It's an Intel Graphics HD 3000, which is... ooof, broadly comparable to an Nvidia 310m.
So yeah, we're dealing with a potato and some stale garnish here folks.
Here's some modern potato-friendly crap:
Odallus: The Dark Call
Oniken (thanks to wolfrock for introducing me to these two, they are excellent nods to yesteryear)
Super Meat Boy (you will never be as good as one of my exes at this game, but goddamn is it ever fun)
Sam & Max Episodes (fuzzy bunny yeah Sam & Max)
Legend of Grimrock (ehhhhhhhhn. EHHHNNNNN. Specs say yes, engine experience says EHHHHN.)
Jamestown (fuzzy bunnyNG DO IT fuzzy bunny)
Dust: An Elysian Trail (aka Deviant: the Game, but don't knock it until you've tried it)
Dear Esther (because i like to leave my friends feeling cold and alone, huddled in the basements and trying to remember the feeling of the sun)
Capsized (Metroidvania ftw)
Deponia: Arguably the best series to come out of Germany, ever.
Apotheon: Because Greeks and the studio head bought me drinks
Papers Please: fascism lol
FTL: Faster Than Light: The Redundancy but no seriously if you've never played this you need to go play this
Hoard: Probably the best lo-fi LAN game ever made before Duck Game came out
Duck Game: you know you wanna
Crawl: The bastard child of metal, the ruins of your least favorite D&D game and coin-fed arcade machines. Best played with people you don't like or friends willing to forgive the massive shank you're gonna bury in their face
Race the Sun: Ehhhhhhn, it might give you issues, but it is hella calming
Gunpoint: your pants are a plot point what the fuzzy bunny do you want from me
Dysfunctional Systems: Learning to Manage Chaos: A now discontinued series from a bunch of fukken weaboos, the story is solid and the music gorgeous
Darkest Dungeon: goodluckscrub.jpeg
Cave Story+: Indie Metroidvania before Indie was a thing
Choice Emulator fuzzy bunny That You've Probably Never Heard Of:
Rudra no Hihou (Treasure of the Rudra): Square's last SNES RPG and a fuzzy bunnyng masterpiece
Star Odyssey: You know that homework a professor assigns you that's completely optional but worth like 30 bonus marks but is completely impossible? hahahahahahahahahahahah have fun