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Zero Customization

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(Xbox)animal chubs

(Xbox)animal chubs


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I would like to start off by thanking you for porting Hawken over to the console. I enjoy hawken a lot and played it on the PC quite a bit. But you guys and gals messed up... I mean how the heck, in a mech shooter, can you almost entirely remove the customization. I removes creativity entirely! The raider should be able to hit, run, and keep moving! The scout has no air compressor?? I could go on and on complaining. Just unlock the fricken internals. councles gamer arn't that slow where we need everything rtarded down so we can play PC games. Console* 



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Agreed, console gamers are not retards. Plus this very topic has been brought up several times on these forums. So along with that some grammar, and spelling mistakes you might do yourself, and us, a service and read the forums before just blasting out your own rant.

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(Xbox)chiraq stylez

(Xbox)chiraq stylez


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Maybe it doesn't need customs , maybe some people will spit out money to build an God build that would become unstoppable. The game is find the way it is.. I like it, I also played the PC version and like the console more.




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Air comp on a scout? How much did you play on PC? Scout is faster on the ground and harder to hit if you turncap your opp.

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(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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Air comp on a scout? How much did you play on PC? Scout is faster on the ground and harder to hit if you turncap your opp.

During PC days, I remember AC being argued as the most powerful internal as it broadened mobility options for any A/B class dueling mechs, effectively making them better at dueling; On a Scout, for instance, it will add another sporadic movement option to fool your opponents aim without worrying about dodge cooldowns, making your L-dodge combos just more dynamic. Not sure why you wouldnt want one on a Scout

(Xbox)phed thc

(Xbox)phed thc

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Ac scout is best scout, phed said.

Locked internals and vertical progression...

it's like reloaded saw everything we loved about hawken, gathered it all up into one pile, and took a steaming hot fuzzy bunny right on it.

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