Was it me?

Posted 19 January 2016 - 05:53 PM

Posted 19 January 2016 - 05:56 PM

Crafty, look at the video posted to the subreddit. Its one of runa's alts going super saiyin.
ugh, I'm thoroughly disgusted
Me three.
I wonder if she's gonna take this lying down, or will she'll come with a scorched-earth defense?
Did I say Call Me Ishmael?
You should call me Luna.
Posted 19 January 2016 - 06:06 PM

I like to stay away from reddit, [insert excuse here], but from what I've seen in matches with her, I'm gonna say me four.
Will add a video or something when I get around to seeing why every sound in my videos is dropped down an octave and why it wants to play at 3 fps when i can run hawken ten times that amount(off-topic mini-rant)(could be my media player)
Ridding the world of evil, one Berzerker at a time.
Posted 19 January 2016 - 07:06 PM

who knows for sure that vinyl scratch is Runes
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
Posted 19 January 2016 - 09:42 PM

I played with the player mentioned above yesterday, and they didn't seem unnaturally good. Good, yes, but not unnaturally. Then again, I played many times against someone who was latter confirmed to be a hacker and I didn't think they were unnaturally good either.
Sometimes hacking is more obvious than other times. This is a video of a hacker from a year and change ago. I haven't seen this kind of turn-rate hacks from any other player except the alts of the player in the video (who has long since been banned, so I don't think this counts as a call out).
Posted 20 January 2016 - 12:03 AM

In the past.. in other games, when cheats were detected, the cheat authors would find out and they'd tweak their cheat software so that the current anti-cheat wouldn't detect it anymore. It was a constant cat and mouse game trying to detect who was cheating and server admins were constantly updating their server side cheat detection software and at times forcing client side cheat detection software updates. It was a pain in the *** to manage, and people would complain about it all the time. Some of the early days of Punkbuster comes to mind for example, before VAC.. good old WON days...
I think even VAC uses delayed banning to combat this. Still, if Reloaded adds on anti-cheat to Hawken, I hope that they do something to make any bans a person gets MEAN something.
Shouldn't have to bank on Hawken remaining completely obscure and shunned though.. you're probably right that it wouldn't be worth their time, unless Reloaded can pull this game back from the brink.
the delayed bans just so happen to give the primary money making hack distributor helios the perfect timing to fit their system, they make a hack and sell it out with a guarantee so that while many buyers are instantly nabbed by vac they still have around a month of use until helios rehashes their hack and reimburse the customers who have been banned, its a cycle making money for both helios and valve endlessly
Posted 20 January 2016 - 09:07 AM

Posted 20 January 2016 - 12:53 PM

the delayed bans just so happen to give the primary money making hack distributor helios the perfect timing to fit their system, they make a hack and sell it out with a guarantee so that while many buyers are instantly nabbed by vac they still have around a month of use until helios rehashes their hack and reimburse the customers who have been banned, its a cycle making money for both helios and valve endlessly
Guess I closed my browser window before hitting the post button, huh, o_O.
Anyway, it doesn't have to be 30 days, it doesn't have to always be the same number of days / hours when it comes to the delay, but honestly it won't matter while Hawken is F2P. This game lacks the incentives to hold on to one's account beyond maybe maintaining a little notoriety, incentives such as any form of progression system, increasingly powerful mechs / weapons, end-game style story driven content, etc. are pretty much non-existent. OK, there will be some idiots that sink a bunch of money into a F2P title and then risk it by hacking on their primary account, which, with smurfing being as prominent as it is, all Reloaded would be doing is padding their accounts created numbers.
Until Reloaded finds a way to ban the PC rather than the account or make the time dedicated to said account more meaningful, it's going to be a lot of effort for not.
Don't get me wrong though, I'm all for banning people who cheat in online games. It just needs to be done right and not in a way that throws up a smoke screen that cheaters use to hide behind, especially a cheat-detection system that is ineffective.
So, regarding hacking ect. We are all familiar with aimbots of course but are there ways to alter say increase dmg ect?
Edited by ATX22, 20 January 2016 - 01:05 PM.
Posted 20 January 2016 - 09:49 PM

So, regarding hacking ect. We are all familiar with aimbots of course but are there ways to alter say increase dmg ect?
As far as i know, damage is done server side, so i dont think it is hack-able in the way that an aimbot, or esp is done, i may be wrong, but i remember seeing it on the forums somewhere.
"but the dead horse has been beaten so many times it's practically a pulpy mess in the barn by now."
Posted 20 January 2016 - 09:53 PM

Crafty, look at the video posted to the subreddit. Its one of runa's alts going super saiyin.
Sorry kiddo, she's not with me, so don't pit the blame on her. Do I know her yeah, and from what I hear you don't treat women nicely. So I see the trouble I stirred in this testosterone pit as amusing, nothing makes for better dank memes then fuzzy bunnyn with sausagefests.
Posted 20 January 2016 - 10:11 PM

Crafty, look at the video posted to the subreddit. Its one of runa's alts going super saiyin.
Not mine son, I haven't been on since November, I only recently got access to my fuzzy bunny back after my phone was stolen while visiting friends and family for the holidays.
Just changed my password today, whoever had access to my fuzzy bunny during that time, don't know don't care, Hawken needs a miracle to recover so I've written it off as a lost cause. Sorry but Blade & Soul, Black Desert, Dreadnought, Overwatch, Ghost in the Shell Online, and Star Citizen, are on my playlist for the foreseeable future.
Posted 20 January 2016 - 10:22 PM

EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
Posted 20 January 2016 - 11:22 PM

Of course, cause friends and family are just the sort of shady people that would not only steal your phone but then download aimbot/cheat software and login to your Hawken account and use it just to frame you.
- PoopSlinger, crockrocket and Silverfire like this
fuzzy bunny you CZeroFive
Posted 21 January 2016 - 01:26 AM

I literally just played with you yesterday morning, then you got mad and left and switched to an alt after trying to excuse your behavior with your typical "SOMEOME ON UR TEAM IS HACKING AND I HAVE VIDEO EVIDENCE BUT WONT SHOW YOU" bs
If someone else was on your account I don't think they'd be displaying the same attitude and behavior you're so well known for :/
Edited by PsychedelicGrass, 21 January 2016 - 01:27 AM.
- PoopSlinger, Silverfire, -Tj- and 2 others like this
What's the big fuzzy bunnyng deal? Lots of amazing people have committed suicide, and they turned out alright.
Posted 21 January 2016 - 04:43 AM

Have you sent in a support ticket?
Edited by Lunatic, 21 January 2016 - 04:45 AM.
Did I say Call Me Ishmael?
You should call me Luna.
Posted 21 January 2016 - 05:21 AM

I only recently got access to my fuzzy bunny back
Oh pls
I literally just played with you yesterday morning
reading is hard
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
Posted 21 January 2016 - 01:42 PM

In other news, I got called a hacker just last night; by two people. Seems that dodging, aiming, and watching my radar scanner for a cloaked pred below me in the AA counts as hacking- who knew eh?
It gets better though, I was also called out by one of the same guys because.... I use internals and items on my mechs, which apparently means that I have no skills and make up for said lack of skills by using 'lame' internals and items. You heard it here guys, if you know how dodge, run & gun and pay attention to your mini-map/scanner, and you use any internals or items, you're a no-skill loser and a hacker.
I did lol quite heartily at the poor rookie, it is true...
Posted 21 January 2016 - 06:13 PM

reading is hard
Yes very
It makes total sense to me that someone would steal a phone then go "hey you know what? I think I'll play this obscure video game using this persons account because reasons. fuzzy bunny it, I'll also use an aimbot!"
They also had the same attitute runa has had since I first saw her ingame like a year and a half ago.. that's pretty crazy huh?
That's almost a lamer excuse than my "uhh idk wasn't me, ur wrong"
- SS396, crockrocket, -Tj- and 1 other like this
What's the big fuzzy bunnyng deal? Lots of amazing people have committed suicide, and they turned out alright.
Posted 21 January 2016 - 06:28 PM

honestly the bigger problem is the map exploiters. especially on that all white map (frontline?), going on the high towers is just disgusting
Posted 21 January 2016 - 07:12 PM

Yes very
It makes total sense to me that someone would steal a phone then go "hey you know what? I think I'll play this obscure video game using this persons account because reasons. fuzzy bunny it, I'll also use an aimbot!"
They also had the same attitute runa has had since I first saw her ingame like a year and a half ago.. that's pretty crazy huh?
That's almost a lamer excuse than my "uhh idk wasn't me, ur wrong"
#1. "yesterday" doesn't exclude "recently"
#2. "someone took my account" has all of my facepalm
#3. I need that video proof or a concrete account connection
EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken
Posted 21 January 2016 - 08:12 PM

Will get it next time c:
What's the big fuzzy bunnyng deal? Lots of amazing people have committed suicide, and they turned out alright.
Posted 21 January 2016 - 08:55 PM

So, regarding hacking ect. We are all familiar with aimbots of course but are there ways to alter say increase dmg ect?
I haven't seen one to increase damage on Hawken. They have em for other games though. But they do have a damage reduction hack. It takes the bruisers 10 second ability to reduce damage 60% and turns it on indifinetely until they turn it off. They can still die and then of course they say "Oh look I just died. I'm not hacking". LOL .......uh yeah. There is also a hack that makes them invunerable. But I haven't seen anyone stupid enough to use that. Kind of would be very easy to spot. I suppose some have used it for a time, but who knows. Not sure if that answered your question or not though. But it's all I've seen. On another note I have seen someone in the past week using the "smooth aim" aimbot with 100% accuracy. And NEVER missing one time over 5 matches. Sad. Oh and the same person (a girl) when getting angry started shooting people THRU walls, buildings, behind rocks, etc. And one shot killing them. I just don't get it. Play the game, the hell with the dumb crap.
- LRod and -Tj- like this
"Nov8tr" is pronounced "INNOVATOR"
Yes I'm really 64 yrs old. July 6, 1953
Posted 22 January 2016 - 01:49 AM

honestly the bigger problem is the map exploiters. especially on that all white map (frontline?), going on the high towers is just disgusting
Personally, I find this less annoying than players who never miss. It'll be pretty easy to patch the maps once they get moving on them, but the hack-cheats are going to be an ongoing problem.
- GalaxyRadio, Nov8tr, CraftyDus and 2 others like this
Posted 22 January 2016 - 05:14 AM

The map exploit can be done by everyone without any cheat tools. That makes a big difference to me.
Also you could just go after them and kill them. That's what I'm gonna do next time someones pestering me form the rooftops of frontline.
And as Tj said, the maps can easily be fixed.
Posted 22 January 2016 - 06:18 AM

radar scanner
Don't let eth0 see this, he'll give you the mirvs
Edited by DallasCreeper, 22 January 2016 - 06:19 AM.
Ridding the world of evil, one Berzerker at a time.
Posted 22 January 2016 - 08:05 AM

The map exploit can be done by everyone without any cheat tools. That makes a big difference to me.
Also you could just go after them and kill them. That's what I'm gonna do next time someones pestering me form the rooftops of frontline.
And as Tj said, the maps can easily be fixed.
Oh, that'll be super fun! So, every match just ends up becoming a race to the nearest map exploit, because the first person to make it out always has the advantage.
To be serious for a moment this is just a joke
Posted 22 January 2016 - 10:32 AM

as far as I know there are at least two spots on frontline.
so every team can occupy one an try to snipe and hellfire the fuzzy bunny out of the other team on the other rooftop.
Posted 22 January 2016 - 10:35 AM

There's also the option to just use an aimbot to counter other aimbotters.
Festivals end, as festivals must
Posted 22 January 2016 - 05:28 PM

The map exploit can be done by everyone without any cheat tools. That makes a big difference to me.
Also you could just go after them and kill them. That's what I'm gonna do next time someones pestering me form the rooftops of frontline.
And as Tj said, the maps can easily be fixed.
i guess my wording was off. I was on mobile sorry. basically what i wanted to say was that map exploits is the more annoying and easier to fix problem. also i dont know how to get up there to after them :(.
Posted 22 January 2016 - 08:37 PM

Played HAWKEN for the first time in weeks and ran into four aimbotters in as many games. Reporting them is pointless, who cares when you can just make a new account for free and keep botting?
- ATX22 likes this
Posted 22 January 2016 - 09:06 PM

Is it possible to see somewhere, if a person is still playing after report or not?
It seems my reports worked, cause i didn't saw for a week the players i reported, maybe they actually did something.
I reported a hacker not long ago, and now his herokuapp data has been reset to zero. I assume this means his account is shut down? If so, this means that the devs are in fact still banning people.
Keep in mind that they're short-staffed and probably don't have a dedicated support team yet. It takes time to process this stuff.
Edited by Nightfirebolt, 22 January 2016 - 09:09 PM.
Posted 22 January 2016 - 09:20 PM

as far as I know there are at least two spots on frontline.
so every team can occupy one an try to snipe and hellfire the fuzzy bunny out of the other team on the other rooftop.
You mean like this one ?
Edited by DieselCat, 22 January 2016 - 09:21 PM.
Posted 23 January 2016 - 04:11 AM

I'm still of the mindset that cheating isn't that common. Maybe I'm just bad at noticing it, but I've seen only a handful botters over the year and a half I've been playing.
I'm not saying it isn't a problem, and it's certainly something the devs need to take a hardline stance on. I just think it tends to get blown out of proportion (just talking about NA, not gonna speculate about what goes on in other regions).
I have seen 4 separate logins in 4 days, very obvious snap between 30 and 50 degrees, after 3 and a half years and lots of monetary support, I feel like I cant play when they are.
50% of the time you would have no reason to notice, they are on the same team as you.
- LRod likes this
Posted 23 January 2016 - 11:49 AM

First, Runa is many things - flashier than me amongst them - but I'm reasonably satisfied, like Dus, that she's not hacking stats.
Second... *I* could have bought Hawken and started development for that price. If I had only known.... "Kids, you'll have to join the army for the GI bill, I'm spending your college fund"
Id have to see some proof before I'd believe Runa is cheating.
Or that Hawken was bought for ~$30,000.00.
Runa may not use 'hacks', but she is a cheater and exploiter - constantly getting outside of map boundaries and knowing spots where one can stand and kill other players from behind walls where opponents cannot shoot back. She's been doing this since the very first time I encountered her back in closed beta.
Yeah, A guy sent me a folder with a ton of screenshots of Runa admitting she hacks if you need additional proof. You'll need to download it to view(idk why, I don't understand .zip files)
- SS396, Analysis and -Tj- like this
Ridding the world of evil, one Berzerker at a time.
Posted 23 January 2016 - 12:06 PM

Runa admitting she hacks if you need additional proof
She does way more than admit she hacks, she pretty much indicts a whole host of TPG members while doing it. lol.... The plot thickens.
fuzzy bunny you CZeroFive
Posted 23 January 2016 - 12:42 PM

- LRod likes this
Posted 23 January 2016 - 12:46 PM

Posted 23 January 2016 - 01:14 PM

All I'm gonna say regarding that fun little screenshot dump is consider the source.
Posted 23 January 2016 - 02:23 PM

I'm still of the mindset that cheating isn't that common. Maybe I'm just bad at noticing it, but I've seen only a handful botters over the year and a half I've been playing.
I'm not saying it isn't a problem, and it's certainly something the devs need to take a hardline stance on. I just think it tends to get blown out of proportion (just talking about NA, not gonna speculate about what goes on in other regions).
Of course right after I say this I see someone in game clearly hacking.... Figures
Yeah, A guy sent me a folder with a ton of screenshots of Runa admitting she hacks if you need additional proof. You'll need to download it to view(idk why, I don't understand .zip files)
All I'm gonna say regarding that fun little screenshot dump is consider the source.
Yeah I'm not sure that dump tells us much. Pretty much sounds like classic runa shenanigans.
- comic_sans likes this
Salvage: An Idea to Stop Leavers
Posted 23 January 2016 - 03:17 PM

Anything that Reloaded can do to truly combat cheating will occur only after they start making substantial changes to Hawken itself. Since Hawken is F2P, they may need to rethink the approach that ADH/meteor took with Hawken trying to emulate an old-school FPS game making the extras you buy about the only thing you lose if your account is locked out.
Starting out with a mech that can hold it's own against pretty much anything else in the game helps new players when new players are pitted against the awesome "been playing Hawken since the beginning" players, but it also makes account bans mostly pointless.
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