Because the devs could always use a bit of a master post for ideas of any type... right cz?
Secondaries primaries whatever you think would be fun to use and fight against in game
because why the hell not make another one of these posts after CZ said that my last post like this was helpful
i want to see what y'all got in ya because it might make it in.
A secondary weapon that has two modes and a scope
Mode one is a shotgun like the flak cannon it has 8 bullets that do 11.25 damage each if all 8 hit that's 90 damage
and a re-fire time of 1.45 second(s?) this is more or less a worse flak.
Mode two also scopes you in and makes every shot 100% accurate and buffs the damage per shot up to 12 that means that you more or less have a sabot rifle that does 96 damage and has a re-fire time of 2 seconds.
or something like that
A burst rifle that charges up and fires a burst of sustained fire would be cool too
don't have numbers on me for this one.
inb4 somebody posts some sad hopeless stuff along the line of "why are you trying" or somethin' like that.
Edited by Shade__, 30 July 2017 - 11:21 PM.