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HWKN Remastered Chapters Thread (Chapter 2 pt 2 out now!)

* * * * * 3 votes HWKN Hawken Story Fiction Hijinks

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Hijinks here, this is the remastered version of HWKN Chapter 00!  Enjoy!  This is the start of a story that will tell how the world of Hawken became what it is.


-What is HWKN Remastered?


It is a series of chapters that follows the story of a group of mercenaries before the events that happen in today's current Hawken!  People have read the originals and loved them.  I'm redoing and polishing them for a more immersive and refined experience for old and new fans alike.  Usually the chapters are split into two parts, as they are made to the highest quality from extreme amounts of editing by me and a few of your fellow pilots.  However, if you find mistakes in them, do tell as I'm still learning as an author.


HWKN Remastered Chapters:


HWKN: Prologue-00 'Broken Hopes'



The man awoke in a place of darkness, he knew something was off as he lay adrift.  He felt as if he had been here many times before.  I� I remember something� what was it?


Voices echoed in his head, all whispering, �You have failed.  You have fallen again and again.  Always resisting, never complying.  Follow the directive."  The voices chanted it over and over until it started to melt together into a Gregorian chant that overwhelmed him.  Spikes surrounding him grew from all sides, piercing his mind.  They threw him and into the sea of conscious and he lay there awash, overwhelmed and frightened.


Struggling with effort, he ignored the pain and the voices; he wanted to find what he was missing.  He remembered things he didn�t know, saw things through the eyes of different people.  Through the sea of thoughts and various images, he saw many things that weren't his own.  Who was he?  What was he?  He didn�t know.  All he knew was that he desired for something that came from within what shattered mind he had left.  The voices droned onward.


Date:  Unknown; 6.5 years ago.

Daniil strained his eyes while using the scan function through his HUD over the wrecked landscape of the former Crion Solutions artificial isle.  Damn, I�m lost� Well, at least I escaped those Sentium freaks who killed my team.  He glanced once more before retreating back into the safe cockpit of his borrowed Brawler.  He scrolled through the system status checklist in his visor and through the cockpit screen.  Hmm� Life Support is fine� Suspensions, Fuel, and Weapons are functional�  Daniil paused and waited for the air filters to remove airborne Giga Structure fragments before removing his helmet and shut his eyes.  But that fuzzy bunny ambush took out more than half my armor, the internal systems aren't working, my radar�s freezing up, not to mention the shield arms are malfunctioning�  He sighed and stretched from fatigue.  Who the hell were those guys?


As he piloted his Brawler, he swore he heard whispers of the departed among the constant groaning and creaking on the ghost isle.  He saw statues of formerly alive people crouching in the sides of the ruins, cars, and other things that told him they�d all given up trying to live�all became consumed by the Giga Structure virus that runs rampant all throughout Illal.  What was he really fighting for?  What point was there at all?


Daniil clenched his fists and jumped a little when he heard a rustle echo bouncing off the walls of the ever present Giga-Structure that covered the isle.  He glanced around the large bridge structure for potential enemies and closed his eyes while relaxing his hands.  I must be paranoid, but that�s expected for what I just saw�  What the hell is Sentium doing?  Painfully recent memories of panicked screams from comrades rose to the surface of his consciousness.   He grimaced, remembering two sole enemy axes doing impossible feats to his battalion.  All what was left was burning wrecked chassis on the ghastly isle.  No one to bury them, no one to honor their bravery, no one would know what happened to them.  The ear-shattering shriek of his 2nd in command dying was still fresh in his mind; she was impaled through a spire of Giga Structure and roasted alive by fire from her axe.  That was the last thing he saw before he ran, and he was the last to make it out alive.  Stop.  Daniil opened his eyes and bit his lip.  I�m an elite soldier, a colonel, by fuzzy bunny�s sake!  I must focus at the task at hand... But this is just insane.  Why am I such a coward?  I should have died first.


Daniil reached into the small compartment inside the cockpit for his antique pocket watch he got from his father long ago.   An old flickering holopicture of a kind, blond, rounded-faced woman and a small girl with the same hair color both smiled back at him as he opened it.  Fae, my love�  I miss you so much dear, you�d probably be crying right now.  A creak and a groan from the large alien structure resounded around him.  His eyes narrowed, as he looped the pocket watch around his neck and gripped the controls tightly and activated the pitiful remaining armaments--just in case.  Let�s see� Enough flak shells to last me a two minute firefight, about two TOW rockets and� He hesitated as he stared at the screen who innocently displayed the status of a self-detonation device in case of capture.  I thought those things were illegal�  His barely functioning radar pinged.  He clenched his jaw as he felt the ground shake as the distinctive autonomous sound of two axes rumbled nearby.

�Heeeey� Little axe pilot�..  Why did you run away?  We were just getting started!�  A gleeful voice said over the Public COM, as a B-class Bruiser axe came into view.  �You know... I hear some myths about this lovely place�  Did you know that you can still hear the screams and cries of the people who died here?�  The pilot�s comrade came from behind in a B-class Assault and blocked the other side of the bridge with his guns trained on Daniil.  �They say the souls of the ones who die here never leave.  It�s the perfect place for fuzzy bunny rabble like you.�

�You move, you die.  Got it Prosk slave?� The other said with a gruff voice.  �Hey Sage, you do realize this idiot pilot stole that axe right?�

�Whoa� Looks like we got a real troublemaker here, that�s good.  Time to clean house!�  Sage cheered.  He snapped his hellfires at the hapless Brawler and fired faster than Daniil ever thought possible.


Daniil tried to dodge the incoming fire but the thrusters weren�t responding. What the he-  Explosions wracked the entire chassis of his Brawler.  Daniil smacked his head against the cockpit view screen and tasted copper in his mouth.  Freaking piece of Sentium trash, I need my actual axe�  Daniil stared at the looming Brusier.  This guy�s movements�!  He�s too fast to be a regular pilot!  Daniil�s mind raced as images of his daughter flashed through his head, her blond hair waving, as Sage�s Brusier started spinning his Vulcan.  I�m not going to make it out of here am I�?  His already deep frown deepened as his eyes twinkled.  I could have at least tried�  Oh Fae, please protect her�  Vulcan rounds shredded his already worn armor plating.

�Heh.  The persistent fool is still alive, impressive considering the� added special armaments and equipment in our axes,� said the gruff Assault pilot.  �Why don�t we-�  A two-toned bell sound echoed across the expansive man-made isle.

Sage groaned, �Aw, we gotta head back?  Things were just about to get fun�  Just let me finish h-�  Daniil cut him off by firing a TOW rocket, but hopelessly watched it fly through Sage�s Bruiser with widened eyes.  �Damn it!  Why do people always interrupt me!�


Wha..!?!  Daniil thought.  The TOW exploded harmlessly behind the apparently ethereal Bruiser.

�Those cannon fodder buddies of yours� I told them they can�t touch me, why should you even try?  It�s rather pathetic!�  Sage yelled with vigor as he shot a detonator as soon as he spoke.  Daniil shut his eyes, bracing for the explosion.  He felt nothing.  He stared in confusion at what happened.  �You really are rude.  Let me finish speaking, you mongrel!� Sage screeched.  Thousands of micro-sized explosions pitted Daniil�s Brawler.  The damaged machine dropped to one knee, smoking and screeching from the strain of damaged servos and disintegrating armor.

�Wow, not much of a talkative guy.  Eh, Sage?�  the Assault Pilot grunted.  �Want me to deal with �im?�

�Back off Tartarus!  He�s my prey��  Sage snarled as he turned back toward Daniil.


That wasn�t a hologram!  He shot me with some kind of weird version of the detonator.  Even my TOW rocket went through him!  Daniil felt the antique pocket watch�s cool bronze casing brush against his chest through his tattered uniform.  Thousands of errors and warnings overfilled the cracked cockpit screen.  His daughter danced through his head again, but he could never reach out and hold her hand.  It�s been four years since he has seen her.  He wondered what she was like now; Illal was never a place where young ones stayed innocent for too long.  I�m so sorry� Looks like I can�t make it up to you.  I tried to keep you away from getting involved with the military and all I did was create a rift between us.  He gripped the controls even harder.  I�m going to be your father for once and protect what I joined for.  

With his mind set, he opened up the Public COMM.  �As the leader of Eighty Seventh Battalion, I will stop you Sentium scumbags!�  Daniil roared as he set the detonation device to explode.  For my family!  For Fae!  For Laila!

�Damn!  Energy readings are rising exponentially!  Sage, he�s gonna blow!�  Bellowed Tartarus.  The two axes tried to boost away as light gathered and bloomed from the wreaked Brawler.

Daniil smiled as he saw the most intense light and the most heat he�d ever-


Much of the Giga Structure in the surrounding area melted into broiling molten metal and dripped everywhere from the skeletal chassis of the Brawler.  A dark gray smoke filled the entire expanse of the elevated highway as two blackened metal giants slowly trod out of the dull gray mists.

�Hey Tartarus, you okay?� rasped Sage.  �Fuzzy bunny stubborn old man� Scratched my paint��
Tartarus coughed, �Yeah, though we need replacements for our equipment.  Call Mundus Innova that we completed our mission.�

�Sir, we�ve stopped the battalion.�  Sage said through a secure COMM line.

The line crackled to life as a deep rough-hewn voice filled the signal, �Good�  Did they think you were Sentium forces?�

They have no idea that we are in both corporations, it makes everything more fun! �Yes sir.�  Sage paused.  �Sir, the battalion was the Eighty Seventh.   Their CO scratched our paint.  Permission to exact revenge on his family.�

�Granted, make sure it looks like an accident.�

Sage grinned, he was sure Tartarus was too.  �Thank you, sir.�  answered Sage.

�Good luck, sit laus ejus Christum adoremus in Hawken.  May he watch over us to do his bidding.  Get all your gear restocked and your axes repaired.�

Sage grinned, �Very good, sir.  Understood.�  Time for the fun part to start�

�One moment gentlemen� You�re forgetting something.  Don�t make our leader disappointed.  You know what happens.�  The man at the end of the COMM line sighed in annoyance.


�Tartarus, you marked them all right?�  Sage asked.


�No... That was your fuzzy bunny job, you were too busy enjoying hunting them all out one by one.  You did it again� we�re supposed to be professional.�  Tartarus grumbled.


�Who cares how animals are sent to slaughter?  They�ll all die any-�


The COMM line crackled alive again, �Just do your job Sage.�


Sage slammed the side of the cockpit with his fist, denting it.  ��Yes sir.�


=End of Prologue=


Thanks to (in no specific order): Lazy Kittens, Magnolia1038, SandSpider, Killer_Origins, Wi2P, and Dr_Freeze001

Without these wonderful people, I honestly wouldn't have made this or improve as a writer.  It would have all stayed in my head without anyone enjoying it.  They helped me keep on going and helped by inspiring me.  There is more to come!  If you enjoyed this prologue, follow my art thread, like this story, comment here.  Then you are also helping me keep on going.  Balancing stuff like this with irl stuff is quite hard.  Thank you for reading this!


EDIT:  Oh!  If you're going to talk about the story itself or tell me edits I should make, put it below (Preferably in spoiler tags)!  (Though I would prefer it if edits were sent to me via PM)

Edited by h????????????????????????????????i??, 03 June 2015 - 04:59 PM.

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Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, good to see it back up and around. :D



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Yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssssss, good to see it back up and around. :D

Silly question but, did you read it so far?  There are a few changed parts that makes the whole story flow better from the one on the old Hawken forums. :D

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 21 March 2015 - 08:02 PM.



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Silly question but, did you read it so far?  There are a few changed parts that makes the whole story flow better from the one on the old Hawken forums. :D


I read the one on the old forums. But new changes to it, eh? I'll have to read this new one, then. :3

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I read the one on the old forums. But new changes to it, eh? I'll have to read this new one, then. :3

Yep, new changes!  I'm planning to do that to the other chapters as well, I've learned more as I've continued writing.

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 21 March 2015 - 08:53 PM.



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Oh man, that's really nice work! Normally I don't like to read books, stories or things like that, but that was engrossing, I love it! Keep up the good work =)

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Oh man, that's really nice work! Normally I don't like to read books, stories or things like that, but that was engrossing, I love it! Keep up the good work =)

Thank you for the kind words!  More chapters will be released once I've edited them. c:  I hope more people would comment on the many stories and art that will be posted here.  It'd be nice. :D



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Hey guys, I'm thinking of making this thread the main area to post my stories.  I'll just link any of my posts that have the stories so that it's all in one convenient thread for all to see with my art/lore thread as something extra.  What do you guys think?



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Hmmmm, I do have some points you could work on. 



Edited by Dr_Freeze001, 23 March 2015 - 05:56 AM.

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Hmmmm, I do have some points you could work on. 



Thanks pal, it's done!  There are things that I miss, that's why I have you cool peeps look it over and enjoy the story.  I've changed and added more to the story.  I do hope there are less mistakes with the next one, as I'll be sure to catch more before you. ;D  Can you put what you said in spoilers?  Thanks!  


Something might come out later today if I find time!

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 23 March 2015 - 05:45 AM.

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... Can you put what you said in spoilers?  Thanks!  


Something might come out later today if I find time!


Done and HYPED!

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Done and HYPED!

Yeah, it'll be in this thread, as it'll be the megathread for all the HWKN chapters.  I hate it if people have to look all over just to read all the chapters. xD  Just re-read the ending and stuff (if you have time, of course), and tell me how it is.  I'd say it's far better than last time, thanks to you.


I'm also adding you to the list of peeps that helped me!  Thank you for your hard work.

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 23 March 2015 - 06:05 AM.



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I LUV IT! It does seem more human. Now there is a lot more obvious conflict not only between Daniil and Sarge, but everyone in general. You've got a power struggle between Sarge and Tartarus (ps tartaar is a sauce in Flemish, makes it funny) and Sarge and the COMM operator.


He used to be just a fuzzy bunny who liked to kill, but now he's a fuzzy bunny who likes to kill with feelings. I genuinely like it a lot. Also good work editing it so fast :).




Also BOOYA made the list :D!


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I LUV IT! It does seem more human. Now there is a lot more obvious conflict not only between Daniil and Sarge, but everyone in general. You've got a power struggle between Sarge and Tartarus (ps tartaar is a sauce in Flemish, makes it funny) and Sarge and the COMM operator.


He used to be just a fuzzy bunny who liked to kill, but now he's a fuzzy bunny who likes to kill with feelings. I genuinely like it a lot. Also good work editing it so fast :).




Also BOOYA made the list :D!

*Sage not Sarge. XD



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*Sage not Sarge. XD


I knew that.














No really tho, sometimes my brain makes up a name similar but not quite the actual name. Dunno why, it happens.




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No really tho, sometimes my brain makes up a name similar but not quite the actual name. Dunno why, it happens.



Reasonstm ;D

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Enjoyed the read and changes!

Hawken Chronicles

Red Sand | Sepulcher | Invasion | Virus | Proteus



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HWKN Remastered:

HWKN REMASTERED Chapter 1: Snowfall part 1

Point in HWKN timeline: 6 Months and 2 Days after the 2nd Outbreak.


A blinding white snowstorm twisted violently around the frozen wasteland as Jin Ryu fought against the icy winds.  His caterpillar track van violently shook and churned out black smoke at his face as gears in the motor jammed.  Jin dropped into the snowy dune and scowled.  He clumsily rubbed his now blackened goggles in bulky gloves.  I hate how I have to drive in this thing and not my axe.  A semitransparent topography map appeared in his mini HUD as he blinked.  The wind roared fiercely as he fumbled with his tool belt.


Jin swore as he dropped his arc welder from his numb hands.  I�m covered in a heavy military parka and I still feel fuzzy bunny cold.  Stupid Procurement guys never had to deal with this damn weather back in Andromeda.  Jin stared at the smoke coming from the engine compartment.  I�m close by� I�m sure this box on wheels can make it.


He tossed the welder into the glove compartment and started the van.  It rumbled to life as Jin gently pushed on the accelerator.  Come on� don�t die on me you piece of junk.  Jin suddenly found himself looking at a blurry tower of some sort.  What the heck is that?  He squinted through the white haze that surrounded him.


A large missile silo appeared from the swirling snow as Jin drove by.  The van went down a roughly large circle depression in the ground.  Jin parked the van and climbed the blocky structure�s rusty ladder and looked around.  A rigid pyramid structure jutted in the middle of the depression while an assortment of vehicles and buildings surrounded it.  What is this insult of a base?


He climbed down from the missile silo and walked toward one of the cumbersome vehicles.  Wow these things are ancient, then again I did choose to be at an isolated minor outpost.  Jin pressed his lips and narrowed his brows as he looked again toward the lone missile silo.  Fuzzy bunny, this place looks pretty poorly defended.  A column of axes with Hellfires and a squad of snipers could take this place down easy.


�Damn Prosk higher-ups.� Jin muttered as he walked into the pyramid�s locked hatch.  �Typical for them to hang places like this out to dry while they stay safe with thousands of troops under meters of armor in a nice underground bunker.  At least it�ll be quiet here, no stupid high risk missions for me anymore.  No more hell, no more� him.�  If the jokers in Sentium left this sorry place alone, he won�t find me.  He patted the documents in his front pant pocket as he keyed the keypad for entrance.



Kaori Kurosawa walked around the armored hallways while scratching her dark messy hair under her bandana.  She nodded toward every member of Bunker 167 and gave a casual salute to any of her seniors when they passed by as she headed to her private office.  She heard heavy footsteps come toward her.


�Chief!� A grumpy male voice called. �Is Corporal Makoto back?  He was due forty minutes ago, I thought the guy was just placing sensors around the perimeter.�


Kaori turned and saw a tall man with stocky black hair under a beanie hat.  The man scowled toward the UI pad he was holding.  Malik always seemed to have a permanent frown on his face. �He radioed in a few minutes ago saying he saw something interesting and asked to investigate,� she frowned slightly.  �Malik, I thought we agreed to drop the �Chief� nine years ago.  I�m not part of IPDF anymore, remember?�  She took out a cigarette from a pocket in her jacket and lit it.


�Uhh�. Right boss, I forgot we�re mercenaries now.�  Malik Rivera replied, giving her an uncharacteristic sheepish smile while handing her his UI pad.  �Anyway, it turns out we�re running a little low on supplies to the base.  That damn old Captain Wayden is still refueling and refitting his ship.  We need someone to head over to Eugen since that�s where the next shipment will be.�


�We don�t have enough experienced pilots to spare��  She already knew what he was going to bring up.


�Look boss, I know how you feel about sending out Laila,�  Malik looked directly into her eyes.  �The girl needs the experience.  It took you awhile for you to let Shae pilot that damn monster of an axe she likes, but she�s getting better.  Let Laila go out for a real mission this time.�


�Are there any pressing concerns from any of the men?�  Kaori quickly asked. 


Malik sighed in annoyance as she bluntly dodged his suggestion.  �Right� Our �comrades� aren�t nice people.  Sure, they smile and play nice�they only follow you for the money and easy life here.  Other than the good captain and his crew, everyone else is waiting for a chance to take over.  They think you�re sof-�


She was glad that the UI pad vibrated as he finished his sentence.  Kaori glanced down and saw that someone was requesting entrance from the main entryway.  �Who the hell is calling in at this time?  Could it be Makoto?�


�No idea, ma�am.  If it�s him, may I have permission to shove a heat round up his behind for being late?� asked Malik with a deadpan expression.


Kaori smiled faintly as they headed to the main entrance.  The two walked through a series of heavily armored elevators that weaved throughout the base as she puffed her cheap cigarette.  I�m sure he�s joking� then again maybe not, Mal tried doing that last time.  Her smile faded; she remembered why she resigned from her former position at Illalian Police Defense Force.  Frack, why now?  I got an unknown person to meet. I should act more like an officer, no tears this time.  Could it be that rookie that HQ supposedly sent us?  The documentation was especially shabby.  I definitely didn�t request for a new recruit, so who is this person?  Kaori dropped the spent cigarette on the floor and crushed it.


�Heya Kao- I mean Ms. Kurosawa.  I can�t wait to see this new guy, I hope he�s coo-.  Ack- Mr. Rivera��  Faltered a young blond woman who dropped a few tools she was holding.  She wore the typical maintenance uniform of engineers found everywhere on Illal, except it was adorned with stickers.


�Why the fuzzy bunny are you so jumpy around me, Laila? Dammit�� grunted the crabby man.  Laila slowly backed away but still kept up with Kaori and him.  �What are you doing here, if all you do is lazing �round and complain about what we don�t have?  Aren�t you supposed to clean and recalibrate that prototype axe the rookie pilots?�  Kaori simply watched the exchange between the two, slightly amused.


Laila�s eyebrows furrowed as she pocketed the fallen tools and crossed her arms, �I�m not that lazy, you know?  The thing with that axe is that I can�t even understand how to fix and maintain it,� she glanced down the corridor she came from as they walked away from it. �Honestly, the maintenance manual that came with the darn thing is all blacked out, it�s a real pain�  Anyway, I figured the new guy might know how to maintain it since it�s his.�


Malik raised an eyebrow as they continued walking, �Right, I bet from your earlier comment that you just want to see how this guy looks like.  Grow up.�  Laila ignored his jibe and continued walking as they passed the last pressurized gate.  The trio stepped onto the last elevator that went up directly to the entrance as light flooded the opening.


Kaori�s eyes adjusted to the sudden intensity of light as a figure of medium height appeared.  �Hey is this Bunker 167?�  The figure asked as he smiled, the man had neat black hair that was combed over to the left side of his forehead and had a trimmed beard.  The man was covered in heavy beige parka gear that was caked head-to-toe in ice and snow.  On his shoulders rested two large duffel bags that shifted as he adjusted them to stand more comfortably.  �G1 Limited Jin Ryu, reporting for duty!�  A pause as Jin took out something in his pant pocket and gave it to Kaori and saluted.  �I believe you are the CO, right ma�am?�


�Yes, I�m Sergeant Major Kurosawa of Mech Ops around here,� Kaori replied as she motioned Malik to take the documents as they all went back to the depths of Bunker.  She introduced him to Malik and Laila.  �We don�t use those type of ranks around here, so your new rank will be Private.  We�re mercenaries, so a few rules that you learned are changed and it�s a little more lax around here compared to what you�re used to.�  She noticed him glancing around, �casually� observing entrances, security cameras, hallways, and guard turrets.  Why would a rookie have an experimental axe in the first place?  She noted that his gait looked akin to a seasoned soldier�s careful measured strides.  I�ve got a feeling he�s not who he says he is.  Why pretend to be a rookie?  What�s your angle here?  She pressed her lips and continued, �We�re glad you�re here, I was rather surprised that HQ sent us a new recruit.  Even if we are a bit understaffed, almost no new recruits go here since this is a backwater outpost.�


�I was shocked as well, they told me I was to be shipped out two days ago.  I had to rush, packing everything and it turns out my axe was sent here before I made it.�  Jin said in an embarrassed tone.  �Sorry if I was late, I was chosen to test out the new systems of the prototype recently.  I�ve only clocked twenty three hours with it.  I�m sure that maintenance manual gave you some trouble.  If only I got here sooner��


Now that�s a cute little backstory�  Anybody could make that up.  He�s obviously more than he says he is, though.  What�s his reason for being here?


�About that, Jin�  Do you know how to calibrate it?  The systems are more advanced than many of the axes I�m used to.�  Laila told him.  �Could you show me and Mr. Medens, our Mech Maintenance Chief, how to maintain it?�


�Yeah, sure thing ma�am.�  Jin told her as they got near Kaori�s office.  Kaori could see him looking at her, slightly interested�with a tinge of displeasure that flashed across his face.


What was that about�?


�It�s just Laila, meet me in the hangar later, �kay?�  She told him as she walked toward the hall that lead to the hangar.


Kaori waited until Laila�s footsteps faded away.  She gave a glance toward Malik, and took the hint and left.  Soon it was just her and Jin.  �May we talk inside my office?  I got a few questions for you.�


�Of course ma�am, what sort of questions?�  Jin asked while smoothening out the wrinkles in his pilot jumpsuit under the snow gear.  �Is� there a problem with my documents?�


She eyed him carefully while beckoning him in.  �Just come in, it�s just I need to ask you on a few things about yourself.  We might seem casual for a mercenary group, but even we have to have professional contracts signed.�


Jin hesitated for a few split seconds as he look at her.  �Um� okay ma�am.�  She saw Jin�s eyes narrow slightly and his right fist ball up, but still kept up the rookie act. 


Gotcha.  Something�s definitely up.  Guess my time at IPDF wasn�t just a waste, time to be more direct.  She sat down at her chair and placed her TAC Pistol on the desk, close to her hand while lighting a cigarette.  �Please sit down.�  Kaori pushed him down into the chair, harder than she should have.  He eyed the gun, ignoring the rude treatment.  �Don�t worry, no one can hear us in here and the door is locked.  I don�t care if you�re armed; I�m the fastest with firearms here.�  She leaned in closer with a cold steady stare and said, �Who are you really?  Why is a person like you here?�


Jin�s face and whole demeanor changed as he gave her an even colder look in return.  �Look ma�am, all I want is a quiet place to stay at.  I am who I told you, that�s all you need to know.�  Kaori saw his right hand slip into his pocket. She puffed a cloud of smoke to his face to tell him she saw that.  �Anyway, why is that blond girl even in the military?  The way she acts tell me she�s not been in actual combat.�


�She�s just maintaining mechs and aiding around the base.�  Kaori replied while taking another puff.  Why is he interested in her?  �It�s none of your damn business� �rookie�.


�Liar.  Her rank and badge indicates she�s done some combat.  However, her actions say she hasn�t.�  He paused, searching Kaori�s face for some weakness and suddenly smirked.  �Ah� I see.  I�m guessing you baby her, don�t you?  Trying to play mommy for her?�


�No, I�m not.  Besides, she�s always like that.�  Kaori said through gritted teeth.  She tried to keep her cool as she stomped on her cigarette, but Jin noticed the slight changes in her expression.  Damn I�m rusty, when did this turn against me?  Kaori never felt so tempted to punch someone�s face until now.  This guy�  He�s the same age as Shae and yet this complete jerk is talking to me like this?


�Judging by how you reacted and the fact that you smoke� I can surmise that you probably had family problems as well.  I bet you�re trying to show up whatever messed up fuzzy bunny you had as a parent and-�


Kaori picked him up by the hood and slammed him face first on the desk.  The prick didn�t know how close he got to the right answer; she didn�t like it.  �Look, do you want a place to stay or not?�  She waved the pistol toward the back of his head but made sure the barrel didn�t touch it. Her left grip tightened on his hood as she brought the pistol closer.  �I�ll ask again.  Why are you here?  I�m normally even tempered, you just caught me in a bad day.�  She lifted Jin�s hood a little so he could speak.


�What do you mean, ma�am? I�m just a� concerned patron of lovely Illal.  I don�t want inexperienced greenhorns in combat.  Especially when the superior officer is holding them back.  Maybe even I could help train he-�


A klaxon alarm sounded as Kaori let go of Jin.  She heard heavy footsteps pound down the hall outside as Malik unlocked and barged through the door.  �Sarge!  Enemy Sentium forces appeared on the ridge heading straight toward us.  Makoto got shot down, but he survived and radioed in to warn us!�


�Frack.  At a time like this?�  Kaori grimaced, �Alright, here�s the deal kid� You fight those rich show offs, we provide you a place to stay.�


Jin did his rookie act again.  �Sure thing ma�am!  I�ll defend the base.�  He saluted and rushed off toward the hangar.


She shook her head as he left.  What is this idiot planning?  Ah well� if he crosses us, I�ll slit his throat personally.  �Fraking IPDF probably got bribed to let them through.  This is why I hate them, damn corporations and the government are rotten to the core.�  Muttered Kaori as she strode out with Malik, �Malik, tell the hangar crew to prep our axes.�  It�s going to be a long day.



Part 1 ends.

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 29 March 2015 - 04:17 PM.

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HWKN Chapter 01: Snowfall Part 2
Point in HWKN timeline: Right after the events in Snowfall Part 1

Jin rushed toward an intersection in the hallways, attempting to find the general direction of the hangar.  He saw many personnel dash around him as the klaxon blared in the background. Jin slowed to stare again at the confusing holomap near him.  Fuzzy bunny, where is the hangar?  He tried to remember where Laila went and glanced between the three halls that faced him.


His world started to spin as his head exploded in pain.  He slumped against a wall as hundreds of engineers, PMCs, and civilians rushed around him in a blur.  Damn it�!  Not again.  Among the blur, as clear as day, a single man stood out in heavy Prosk shocktrooper pilot garb.  Jin�s eyes budged as his hands shook.  He tried to shout�but no words came out.  His mouth didn�t even move.  What?  No!  How did he find me?


The man simply walked toward him through the blur and whispered, �We�re more alike than you�d like to admit.  Come back.�  His mentor briefly patted Jin�s knife pocket with a smirk and disappeared.  


Jin�s head still throbbed as he panted; the world around him returned to normal as the din of the busy intersection resumed.  It's just an illusion, nothing is there.  He still couldn't convince himself.

The confrontation with Sergeant Kurosawa rose to the front of his mind.  What had he been thinking?   Was he really going to kill her for doing her job?  Damn it!  To think I was going to kill her just for trying to figure out who I was. His mentor's rough voice echoed through his head; 'Letting her live� You've never been my brightest student.' Jin clenched his teeth as he sprinted down the corridor. "Damn you... Master..."

A firm voice broke him away from his thoughts.

�Hey you, aren�t ya the new guy that came in today?�  A man asked in a thick accent Jin didn�t recognize. Jin looked up and saw a tall broad shouldered man with his arms crossed and his short brown hair shining with sweat.  �Quick, follow me!  Guess we got no time for ya to explain how to calibrate that impressive looking axe of yers.�  He beckoned Jin to follow as he sprinted toward what Jin hoped to be the hangar.

�Oh, you�re Chief Medens!  I�m Private Ji-� Jin started to say as they raced toward the large hangar doors.

�No time!  Get yer bum in that axe of yers!  We�ll have some small talk later, �kay mate_� The burly man exclaimed as he pointed toward Jin�s axe. �Get going!�

Jin saw multiple pilots prepping their respective axes as he ran toward his own, strapping on his helmet during the short run. Vanguards, Brawlers, and even a few refurbished Assaults groaned as their systems turned on and stomped their way toward the vertical launch tubes.

He jogged to a halt at the edge of his axe's pad, giving it a quick look over.  Okay, it�s a little scratched and dented but nothing serious has been done to the reactive armor plating, joints, and weapons.  Without knowing, he grinned as he patted his matte gray axe.  This is my axe� No one can take this away from me.   Light seemed to slide off its contours and odd angles as neat lines of faded non-reflective black paint covered some segments of its armor like war paint.
Geez, I got to stop admiring it.  What am I doing�_  Jin ran toward one of the legs of his axe and started his ascent.

He climbed on the handrails and slotted his ID key into a concealed console on the hull. The hatch opened as he jumped inside and booted up the movement and weapon systems in a blur, exercising long-practiced movements.  He gripped the controls while checking over the internal systems of his axe through the HUD images in his helmet.  Camouflage buffers is functioning, radar works, fuel systems work...  He glanced quickly through the rest of the status chart and moved his axe toward the launch tubes.

Who the heck is trying to take the base?  I thought Sentium forces thought this place wasn�t worth for the taking.  Could it be him?  Jin subconsciously shivered at the thought.  No, he would rather burn the place down�not try to take it over.

His axe reached the launch pad as a Hangar Control crewman radioed to him. �Control here, you check out for launch.  Audio systems aren�t synced up with our secure channel yet.  Maintain long distance COMM silence.�  Jin flashed the lights in acknowledgement.  �Remember; come back with the axe intact.  It�s worth more than your life.  Launch timing transferred to unknown B-class axe.�

�Private Jin Ryu in B-class Spectre, Poltergeist.  Launching axe.� Jin radioed through the short burst COMM as he keyed the launch pad to lift.  Heavy g-forces pushed him down in his seat as the pad rocketed toward the surface.  He clenched his teeth, feeling the entire frame of the axe jolt, as the pad reached its destination and locked into place.  The foot pad clamps released as heavy fire rained down on other friendly axes around him.

Jin quickly set down a shield around his damaged allies and activated the camouflage buffers.  Poltergeist briefly shimmered black and gray in response. The photoreactive sensors and camouflage buffers scanned and finally matched the surrounding snowy environment.  Jin slowly exhaled a sigh of relief as his fellow pilots started to repair under the safety of the shield; he hadn't even realized he was holding it. 


He could almost hear a sigh of disappointment as his mentor�s voice echoed in his mind from a past mission long ago, �Why did you do that?  They were a useful distraction.  You truly are worthless.�


Jin readjusted his grip on the controls and walked around a couple hills, sneaking away from the heat of combat. He boosted the range of his modified sensor package to get the best overview of the enemy, gradually approaching their general position. The sensors found many enemy IFF tags about 100 metres away. If only I could see exactly where they were. He shook his head to concentrate and stealthily moved around toward the enemy tags.  This isn�t the time to gripe about what I don�t have, make do with what you do have to mercilessly crus-  He stopped mid-thought.  Frack, I really have more of Master in me than I want to admit. Jin briefly shuddered as memories resurfaced from the grave depths of his mind.  Good advice or not, I got to focus on the task at hand.

Jin carefully edged over the last snow dune, tentatively observing a sizable group of enemy axes arranged in an undefinable formation in the fierce blizzard that kept blowing strong and relentless through the wintry wastes. Three black Rocketeers, two Sharpshooter types, and one Grenadier.  All of them painted with bright red stripes that usually adorned elite veteran axes.  This is going to be tough�  I got lucky that the sensors work through the blizzard. Jin bit his lip as he checked Poltergeist's weapons again while cracking into Sentium�s secure squad COMM line. He started to lay tightly packed traps with the G-SPC around the nearby chokepoint, listening to the enemy's chatter.

�Poor fuzzy bunny dolts�  I bet they don�t even know what hit them,� crackled a man�s voice through Jin�s helmet speakers. �I almost feel sorry for them, but a contract is a contract. Hurry up and break their defenses.  We�ve been playing long enough with them.�

�Yessir! Initiate the assault! Let�s show them who�s boss!" Yelled another. The large group started to move toward the chokepoints, yelling similar phrases as Jin slowly crept closer to them. "For the Skull Daggers, hoorah!"

The wind howled, masking sounds of Jin�s movement.  Another gamble, another step towards victory.  I�m lucky they even used this route. Time to make a house call.  Jin detonated the trap, switching to explosive shotgun mode with a dull bang, as the first of the three leading Rocketeers� signature slanted cockpits came into view. The blooming explosion engulfed most of the group as the pilots panicked.

�What the-!�

�Ambush!  Ambush!�

�Get it together men!  Formation Roman,� yelled the first man. �This is getting interesting� I like it!� Jin could almost feel the man, who was obviously the leader, smile.

What kind of twist could smile about this pointless war?  The image of the vile man Jin loathed flashed through his mind.  He already knew his answer.  Jin charged Poltergeist�s Heat Repeater and readied the modified grenade launcher�s explosive shells as he saw the enemies move.

The separated group quickly formed a circle with weapons facing outward, effectively covering each other�s blind spots even through the storm.  These guys were trained well, just like I was.  That blast was supposed to kill at least three of them.  


�Too bad they�re better than you, Jin.� Master�s voice resounded from his mind.  �Just die, it�ll be better for the world.  Who would miss you anyway?�


�Shut up!�  Jin snarled.  He panicked, his aim was off by a few meters.  Whether if his exclamation was for his mentor�s words or his own hesitation to kill�it didn�t matter; the consequences were set in stone now.


A few of Jin�s allies came over the ridge and took potshots at the group, taking advantage of the temporary lull Jin�s failed trap had created.  The circle of enemy axes quickly retaliated and sent streams of hellfires at them, forcing them to keep their heads down.

Poltergeist�s camouflage flashed as Jin moved to attack. Black and gray petal-like fragments scattered from Poltergeist�s cloak and dissolved in the harsh wind.  Jin fired off both of his weapons as they were distracted by the spectacle, trying to help his fellow pilots. Small explosions peppered the group as the Repeater�s heavy slug round smoldered two of the Rocketeers� weapons while the shotgun�s projectiles explosions created holes in their armor.

A few of enemy axes turned to face Jin as the others continued to pour cover fire.  Fuzzy bunny!  I didn�t think this part through! His eyes narrowed as he weaved and dodged some of the incoming hellfires and the various grenade projectiles.  Shoot, I can�t dodge them all!  Poltergeist shook as the brunt of explosives and sabot rounds mauled its armor.

�This is the price for cowardice.  You�re still the boy I found hiding in the gutters of Trentik...Pitiful.�


Heat warning signs and errors appeared all over the cockpit screen as the delicate components of his B-Class shattered and boiled. Damn, I forgot these weapons generate high heat and that the armor is fragile.  The cockpit was filled with sparks as the cockpit view screen cracked.

�Wow, very interesting! We struck gold! What luck, boys! Now we get a bonus for finding it.� Shouted the leader through the public COMM. �What�s your name, pilot?� The axes surrounded Jin and pointed their weapons at him.

�The name�s �You�re a fuzzy bunny�.� Jin growled through the public COMM as his heart jumped to his throat.  How do they know about the Polterge-

�This one�s very cheeky, I like that!  Fascinating how this boy sounds young� Though reports said the pilot was a young female and the axe was a C-class.� The leader�s voice became icy, like the malevolent frigid miasma that surrounded them. �So� there are two prototypes. Looks like we need to raise our contract price, especially since you managed to disable a good amount of our weapons and destroy some of my comrades� joints. They can�t move so well now." Jin could feel him smiling as he heard him continue. �That kind of accuracy shows you ain�t a regular pilot, boy.�

Wait...what?  Two prototypes? Jin readied his Repeater while his COMM clicked as it switched to another channel.

�Heads up newbie!  Duck!� A female voice shouted through his headphones.  Jin flashed his lights in acknowledgement and initiated the shutdown sequence.

Heaps of small glowing orbs flew by, barely singeing Poltergeist as it crouched to repair mode. The searing projectiles barreled into the enemy axes while kicking up and vaporizing nearby snow.  Jin was surprised when he saw larger fireballs smash onto an unlucky Rocketeer as he returned his axe to the upright position.

The leader was quick to respond as he lobbed grenades toward the general direction of the new threat.  He and his friends started to back out as soon they all began to smoke and catch fire. �Fuzzy bunny!  Retreat men, retreat! Remember the name Mason Jaggers, boy! Remember it well, ya hear! We�ll beat the snot out of ya later!� Mason bellowed through public COMM as all the Skull Dagger axes boosted away.

�What the hell�?� Jin muttered as he turned his axe around.

He saw something unlike any axe he had encountered ever before.  A behemoth of a C-class raced toward him as large vents on its shield arms vented distorting waves of heat.  Is that a fuzzy bunny axe-sized minigun and a flamethrower?  Jin noticed it was faster than most C-classes of its size.  Dear God, no wonder why those guys ran�  The C-class�s heat waves emanating from the vents disintegrated the snow surrounding it.  Jin read the IFF tag floating above the axe in his HUD.  Shae Brennan, Hiasobi, C-class Phoenix�  Interesting axe, so that�s what the Skull Daggers was looking for.

He finally noticed his hands on the controls were shaking from the adrenaline rush. Relaxing his grip, he sighed in relief.  That was close�  I hope my luck doesn�t run out soon� I�m lucky my shots even hit those mercs.



Shae keyed the COMM again while checking around the hills for possible enemies and grinned.  Ha, I did it right this time.  Now you can�t criticize me for not being cautious Kaori!  She shook her ponytailed dark red hair as she took off her helmet. �Newbie! You must have some serious luck since your axe is still in one piece.� Chief Medens brought up the rear as he finished repairing the damage on Shae�s axe with his red A-class Technician, Aggressive Pacifist.  She noticed that the plasma recyclers were overheating from her status screen.  �Chief!  Hiasobi�s overheating again, you might need Laila to replace the fusion engine.  We don�t want Bunker 167 to freeze up again, right?�  Shae radioed to Pacifist.


�One thing at a damn time.  I need a frakin� pay raise for all the work all of you be makin� me do.  I�ll have to hook up Hiasobi to 167�s main heating system first before that.�

Shae looked over the newbie�s axe.  Wow, that�s some serious looking equipment on that thing.  The unknown B-class looked very smooth despite new dents and pits from the recent firefight.  The cockpit seemed to slope into a vague sea predator-like shape.

She whistled as she noted the dual purpose weapons on each arm.  Is that a modified heat cannon and a multi-function grenade launcher?  Laila�s gonna have a field day once this guy shows her how it works.  �That�s some axe you got there, newbie.  You better care of it, otherwise Laila and Chief Medens will flay you.�

�I�m right here, ya know... Very rude to talk about someone as if he�s not here.� Grunted Medens as the rookie turned his axe toward Shae.

�Thanks for saving me ma�am.�  An embarrassed male voice responded.  �I thought I was a goner.  I�m Private Jin Ryu and this is a Spectre.�  A pause as she heard him shuffle in his seat.  �That�s also an impressive axe you have.�

�I�m rather uncomfortable when others address me �ma�am�.  Shae is just fine, okay Jin?  You did pretty well for a rookie pilot!  By the way, how did you manage to��

�Oi! We can have some nice chitchat later, okay you two?  We gotta hurry up, Makoto wants me to fix �is Reaper first, and that takes a while with all the fancy kit on that little bugger.� Interrupted Medens as he turned his axe toward the bunker. �Stay quiet for now, I was listenin� to some nice music.  I need break for cryin� out loud��  He closed the COMM with a click as he turned back toward Bunker 167.

�Yes sir.� They responded.  The trio headed back toward the pyramid with the other pilots as the blizzard finally subsided to reveal a bright blue sky.




�Sir, the seed has made contact.  The Skull Daggers have failed to summon his dormant abilities.�  A man in maintenance overalls spoke to his UI pad.  He watched three particular axes come back to Bunker 167 through the hangar with the other axes. The man stood on the lip of a maintenance vehicle as he pretended to fix a few circuits.

�That�s alright Judais, the true test will come.  Proceed with phase two, we are in luck that the boy came here of all places. The seed will soon grow to bear fruits of our labor.  He is Adam, and he will grant the organization great gifts. We are pleased with your work.� A distorted male voice replied through the UI pad.  �Pay the Skull Daggers for their work and clean your hands of those wretched mercenaries.�

�Thank you, sir.  Shall I prep the people from project Null and make other calls?�  Judais asked as he adjusted his glasses.

�Yes, I�ll send you additional orders on where to send them.  Sit laus ejus Christum adoremus in Hawken.�

�May he forever watch over us all.� The man said, finishing the sentence.  �I shall have the job done.�

The conversation ended with a beep as the man started to work.



�Sarge, you got a call from the IPDF Chief!  It�s an urgent message, and she wants to speak to you in your office.�  An aide told Kaori as she and Malik stepped down from their axes.

Kaori and Malik exchanged glances at the word �she� and promptly ran to her office.  They skidded to a stop at the doorway.  �Malik, make sure no one goes inside while this conversation happens.  Also don�t��

He glanced around if anyone was near Kaori�s office and turned back toward her.  �Worry about yourself.  Keep yourself calm, okay chica?�

He knows I hate being called that�

�Malik, I know this isn�t like before.  Thanks for trying to comfort me, but we both know you�re fuzzy bunny awful at that.�  Kaori replied angrily but was slightly startled by her own harshness.

Malik reverted back to his usual cranky self.  �Hey!  At least I�m trying, damn it!  I�ll� be here, okay?  Just keep calm, you�re getting mad easily already.�

�Look who�s talking.� Kaori replied as she slugged his shoulder.  She closed the office door behind her with a soft snik.  �Then again, Medens is probably grumpier than you today.  The man has a lot of work to do.�

She took a deep breath of air.  The constant thrum of the heaters helped her calm down.  Kaori sat down at her desk and keyed the live holocam feed to turn on her wall.  An elderly woman with a serpentine smile appeared, wearing the official uniform of IPDF.  Kaori gripped the sides of her chair to keep herself from showing any nervous habits. The room suddenly became suffocating to her.

�Why hello Kaori, dear. It�s been nine or so years since I�ve seen you!  How do you fare?�  The woman asked with a cold smile filled with venom.  Kaori could almost imagine her as a cobra preparing to strike.

Damn her!  Why now after all these years?  Kaori felt white hot rage fill her instead of chills.  She struggled to maintain a firm expression.  �Why are you calling me, reinstated chief of IPDF?�

�Why the formal title?  Forget about the past between us, dear.  I�ve honestly changed, Kaori!�  The other said with widened eyes.

�Yeah,� Kaori stiffly replied.  �You�ve changed, why don�t you show me your true basilisk form, �Chief� Mamishi?�

�So much hostility�� Mamishi said wryly. �What�s with this �Chief Mamishi� fuzzy bunny?  You know how to address me properly.  Anyway, how is that redhead girl and the convict ma��

�Why. Did. You. Call.� Kaori asked again through clenched teeth.  Her knuckles whitened as she tightened her grip on the arms of the chair.

The snake frowned as she asked, �Is this how you�re supposed to respond to your mother� dear daughter?�




Next HWKN Remastered Chapter:  Memories

Thanks goes to these awesome people:

Lazy_Kittens and Wi2p for being my editors (<3 you both a lot!)
Killer_Origins for stuff that we both know. :3 And other edits.
Magnolia1038 for official info and awesome other stuff
Aregon for character ideas (Mason Jaggers was inspired by him)

Make sure to follow this thread if you want to receive updates on HWKN Remastered! 

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 12 April 2015 - 05:09 PM.

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WOW, great work as usual. Love the changes. You're right, it does flow much better now. So when are you going to publish these?
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The Atlas Of Illal https://community.pl...atlas-of-illal/

Illal Maps and Information https://community.pl...nd-information/
An Interview With Laila https://community.pl...iew-with-laila/

The Quarantine of Illal https://community.pl...ntine-of-illal/




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WOW, great work as usual. Love the changes. You're right, it does flow much better now. So when are you going to publish these?

Can't; if the new devs want to make this canon, that'd be real cool and all (then this thing can be published).  That's *if* they even look at it or consider it.  However, it's not even finished... I stopped with Chapter 3: Shatter due to irl stuff and Hawken going down the drain at the time.  Once I hit HWKN: Shatter Chapter 3, it'll be like before, as I need to write that part still.


I'm actually writing a book in what little spare time I have left.  Though I won't give anything away on what it's about.  :thumbsup:

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 25 March 2015 - 09:13 AM.



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UPDATE Chapter 1 part 2 is out now!  Might have to comb through it to catch any errors that I might have missed.

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 30 March 2015 - 04:00 PM.



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An Update:  Did some minor edits and things.


It might be awhile until the next Chapter.  Will be busy this week.  Until then, enjoy the chapters released so far.



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Gj hiijinks, when the forums went down, these stories were the things I first thought about, what happened if we lost all of them? Thankfully you saved them somewhere else (which I don't do) and now we can read them!
P.s. sell them and get hawken to liscence them
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prematurely declared king of typos, unreadable posts, and stupid threads.



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Gj hiijinks, when the forums went down, these stories were the things I first thought about, what happened if we lost all of them? Thankfully you saved them somewhere else (which I don't do) and now we can read them!
P.s. sell them and get hawken to liscence them

I'll think of something.  :thumbsup: Also, thank you for the kind words.


Hey guys!  I'll be updating this very soon!  Might be tomorrow with how busy I get tho.

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 07 April 2015 - 01:43 PM.



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Must make an animu out of this ;)
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I like it, hope for more.

Edited by Chaotic-Insurgent, 09 June 2015 - 02:15 AM.



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Must make an animu out of this ;)

Ha, that would be real fun (and a lot of work)!



I'm glad to say I've finally finished reading your updated story, and all I have to say is this;

You think it's real now... Psh. I've seen the future, and it's a foggy mixture of insanity and awesome.

What?  I've no idea what you're talking about.  However, it is awesome.


Sorry for the delay guys!  Here's to cherish our memories!


HWKN Chapter 02: Memories Part 1

Point in HWKN Timeline: 2 weeks after Snowfall


The man floated through the depths of a bizarre, subconscious half-world.  He felt as if he�d been here before but wasn�t quite sure.


Voices whispered, �This is the 3,259,053rd error.  Each subsequent duplicate has exponential amounts of corrupted code.  Recommendation: Optimize cognitive mirror neuro-scanning procedures.�


Why am I here?  He struggled to move but felt as if his entire body was locked in-place.  Various memories he couldn�t recognize flew by.  Who am I?  More memories of pain, sadness, and anger overwhelmed him in a tide.  He felt swallowed by the vortex of emotions.   He wanted to hide.  Huh?  Why do I want to hide?  He couldn�t remember�he couldn�t track anything with the flow of memories.  The only things he truly knew was his training, tactics, and battle experience�nothing else.  The man fiercely guarded it from �them��the name he gave to the voices�for reasons he forgot long ago.


�Recovering critical memory fragments.�


His very being felt violated as his few true remaining memoires were ripped from him�disappearing from his clutches and then felt nothing at all.




The usually busy streets were quiet and barren tonight.  Kaori didn�t have to wonder why the normally rowdy patrons stayed indoors on this particular night; IPDF was going to raid various known locations of terrorists, drug lords, and key Yakuza members that sucked the life out of Eugen�s businesses.  It was going to be a big haul, and Kaori hoped it would help clean up the bad rumors surrounding IPDF. 


She glanced at her men as she nodded for the go-ahead.  The HUD on her helmet flickered on as a map of the interior of the dilapidated flat appeared.  The group filled the dark, dank, and cramped alleyway that was like all the others around the cheaply made buildings in Eugen.  IPDF axes covered the front entrance from a distance near the closed off highway.  Her hands tightened around the gun in her hand as she and her men busted through the doorway.


�Entryway, clear!�


�Living room, clear!�


Her heart pounded in her chest through the tightened torso armor as sweat trickled across her forehead.  Kaori�s footsteps were heavy as she pounded around the small house in heavy raiding gear.  The strong and sickly sweet scent of stale synthetic drugs in the flat only made her more alert.  A shot rang out from one of her men.  She whipped around, gun tracking the body�nearly slipping on carelessly strewn injectors.


Her eyes widened as she realized the body was a ragged unarmed man tumbling to the ground ded.  Rossen, her second-in-command, lowered his smoking pistol.  Blood slowly pooled on the already sticky rug.


�I thought I ordered to not to shoot unarmed patrons!�  Kaori exclaimed as she lowered her weapon, suddenly disgusted.  I thought the report said this house was filled to the brim with illegal weapons and terrorists.  What in the nine hells of Crion is going on?  She realized her entire squad had their weapons trained on her.  In the dim lighting, she could tell all of them felt uneasy holding the trigger on her.


�Sorry Chief, don�t do something stupid.  It�s for the best, orders from the top.�  Rossen said with a sad frown.


am the top.  What the hell is that sup-  She stopped ded in her tracks.  Orders from the top.  Kaori gritted her teeth as she glared at the man.  There could only be one person.  �Damn it! What happened to keeping order among the populace?�


�There�s no such thing�  The quarantine is choking what little life there is on this sorry dirtball.  United Terran Authority abandoned us,� one of her men growled.  �The corporations run the show now.  Are you that blind?  We�re all on borrowed time.�


�You will be charged with insubordinate-� Kaori started.


The man�s slow growl turned into a cold fury as he spat out, �Don�t give me that.  What are you going to do, Chief?  Don�t you get it?  We are nothing, the corporations have all the power now.  Your mom took back the job because you�re too idealistic and blind to what�s fracking in front of you.  Sad to say, but times have changed!  In fact-�


�Belay that noise, or I will personally drown you in the Salum Sea.�  Rossen roared as the man quieted down.  Rossen slowly turned toward Kaori, but avoided her stare as the rest of their comrades pretended not to notice.  �I�m sorry, she told us to shoot anyone who was in this house by the request of a company executive.�


Her voice became gruff as she clenched her teeth.  �Was there a reason?  Who was the executive?�


Kaori jumped as another shot was fired.  A woman wearing similar clothes to the corpse near her boots fell from her hiding spot in the closet with a muffled thud, sobbing.  The woman weakly reached toward the doorway with an ear-shattering scream.  Another shot from one of Kaori�s squad mates finally silenced her. 


Her deputy looked down.  �No idea ma�am, we just follow orders.  No explanations were given.�


She heard heavy footsteps behind her.


A scruffy young man, about Kaori�s age, raised a shabby homemade shotgun toward the IPDF officers from the outside and roared, �What are you doing here at my neighbor�s place, you corporate dogs?�


Dozens of pistols whined and hummed as they were turned toward the man.  Kaori�s body tensed as she flung herself between them in instinct.  �Stop!  Lower your weapons!�  The men and women hesitated as their weapons wavered a little. 


She grinded her teeth and screamed, �I said stop, damn it!  Or do you want to shoot through me as well?  Tell the axe pilots to power down their weapons as well!�  The IPDF raid team lowered their weapons as Rossen radioed to the axe pilots outside. 


The man at her back stared at her.  �What are you doing, chica?�  Kaori ignored him as she stared daggers at the raid team.  The group instinctively took three minuscule steps backward in uneasiness.


�Don�t shoot this man, he wasn�t in the house was he?�  She willed that the man would not to take a step into the front door.  Her eyes wavered back toward the man as her mouth dropped open.  A young girl with dark red hair was tightly wrapping her arms around the back of the man�s abdomen, obviously frightened by all the commotion. 


No � Oh my God, is that�?  Kaori glanced back toward Rossen and his team.  Good, the bodies are behind them


Her deputy nodded, knowing what to do, as he motioned the group to huddle closer to hide the bodies behind them.  She glumly nodded in thanks�normally the squad was generally begrudgingly difficult about following orders from her.  It seemed tonight was too painful for most of them to bear.  


Kaori slowly guided the unknown neighbor and the girl further outside.  She knelt down to the girl�s height.  She and forced a smile, �Hey there sweetie, my name�s Kaori, what�s yours?�  She placed her numb hand on the girl�s head. 


The girl�s bright green eyes twinkled.  �My name is Shae, Ms. Kaori.�  She whimpered in a small voice.  Shae�s mouth crumpled as she fumbled out, �Ar- are my parents dea-�


Kaori seized the girl and roughly hugged her out of instinct.  She�s too old to forget this damn horrible tragedy.  Kaori�s body suddenly felt like it was made of lead as she realized Shae looked about eight to ten years old.  She felt warm against her cold cheek.


The man shifted his weight uncomfortably as he looked away with an expression similar to Kaori.  He limply held the shotgun in one hand. 


�I�m sorry, I� I did what I could.�  The words tumbled out of her dry mouth as her eyes watered.  Like hell I did what I could.  This damn world makes people like us grow up too fast�  A fleeting thought flew through her mind.  �Why don�t you stay with me?� 


The girl looked at her with big eyes again, this time filled with something akin to hope with a tinge of sadness. 


The neighbor stared at the two in shock with his mouth agape.  �He�hey, what are you up to?  Senorita!  What kind of trouble are you stirring up?�  The man asked as his eyes finally narrowed.  She ignored him.


Kaori gave little Shae a rueful smile, �Here, you can have my favorite ribbon for luck.�  She tied the girl�s dark red hair in a ponytail with the white ribbon.  �My father once told me it would protect me, now it�ll protect you.�  Kaori turned back toward the man.  �Look, just for pointing a gun at a single IPDF officer can get you ten years of jail time.  You pointed it at an entire group.  I don�t think you can provide for her in bars.  What�s your name?�


The man nervously ran his hand through his short black hair.  �Um� Malik Rivera.  Look I-�


�I don�t want to be left alone�  Can we all stay together?�  Shae asked with a small voice.  She looked up toward the two as if they were her parents arguing.


Kaori turned back toward Malik.  �I can shorten your jail time, I�m sure we can-�  The world shook and vibrated as everything melded together.


�Is this how you�re supposed to respond to your mother� dear daughter?� Echoed her mother through Kaori�s mind.


Kaori seized the covers of her blanket as she awoke in cold sweat.  Not again�  She slowly got out of bed to prepare for the day.  I have to act strong.  The base vibrated again as Kaori looked through the mirror.




Light streamed through Jin�s room as he drowsily woke up.  A loud thump thundered through the base made him jump out of his bed in surprise.  What was that�?


He quickly grabbed his pistol and threw on his fatigues.  Jin sprinted barefoot through the cramped halls of Bunker 167 while loading his pistol.  A secondary explosion rumbled through the base and seemed to come from the hangar.  Jin grimaced as he thought of the Skull Daggers.


That better not be those damn mercs trying to attack again!  Did they breach through the upper level?


With renewed energy, he raced even faster toward the series of elevators that seemed to weave throughout the base like a spider�s web.  Dang it�!  I�m lost, this always happens to me!  Where was that fracking map again?  As he jumped on the third elevator, a kind looking middle-aged man who held a cup of coffee stepped on with him.  The man�s white smile gleamed in contrast to his dark skin.


�Why hello there, son.  I don�t believe I�ve seen you around here.  Are you the new recruit who helped defend Bunker 167 with Shae?  To think you were able to distract during that amount of time is astounding, Rells and Shae told us all about it.  What do they teach you youngsters nowadays?  You must have had a great instructor.�


�Um� Sir, thanks�?�  Jin told him, dodging the question.  Wow, word moves fast around here.  How was that great though?  I was way over my head in that battle. Jin thought about the man�s last comment while grimacing.  �A great teacher�, huh?  If only he knew�  The man mistook Jin�s grim expression and guessed the rest.


�Ah, don�t worry about it!�  He replied nonchalantly, as he sipped from his mug.  �That�s just Malik trying to destroy Ayumu.�  He glanced as Jin shot a baffled look to him.  �Oh, sorry�  Ayumu Makoto is our scout who patrols the base�s perimeter.  I�m sure you already met Malik, though.  That man always makes sure new recruits don�t step on his shoes the moment they step in.  Maybe that�s why new recruits always quit from the contracts��  The lights flickered as another explosion echoed through the base.


Jin stared at the talkative man, appalled by the chaos.  �I�m sorry� Did I hear you right?�  Damn, is it just like where I was before?  Maybe this place isn�t so safe.


�Yup, happens all the time.  All recruits I come by always ask that very question, it�s very amusing.  Oh look� Here they come!�  The man replied cheerfully as the elevator�s heavy doors opened up to a large cavernous hall that lead directly to the hangar.  Heavy metallic footsteps and servos whined as a blur of a man sped by with a Grenadier chasing him.  Behind the two, Chief Medens and Laila were chasing them in Aggressive Pacifist who was outfitted with a stasis beam.


�Makoto!  I�m gonna skin you!  You and your fracking �ninja� sense skills�  How did a fuzzy bunny column of axes get past?�  Malik�s voice boomed over the public comm as he fired a blazing heat round.  The blur dodged the projectile and flipped onto the shield arms of the Grenadier.  �Stop getting so distracted!�

Aggressive Pacifist tethered the stasis beam onto the renegade axe and locked all its systems.   Chief Medens yelled, �Malik!  Stop this nonsense, I just patched �im and �is axe up!  Don�t make �is wounds larger ya fuzzy bunny wanker!�


Ayumu stood casually on the shield arms of the now still Grenadier, Jin could tell he was laughing.  �Oh Mal�  If you wanted to talk about getting distracted, didn�t I give you a few special pictures of a couple ladies from the Starlit Shine over a few nice drinks?  I do remember you sounding a little distracted during that raid in Brosos.�


Jin was completely stunned at how the man could talk to his superior in such a disrespectful fashion.  Geez, how informal can these mercs get?  I�m never going to get used to this�  Why the hell is this even allowed?  Why is no one minding this at all?


�Why do you remember crap like that?  Try to remember something useful for once!�  Malik growled.  �Anyway, get off my axe!�  The scarfed man rolled off the arms and jump climbed up a nearby column beam as a large crowd gathered near by to see what all the fuss was about.


Jin�s mouth was ajar as he stared at the ongoing scene.  He turned back to the talkative man.  �Isn�t this rather excessive?�  Jin finally noticed the man had captain bars on his collar with the tag CPTN J. WAYDEN on his chest.  �Sir!  I�m completely sorry for talking to-�


�Hey now, don�t worry about it!  I�m off hours right now.�  The captain�s grin grew larger.  �Anyway, do you want to enter your bet on either of them?  I�m running a little game between my crew and our lovely ground pounders in Bunker 167.�  He turned back toward the ruckus and slightly frowned at the large stacks of scrip already piled in two crates labeled, �Bets on Ayumu� and �Bets on Malik�.  �Maybe not� Funds seem okay.�  The captain clapped his hands to get everyone�s attention.


�Captain on deck!�  One guard yelled.  Malik popped the hatch of his Grenadier and saluted.  Ayumu gave a curt nod to Captain Wayden while he climbed down and finally saluted as well.


The captain sipped his coffee again and spoke to the two troublemakers.  �Well, aren�t you boys proud of yourselves over making such a mess?  Even if I�m on my break from fixing my ship, it�s damn rude to scuffle in front of your superiors.�  He glanced toward Ayumu with an eyebrow raised.  �I�m also sure that personal things you two do in a bar isn�t something we want to hear.  Especially those ladies.�


The two hung their heads low and both said, �Sorry sir, it won�t happen again.�


�Damn straight it won�t!  Now, I want both of you to clean the entire bridge of Honest Knave.�  Captain Wayden grinned as he saw their dismayed faces.  He turned toward the crowd.  �Hey bozos!  Why are you betting on these two?  You all know that�s illegal, move along, then!�  The cheers became groans as the mercenaries around heard this.  �I�ll be confiscating this as evidence and report to the appropriate individuals.�


�Hey wait!  You can�t do that, you�re just a patron!  You may be a Capta-�  Grunted one of the mercs.


�Hey now, I�m the one who supplies this base with all the necessities and armament.�  The atmosphere suddenly felt tense as the crowd shuffled uncomfortably.  Captain Wayden continued, �Anyway, if none of you speak about this� I won�t report any of this happening.�


The bystanders went back to their jobs as Jin gave the captain a mixed look of disgusted and amazement.  �Captain Wayden, sir.  I�m sure what you�re doing isn�t exactly legal either.�


Wayden spurted out his coffee and laughed.  �I�m a patron captain under Prosk�s thumb.  The corporation itself breaks their own rules.  I�m just trying to play on an even field here, and that means I�ll do what�s necessary to get my ship back on running.  You should have her back when she was sailing in the stars long ago��  He paused as he took out his UI Pad and scrolled through it.  �That reminds me!  Kaori wanted me to send you over to Control for your first official mission.  It�s just a small favor for her.�


�Sure thing, sir.�  Jin forced a tight smile as he saluted.  Despite all the shady activity, everyone�s so peaceful here.  Malik and Ayumu continued to bicker behind the captain but stopped when he glanced at them.  Wayden gave a semi casual salute in return to Jin with a wink.  The men looked toward the large ship hangar and walked away.  Jin strolled back toward the elevator and went up to the main hallway.


I wonder what this mission will be.  At least it isn�t like before.  He stopped and stared at the maze of hallways that surrounded him and became exasperated.  Jin was lost again.




Aleister frowned as he gazed across Eugen�s nighttime cityscape from his small dilapidated flat.  Various patrons from all walks of life buzzed with excitement as they walked around the crowded metropolis and put up festival d�cor everywhere.  He felt jealous of the lives those normal people lived.  He used to have one too until �it� crashed into his life and used his wetware and body as a host and then everything went downhill from there.  He hated �it� so much.  He heard the other sigh in his mind.


Why do you resent me now?  I�ve helped you survive many things.  Plus it�s fun doing the exciting stuff now!  I�m your Conscious.  I�m you.  You hating me, means you hate yourself.  Besides, you�re in the Organization.  Why feel these pointless feelings?  Unless you want to kill them�  �It� started to giggle with amusement.


Aleister grimaced further as he stared at the people bustling below.  �Look, everything was fine until you had to slaughter a whole fuzzy bunny battalion!  The organization has changed!  It�s not what it used to be.�


We don�t have a right to complain.  We follow orders buddy.  Stop trying to act like you weren�t a part of it.  You started it.


Aleister slammed his fists on the counter.  He was right, everything started with Aleister�s mistake.  �Damn it��  I should have never gone with those men.  I should have stayed with that girl�  A vague image of the girl in a yukata with a long ribbon in her hair floated through his mind.  He had met her back when he was an orphan kid.  Aleister pressed his lips as he struggled to remember her face.  Dang, why can�t I remember how she looked?


The other simply grinned.  Why are you asking me?  I�m you.


�Shut up damnit!�  Aleister said to �it�- no himself- as he giggled.  In fact, Aleister had met the girl at the very same festival nine years ago that was being set up below him now.  Aleister stiffened as his UI Pad vibrated.  His head pulsed as he gripped the ledge for support.   �N-no�  I don�t want to kill people again.�  Aleister stuttered as his voice cracked.  He felt hollow inside as the other surged from his mind to assume control.  Aleister�s sight faded to darkness as he collapsed.


The other grinned in anticipation as he stood up.  �What are you, stupid?  I�m you.  Then again, that means I�m calling myself stupid.  You wanted this to happen.  As I said before, don�t trying to act like you�re innocent from what you did.�


Aleister said nothing, but only grimaced.  Sage simply shrugged and took out the UI pad while activating it.


�Sage, you there?  Fuzzy bunny, don�t make me wait.�  Said a grumpy voice.


�Yeah�  Just had to take care of some business.  So, what�s our next mission Tartarus?�


�Ah� Nothin� much.  Just the usual crap.  Sending you the files��


Holopictures of a man named Jin Ryu appeared with info about them scrolled across his UI pad.  Sage felt Aleister�s anger surge through him as he saw Jin Ryu�s photo.  This is the man I want to kill so badly.


Sage felt very happy.  Today he gets to take revenge on the man he hated.  So much fun is going to happen!  �Great!  Let�s go Tartarus!�



Part 1 ends.


Memories Part 2 coming soon.


Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 12 April 2015 - 05:21 PM.

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Reserved for Chapter 2 part 2.

Edited by h????????????????????????????????i??, 02 June 2015 - 05:02 PM.



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Update (again):  I'll be going on a sort of break.  I gotta deal with some irl stuff for a couple weeks.  I will be updating this later on, so hang tight!  More will come, as I'll probably be converting this post into the next chapter when I get a chance to edit the next chapter.

Edited by Hijinks_The_Turtle, 15 April 2015 - 07:30 PM.



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Good stuff!

Edited by Chaotic-Insurgent, 09 June 2015 - 02:15 AM.



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Hey guys!  Sorry for the hiatus, but it's all back on track now!


HWKN Chapter 02: Memories Part 2
Point in HWKN Timeline:  Five standard hours after the events in Memories Part 1

A man floated through the depths of a bizarre, subconscious half-world.  He felt as if he�d been here before but wasn�t quite sure.  Voices whispered to him, called out for him.  They scared him and he didn�t know why.  Why am I here?  Various memories he couldn�t recognize flew by.  Who am I?  Memories of pain, sadness, and anger overwhelmed him in a tide.  He felt swallowed by the vortex of emotions and memories.   He wanted to hide.  Huh?  Why do I want to hide?  He couldn�t remember.  His head hurt every time he tried.

He only knew he felt pulled along, unable to control himself.  Where am I going?  The voices told him it was home.  Home.  What a lovely word.  It was the only thing that comforted him.

The man only felt a distant feeling of regret.  He didn�t know why he felt such regret.  All he knew was to put one foot in front of the other.  The man pushed it out of his mind and tried to think about home.  An old man needs his rest, I want to go home.  He relaxed, chugging along the distant white world thinking of how wonderful home sounded to him and wanted to bring his friends along with him.


The armored cargo van slowly came to a stop in the nearly vacant outskirts of Eugen.  Shae parked the aging vehicle and sighed in frustration as she noticed the streets were much narrower than she remembered.  She stepped off the cramped cabin of the cargo van and stretched.  �Ugh� Military vehicles are never comfortable.�  She winced as she felt her legs tingle from falling asleep�again.  She turned back towards the van, scrolling through the list of needed supplies.  �I know you had a nice beauty rest and all,� Shae called with a grin. �But we�ve got supplies to pick up, wake up.�

Her grin disappeared as she looked up and saw the familiar dirty polluted sky, rusty broken down buildings, and the gloomy faces of the populace around them.  Never thought I�d be back here.  Shae noticed various patrons walking around the mostly deserted outskirts of Eugen nervously glancing at the heavily armored cargo van.

Jin plodded down the steps from the back of the van as he stretched and simply grunted.  �Give me a break, I did drive two-thirds the way.�  He immediately narrowed his eyes, seeing many suspicious looks from the patrons around them.  �Hey, what�s with that look the locals are giving us?�

�The world famous Tin City ain�t the nicest place in Eugen.  There are no nice cities, thanks to a synchronized riot or terrorist attack that happened everywhere about a decade ago.  Police brutality and all made it difficult for a lot people to trust anyone with weapons or military gear easily.  I lived here at the time when the whole fuzzy bunny thing broke out.  I dunno, the rumors circulating sure aren�t making anything clear about what happened.�  Shae panted between sentences, as she strained to pull out the dusty motorcycle out of its slot in the van.  �This pile of junk is heavier than I remembered��

�What happened?�  Jin asked, obviously alarmed.  �Who was attacked?  Was it worse than the Second Outbreak?�

�Whoa!  Slow down with the questions! It�s all sort of vague to me actually, all I remember is screaming and lots of gunfire.  Maybe some rogue mercs shot a lot people, I dunno.�  Shae said while leaning on the large motorbike.  Why is he so interested?  It�s kind of odd that he looks upset�  �There�s one thing that was clear to me though, Kaori and Malik saved me from whatever was going on.�

�Oh� Sorry for asking about something like that.�  Jin looked down with genuine embarrassment as he locked the van.

�Ah don�t worry about it!  Anyway, we have to head to the inner part of Eugen to pick up those supplies we need for the base.  Medens was already complaining about the lack of extra cleaning supplies, medical gear, and spare parts before we left.  Let�s not make the geezer wait.�  Shae laughed as she hopped on the �cycle.  �Come on Jin, get on!  Or are you nervous to hold on to a lady?�

Jin hesitated and growled as he saw Shae�s shrewd grin.  �Oh shush�  I�ll get on.  What�s up with Chief Medens worrying about medical supplies?  I thought the guy was just a mechanic.�  He clipped his harness to the motorcycle and sat behind Shae as she started the engine.

�Everyone has multiple jobs around 167.  We don�t have enough personnel thanks to all the skirmishes in Illal.  No doubt, it�s the same in other bases around.�  Shae yelled over the roaring motorcycle as they accelerated through the dirty cluttered streets.  �Though, probably not as peaceful or happy since most bases are near the cities.  The corporations love to keep a tight leash on bases close to the cities�  Remember the briefing Kaori gave us?�

�Yeah why?�  The crowd of people that normally bustled around the heavily polluted city thinned as they drew closer to the core of Tin City.  The streets were piled high with junk, which constricted the already meager space, thanks to buildings that seemed to be built on top of each other haphazardly.

�Apparently an IPDF officer told her some of our suppliers got our cargo confiscated for being �suspiciously yakuza affiliated�.�  As they slowed down near a flickering traffic light down the single claustrophobic street, Shae glanced toward a wall with some cryptic graffiti and tightened her grip.  �Ah frack, speak of the devil�  Why did it have to be the Scarred Lily.�

�What do you mean?�

�It�s been awhile since I�ve been around, but it looks like some gangs expanded.  What�s worse is that�s the yakuza gang our shady suppliers probably got some of our cargo from.�  Shae turned hard as the motorcycle reached a sharp narrow turn.  �Scarred Lily�s bad news, word on the street is that they run synthetic drugs, humans, Vitrolium, and probably more than I�d like to know �cross Illal.�  They stopped at an intersection which had an unusually large nondescript van block the path.

�Doesn�t matter, we just need to get that cargo back.  Speaking of shady guys��  Jin eyed a few burly men walking toward them from the van.  �We�ve got incoming.�

Shae slowly raised her hands off the motorcycle to show she was unarmed.  Fuzzy bunny, better not provoke them.  She elbowed Jin to follow along and hoped he wouldn�t do anything stupid.

A tall broad-shouldered brute grunted, �You�re in Scarred Lily territory, pay the toll and state your business.�  A few other Yakuza members slowly surrounded the duo as they cradled various homemade weapons in their arms.  �Damn corporation scum don�t make this easy.  Better not pull anything funny��

�We just came here to pick up some food and medical supplies to restock.�  Shae told him with a careful smile.  She nudged Jin to pay the toll but he didn�t budge.

The brute narrowed his eyes with a growl, �Where�s the scrip?�

�Right here,� Jin stated coldly, pointing his gun toward the man.  �Why do we have to pay to some thugs?�

The entire ring of gang members froze and all laughed.  Shae berated herself for not telling Jin to behave.

Aw damn it, Jin!  You really need to read the situation here.  Shae started to speak but was stopped by Jin�s nudge.  She shot off a look toward him begrudgingly.

The brute smirked, �What are you gonna do with that peashooter?  Put the shiny toy away, do you know who you�re messing with?  Without even lifting a finger, I�ll make you shove that motorcycle up your own��

�I won�t pay the damn toll.� Jin snarled.

Wow, he�s like a different person.  Shae was confused by Jin�s sudden harshness.  He seemed pretty nice back at base, just who is he?  �Jin, just pay the money!  We don�t want any��

�Well, well, well...  Look who we have here, I knew that voice sounded familiar!  Fate sure does have her humor.  Nice to see you again, boy.�  A slim, broad shouldered man with an auburn fauxhawk stepped out from the crowd of yakuza.  �I�m out on a different job, and yet we meet again.�

�Jaggers! What are you doing here?� Jin gripped his gun tighter.

Jaggers laughed, �Fuzzy bunny, what an amateur.  That reaction tells me you really are the boy that ambushed my group.  That insults me, to think I let my guard down when you were easy pickings.  At least act like you didn�t know me.  You would have lasted a few seconds longer.�  Jaggers hefted a large heavy machine gun while a Scout axe adorned with Skull Dagger colors aimed its Mini Flak at Jin and Shae.

The brute did a double take, �Hey, Mason!  What are you doing?�  He and the rest of the Yakuza cowered from the motorcycle, the Scout, and Jaggers.  �We�re here to collect money, not corpses!  Are you trying to kill us all?�

�Sorry Statler, nothing personal.  Get in my way, you all get slaughtered.  Your boss didn�t pay me enough.  You�re a family man right?�  Statler�s face drained as Jaggers simply waved his hand as he talked.  �You and I both know Scrip allows us to live on this damned dirtball.�  Jaggers pointed his chin toward Jin.  �This runt has a bounty on his head.  Dead or alive and he�s worth a lot.�

Shae�s eyes widened as she heard the word �bounty�.  Seriously?  Jin has a bounty?  She glanced at Jin and noticed his pistol shaking slightly in his grip.  Is he really a rookie?

Statler, on the other hand, was shaking in rage, �Damn it!  Kill them, men!�

Taking advantage of the panic, Jin switched his TAC Pistol to flashbang mode which fired off a round of blazing light that blinded the thugs.  �Shae!  Come on, we got to go!  Let�s not get covered in shrapnel�

Shae stepped on the gas petal as the raced away from the blinding light.  Adrenaline rushed through her as she felt the wind nip her cheeks, despite the situation they were in, she smiled like a maniac.  �Gotta admit, you really are crazy for starting that little fiasco.  You sure are popular�  Since when did you get a bounty on your head, rookie?�

Jin sighed as he readjusted his hat and checked the ammo in his pistol.  He mused for moment and finally said, �To be honest, I haven�t a clue.�


Ayumu Makoto let out a sigh of relief as he let go of the firing stud on his modified Reaper, Silent Light.  Damn, that was a close one.  He watched Shae and Jin race away from the disoriented criminals through the narrow streets of Eugen, tracking them through his enhanced HUD.  �Tais, continue to monitor all communication lines of IPDF.�

�Continuing surveillance on IPDF, Corporal Makoto.�  A cold artificial female voice resounded throughout the interior of Silent Light.  �Increased COMM traffic between various stationed IPDF squads and their HQ has been detected in this sector.  Additionally, an abnormally large amount of complaints of missing children about IPDF has been logged over the past nine years since the incident.  Further research shows similar patterns in different cities around Illal.  More information pertaining to the topic:  Population in Sector 142 is constituted of low income patrons with an average amount of children per family, according to official records.  Chances of child abduction by gangs is low.  Most local members of gangs have families of their own and are tight knit.  The leaders are only interested in protecting their assets and collecting tolls, according to the recent data I extracted.  Conclusion: According to records and data gathered through interviews you gave, IPDF is taking part in illegal abductions.  Only IPDF has enough resources to conduct it over a large scale and cover it up.  Permission to take Level Two action?�

Ayumu continued to watch the frenzied exchange between a man sporting a fauxhawk and the minor gang officer through his antique digital camera with feigned interest.  I wish I could just take pictures of some cute girls or even some fine scenery.  Not some gang and two people out to get some cargo, I hate babysitting jobs�  Then again, Tais would catch that and make me do it anyway.  �Hey Tais, wanna take some time off from this mission for a date?�

�Not recommended, Corporal.  I�m a Tactical Artificial Intelligence Systems unit, I have limited personality routines as most of my functions are dedicated to tactical information gathering and insertion.�  A pause as the AI searched through its memory banks.  �Also, didn�t you make a promise to Staff Sergeant Rivera to look at this?�

Ayumu sighed again as he carefully put the camera into its case.  �Pfft.  You�re always going on about business.�  Rejected again.  Tais is probably the closed thing I can get to a date.  �Limited personality routines� my arse.  You act more human than me.  �Also, that�s a no for Level Two actions, we don�t want everyone to know we�re here.�  Tais was right, he did agree to help Malik to look for records about the missing children and to watch over Jin and Shae.  I have my own reasons though�  �Hey Tais?  What does love feel like?�


�In short, data files shows that humans in love typically have an elevated heartbeat.  Chemicals like dopamine, oxytocin, and serotonin are produced more in your body to induce that �love� feeling.�


�That soun-�

A proximity alarm rang as he jumped in surprise.  I�m losing my touch, I thought I recalibrated all the sensors.  He checked the radar.  Damn, only three feet away� The sensors are working completely fine too, what the heck?  He checked his clock and made an exasperated sigh.  Only thirty minutes until I need to take my meds again� Fuzzy bunny what bad timing.

Tais automatically shifted the external cameras to the figure outside.  �It appears he wants to speak with you, should I activate the defenses?�

�No, it�s fine.  I�ll meet this weirdo myself.  I�ll scare him off, �kay?�  Ayumu grinned.  �We�ll talk about that date later.  See ya love.�

�Still not recommended, Corporal.  I�m a Tac-,� Tais began.

�Yeah, yeah, yeah�� Ayumu told her, waving off the dull mantra.  �Still gonna talk about it!�  He popped open the pressurized hatch and moved his mask over his face, jumping down toward the man.  Ayumu gripped the hilt of the sword on his back.

�Nice mask, it has a great smile,� The man had a wide tight smile and wild, unpredictable eyes. �Good to see you again Ayumu.�

�Who are you, creep?�

The man�s creepy grin became wider.  �Oooh, you don�t remember me?  Then again, you escaped all those years back�  I know you have memory issues, you were the first.  Before we get into other business, I�m Sage.  I�d hate to see you forget the name of the man who kil- nah forget it, you will forget anyway.�  Sage casually opened his hand as large Giga Structure shards formed in his hands.  �Killing you is boring to me, I want to fight a different man.�  Sage flung the shards like javelins toward Ayumu and impaled through his chest armor, pinning him to the front of Silent Light.  �You got a nice sword too, sucks you aren't going to be able to use it.�

Ayumu grunted in pain as the shards pulsed and shredded his chest.  His vision blurred as he gasped for air.  He felt his entire rib cage shatter.  He coughed up blood as he gripped the front on Silent Light.  Nanobots oozed in a yellow glowing liquid from the axe�s cavorite plating; he forced it to flow into his body and repair the gaping wounds with the shards still in his chest.  �Damn you, that hurt like hell.�

�Where is Jin Ryu?�


�How the hell would I know?�  A pause as he took the shards out and tossed it to the ground and coughed in more pain as his mask dropped to the ground.  �Even if I did, why would I tell a scumbag like you?�  It felt as if someone was frying his insides and shoving acid down his throat.  I hate using these powers�  He glanced at his watch.  Is it twenty minutes left or is it ten?  Damn, it�s hard to bloody see.

�Ah well, I�ll look for him myself.  What�s with that expression on your face?  You sicken me, not facing what you are.  Why aren�t you embracing it?  You�ve obviously been practicing with your powers, focusing Giga Structure fragments together into a sword takes a lot of effort.  You�re such a contradiction.�  Sage looked at Ayumu with disgust.  �You�re a shell that imitates emotions, has no memories, and no will.  Expendable in every way and right.  Yet you defy using your own power given by Mundus Innova?�

�Hah� I make sure I take pictures and videos of everything.  No memories, you say?  Those pictures I take are my memories.  I hate these �powers�, I�ll use them to kill the fuzzy bunny jerks myself.�  Ayumu gave a weary grin as he looked at Sage, staggering back to his feet.  �That�s really something coming from a Null.  A designation that literally means �nothing�.   If anything, you�re the bottom of the barrel in Mundus Innova.  A group of delusional idiots who forgot their morals and ideals a long time ago.  All of them are shells, just like me.�  He waved his hand in front of Silent Light�s auxiliary cameras.

Tais opened fire on Sage with both weapons blazing.  The rounds kicked up fragments of cheap concrete and dust five meters in the air.

The resulting smoke began to clear gradually after the ring of the final shot, but he wasn�t waiting.  Ayumu cleaved through the thick cloud of dust with his Giga Structure blade.  �Damn, no one�s there!�  Where�d that weirdo go?  Heh, who would have thought there were more people like me?  Ayumu tried to feel angry, but all he could muster was a vague shadow of what it was.  The strain or whatever the hell it was those scientific quacks at Mundus Innova injected me with is a curse. �Guess I gotta put this thing on hold and hunt that fuzzy bunny jerk.  I bet he knows what happened to the children.  Sorry Malik, but this is too good to pass up on.�  He popped the pills in his mouth.


Ayumu shuddered and twitched as the nanobots in them connected to his rapidly decaying neurons and stabilized the connections in his brain.  �Calm down Corporal, you�ve done this before.�  Tais told him soothingly as she backed up his memories as data in Silent Light�s modified databanks.


�Shut up Tais... I swear this is slowly killing me.�  Damn, two minutes over.  He was already forgetting things.


Ayumu leant against Silent�s frame and took a picture of the sun setting over Eugen�s cityscape, bathing the collection of worn buildings in a radiant display of warm golden-orange sunlight.  The entire town glowed as if it was made of gold with the thousands of festival lanterns and decorations that lit up like gems.  Wow, sometimes this ugly fuzzy bunny city sure looks beautiful� Well, that�s what it would be, according to social standards.


�Even after the Second Outbreak, Eugen sure is bustling today!  Our hearts go out to the fellow patrons who died in that sudden unexplained outbreak of the infamous Hawken virus that happened a few months ago.  The Festival of Memories is still going strong!  Patrons from all over Illal honor their lost ones and celebrate for the hope that future memories are brighter and happier than ever.�  A male reporter from Illal News Network exclaimed through the holoscreen.  �Back to you, Kerry!  Let�s see some live footage!�

Shae briefly watched the live newsreel of happy patrons eating and having a good time.  She smiled as she noticed Jin, mesmerized by the screen, soaking up every single detail the reporter mentioned.  The elderly merchant came back into the room with a satisfied grin on his face.

�Alright, that�s the last of the cargo loaded into the van.�  He said, waving his hands around as if he was pitching off a new deal to customers.  �You can expect your payment to be the same as usu��  He stopped as he looked at both Jin and Shae and gave a warm all-knowing smile.  �Ah, you know what?  I�ll give a discount, just because it�s during the festival.  Fifty percent off the loading fee and the costs sent directly to your base.  You and your boyfriend need to take some time off.  There are some great things to see.�

Jin and Shae automatically responded, �We aren�t together.�  An awkward pause perforated the air as the trio stared at each other in the comfy but cramped lobby filled with cheap furniture.

�Well� Ummm� Enjoy your time at the festival!�  The old merchant headed through the backdoor quickly, clearly wanting to avoid any further awkwardness.  �Don�t mind me, I�m just an old man rambling on�.� He muttered.

�Come on Jin, let�s go to that festival!  I know some cool places to check out.�  Shae tugged at Jin�s wrist as they headed to the front door.


The ever present din in Bunker 167 was filled with the cacophony of machines busily working as both military and patron personnel rushed around the underground base, doing their various tasks.  Laila Antonova brushed her pocket watch as she stared at the holopicture of her parents in it.  She sat with her legs up on the controls of her Beserker, �Flying With Style�.  Laila stretched and felt glad it was her break time.


�Maybe I can watch some old cartoons to pass the time��  She�d rather watch something than worry about her parents� safety.  I haven�t heard from them in months� What�s going on?  Laila repositioned herself and sighed as she hugged her legs, clutching the pocket watch.  The shine on its cool metal case was already worn as Laila rubbed it for good luck over the years since she left home.   I miss you Mom and Dad.  The watch fumbled out of her grasp with a shatter as an alarm broke her from her thoughts.  Various pilots scrambled in surprise, hurrying to prepare for battle.  She quickly picked up the broken watch and stuffed it in her uniform.


�Hey!�  Malik popped in via Style�s hatch and shoved a pilot helmet in Laila�s arms.  �Hurry up!  Radar pings show a large force of unknowns heading toward the base.  We have to buy time so Captain Wayden can launch his ship to help defend.  Shae and Jin aren�t back yet, we have to count on having two less pilots this time.�  When she failed to immediately respond, he prompted, �Come on Laila, let�s go!�

�Sorry!  I�ll get ready.�  She put on the helmet and took off her axe from standby mode.  Laila gripped the controls and suddenly didn�t feel well.



HWKN Chapter 02: Memories End

Chapter 03: Shatter Part 1 next

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Good read! I've been wondering when you would be back :P

Hawken Chronicles

Red Sand | Sepulcher | Invasion | Virus | Proteus



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I'm sure a lot of you are wondering why I've not been posting more story stuff for months.  Thing is, I'm super busy with other activities that don't allow me to write HWKN, there is a book I'm trying to write but haven't had much time to do, and school stuff obv.  Not to mention, the near legendary holy grail of lore (thanks to the most recent interview that confirmed what I was suspecting) that might come in and retcon everything that I made thus far and what I'd plan to have.  Let's see what happens first before I continue.

Edited by h????????????????????????????????i??, 07 September 2015 - 08:28 AM.



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Life takes precedence, looking forward to reading your work when you have time  :smile:

Hawken Chronicles

Red Sand | Sepulcher | Invasion | Virus | Proteus

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