I think that the rock is underpowered, and I would rather see it nerfed even more than it get a buff until proper adjustments are made to make the mech actually require some aim and actually require some skill.
You're classifying skill as precision aiming only. That's not the only ability that constitutes skill in this game. If we can't even agree on that then there's nothing left to discuss.
I think that the mech should be restricted and ONLY useful in very low MMR matches the way it is balanced right now.
So should the starter mech be a Rocketeer? Since the assault is now the default, should that be restricted for low MMR matches too? Should the Scout or Predator be restricted to only high tier play? No.
if the mech didnt have access to TWO instant lockon, fire and forget missiles, then I would be okay with it getting some new, more awesome abilities.
That's just incorrect. Hellfires are not instant lockon. The lock-on actually used to be much faster.
as it stands, the mech is literally the most annoying, worthless mech to have on your own team or on an enemies team. when I see a rocketeer as MVP on an enemy team, I think one of two things, wow their team really sucks, or wow my team really fed that guy.
I agree with you here, but that the whole point of the Rocketeer. The Rocketeer is a suppression mech, it's designed to be annoying. Its purpose is to keep people in cover. If a Rocketeer is getting a lot of kills, that means the other teams doesn't know how to use cover and is out in the open.
and this is just my opinion, I dont have anything against players who like the mech, its certainly a play style, but I do have an issue with just how brainless you can be while playing that mech.
I think we can both agree that no mech can be played brainless in higher MMR play. However, if you want to talk about brainless, let talk about the Incinerator and Tech combo then.
if the weapons functioned to where when you activate an ability they would lock on, that would be better, if it functioned to where the mech required precision aim because your rockets are laser guided, that would be good
The lock-on is only automatic for seekers. Even then you still have to have you reticle over the target. Like I said above you have to manually lock-on for Hellfires, you can't just dumb fire.
but auto lock, skilless weapons really do not have a place in hawken. the game is supposed to be a fast paced, high adrenaline, high skill game, and when you have rocks and bruisers on the other team spamming hellfires, its not that at all.
Says who? The game was a lot slower than this in the past. I think the game is too fast pace nowadays. I see now that we have two completely difference perspectives on what we want from Hawken. If the game gets any faster than it's current iteration, I'll just walk away from it.
I think that they can make the rock a good, balanced, challenging to use mech. I think that they can make it fun to fight and fun to fight as. Right now its not that, and thats not good for the game. I tried to get my friend to play the game a few days ago, and his only complaints were the rock was annoying cause in any match with them, all he could hear is the lock on warning, and the fact that they could lock onto the cloaked predator he was using from the trial.
No new player should be playing Predator to begin with. That's all I gotta say about that.
so there is a problem with new players not liking the rock, as well as older players like myself. thats why I vehemently dislike the rock and want it trashed and rebuilt.
That's funny. Seriously, where are all the threads talking about how the Rocketeer is overpowered?
TL:DR yes I read your post, yes I read my post, I like your idea, I hate the rock, its a shitty mech that isnt any fun and I want it to be fun and skillful to play with because hawken doesnt need shitty mechs that take no skill to use.
This last part was just callow.
Honestly, remove the Seeker from the game. I'd still play the Rocketeer using the EOC. Do you have any issues with that idea? As it stands, I never see any Rocketeer using the EOC or the Heat Cannon, because the Seeker is far too attractive most of the time.
Edited by kasei, 22 April 2015 - 07:00 PM.