I've rarely visited Reloaded Games' website, but like many others, have visited it quite a lot around the time of Reloaded's acquisition of Hawken's IP. I at first was somewhat confused as to why the letters "HWK" were no longer on the front page. What's more, the cycling banner slide used to contain Hawken in it, but this has also disappeared. I have confirmed that it was replaced by the "Made by Gamers" slide.
According to Wayback Machine, the last confirmed sighting of Hawken having any presence on Reloaded's website was February 16th, 2017. If you visit the site right now (www.reloadedinc.com)�as of this posts submit date�Hawken is no longer there, not even in the source code for the site when searching for "hawken".
505 Games is still listed as the publisher.
The implications here can be either really good news, or really bad news. I will reserve my opinion until this situation matures more. Hopefully (I guess?) this was an error; although replacing Hawken's site banner with a generic one doesn't seem like a coincidence to me.
Edit: Going to http://reloadedinc.com/hawken.html results in a not found message.
Edit2: Added Wayback Machine image
Edited by Draigun, 22 February 2017 - 06:56 PM.