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What would everyone like to see in Hawken?

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(Xbox)animal chubs

(Xbox)animal chubs


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What would everyone like to see in Hawken? Overall i'd love for Hawken and Elite dangerous to have a baby but seeing that that isn't gonna happen i'd like to know what everyone else thought. But honestly, more customization would be great. Add afew internals that i can choose from and a secondary weapon I get bored easily. 

(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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CTF on the symmetrical maps might be awesome
G2 removal would be smart
In-game tutorials and tips videos from highly practiced players would be great
New maps are just plain good to have

These are a few of the things Id love to see in Hawken

Edited by (Xbox)x KiRK707, 28 July 2016 - 08:52 PM.

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Keep G2's already spent over a 100$ on them would suck if they got rid of them.

Add that new mech the charge just hoping it doesn't suck bc of those flak cannons.

New maps

Make the nief lock ons normal again but keep the reduced dps is fine



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Actual mech customization

New maps

Better incentive system

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New Game Modes

New Maps

New Mechs

More Mech customization, things like interchangeable weapons items.

Laser guns would be cool. Lazer beams, lazer rifles,Charge shots. 

Updated Visuals are needed and they are needed quickly.  I am already bored of the game because of the lackluster progressions system and expensive money to credit exchange. But also the stuff you guys sell doesnt really look that good.  Visual updates on all mechs. You guys could do a full mech rework every couple of weeks and reintroduce it into the community as well as rebalance it.  My incinerator mech is just garbage right now



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Incinerator is tough to use, so is the marauder.

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Incinerator is tough to use, so is the marauder.

I own the battle with the Rocketeer but I cant hardly do anything with the incinerator.

(Xbox)x KiRK707

(Xbox)x KiRK707

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I own the battle with the Rocketeer but I cant hardly do anything with the incinerator.

Its a harder to use mech than the Rocketeer but has more potential as a DPS tank in a teamfight, just because your Incin isnt as good as your Rocketeer doesnt mean its bad; The Rocketeer being so easy to zone with, if anything, is simply too strong through its ease of use. The Incin has its own role, however, as a tanky infinite DPS deathball center
  • (Xbox)AdhesiveNewt likes this

(Xbox)animal chubs

(Xbox)animal chubs


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the Incinerator is manly support and isnt meant to be powerful.

(Xbox)phed thc

(Xbox)phed thc

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Unlocked internals
Remove vertical progression
Remappable controls
What's my ping?
More maps
More game modes
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End game, 6v6 PvP clan battles.


Personally, I LOVE the incinerator.   It's a support/suppression mech.   It's not a 1v1 dueling mech.    There would be more incinerators/technicians If there was a 6v6 clan battle tab.   The current meta of this game is like an NBA all star game.  You have a bunch of players who may or may not know each other thrown on a team trying to learn to play together on the fly.   Where the 6v6 clan battle would be more along the lines of the NBA playoffs.  

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(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

(Xbox)Yorgoth LoG

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Incinerator isn't powerful? Pah! I've wrekt people countless time with it, I can 1v2 with relative ease in the thing. The chain gun builds up heat and the cannon does all the damage. Incinerator is bae.

Incinerator + Berzerker = Bae




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I guess I just need a little practice then. It is definitely a much harder mech to use than the rocketeer.  Thanks for the advice.




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I suggest Hawken have a daily Log in bonus. That way it is easier to unlock other mechs and it would help build the community.  I find myself trying to obtain epic items on other games just for loading the game up 10 days in a row


Hawken really needs some new maps. At least update the maps that we currently have because its all getting bland, Like eating plain oat meal every morning for breakfast after 5 years. You just need a change of pace i think

(Xbox)Darth Pinhead

(Xbox)Darth Pinhead


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I agree with x KiRK707.  Get rid of the G2 Mechs!  Downgrade the purchased G2's to the standard mechs and refund the difference in credits spent to the "newbs" who couldn't wait.


Instead of giving impatient people a shortcut to the best mechs, how about that when you max-out the rank of a standard mech, it upgrades it to the "specs" of the G2 mech instead, as well as unlocks the G2 skin when the mech is fully ranked?!  Letting someone buy a [standard] mech (with Mech credits) before it unlocks it for purchase with Hawken credits as you earn it is fine... but don't give newbies the best mechs because they have money to burn (probably an overindulgent allowance from mommy)!


I've already suggested this directly to someone from the company... but we also need "Clans" so we can have clan matches.  Not just 6v6 (you may not always have all your clan-mates online to play)... 2v2, 3v3, 4v4 (on the smaller maps only), and big battle matches on the biggest maps, with 10v10 or 12v12 (if the servers can handle it adequately).




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Interchangeable weapons and internals let us build our rigs to our gameplay style and be able to mess with the armour and please speed the severs up hate having to wait ten mins to find a game




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G3 mechs!!!...

Joke :F But maybe a little more resistance for Infiltrators,every time i face an assault...i feel like paper.

Edited by (Xbox)Tetele, 22 August 2016 - 08:40 PM.




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I would love for this game to have the ability to consistently play with your friends.  I have a fairly big group of friends that I game with.  Some/most of these friends of mine I have played with for up to 15 years. These are friends I made playing the orginal xbox live launch game MechAssault.   It would be very easy for me to run in a group of 6 all day.  However, due to this game's garbage matchmaking system and party size limitation, most of my friends have given up on this title. 


Think of it this way devs.. Instead of playing this game together as a group, a bunch of us all decided to spend $50 bucks this past weekend to play an old game, Dying Light, so that we can have fun playing together.    As a group we will pay money to play together.  We have moved from game to game together over the years.  These are the customers that you are losing/have lost. 


When one of the main reasons I game is to play with my friends, why would I play a game that switches me to the other team, against my will, and forces me to play against my friends??

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(Xbox)xX PAN1K Xx

(Xbox)xX PAN1K Xx


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xROLLxTIDEx hit the nail on the head. I am one of those friends, and we wanted so badly to play this game. The actual gameplay is great, but the inability have a full team of friends, the inability to join a game because one in our group is out of fitness range, the fact that once we do get in, several on the other team leave and we get auto switched to the other team (even though we go as far as standing completely still with no controller buttons pressed to avoid this), and the fact that because of our MMR we spend more time searching for games than playing them, has made it more of a chore to play than fun. It doesn't make a lot of sense to me. I'd think the dedicated teams would be worth so much more to the game. I know we'd all spend money as none of us is interested in grinding out a lvl 1 mech in order to get the mech we actually want and the replay value would be drastically higher for us if we could all play together. Instead everything is tailored to the casual player that won't even stick with the game. How many groups has the game already lost due to this? Yeah it may be something that's coming down the road, but do you honestly think we'll just hang around and wait for months for this stuff?
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