Something to start the weekend off with........
You are an absolute Legend Sir Ninja_Goat.
Duke of Goatingdon
Earl of Mmmeeeeehhhh
Lord of all that are Ovine!
Meeeeeeehhhhhh :)
After an incident this week involving some of our members I'm afraid that I have had to lay down certain conditions.
You can find an open letter to all KDR members in the KDR Teamspeak Server. I have also updated the KDR code of conduct.
I do understand that we are all individuals with our own opinions but we must be careful how those opinions effect the clan as a whole. The letter I have written comes after spending a great deal of time in conversation with both parties concerned.
I hope you understand.
[KDR] Pastorius
Edited by (KDR) Pastorius, 16 May 2015 - 08:05 AM.
Fair enough. We have private servers (including Batpanda's) anyways, so should not be any problem IMO.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the KDR, please welcome [KDR] KarlSchlag to the team!
He seems like a great guy and I know that you will make him feel welcome.
Edited by (KDR) Pastorius, 16 May 2015 - 08:11 AM.
Ah, nice to see that Karl also joined us, we will have much fun together! Rozer, you have got a job to do!
Two Ladies and Muscle Gentlemen of the KDR , i think you understand why i'm here
yes you are right , your favorite spicy , Mr. Space Man , The Hoorah Manager here to celebrate our new crew .Who just joint in our KDR family , so please don't be shy
.Here we go all together
A Big Giant HOORAH
for [KDR] KarlSchlag
I have been called hacker at least 10-12 times in game Today.
This feeling is confusing , someone use harsh words to prove my skills . I am sure everyone in Clan had same nickname .
...... 'I'll be back'
Welcome Karl! :D
#openlettertokdrmembers: Roger.
I have been called hacker at least 10-12 times in game Today.
This feeling is confusing , someone use harsh words to prove my skills . I am sure everyone in Clan had same nickname
I would take it as flattery. If you have been called a Hacker then it's because you seemed too good for that person to comprehend!
I long for the day that someone accuses me of Hacking...
Sadly however, I am not that good
Well, the really twisted one whom souns like a 5 yo industrial fan from outer space is Rozarita, I'm the weird one allways loosing my fuzzy bunny, Freeze is all about dat face, Kleros is allso loosing his fuzzy bunny, Seth is the insulting one, Bergwein is an angel i suspect, Vilyria can actually sing (but chooses the wrong text some times) >.< , Erz is the typical german accent, Kopra is the golden 1 liner, Apples is "the dark humored one", and the rest is beyond my writing skills ATM.
Good luck, and be warned, you might like these ppl ^_^
Edited by (KDR) Bunnykillkill, 16 May 2015 - 11:11 AM.
Well, the really twisted one whom souns like a 5 yo industrial fan from outer space is Rozarita, I
what is that ,someone explain please
Well, all i hear is somethin someting beech someting between the WHOMP WHOMP of your cooling fan :P
more precisely
This is my industrial Cooler : http://gaming.cooler...thers/sf19usb3/
Thank you guys for that warm welcome :D Next thing to do is to find out whos voice is who.
Hello there and welcome ! Nice to see new people, some of who i even remember seeing in the game before. =)
(Please keep your G2-Raider away from me though, it's pretty scary)
Erz is the typical german accent
I don't know what to respond to this... I guess I'll use my good mic in the future instead of my default one because I really don't think that I have got a big german accent, of course the others can correct me if I'm wrong
I don't know what to respond to this... I guess I'll use my good mic in the future instead of my default one because I really don't think that I have got a big german accent, of course the others can correct me if I'm wrong
The thing is, compared to Berg, everyone has a noticable accent, and you were the only german I could think of :3
And yeah, can understand why i hear your fan Rozie, you just gotta find a pc that can keep up with your skills hax ^_^
Edited by (KDR) Bunnykillkill, 16 May 2015 - 02:16 PM.
Well, the really twisted one whom souns like a 5 yo industrial fan from outer space is Rozarita, I'm the weird one allways loosing my fuzzy bunny, Freeze is all about dat face, Kleros is allso loosing his fuzzy bunny, Seth is the insulting one, Bergwein is an angel i suspect, Vilyria can actually sing (but chooses the wrong text some times) >.< , Erz is the typical german accent, Kopra is the golden 1 liner, Apples is "the dark humored one", and the rest is beyond my writing skills ATM.
Good luck, and be warned, you might like these ppl ^_^
Haha XD, you might hear my cat pur in the background, she is sometimes sitting on my lab when I play. And yeah, my accent is pretty noticeable, too :D
Right now, I am studying all the sheets, Pastorius gave me yesterday. I'm proud as a peacock to be with you guys :D
Edited by KarlSchlag, 16 May 2015 - 10:05 PM.
KDR Veteran Member / KDR Server Administrator
[insidejoke]You belong in Critical Assist due to your share peacock-ness.[/insidejoke]Right now, I am studying all the sheets, Pastorius gave me yesterday. I'm proud as a peacock to be with you guys :D
Yeah, more G2 raiders ! I can't wait for tonight !
Hey Guys and Girls :) , do you can do something for Me Poor KaBLoS ?? .. If yes please kill Retri on sight. Thank You :) Ta Ta
He is calling me cheater , aimbot and all the bad stuff in a full server of new players and best players ... and ppl belive him ... My Respect is going down ... Remember Retri ... Thx :)
Take it as a compliment.
.....and if you see him again....
.....Tell him you are in a great clan full of High Level players, and that's why you're so good.
I finally declare 17-05-2015 as International NOOB day. Today All HAWKEN servers full with NOOB /Newbies ,
Play at your own risk.
Expected symptoms: Harsh words from mouth, Anger, High BP or unexpected Happiness of wining.
...... 'I'll be back'
He is calling me cheater , aimbot and all the bad stuff in a full server of new players and best players ... and ppl belive him ... My Respect is going down ... Remember Retri ... Thx :)
wow that's great and it's your complement .u r batter than u .we r proud of u man
He is calling me cheater , aimbot and ...
This might also mean you landed on a server that doesn't match your skill level anymore. It's only natural that people think you cheat if they cannot comprehend how you beat them. So 'take it as a compliment' only goes so far.
Also: Keep in mind (as a general rule) not to denounce individual pilots on the forums and in social media channels. Nobody likes a telltale.
Solve conflicts by challenging your rivals 1v1.
Remember what Chief Keef said on the matter.
...and let slip the dogs of war... For your hawken musical needs
NP Kopra, it will make balancing the teams easier anyways! Good luck with your stuffs.
As for accusations KabLoS, as I have said, take it as a complement mate, don't engage with the accusers though and please, no call-outs on the forum.
Jeez, something unexpected happened to me so I'm sad to say I won't be able to make it tonight :c
Sorry for missing the first session I had the opportunity to take part of...
...and let slip the dogs of war...
Hey, I'll make it after all :3
Jeez, I shouldn't have been out of a mech this long...
Why do my feet hurt so much?
How many days has it been?
Ah, a garage. Finally! I'm saved.
Edited by (KDR) Miscellaneous, 17 May 2015 - 10:12 AM.
Thanks for an AWESOME night folks! I couldn't retire to my bed tonight without posting possibly the greatest screenshot ever...
So, without further adoo, here is [KDR] NinjaGoat sporting a rather spiffing cloth hat!
Also, a massive thank you to (KDR) Pandabaron for stepping up as our new Staff Officer!
Edited by (KDR) Pastorius, 17 May 2015 - 12:55 PM.
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