I have always been of the mindset that hacking is relatively rare, including in Hawken. I have even been accused of hacking when dropped into servers with newer players.
I believe I have about 550 hours in game, 2100mmr, and about average in skills. (I know i must frustrate my 2200+ mmr teammates because, although my aim and movement are decent, I struggle with situational awareness in the high mmr games, when enemy tactics and positioning change radically and rapidly, often leading to me over-committing.)
I notice that people who accuse me of hacking are usually in one of 2 camps-
1. Uninformed Casual gamers- people who hop into games occasionally and understandably, do not invest much time in improving by research or practice.
2. Low-skilled players with some insecurity, a lack of imagination concerning the Human skill ceiling, and maybe some immaturity/egotism who are also unconvinced of the benefits of discipline and practice. (We're talking about a video game, but the principle can be applied elsewhere in life.)
Lately, however, as my hours invested and experience have grown, I have seen highly skilled veterans accuse some players of being 'obvious hackers'.
Overall, I do find the situation disheartening.
I, too, have respect for some high skilled FPS gamers, especially those who demonstrate the modesty, humility, grace and maturity that is all too rare in the world these days.
When I was recently presented with evidence that some of these may be hacking, I found it surprising and disappointing.
The long and the short of it: I anxiously await a patch with some anti-cheat.
"Finally, the white knight I deserve. [ARCHETYPE]" - Amidatelion