In the #hawkenscrim IRC, the subject of turret mode came up, and along with it the strategy of sending explosives behind the turreted mech and remote detonating them to take advantage of the reduced rear armor. Thinking about this, I wondered how advanced strategies could be taught in the game with less pressure on new players, partly as a way to improve the tutorial system, partly as a way to give players who are better at the game a more interesting challenge with a reward.
The first thing I thought of was the challenges that come with many of Blizzard's games - like in Starcraft 2 or Hearthstone. You are given a pre-determined set of units or cards, are presented with a unique challenge, and asked to solve it. Like "Here's 5 battlecruisers, blow up these 10 missile turrets without losing a cruiser" or something like that. Completing these challenges unlocks cosmetic stuff like avatars or skins or what have you.
We could do the same thing with Hawken. Create a series of contrived challenges - some of which could be done in the VR environment like the tutorial, others could be using specialized situations within the actual maps. Or even a mix. Present players with challenges like:
- "You are piloting a Berserker. Your opponent is hiding behind cover, and you can't move to flank him. You have 5 TOW shots to kill the enemy Raider before overheating, within x amount of time; good luck."
- A turreted Vanguard is rushing your position down a corridor as an Infiltrator. Hitting it just from the front won't kill it before it kills you, but the corridor is too short and narrow to reliably get behind it, and if you did, it would just turn around. Your goal: Survive.
- An advanced Crion mech has been salvaged from the Viruses' origin point by a Sentium infiltrator. This mech is capable of remaining permanently invisible while still moving at full speed and firing. Use your radar to determine the enemies' location and destroy it before it destroys you. Prosk is counting on you: over and out.
- Etc.
You could have a set of several of these challenges, each of them either teaching advanced tactics that aren't well covered in the current tutorial, or putting the player in seemingly overwhelming odds and challenging them to come out on top. These challenges could be organized into difficulty tiers, with rewards for completing each tier, whether they be unique skins, avatars, repair drones, or any combination of the above. Similar challenges could be set up for pre-made parties of 2 or more players, upping the difficulty of the challenges and teaching players how to best work as a team in different mechs and in different situations.
Let me know what you think about this suggestion, and whatever horrible downfall to it there is that I've managed to miss due to my infinite lameness. Alternatively or additionally, post your own suggestions for challenges that could be included in this set!
Edited by Saturnine, 06 April 2015 - 10:13 AM.