you who say that this does not make a difference in close combat, just try out the Raider's Corsair KLA Shotgun mode and compare it to the Flak or Reflak or T32 Bolt.

Make every weapon to have an actual projectile.


- Incinerator

This fat mech is one of the most powerful ingame. Why? Because it absorbs heat from nerby mechs, can add the heat to enemy mechs, and can shoot pretty much forever without overheating. 

Add a simple magazine which has to be reloaded after time (infinite ammo is still there) so he has to take a break just like every other mech.

Alternatively, Icnrease the secondary's damage and reduce it's fire rate. Around 3 seconds for reloading.




Now that's it for now. Don't know wheater it is good to float the new devs with problems but Hawken is everything else but perfect.



Greetings to you all :]

Edited by FakeName, 24 August 2015 - 06:41 AM.

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The cloak breaks whenever heat is generated. Sometimes you fire your weapon without knowing, sometimes you get hit by the saare on the incin. I don't think there is any actual problem with it, but I could be mistaken.


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I don't know it either but I can confirm that it breaks randomly. Was sneak behind someone in Last Eco and suddenly my cloak breaks, I did nothing, he did nothing. Killed him after that but still weird.

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I don't know it either but I can confirm that it breaks randomly. Was sneak behind someone in Last Eco and suddenly my cloak breaks, I did nothing, he did nothing. Killed him after that but still weird.

may be u went through on ur eoc puk  :rolleyes:



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Dont be hating reapers-- they are though to play as is.


...and let slip the dogs of war...





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- Reaper's ability. You simply don't need additional accuracy with a 99% accurate weapon. Exchange it for an increase in fire rate. That was well accepted by the community as far as I know but never implemented due to #priorities.


On the old forums I had made a topic about this. One important thing to note is that while the current ability is redundant with (and worse than) the scope while using the Slug rifle, it's still fairly useful with the other two primaries (an indirect sort of damage buff at longer ranges). I think the current ability can be kept with 2 tweaks: (1) Primary and secondary weapons do full, scoped damage while unscoped, (2) the cooldown time is drastically reduced.


For the Slug Reaper, this tweaked ability is still largely redundant with the scope, however it corresponds to an increase in situational awareness which is valuable in close range corner fights. For AM-SAR / Ripper Reapers it serves the same purpose as the current ability with a minor damage buff.


It's absurd that the Sharpshooter's ability (actually useful) has a shorter cooldown than the reaper's (largely situational); something closer to 30 seconds should be more appropriate.


Not sure if I would be particularly fond of a fire-rate increase in place of the current ability (particularly in conjunction with your heat suggestion above); sustained damage has never been the Reaper's strong suit.



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Medium Priority


- Cloaking. Now this is my favourite, but I lost my hope in the old dev team that this will ever be changed. It so so damn easy to spot a cloaked mech because of the following reasons:

1. You are shown on the HUD inside these red brackets [ ] (if you are cloaking in front of the enemy's view)

2. The cloak is bugged. Smoke and other visual effects are not dspalyed through the cloaked mech.

3. The blurry view is strong, making it even more easy to spot. Especially while moving

4. The cloak is the only ability that burns your fuel, while every other ability is usually a straight buff or somethign else.

I would be happy if atleast one of the four points mentioned above would get adressed.


Hellfires can still lock on during cloak and Pred Vision negates the visual aspect entirely (not that it's hard to see through but it lights you up like a christmas tree and can see you through walls). 




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Medium Priority


- Cloaking. Now this is my favourite, but I lost my hope in the old dev team that this will ever be changed. It so so damn easy to spot a cloaked mech because of the following reasons:

1. You are shown on the HUD inside these red brackets [ ] (if you are cloaking in front of the enemy's view)

2. The cloak is bugged. Smoke and other visual effects are not dspalyed through the cloaked mech.

3. The blurry view is strong, making it even more easy to spot. Especially while moving

4. The cloak is the only ability that burns your fuel, while every other ability is usually a straight buff or somethign else.

I would be happy if atleast one of the four points mentioned above would get adressed.



It should be that your completely invisible if your not moving. You should be a little bit visible if your moving and a more visible when boosting



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It should be that your completely invisible if your not moving. You should be a little bit visible if your moving and a more visible when boosting

Exactly this! I was usggesting this before and you don't even need to add additional effects while moving because of the way the human eye works.


Take Skyrim stealth for example or Crysis. Damn hard to spot when standing still but clearly visible (at medium - close ranges) when moving.

Just improve the current cloak and fix dah bugs

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Hellfires can still lock on during cloak and Pred Vision negates the visual aspect entirely (not that it's hard to see through but it lights you up like a christmas tree and can see you through walls). 


I don't mind the Pred seeing Infiltrator but maybe with some internals which cool down your mech you should be less visible on pred view and radar

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Most of what you said is reasonable, OP.


The Infil's cloaking ability used to be time-based. The way it is now, you can choose to "Infiltrate" - but you may not have a quick escape because of the boost usage - or choose to go under the radar, or perhaps even a slight mix of the two. The time-based cloak will desirably coerce you to do a sneak attack, then run away with plenty of juice to secure the escape - I'm thinking this was part of why they changed it("undesirable confrontation"), along with making the Pred's cloaking aspect unique and more pronounced for the style it's meant to cater to. 


Why would the Raider's shotgun need to be projectile-based? How would that change the way it performs? It's not instant damage unless you're in close range, anyways. 


I suppose this is just preference: With the way ttk is now, I don't agree with changing the general performance of heat generation. In a clutch situation, it's you or them, and you need that one shot when you're on the verge of death and overheating. Waiting a second, even continually to keep one in the chamber and keeping pressure as opposed to waiting three for full heat dissipation, may not even be worth the risk. If you manage to come out on top in that kind of situation, you should expect at least one player mobbing in your direction, so if you're down to a sliver of health but you have no heat generated, then that's your means to stay alive.


Your stance on Reaper's ability: I'm neutral. I mean, if you can hit players easily across the map without scoping, without the aide of any kind of tool outside of the game, like putting a dot in the center of your screen(then again, what could you do about it?), then kudos to them. Sure, the extra  accuracy helps even more at close ranges...you know what? perhaps your right. Reaper's ability isn't really pronounced, is it? I never had a real reaction much less even noticed when it's being used. A swap for a faster fire rate might do it some good. 


Recoil: I don't think I have played with recoil, but it sounds like it would drag out the games, putting emphasis on luck.


Edit: I forgot to ask about the Incin thing: Are you suggesting there should be what essentially is a second safeguard to prevent spamming ? Sounds interesting, but something like that seems like it would have to be implemented properly and carefully. I read a post somewhere regarding the Incin possibly would be a bit touchy with balance changes, and although I don't have the most experience with the Incin, I get that feeling too.

Edited by XPloyt, 22 March 2015 - 02:43 AM.

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The Inci should have a maximum amount of shots, let's say 10 before he has to "relaod". Like overheating, just with relaoding. This could also be added to any sustained weapon, including slug rifle and Heat-cannon.


The Raider's shotgun is projectile based (the Corsair-KLA atleast) But the T32 Bolt and Reflak are not. It would atleast make the following change:

While you have to aim in frotn of your target with the KLA, you must aim directly at your target with one of the weapons mentioned above. 

That's like firing with an Assautl rifle and a laser at the same time.

However, it's not only because of the Raidar, it's hitscan in general because this little amount of time matters, especially in A-calsses.


And with the current TTK, why don#t you agree with me? Do you think the heat has to be increased when TTK is higher too? That would not make any sense.

Example: I can fully outtake a whole 6 man team in an G2 Assault or even a regular one. Even a Zerker comes close to this. 

In the last test you can shoot your weapons (primary only) for almost 20 seconds (wtf?!) and with secondary almost 13 seconds. The total damage would be around 2000-4000 dependent on the situations like range, aimign skills, etc. ... don't you think this would be A LITTLE too much?

Oh and don't forget, after yo udealt these thousand Damage points you just need to relax like 3 seconds to repeat. - lame


And for the Reaper, oooh yes, haha, the only reason why I use Reaper's ability is to have the visuals, nothing more. :]

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Strongly disagree with: "Bring back team switch button." 

Even now there are people who selfishly use "team switch" - contributing to the balance of the game even more skewed (as a result - the team almost entirely made up of experienced players). We just need to improve the system autobalance. We know that it is possible to become a volunteer to switch. For example: The system should not be switched to the enemy team leader if requested by the leader. In the first half of the match ALWAYS switch should occur at the rate rebalance command. Yes, given the volunteers but only if they do not make a very strong difference in the balance of the team's future.


A few words about matchmaking. It was suggested earlier repeatedly by different people (including me).


About Instant damage  - absolutely support!

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Strongly disagree with: "Bring back team switch button." 

Even now there are people who selfishly use "team switch" - contributing to the balance of the game even more skewed (as a result - the team almost entirely made up of experienced players). We just need to improve the system autobalance. We know that it is possible to become a volunteer to switch. For example: The system should not be switched to the enemy team leader if requested by the leader. In the first half of the match ALWAYS switch should occur at the rate rebalance command. Yes, given the volunteers but only if they do not make a very strong difference in the balance of the team's future.


A few words about matchmaking. It was suggested earlier repeatedly by different people (including me).


About Instant damage  - absolutely support!


I have to agree, a Team Switch Button would just let experienced players allow to put themselves into the same team. We should just try to optimize our actual system, many matches at the moment are just unbalanced because of the huge MMR range (1400-2500 is pure fuzzy bunny), when the playerbase keeps growing, the matches in the future will keep getting more balanced. However, that picture makes no sense at all. Just because a match is uneven, it's far away from being unbalanced. 2v3, yes, 3v4, okay, but 4v5 and 5v6 hasn't to be unbalanced at all, I have seen more balanced 5v6 matches until now than I have seen balanced 2v2, 3v3 or 4v4 matches. Just saying.


EDIT: I haven't noticed it was about the start of the match, but even then, everything other than 6v6 can be considered to be unbalanced.

Edited by Erzunterweltler, 23 March 2015 - 02:48 PM.



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I understand what you're saying about the Incin.


I was confused about what you said about the Raider but I get what you're saying now. You're basically saying you'd like to see primaries perform the way the shotgun does, where you have to lead your shots with those as well. I'm open to that, as a person who enjoys the Raider, with the power and challenge it brings.


I feel the 3 second heat dissipation has more to do with the skirmish at hand rather than you're overall damage output. If you have time to always get cooled down completely than it's obvious no one is applying the right kind of pressure to take you out or to allow a teammate to follow up. If you're going against a noob who can't apply the pressure that you're applying, then that's why you're better...as long as you're not using aimbot. 



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Exactly, but this applies only for raider. I am still a motivated foe of instant damage except for sniper rifles.
It just negates the dodging ability of kechs completely.
Try to hit a Heat cannon shot on an A class (remember it has a large explosion radius) and a Flak shot (of any flak weapon)

What's easier?
Oh and guess what deals more burst AND DPS damage...

Edited by FakeName, 25 March 2015 - 02:33 AM.

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