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#161 Dromar



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Posted February 05 2014 - 11:51 PM

Caduceus26 : Thanks for reading it. Sorry about that I was in rant mode. Bad internet manners. I took the time to break it up to make it a little less daunting and edited it.

#162 Zanozus


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Posted February 06 2014 - 12:41 AM

Burn in Hell, HITSCAN !

#163 Zanozus


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Posted February 06 2014 - 12:51 AM

Devs, make sniper riffles chargeable like Breacher or Heat cannon or add some other drawbacks !
And increase heat generation per shot  of burst weapons proportional to damage per shot instead of DPS nerfing. It relates to shotguns and sniper riffles and some others.
You will never ever balance hitscan by damage because it will always be too strong or too weak.

#164 Farlanghn


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Posted February 06 2014 - 01:13 AM

[font=Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]I will wait until this finishes downloading but I honestly feel that this will mess with the flow of the game. Light mechs are down to 300 points_ With only 3 points on my infiltrator it was at 600. Now its cut in half_ I feel the balancing comes to having a good pilot and a good wing man. How am I supposed to take a heavy out with such little life and the road time probably going to be cut in half too. We'll see in about 30mins I guess.[/font]

[font=Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]EDIT: Yep broken.. Light mechs die in 2 or 3 hits now. I have been able to battle with multiple mechs because of pilot skill. Now this is just like COD with mechs. Thanks for the fun time guys but I doubt I'll be spending much time with this.[/font]

[font=Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"When battling another player 1-on-1, we agree that maneuvering and dancing around is fun. However, the longer this lasts the more opportunity there is for another player to come and affect the outcome of the fight. This doesn't feel rewarding for either players involved in the 1-on-1 because it prevents them from having any closure for their duel."[/font]

[font=Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Well the problem now is someone will always come and interfere because You have no heal. One stray bullet is going to kill you. Just experienced 3 matches where I was on a 1v1 and multiple mechs come in and kill you off because of the health difference. The tuning points made it fun to customize the mech. If I was getting killed by a higher mech it was okay because its a progression game. I play more I get better. No shooter is just "pick up and play"! You will always have learning curves. This game was not fun when it was first released and I picked it back up when they updated it. I will just have to wait for the them to update it again.[/font]

#165 ReEvolve


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Posted February 06 2014 - 02:35 AM

View PostFarlanghn, on February 06 2014 - 01:13 AM, said:

I will wait until this finishes downloading but I honestly feel that this will mess with the flow of the game. Light mechs are down to 300 points_ With only 3 points on my infiltrator it was at 600. Now its cut in half_ I feel the balancing comes to having a good pilot and a good wing man. How am I supposed to take a heavy out with such little life and the road time probably going to be cut in half too. We'll see in about 30mins I guess.

EDIT: Yep broken.. Light mechs die in 2 or 3 hits now. I have been able to battle with multiple mechs because of pilot skill. Now this is just like COD with mechs. Thanks for the fun time guys but I doubt I'll be spending much time with this.

Bad color choice, buddy. I see lots of contradicting posts in the forums that either say "a classes are so fast now, they kill everything!" or "a classes have so little health now, they are broken!". I personally tried the Infiltrator and the Berserker and I like the way they are now. It takes a while to adapt since everything is faster now. I suggest playing for a few days and trying to adapt. The first couple of hours are definitely awkward for everybody...

EDIT: What's up with all the people giving up right away_ This is a beta, things change once in a while. Of course it's different than before. Everyone has to adapt. But that doesn't mean that everything going to stay the way it is right now. Sometimes they're changed back. If you're genuinely interested in shaping the game you'd stick around and give more feedback.

Edited by ReEvolve, February 06 2014 - 02:39 AM.

#166 TatudeX



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Posted February 06 2014 - 06:15 AM


The new update is terrible, it's made of hawken some sort of QUAKE III or some fuzzy bunny like every other FPS.

fuzzy bunny

Bring old Hawken back, bring old armor points back. This move you made is a terrible choice, the new update screwed the entire experience.

#167 Saturnine


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Posted February 06 2014 - 07:04 AM

A lot of the people complaining are complaining specifically about A classes, generally. Knowing that prior to this patch, A classes were far and away the most popular choice, that leads to the question: Could this possibly be to encourage people to play a mech that isn't an A class for once_ nah that's crazy.  A classes still have the capability to do great things, but it's not so easy now that you can just turn your brain off and top the scoreboard. Go try something else, like an Assault, or a Raider, or god forbid maybe even a C class. You may find that they are more to your liking.

Are you an A class player that wants to try something bigger, but doesn't know where to start_ My class guide gives recommendations for mechs you might like playing, go check it out if you don't know where to start.

Edited by Saturnine, February 06 2014 - 07:05 AM.

Posted Image

digitalhughes: @s9 you stinkn' weasel!

Don't know which mech to pilot_ Check out my guide to the mechs!

Want to hang out with some awesome people, including ReEvolve, Ashfire908, Rei, ThirdEyE, and even the world-famous Loc_Tr_ Come to the #hawkenscrim IRC!

#168 TheVulong


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Posted February 06 2014 - 07:09 AM


Are you an A class player that wants to try something bigger, but doesn't know where to start_ My class guide gives recommendations for mechs you might like playing, go check it out if you don't know where to start.
Just tell them to play Brawler. It's tough and kawaii. What else do people need, really :P

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#169 NateMarx



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Posted February 06 2014 - 09:59 AM

Hi Fellow Pilots,

I have to be honest that I don't like the new update. The fact that HAWKEN removed the tune ups is just quite absurd. In fact, it is one of the reasons why people love playing HAWKEN simply because you could tune up your mech depending on your gaming skills.

Removing the tune ups so that newer players won't get punished_ Now that's just wrong.

So they could balance the game a little more_ I just hate it.

If balancing the game is a problem, then why not balance it depending on a player's level.

e.g. Level 20 and above pilots have better mechs so why not allow a match just within level 20's. Players could easily just set it up within the lobby or something like that. Most likely the match would be balanced.

Again, one of the reasons why HAWKEN got so much support from the community its because people love tuning up their mechs just as gamers love to tune up their gaming rigs.

Bring back the tune ups!

#170 Hijinks_The_Turtle


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Posted February 06 2014 - 01:24 PM

I still enjoy the game a lot, I guess I gotta change my fighting style, I believe I'm being too reckless... xD

#171 fingerknitter


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Posted February 06 2014 - 03:00 PM

View PostSaturnine, on February 06 2014 - 07:04 AM, said:

A lot of the people complaining are complaining specifically about A classes, generally. Knowing that prior to this patch, A classes were far and away the most popular choice, that leads to the question: Could this possibly be to encourage people to play a mech that isn't an A class for once_ nah that's crazy.  A classes still have the capability to do great things, but it's not so easy now that you can just turn your brain off and top the scoreboard. Go try something else, like an Assault, or a Raider, or god forbid maybe even a C class. You may find that they are more to your liking.

Are you an A class player that wants to try something bigger, but doesn't know where to start_ My class guide gives recommendations for mechs you might like playing, go check it out if you don't know where to start.

I actually did NOT like my raider...I was all over my bruiser and reaper though :D Only got to try two games out yesterday :/

[HWK]ZamboniChaos, on December 10 2013 - 05:29 PM, said:

Sure thing! :D Thanks for being constructive.
Raider Corsair to replace Brawler's TOW: MAKE IT HAPPEN
I figured out how to enable friendly fire; get some friends, join a DM, pick team captains, and enjoy :)

#172 hawken00


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Posted February 07 2014 - 01:30 AM

View PostTatudeX, on February 06 2014 - 06:15 AM, said:

The new update is terrible, it's made of hawken some sort of QUAKE III

If that's true, I'll definitely come back to Hawken :D give me a steam key please!

#173 FukushuKumquat



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Posted February 07 2014 - 03:40 PM

Hi! I've only been playing for a couple of months now so I don't know what the earlier versions played like. However, I can say that except for the choosing of teams at the beginning of matches (balancing), I think that Hawken is brilliant.

I hope that tuning points return in a future update as they are an excellent aspect to the game. I don't believe it was unfair. It is still more about pilot skills, gaming skills, than tuning points. Even with all the tuning points at my disposition, it doesn't make me an effective Scout, for example, but I am learning. If anything, those tuning points made me think carefully as to how to play the game with a certain mech on a certain map versus opponents and their choice of mechs.

Does an experienced player with more tuning points have an advantage over a new player just starting out_ Of course! But why penalize someone for being good at playing his cards_ That's like rewarding someone for finishing last. And even if you gave a "newbie" twice the tuning points than a "pro", the experienced/skilled player will likely come out on top.

I think you are on the right track by rating the matches (star rating). On a sever that anyone can join, it should be made quite clear to new players that their proverbial behinds will get handed to them by much higher level players on 3 star matches. If you don't want new players to be turned off from the game because the learning curve is too steep in the beginning then like others have already said in these forums, give them the possibility to play on a server where no high level, high skilled players can come in and bully everyone around.

My two bits on balance are as follows. High kill/damage ratio players should try to be evenly distributed in games. Forget what level a player has. I am testament to the fact that a level 30 player can play like fuzzy bunny. Maybe even take into consideration his/her win/loss average as it might be a good indicator of good team play. I've seen games balanced where immediately I knew if it was going to be a lopsided affair or not. I didn't need to see the stats either; the names of the players were enough. One thing I haven't yet understood however, is why a team winning by let's say 10 to 0 receives the extra player just joining. I believe the extra player should always go to the team that is shorthanded or losing. It would also be nice to give game changing players the opportunity to switch to a losing team if the balance is way off.

I understand that with Steam, it is a wonderful opportunity to enlargen your community, which in future will assure your financial situation once the game goes on sale in a more final version. That being said, it's longivity will solely be determined by its gameplay. We all appreciate the fact that you listen to the community, and fully realize that you can't make everyone happy. I'm sure we all agree that we wish Hawken nothing but success!

#174 hawken00


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Posted February 08 2014 - 01:10 AM

View Posthawken00, on February 07 2014 - 01:30 AM, said:

View PostTatudeX, on February 06 2014 - 06:15 AM, said:

The new update is terrible, it's made of hawken some sort of QUAKE III

If that's true, I'll definitely come back to Hawken :D give me a steam key please!

Well after testing i have to say that I'm a bit disappointed, it still feels worse than early 2013, and now mechs are way too fast, easy to hit machineguns and tows are owning the battleground and there's no dodge fuel management anymore.

#175 ReEvolve


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Posted February 09 2014 - 11:53 AM

View Post[HWK]Vanashinkaku, on February 03 2014 - 05:43 PM, said:

Err... Does somebody have a back up of these charts_ I wanted to check some things but they were removed... :mellow:

EDIT: Nevermind, found the new ones. :P

Edited by ReEvolve, February 09 2014 - 11:57 AM.

#176 aspectratio



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Posted February 10 2014 - 09:52 AM

View Postcaduceus26, on February 04 2014 - 07:26 AM, said:

View PostDevoutTrout, on February 04 2014 - 07:20 AM, said:

Oh well, with these changes I have to say I'm probably just going to drop Hawken.

Join at 10:18 AM today and post farewell drop at 10:20 AM same day...

I don't understand why his timing doesn't make sense to you...I've played the game a bunch but just recently "signed in" to make comments about the games's changes...the bottom line is that there are a number of people who have been playing the game on a regular basis who are disappointed in the new patch...why are his comments brushed aside just because he felt strongly enough about the changes to make an  account and immediately state his concerns for the game_ You guys seem to forget that there are many more people who casually play this game who are not present on this comment board...why should their opinions always be scoffed at_

#177 caduceus26


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Posted February 10 2014 - 12:38 PM


If you follow the thread included in the spoiler it'll give you a better picture of how this went down.

It was explained to me by someone who has been around the forums longer than I have that the "Member Since" date is the date the forum was joined, not the date you began playing Hawken. Apparently, it is a common misinterpretation as it was pointed out to me that this has come up several times in the past.  

If you check any of my past posts you'll find that I'm not a "scoffer", "flamer or, "troll."  I should have been more constructive in my post and I was not scoffing at your opinion but rather hinting at the fact that maybe you hadn't played the game long enough to give the new patch a chance. I was mistaken and am glad to have the opportunity to say so publicly.  I love the game, hope you'll reconsider, but if not I wish you well.

Edited by caduceus26, February 10 2014 - 12:41 PM.

ASUS P9X79LE /i7-3820 3.6 (OC 4.7) /Corsair H80 Liquid CPU Cooling /16 Gb RAM /Dual-SLI EVGA 670 2 Gb Sig II /Antec 850 PSU /Antec 1200 Black Steel Tower
MaddMaxx (Zerker) / Silent Knight (Infil) / BurnYa (Scout) / Scythe (Reaper) / S0ckd0lag3r (Aslt) / PopOff (SS) / Bluto (Bruiser) / xXRoadRageXx (CR-T) / ShiftySwifty (Raider+G2) / PatchUp (Tech) / Krusher (Brawler) / Seekin' Ya'! (Rocketeer) / Doughboy (Vngrd) / FireFly (Incin)

#178 diablodevil2


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Posted February 25 2014 - 05:42 AM

Don't mean to necro, but I'm kinda bummed as the Weapon Stats page seems 404'd. I was looking to more directly compare the Vulcan Classic with New Vulcan Lite ™ =p

Edited by diablodevil2, February 25 2014 - 05:46 AM.

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