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TPG forum section?

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There's a fine amount of TPG related topics being posted recently. The TPG community is fairly active and I love it.


Why not make a new sub-forum for TPG to contain admin posts, discussions, match recordings, stream announcements ...



I personally would like to have that.

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Then I want the following sub forums as well:




Fightclub EU

Fightclub NA

Fightclub Asia

EU Priority target


etc. etc.



So before we float the forum with sub forums - no.

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Wasn't the Community Events subforum for leagues and tourneys?

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Then I want the following sub forums as well:




Fightclub EU

Fightclub NA

Fightclub Asia

EU Priority target


Those are in absolutely no way as active as TPG.


Plus I totally lost hope in jelly EU players.


TPG players post too many TPG related threads: EU players complain.

TPG player asks for separate TPG subforum: EU players complain.


Seriously you guys are acting like children :/

The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


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Wasn't the Community Events subforum for leagues and tourneys?



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Then I want the following sub forums as well:




Fightclub EU

Fightclub NA

Fightclub Asia

EU Priority target


etc. etc.



So before we float the forum with sub forums - no.

Hell Yeah!  :thumbsup:


And TPG Section too

Edited by SOD_CyberTormentor, 02 July 2015 - 03:38 AM.

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Those are in absolutely no way as active as TPG.


Plus I totally lost hope in jelly EU players.


TPG players post too many TPG related threads: EU players complain.

TPG player asks for separate TPG subforum: EU players complain.


Seriously you guys are acting like children :/


I was saying that if TPG deserves a sub forum, everything deserves one. TPG is not more important than anything else. It is just as a valueable event as every other event. 

No matter the activity.


Thing is, I am not jealous, but everything should be equal. Everything and everyone. Telling that TPG is more important than other events is pathetic. The same works the opposite. Telling UVW is better and worth more than WW is just dumb.


See, I don't make a difference in NA/EU/Asia events (not only events). If I use these words, I use them to describe a location, nothing more.

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I was saying that if TPG deserves a sub forum, everything deserves one. TPG is not more important than anything else. It is just as a valueable event as every other event. 

No matter the activity.


Thing is, I am not jealous, but everything should be equal. Everything and everyone. Telling that TPG is more important than other events is pathetic. The same works the opposite. Telling UVW is better and worth more than WW is just dumb.


See, I don't make a difference in NA/EU/Asia events (not only events). If I use these words, I use them to describe a location, nothing more.


Nope, I did not say that. You're just trying to make fuzzy bunny up.

I in no way think an event is more important than another. My suggestion is based on a fact that you completely overlooked: there are more TPG related threads than any other event. And TPG is not a fuzzy bunnyng event. It's a league. That's so different.


You really don't want to put make me put links to all TPG related threads and count em do you? You probably do but ... yeah. There are a lot of those. Definitely worthy of a subforum.

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TPG players post too many TPG related threads: EU players complain.

TPG player asks for separate TPG subforum: EU players complain.





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TPG is an event since it has a custom ruleset not supported and created by the Hawken team. A league is something that is officially supported (and this does not mean with prizes for the winner) and reflects a tournament in the actual game. 

TPG, as said, has a custom ruleset with non-Hawken-team members and the hosts are also not part of the Hawken team and so is not considered as a league for me. It is a community created gamemode/event for similar- or equal-minded players. It is excluded from the actual Hawken leaderboards and excluded from any official Hawken competetive content (such as MMR, while I myself think competing with MMR is the dumbest thing ever, still, it influences the official leaderboards).


We have a community event section where TPG threads can be written and published, the need for an extra sub forum is low. Like what difference would it make except another sub forum I have to skip to reach the mess hall?? 

The less sub forums the better because it is easier to keep the overview.

Edited by FakeName, 02 July 2015 - 04:28 AM.

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TPG is an event since it has a custom ruleset not supported and created by the Hawken team. A league is something that is officially supported (and this does not mean with prizes for the winner) and reflects a tournament in the actual game. 



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TPG is an event since it has a custom ruleset not supported and created by the Hawken team. A league is something that is officially supported (and this does not mean with prizes for the winner) and reflects a tournament in the actual game. 

TPG, as said, has a custom ruleset with non-Hawken-team members and the hosts are also not part of the Hawken team and so is not considered as a league for me. It is a community created gamemode/event for similar- or equal-minded players. It is excluded from the actual Hawken leaderboards and excluded from any official Hawken competetive content (such as MMR, while I myself think competing with MMR is the dumbest thing ever, still, it influences the official leaderboards).


FakeName, it's as though you make an effort to be wrong with every post that you write.  Christ.  It is insane.  Every time I see a FakeName post, I think to myself (and state on TS), "I wonder how he's going to be wrong this time".


1) TPG is a league.  That's why we're called TPG LEAGUE.

2) A league doesn't require official support to be considered a league.

3) Every competitive gaming league EVER has had custom rulesets.  TPG is no different.

4) Custom rulesets don't change the dictionary definition of league.

5) The (relevant) dictionary definition of league is "An association of teams or clubs that compete chiefly among themselves"

Edited by Nept, 02 July 2015 - 04:41 AM.

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The new devs took the forum approach of super-condensed boards. TPG is quite big but I don't think it warrants its own board (yet at least).



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The new devs took the forum approach of super-condensed boards. TPG is quite big but I don't think it warrants its own board (yet at least).


"Community events" has 21 threads in it. You do realize there are more TPG threads than that right?

  • Kopra likes this

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"Community events" has 21 threads in it. You do realize there are more TPG threads than that right?

Maybe it's different for me since I don't participate in the TPG.


Can you tell me why it wouldn't be possible to keep everything you listed in 2 threads, one for Community Events (admin post, stream announcements, discussion) and one for the Streams and Video (match recordings)?



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Maybe it's different for me since I don't participate in the TPG.


Can you tell me why it wouldn't be possible to keep everything you listed in 2 threads, one for Community Events (admin post, stream announcements, discussion) and one for the Streams and Video (match recordings)?


Well, TPG admins don't post TPG related threads in community events. But they do it in general discussion. Making me have to look in the biggest subforum to find a certain topic. Also 90%+ of the streams/recordings posted are TPG related.


TPG is worthy of a subforum. It's worthy of any kind of support/recognition.


If TPG wasn't existent a big chunk of elite players wouldn't be still playing.

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Well, TPG admins don't post TPG related threads in community events. But they do it in general discussion. Making me have to look in the biggest subforum to find a certain topic. Also 90%+ of the streams/recordings posted are TPG related.


TPG is worthy of a subforum. It's worthy of any kind of support/recognition.


If TPG wasn't existent a big chunk of elite players wouldn't be still playing.


Again I don't see any reasoning why there can't be just two threads instead of multiple threads all over the place. The posting frequency isn't that high (from my understanding) that you could easily follow the events from one or two threads. And for a TPG thread to be in General Discussion... it's going to be seen by more people for sure but I don't see why the TPG shouldn't be in Community Events, regardless of the event's size. It's still a community organized activity. There's a "Follow This Topic" button on the upper right side of the page and with multiple threads it's harder to follow what's happening because you'd have to follow each one manually to get updates.

When you'd have everything neatly in one thread, and you click on it, it directs you to the first unread post, which is a superb feature.


I wouldn't mind if there was a TPG subforum (because there's so few subforums, and that's a "feature" I'd personally want to keep) but there's already a workaround that people don't use, or don't even want to.

Edited by (KDR) Kopra, 02 July 2015 - 08:02 AM.



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FakeName, it's as though you make an effort to be wrong with every post that you write.  Christ.  It is insane.  Every time I see a FakeName post, I think to myself (and state on TS), "I wonder how he's going to be wrong this time".


1) TPG is a league.  That's why we're called TPG LEAGUE.

2) A league doesn't require official support to be considered a league.

3) Every competitive gaming league EVER has had custom rulesets.  TPG is no different.

4) Custom rulesets don't change the dictionary definition of league.

5) The (relevant) dictionary definition of league is "An association of teams or clubs that compete chiefly among themselves"


Okey, then you are a so called league but remember. A king who calls himself a king is not a king. I say TPG is a custom event. Compare it to the fightclub. It's the same like TPG but not team based. Still, it is not a league. Why? Because it isn't called Fightleague (this name sounds ridiculous). TPG is not a league just because they called themsleves so.

So I researched the german definition of league. So yes, let's call TPG a league but it is still a custom community event as well. 


And in the end, league or not. Since TPG has a low importance in the overall Hawken absed competetive play, it is just a custom event/organization/league for players who like to participate. It is optional.




Well, TPG admins don't post TPG related threads in community events. But they do it in general discussion. Making me have to look in the biggest subforum to find a certain topic. Also 90%+ of the streams/recordings posted are TPG related.


TPG is worthy of a subforum. It's worthy of any kind of support/recognition.


If TPG wasn't existent a big chunk of elite players wouldn't be still playing.


Well if TPG admins post in General Discussion, then that's their fault. There are two good reasons why TPG stuff can be posted in the Community Events section. First, it is a community event (and a league at the same time if you want). The General Discussion section is for stuff related to Hawken and not for custom community fights. Secondly, there are less threads in the Community Events section so TPG threads can be found with ease. 


Don't pretend like TPG is actually something important for the Hawken game.

How many elite players are here compared to the total player count? I doubt that the elite palyer cover more than 5% of the total Hawken community. So if let's say 50% of them would leave (which is a huge percentage), we would lose 2.5% of the total Hawken community. That wouldn't make that much of a difference.



But how about that: A sub thread for TPG. In the Community Events section, pinned at the top. Everything that belongs to TPG can be posted there (so my General Discussion forum is finally out of unrelated content). 

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Don't pretend like TPG is actually something important for the Hawken game.


How many elite players are here compared to the total player count? I doubt that the elite palyer cover more than 5% of the total Hawken community. So if let's say 50% of them would leave (which is a huge percentage), we would lose 2.5% of the total Hawken community. That wouldn't make that much of a difference.


You lost me here.

Edited by Elite, 02 July 2015 - 06:18 AM.

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They gave us a section for pioneer servers (thank you), TPG dwarfs the amount of discussion content there.
I don't rightly understand why fakename is so salty about the comp communities.
TPG league has been around longer than he's probably been playing online pc vidya, and it's discussions precede his awareness of comp shooter leagues, and most certainly longer than Hawken, ADH, Reloaded, or a great many other things he's adamantly trying to diminish TPG's relationship to.

He's so mad at his fellow comp players who are here to party that it's hard to make any sense of it.

It's a part of how many of us enjoy Hawken at this point, and he's welcome to join in the fun. It's completely available to everyone of us.

It's not like we are arguing about politics here.
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EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken

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Okey, then you are a so called league but remember. A king who calls himself a king is not a king. I say TPG is a custom event. Compare it to the fightclub. It's the same like TPG but not team based. Still, it is not a league. Why? Because it isn't called Fightleague (this name sounds ridiculous). TPG is not a league just because they called themsleves so.

So I researched the german definition of league. So yes, let's call TPG a league but it is still a custom community event as well. 


And in the end, league or not. Since TPG has a low importance in the overall Hawken absed competetive play, it is just a custom event/organization/league for players who like to participate. It is optional.


I'm more incredulous than annoyed.  I've never seen someone redefine "league" based on developer involvement.  TPG League, by virtue of its structure, is literally a league; and its league status runs independent of both your redefinition and developer involvement.  For all the sense you're making, you may as well dismiss every basketball league that isn't endorsed (and run) by  James Naismith


Also, address me by my proper title: The Great and Wonderful God-King Nept who Dances on the Graves of Dunderheads.

Edited by Nept, 02 July 2015 - 08:57 AM.

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A king who calls himself a king is not a king. 



Also, address me by my proper title: The Great and Wonderful God-King Nept who Dances on the Graves of Dunderheads.



Look upon the fruits of your efforts FakeName, and despair.

Maintenance of the ego of a TPG head is like caring for a mogwai.

You don't put it in direct sunlight, you don't get it wet, you don't feed it after midnight, and you don't use inflationary hyperbole to describe it to it's face or it risks our very ability to contain it!

  • Nept and Elite_is_salty like this

EOC Raider, Bolt Pred, Rev Gl Gren, EOC Infil, All the Reapers, Father, Expert in Guitar Kung Fu, and Founder of TPG Hawken

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The PC community is the red headed step child Reloaded never wanted but got saddled with when they married the PC community's mother.


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To be honest, I enjoy this heated discussion. Why? Because I am actually 0% honest all the time. Seriously, I wouldn't mind if there is a sub forum for TPG, just wanted to build up some drama (and dang apparently I am good at it).


So, to answer Elite's question "TPG subforum?": Yea, why not, would only be benificial. Wouldn't mind. :]

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IMO it makes sense to have TPG discussions in the community events subforum. Unfortunately people aren't as religious about checking anything not in general discussions.

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The key to this need is not just the quantity of topics about TPG, but he range. It's several different discussions across a wide variety of Subjects, all of which is considered informative to TPG members - along with the fact that promoting the league for potential new members will help strengthen our player base.

I see nothing but a boon from the effort involved.

Edited by {TDM} coldform, 02 July 2015 - 10:05 AM.

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I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure



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IMO it makes sense to have TPG discussions in the community events subforum. Unfortunately people aren't as religious about checking anything not in general discussions.


That's pretty much the reason I post in the general section.  If TPG had its own subforums, I'd use them for most "specialized" topics (e.g., rule changes, penalties) while continuing to post the general topics (e.g., weekly schedule, large announcements) within, well, general.



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That's pretty much the reason I post in the general section.  If TPG had its own subforums, I'd use them for most "specialized" topics (e.g., rule changes, penalties) while continuing to post the general topics (e.g., weekly schedule, large announcements) within, well, general.


This is also why War Wednesdays posts go into General Discussion.


Other boards straight up do not get the traffic.


Don't get me wrong, I love TPG. I think it contributes plenty to the community and game in terms of opportunities to learn and have fun. We don't need our own section.



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Maybe if you posted more boobies you'd get more traffic in the Community Events section.



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Maybe if you posted more boobies you'd get more traffic in the Community Events section.

Duly noted

I like going against the best of any game I play. Helps you in the long run n motivates u to do more. Always room for improvement not failure



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This is also why War Wednesdays posts go into General Discussion.


Other boards straight up do not get the traffic.


Don't get me wrong, I love TPG. I think it contributes plenty to the community and game in terms of opportunities to learn and have fun. We don't need our own section.


I wouldn't mind a TPG section.  I'm concerned that some of the TPG-specific posts will annoy non-participants (although it's not like the general forums provide a wealth of well-written and interesting topics).  For instance, today I'm posting about our Admin team, about our weekly matches, and about changes to our penalties/disciplinary actions.  Only one of those topics is interesting to the broader community.


If we were given separate sub-forums, we could prune our general topic spam.  In addition, we would have better visibility for important, TPG-specific topics.

Edited by God-King Nept, 02 July 2015 - 11:42 AM.

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