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#61 LarryLaffer


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Posted February 03 2014 - 10:30 PM

2Xacius: May I ask you a question_ Did you try new brawler during new build playsession and if positive what's your opinion about it's new movement speed_ Will Brawler fit in new conditions_
WolfyFTW's Mindgamer: Hawken videos - the best combat tutorial ever!
Throw away Air Compressor! Be a man!.

#62 MrShade_


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Posted February 03 2014 - 10:37 PM

Oh man, I can't wait to get my hands on the SA Hawkins after the patch. I want so badly for that gun to be viable on my Brawler.

#63 KeramatZMode


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Posted February 03 2014 - 11:23 PM

Scout "1 second dodge time"

I support for 1.4 sec for heavy, and others, but giving the same dodge cooldown the same for everyone in the class would be a bit broken. BUT HEY, at least it's a bit bearable to pilot heavies now. AND finally I can face high tier without getting slapped with artificial difficulty in the face.

>>Artdump Thread|Moe-fied Mechs<<Posted Image
CIRNO BAKA MK-3 scout | ULTRAGUNNER vanguard | BETA-REMOVER berserker | WANZER rocketeer | NINEBALLIN' raider

#64 LU0P10


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Posted February 03 2014 - 11:25 PM

Well... maybe this game could be taken seriously and have fun, simultaneously  - again ... hopefully :)
This game is so addictive... increasing number of players are talking about should go to AA...

#65 palad1ne


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Posted February 03 2014 - 11:38 PM

The very low health for the A Class will make it hardly possible to play this Mechas as new player. Even the B Class will be very hard to manage for newcomers. Don´t know if this is good or bad. Skilled players with good position awareness and good aim are now in much better situation while new players will get enough time in the Lobby to think about how to not being killed after 2sec. in Game. Imho this is a mess. Sorry to say. But anyway i hope that i am wrong about this.

#66 phoenix07


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Posted February 03 2014 - 11:57 PM

Many war games are designed in different branches, each equipped with different weapons; in HAWKEN, light mech continued to improve mobility, but equipped with the same weapons and heavy mech, without considering the weight and recoil shooting equipment, stable degrees are not affected, this is a very serious contradictions, battlefield lost his balance.
Cockpit crosshair is not clear, not as a modern rifle sight.
Science will progress, physics never change, Sci-fi still must be based on reality, many science fiction movies, novels and games are so successful.
The number of players has been reduced from after Ascension, figures will explain everything; Over the past year,I have introduced many friends to join HAWKEN, after the Ascension, they have left or reduce game time, Even after several updates, can no longer attract them back into the game.

#67 Ysenberg


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Posted February 03 2014 - 11:58 PM

Hi guys!

Looks like it's time to play all my mechs again after the new patch :D

The changes to come look major from here and i consider it to become extremely interesting how the new mechanics work on existing, fully leveled mechs.

At current state I personally like to play 3, maybe 4 mechs so far.
First of all my main - the Grenadier.
Then in ascending order Reaper, Penetrat...dang...Predator :P and the Raider.

I've read the new charts and i know the feel of all existing mechs, because i got them up to max.
Guess it's gonna be a rough ride for A-classes now.
But finally the game takes a direction towards B-class being Bread-and-butter mechs, A-class being glasscannons and C-class being a little tankier and purposeful.

I'm not a whiner in general, I try things out instead.
So i'm looking forward to a:) the complete patchnotes, b:) the February patch itself and c:) the walking grill as in Incinerator^^

best regards from the land of little campers


Edited by Ysenberg, February 04 2014 - 12:00 AM.

[font=times new roman', times, serif]O Lord, bless this Thy holy grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy.[/font]

[font=times new roman', times, serif]  Grenadiers do it around the corner...^^ [/font][font=comic sans ms', cursive]W[/font][font=comic sans ms', cursive]andering guns #103: [font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]Ysenberg[/font][/font]

#68 dorobo


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Posted February 04 2014 - 12:02 AM

scout nerf! damn raiders will own a classes even more :D

#69 FakeName


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Posted February 04 2014 - 12:03 AM

View Post[HWK]Vanashinkaku, on February 03 2014 - 05:43 PM, said:

With Ascension, we created some really awesome systems. We've watched a lot of people play and we've collected a ton of data on how people have been building their mechs. We've taken this data and have been iterating on those designs based on how we've seen them effect gameplay.

I had to laught but whatever today I am not here to rant again.

View Post[HWK]Vanashinkaku, on February 03 2014 - 05:43 PM, said:

Another change we have been wanting to make is in regards to the current Time-To-Kill (TTK). TTK has been a hot topic of conversation for a long time and something we've been adjusting internally. We eventually came to the conclusion that engagements lasted far too long and for the most part felt extremely unrewarding. We believe the main reason for this was our large health pools.

When battling another player 1-on-1, we agree that maneuvering and dancing around is fun. However, the longer this lasts the more opportunity there is for another player to come and affect the outcome of the fight. This doesn't feel rewarding for either players involved in the 1-on-1 because it prevents them from having any closure for their duel.

Another disadvantage of high health is that it minimizes the importance of strategic placement, flanking and smart decision making. It's a disappointing experience when you attempt to outsmart your competition only to have the enemy simply escape due to his high health.

Before I go into the numbers behind the new TTK balance, let's take a look at "Effective Health."

The Effective Health of a mech is its potential health given through other means outside of armor itself. There are many things that contribute to your Effective Health, including movement speed, dodging, abilities etc. We've all faced a powerful Scout Pilot who is able to clean up an entire team and then run away without breaking a sweat. This is because their high mobility more than makes up for their lack of armor, giving them an Effective Health that is extremely high.

This issue also leads to balance problems. Light mechs are supposed to be glass cannons, but with their high Effective Health there really isn't anything "glass" about them. Not only are they the fastest mechs in the game, they can also be granted far too much armor using Tuning Points.

This is why we see a lot of Light mechs being played in the current version of HAWKEN, more so than most other classes in the game. We really want to see more high-level play involving Medium and Heavy class mechs while still keeping Light mechs as a viable option in competitive combat. In order to accomplish this, we have significantly lowered the Time-To-Kill in HAWKEN.

So what does lowering the Time-To-Kill mean_  Well, here are a few bullet points!
  • Mech Armor Heavily Reduced
  • Sustain Damage Increased
  • Burst Damage Re-Balanced
  • Heat Generation Lowered Overall
Essentially, the faster a mech is and/or the more potential burst damage output it has, the less armor the mech will have! With these new balance changes, one mistake can easily destroy that dominating Scout pilot without them getting more than a few shots off. Positioning, timing and map awareness will be far more valuable in this new environment and we look forward to seeing how combat will develop and evolve.

So, without further ado, here's our collection of statistics for the upcoming patch. Enjoy!

Mech Statistics
Weapon Statistics
Item Statistics

Click here to view the article


With the upcoming patch I am in the mood again to actively play HAwken again and who knows, maybe to rebeginn the Hawken trailer but that's nothing that matters.

"Things change ... thank god, otherwise we would still hunt animals to survive and forge weapons of stone."

- FakeName

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#70 Vdragon


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Posted February 04 2014 - 12:06 AM

i'll wait to test it, before starting to rage about TTK.

#71 fingerknitter


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Posted February 04 2014 - 12:11 AM

View Posth0B0, on February 03 2014 - 06:14 PM, said:

Its bout time we catually get numbers.

Kind of dumb to put them in a .png file if you ask me. Having them in a spreadsheet would allow the community easier access to getting the info they require.


[HWK]ZamboniChaos, on December 10 2013 - 05:29 PM, said:

Sure thing! :D Thanks for being constructive.
Raider Corsair to replace Brawler's TOW: MAKE IT HAPPEN
I figured out how to enable friendly fire; get some friends, join a DM, pick team captains, and enjoy :)

#72 Luminescent


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Posted February 04 2014 - 01:06 AM


Is there any more information on the new mech other than this charts_
Considering that it's name is incinerator, could it be a badass flame-thrower mech_ :D
That would at least explain it's high boost speed and the firerate of it's primary weapons. Flamethrowers don't have that long range after all so you have to charge in fast enough to be able to barbecue stuff.

Heat generation on the "B3-AR: PPA" seems kinda wrong. 6 heat generation with a fire rate of 0.125. You will be overheated before being able to kill a lvl1 turret...

ps: shields will be overpowered as fuzzy bunny once again if they get live with those stats... Geez - a shield has more live than any a-class.
And what's meant with "explode time" at the emp_ Will it be a grenade-like item that takes time before exploding like the disruptor_

From the information they've provided you can actually deduce a huge amount about the nature of the mech

Starting with weapons:
B3-AR PPA: This is a single bullet hitscan weapon, with a rate of fire near identical to that of the vulcan's (unknown if there is a spin up time though). While the spread amount isn't listed the fall off ranges and high minimum damage suggest that this variant is focused at mid to long range combat. Its very high heat seems ridiculous but the secondary SAARE Launcher actually reduces heat when fired so this needs to be taken into account before judging the true heat generation. In terms of the appearance the weapon looks to be a giant machine gun (which I suspect will launch brightly glowing tracers). You can see the firefighter with one of the B3-AR weapons here (from this thread). Compared to the BBY stats, I suspect this weapon will be best used in a hybrid manner of bursts of sustained fire.

B3-AR BBY: This weapon sacrifices firepower at range for extremely low heat generation (no spread to make a comparison with). It seems this weapon is largely built for mid/close range combat with a slightly lower rate of fire and lower damage output than its PPA counterpart. I'm going to hazard a guess that more skilled players will enjoy the PPA and newer players will enjoy the BBY for its high spam-ability.

B3-AR M4MA: Diverging from PPA and BBY, M4MA is actually a projectile weapon with a comparatively low splash radius compared to other projectile based primaries. It is difficult to tell its situational usefulness as the stats for projectile speed aren't included and additionally we can't tell if it will arc (like the RE-D0X) or fire straight (like the HEAT). However, for a projectile based weapon it does have the fastest rate of fire beating the the next closest RE-D0X by 0.1 proj/sec. Its overall damage is higher than the BBY but also with a slightly higher heat generation. I'm interested to see if the M4MA or PPA ends up a favourite among high tier players.

SAARE Launcher: The unique nature of this secondary means depending on which primary you use will dictate the use of the SAARE Launcher. I suspect those with the PPA primary will need to constantly charge (or use the alternative mode_) the SAARE to get that extra heat removal allowing for a more continuous fire. This is a projectile weapon but again without projectile speed or knowing if it arcs or not makes it difficult to determine its effective range. Guessing from the primary options though it looks like this mech is going for mid range combat. It has a very fast rate of fire that even beats that of the EOC Predator solidifying this mech as the king of sustained weaponry. The SAARE also has the best splash range compared to all other weapons which will help reduce the penalty for missing the enemy mech (which is more likely to happened with more sustained fire)

The most notable stats of this mech is its quick overheat recovery time as well as its fast walk and boost speeds (same as vanguard) at the expense of a very low fuel regen rate and small fuel tank (4L less than the Vanguard). The rest of its stats are fairly average compared to the other C Classes.

It will start with a Heat Mine (it appears the activation time is something new as that never existed before with the repair charge_) that adds 70 heat or 70% to enemy mechs heat build-up.

A random stab in the dark would lead me to guess that its special ability will be a turret like all the other C Classes but with a passive coolant stat that drains/lowers heat production when firing allowing a never ending stream of bullets at its foes (which would be extremely powerful combined with PPA)

Despite the name incinerator (which means "to burn completely" or "cause to burn to ashes") it is used in a much looser sense in that it refers to the incinerator's ability to manipulate heat in itself and its enemies (nothing directly to do with burning things to the ground with a flame-thrower).

About the shield, remember that with the new changes to the shield, people can no longer shoot through it from inside or outside any more, so it can't be used for turtling like it is in the current meta.

They said the EMP was getting a rework so I suspect what you suggested is exactly what it means, this will make the EMP a much more difficult item to use but with the reduced time time to kill if a player manages to land a hit with it, it will be a near death sentence for the person affected.

Edited by Luminescent, February 04 2014 - 10:06 PM.

#73 Ordinance



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Posted February 04 2014 - 01:19 AM

MrShade_, on February 03 2014 - 10:37 PM, said:

Oh man, I can't wait to get my hands on the SA Hawkins after the patch. I want so badly for that gun to be viable on my Brawler.

That fact that I am not the only one who desparately waits for this brings me to the verge of tears. Almost.

waftycrank said:

By any tangible measure, Tech is a failed experiment.

#74 LarryLaffer


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Posted February 04 2014 - 01:33 AM

View PostMrShade_, on February 03 2014 - 10:37 PM, said:

Oh man, I can't wait to get my hands on the SA Hawkins after the patch. I want so badly for that gun to be viable on my Brawler.
Isn't it already viable enough_ :huh: I often use Brawler with SA-Hawkins especially on open maps. After Brawler's speed and SA-Hawkins damage buffs it became one of my favorite mechs (both with flak and hawkins). I hope it will not be underpowered after new patch in terms of speed as it was earlier.

Edited by LarryLaffer, February 04 2014 - 01:34 AM.

WolfyFTW's Mindgamer: Hawken videos - the best combat tutorial ever!
Throw away Air Compressor! Be a man!.

#75 Ysenberg


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Posted February 04 2014 - 01:42 AM

Hi guys!

I just read through your descriptions, Luminescent.
That high firerate and heat development... could it point into the direction of a flamethrower_
Just think about it...


[font=times new roman', times, serif]O Lord, bless this Thy holy grenade that with it Thou mayest blow Thine enemies to tiny bits, in Thy mercy.[/font]

[font=times new roman', times, serif]  Grenadiers do it around the corner...^^ [/font][font=comic sans ms', cursive]W[/font][font=comic sans ms', cursive]andering guns #103: [font=verdana, geneva, sans-serif]Ysenberg[/font][/font]

#76 Ker4u


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Posted February 04 2014 - 01:46 AM

Nobody else raise an eyebrowe over CRT nerf_   Thing is completely useless compared to Assault now,    reasonable change, but 2000 mc wasted  on crt make me a sad panda

- lok'tar ogar -

#77 44ug3n



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Posted February 04 2014 - 02:03 AM

damn the berserker is getting weaker and weaker tsk armor 350_ are you kidding me_ multiple hits with the heavy and medium mechs and we're dead in a few seconds geezz

#78 yellowbronco


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Posted February 04 2014 - 02:07 AM

View Post44ug3n, on February 04 2014 - 02:03 AM, said:

damn the berserker is getting weaker and weaker tsk armor 350_ are you kidding me_ multiple hits with the heavy and medium mechs and we're dead in a few seconds geezz
I to love the berserker at the moment, but it looks like I will have to go to another mech now.
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#79 hawkenus


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Posted February 04 2014 - 02:10 AM

View Post[HWK]Vanashinkaku, on February 03 2014 - 05:43 PM, said:

We've all faced a powerful Scout Pilot who is able to clean up an entire team and then run away without breaking a sweat.
Just fix your autobalance problems and these issues will be gone.
Even Rocketeer can kill Scouts very easly, just stay in open places so Hellfires rain can go on.
I never had any problems with Scouts as C class mechs pilot, even when I play B class mechs like Raider or Assault.
So you argument is invalid.FYI - I only play Siege.

The only thing I like is removing the tuning points, this will make mechs what they're created for, not some modded copy of other mech.

So in the end this whole patch is nerf the Scouts, because someone have problems with it, lame...
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so wet e-puzzy, y jelly_...

#80 Ker4u


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Posted February 04 2014 - 02:14 AM

View Postyellowbronco, on February 04 2014 - 02:07 AM, said:

View Post44ug3n, on February 04 2014 - 02:03 AM, said:

damn the berserker is getting weaker and weaker tsk armor 350_ are you kidding me_ multiple hits with the heavy and medium mechs and we're dead in a few seconds geezz
I to love the berserker at the moment, but it looks like I will have to go to another mech now.
i thought this is sarcasm at first, u serious_ berz looks like top a class mech now to me,
-  no weapons spread on flying,
-  infinite air dodges
-  sustain buff,
-  most hp from A clases
ownly downside it's a bit slow on ground,  like it is now

Edited by Ker4u, February 04 2014 - 02:15 AM.

- lok'tar ogar -

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