Tell me about it. The first two weeks after release of 2 and 3 were really epic... and then straight into the toilet. And it's all EA's fault - they have Crytek's balls in a vice and wouldn't allow any extension of the release or any after-release work to fix the vulnerabilities and glitches.
I've heard this (and seen it, I suppose) as far back as Battlefield 2. There seemed to be one major update to that terrific game, including tweaks and minor bugfixes, followed by nothingness... forevermore..despite community outcry for anti cheat and content tweaks.
I was annoyed with EA even in the early 1980s when their copy protection kept my 1541 floppy drive head shaking itself into a death rattle constantly.
I view them as a tyrannical publisher of some great titles that you just have to put up with if you want to play them.